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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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It is not just one clubs problem in the EL there are not many races that give passes. The bikes these days are just way to fast to give any competative racing. Once away off the gate the riders are following one another and that goes for all 4 laps. It is now a sport for the rider who is fastest off the gate. You would never see racing like this in the days of the old upright engines as they just did not have the speed of the modern engines. Slow all the bikes down if not going back to the old uprights with all the engines the same and factory sealed so no one can change them.

Or go down the road of fitting speed limiters. That is the only way I can see that the racing can be made more competative.

Lets do away with this, what only resembles F1 car racing, with 4 riders strung out along the track.

I know the reserves are not as experienced as the top riders, but it still shows that not only they but some of the lower order riders too have bikes that are far slower than the top riders.

Lets slow things down again, the fans will enjoy it far better than what we see on most tracks in this country and throught the world including a lot of the GP's too.

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Well now thanks to you and your mates I find myself going riund away tracks scrutinising the passes which is spoiling my enjoyment. Like KL last night I thoroughly enjoyed the meet but it was spoiled by the amount of passes or lack of them.

What does your son think of the track at Leicester......just asking because I've never seen him overtake anyone?
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What does your son think of the track at Leicester......just asking because I've never seen him overtake anyone?

a couple of season's ago i saw him pass magnus karlsson round the outside i am pretty sure of that,maybe someone can correct me if i am wrong.
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a couple of season's ago i saw him pass magnus karlsson round the outside i am pretty sure of that,maybe someone can correct me if i am wrong.

No....i think he passed magnus magnussen on the motorway once.

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a couple of season's ago i saw him pass magnus karlsson round the outside i am pretty sure of that,maybe someone can correct me if i am wrong.

Magnus retired from the race but a pass is pass haha

a couple of season's ago i saw him pass magnus karlsson round the outside i am pretty sure of that,maybe someone can correct me if i am wrong.

Not sure what that has to do with anything. He hasn't ridden there recently apart from the NT meeting but he's always liked it. Edited by TMW
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After the performances of the last few days, as much I like the team. I am afraid that they are being let down, very badly by a couple of riders.

Mads performances are very up and down, more down than up. He has only managed to score double figure in about 3 races and this is not good for the team, as much as I like him I an afraid the management need to give him a good behind closed door chat to start and up his game.

I know yound Max Clegg is only young and the youngest rider in the leage, but he is constantly scoring far to many 0,0,0, in a meeting. His best in 3 meeting was last night with 1,1 to his mane.

If both of them was scoring those extra need point, the Lions would have won both the 2 away matches easily.

Something needs to be done, don't want to see either of them go, so they have both got to sit back and see where they are going wrong, before both of them will be having to find a new team, and it could be before the end of the season if they don't soon show a marked improvement.

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Who is your son TMW ?


Chris Widman-Stoke reserve/second string.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see that Chris Widman is looking for a place in the PL. His Mum must be proud of him.

By the way as anyone read the thread about Kings Lynne by David Helmsley. It seems for the article that the Lions den is one of if not the best track in the whole of the British Isles. He even put it in print in the local paper. So now we know. After a long debate on the track that we hseem to have got it wrong.

Any Comments..



<a href="http://www.omniture.com" title="Web Analytics"><img src="http://metrics.thelocalpeople.co.uk/b/ss/andlocalpeopleprod2/1/H.21--NS/0?[AQB]&cdp=3&[AQE]" height="1" width="1" border="0" alt="" /></a>

Finally, I would like to say although qualification to the final is good for British speedway, it did mask what was once one of the greatest race tracks in the country. It is no more!

Whether it is track preparation, the style of racing or technology of the bikes I am not sure, but on wide open circuits such as King's Lynn the racing is simply flat out.

Though this may be good for the riders, the entertainment value is far lower than for circuits such as our own Jordan Road Surfacing Stadium where you have to be technically competent and as a result entertainment is guaranteed.

Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/David-Hemsley-Great-Leicester-Lions-pair-star/story-22016161-detail/story.html#ixzz393f816vX

Read more at http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/David-Hemsley-Great-Leicester-Lions-pair-star/story-22016161-detail/story.html#72ovTgVUKpK7Q7hm.99
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Nice to see that Chris Widman is looking for a place in the PL. His Mum must be proud of him.

Thank you..... and I am. For the record i'm not sure he is quite PL standard yet but he will never know unless he tries.


By the way as anyone read the thread about Kings Lynne by David Helmsley. It seems for the article that the Lions den is one of if not the best track in the whole of the British Isles. He even put it in print in the local paper. So now we know. After a long debate on the track that we hseem to have got it wrong.

Any Comments..





<a href="http://www.omniture.com" title="Web Analytics"><img src="http://metrics.thelocalpeople.co.uk/b/ss/andlocalpeopleprod2/1/H.21--NS/0?%5BAQB%5D&cdp=3&%5BAQE%5D" height="1" width="1" border="0" alt="" /></a>


Finally, I would like to say although qualification to the final is good for British speedway, it did mask what was once one of the greatest race tracks in the country. It is no more!

