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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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I dont know what they will do but i would perfer them to stay in the PL TBH, I like leicester and I'd miss seeing them.


Ideas for teams


EL Team


1. Kenneth Bjerre 8.36

2. Josh Auty 4.90

3. Mads Korneliussen 6.97

4. Oliver Allen 5.19

5. Krzystof Kasprzak 7.97

6. 4.83

7. Lasse Bjerre 4.28


PL Team

1. Magnus Karlsson 8.40

2. Jan Graversen 5.25

3. Lasse Bjerre 7.44

4. Kauko Nieminen 7.25

5. Kevin Doolan7.51

6. Steve Worrall 3.00

7. Oliver Greenwood 3.00 or 3.25 rider

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If the Elite League survives into 2014 and therefor there is a choice , Which league would you like to see the Lions in ? Supporters of other teams are welcome should they wish to participate , and wit and sarcasm are totally acceptable , But personal abuse is not .

Going to be an interesting winter . Many of us expected Leicester to step up last winter , but with the uncertainty surrounding television deals , who knows what league any of us will be in .

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I'm sure I will get shouted down for saying it but I sincerely hope that meaningful work is carried out on the track this winter. Whatever league the Lions end up in.


lets hope you're right about some changes happening, i'm not holding my breath though. I'd say we didn't have the money last year to do anything and i can't believe we don't have significantly less now. It will also be very interesting how many of the sponsors are still backing the promotion next year (rather than just helping the riders) so it's interesting where the money will now be coming in from (surely the tipping can't last much longer). However, I'm sure much like previous years David Hemsley will find someone to help reinforce his idea that the track is great (see Attwood after year 1 and Darcy after year 2 and Taylor after neither). If no track changes are made i think premier is the way to go (i actually think National League may the level the track would work at) as there are more mistakes made and opportunities to pass. Personally I fear the better the standard the less passing will happen. I actually can't really remember a properly decent rider getting anywhere near to overtaking another properly decent rider at BP yet.


I was fully behind Elite last year and i would be again, even Kasprzak notwithstanding, if the track was altered, but not without it.

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I cannot see any track changes comeing in the winter as DH thinks the track I ok as he keeps saying when he gets asked every time


That applies to the shape but I'm sure the surface could do with a little tidying up, which I'd say it could do with.

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lets hope you're right about some changes happening, i'm not holding my breath though. I'd say we didn't have the money last year to do anything and i can't believe we don't have significantly less now. It will also be very interesting how many of the sponsors are still backing the promotion next year (rather than just helping the riders) so it's interesting where the money will now be coming in from (surely the tipping can't last much longer). However, I'm sure much like previous years David Hemsley will find someone to help reinforce his idea that the track is great (see Attwood after year 1 and Darcy after year 2 and Taylor after neither). If no track changes are made i think premier is the way to go (i actually think National League may the level the track would work at) as there are more mistakes made and opportunities to pass. Personally I fear the better the standard the less passing will happen. I actually can't really remember a properly decent rider getting anywhere near to overtaking another properly decent rider at BP yet.


I was fully behind Elite last year and i would be again, even Kasprzak notwithstanding, if the track was altered, but not without it.

I dont think Hemsley really considers finance when he makes decisions about Leicester speedway, If business sense ruled the roost at BP then he would have altered the track ready for 2011 after an initial season that saw crowd levels dropping because of the Poor racing , The £8,000 that would have paid for the radical changes needed, if nothing else to give the public the perception that they were being listened to equates to approximately 24 regular supporter over a season , or keeping a civil tongue when speaking to sponsors who could have helped . and far more supporters and sponsors have gone by the board in the last 2 seasons to have put the £8,.000 investment well into profit , but unfortunately his Ego plays a larger part than any financial consideration . Leicester were not in the Elite this year because his application was turned down and for no other reason . Heading into a winter at the end of a season Where the Elite league was on the verge of collapse and looking toward a future without the Sky TV money , even clubs with big money backers are having to consider their future and how to cut costs yet still provide a product that a shrinking supporter base will wish to invest their disposable income on . and as things stand with the Elite league presently , irregular fixtures created by the demands of a few "Top riders " ever increasing wage demands , foreign rider absenteeism because their priorities lie in other countries with bigger pay rates . I would say anyone who allowed their ego to drive them into joining that particular club would need psychiatric help , If speedway as and when , and seeing the same teams 4 or 5 times a season , sometimes with a full squad and sometimes as a select team because half their riders have other commitments is what the paying public of Leicester want , then the Elite league is the place to be , if you want varying opposition and an even chance of winning something without the need for a huge cheque book or some friends on the management committee ( lets face it is Hemsley likely to have any friends let alone friends on the management committee ) Then I would say the Premier league is the best bet at least for another couple of seasons .

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Don't recall any riders being bad mouthed. As for the track, surely the paying public are entitled to express their opinion in a reasoned manner? Whatever league the Lions are in, it would be great to see an improved quality of racing than what's currently on offer.

Absolutely agree about people expressing opinions. Sadly some seek to stifle debate.


Better quality riders might not improve the quality of the racing - fewer mistakes, riders taking fewer risks because they're already thinking about being ready for their flight to Poland.


Anyway, even if we stay in the Premier League, the promoter can simply say we're racing against Elite League opposition and a lot of our gullible fans will believe him.

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