Whether it is track preparation, the style of racing or technology of the bikes I am not sure, but on wide open circuits such as King's Lynn the racing is simply flat out.

Though this may be good for the riders, the entertainment value is far lower than for circuits such as our own Jordan Road Surfacing Stadium where you have to be technically competent and as a result entertainment is guaranteed.



Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/David-Hemsley-Great-Leicester-Lions-pair-star/story-22016161-detail/story.html#ixzz393f816vX


Read more at http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/David-Hemsley-Great-Leicester-Lions-pair-star/story-22016161-detail/story.html#72ovTgVUKpK7Q7hm.99

Clearly the definition of 'entertainment' is relative. As the way he words it does seem to read "as it is a technical track and people will make mistakes on it" and that is the entertainment It's all a matter of opinion I guess.

Edited by TMW
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TMW as you say your son will never know unless he tries. I all depends if any PL promoter decide to take him on board. I hope so you never know it may just be the making of him if he has enough faith in himself and his bikes are running well. Pass my best wishes on to him and hope we see him next year in the PL. Let me know how he goes on please.

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TMW as you say your son will never know unless he tries. I all depends if any PL promoter decide to take him on board. I hope so you never know it may just be the making of him if he has enough faith in himself and his bikes are running well. Pass my best wishes on to him and hope we see him next year in the PL. Let me know how he goes on please.

Thank you


Will do and will do

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Thank you..... and I am. For the record i'm not sure he is quite PL standard yet but he will never know unless he tries.


He 's certainly improving, and a PL spot in the near future is a commendable and achievable ambition. If he doesn't go for it we'll never find out. (But it may not happen overnight. cf Paul Starke)

Edited by arnieg
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He 's certainly improving, and a PL spot in the near future is a commendable and achievable ambition. If he doesn't go for it we'll never find out. (But it may not happen overnight. cf Paul Starke)

That's the problem you don't know until you try but it is so nice after so long to see him enjoying himself. It would be such a shame if anything spoilt it but that is my opinion and obviously doesn't match his. We didn't think we'd see another season like the BV Colts but this could match that and even surpass it but thank you for the positive comments. They are generally few and far between :-)

Edited by TMW
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I think it's perhaps the right time now to have a go. You need to step up to develop any further, he's always looked pretty quick to me, just needs to develop his skills a little more. I've seen him at BP lots f times and I saw him ride at Sheffield a few seasons ago where he looked particularly good.


So fingers crossed and good luck.

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I have just been looking at the Lion Cubs scores from the last race that they had at BP. What beats me is that Max Clegg, came away from that meeting scoreing a 8-1, against riders that he is riding against in the EL as FTR.

When it come to racing in the EL he usually scores around 0 to 3 points a meeting. I can't see what it is with him, is that he has some sort of mental bloke whan he comes to race in the EL, because he is a far better rider than he shows when he turns out for the Lions.

He is also doing great with Cradley Heath. It is not BP that he is having problems with because his Cubs meetings prove that.

I think that he needs to be sat down with the management and the older riders to try and sort out what ever is going on with him, because given the chance he has a graet future in the sport of speedway. I would hate to see him be so demorolised, with not being able to win his meetings for the Lions that he it puts him off the sport.

He is the youngest rider in the EL, and he should be here to stay and learn his trade. I think he can do so much better with a bit of encouragement.

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I feel that Max Clegg has really been thrown in at the deep end this year and whilst he's finding it a struggle in th Elite league, he's come on leaps and bounds with Cradley and The Lions Cubs. We must remember that itwas only a couple of years ago he was riding 250's. I think Max needs to ignore the negative comments and just keep plugging away at it and he will carry on improving.

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Well he is highly unlikely to be replaced in the team for the rest of the season, if only because the alternatives for Leicester are very limited indeed.

So, if he is given assurance to that effect, he might just relax a bit more (but not too much!!) especially if he's also told there's no massive expectations on him. Maybe just focus most on keeping his front wheel closer to the ground out of the gate, and not much more than that.

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I am sure that he is so scared of losing his place in the team that it is affecting what he does on the track. His biggest problem as Big Al say is keeping his front wheel on the track from the tapes. I think in every race so far I have seen him in at BP his bike is up in the air with no control what so ever.

The other riders are usually getting to the first bend by the time he has come down to ground. If he relaxes a bit I sure he will make a good rider, he has proved what he can do with the other teams he races for he got 10-1 last night for Cradley, so the lad has it in him. Hope he is still with us next year end that he can get better as the season goes on.

In the interview at the last home meeting after the racing he just sounded so down in the mouth. Even after the crowd gave him a big round of applause he still never managed to smile.

Shame because I know he can be so much better.

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