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Len Silver RIP

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R.I.P. Uncle Len

A really great character who could occasionally ruffle a few feathers with his opinions; but he always spoke from the heart about the sport that he cared so passionately about. A great promoter and the last of that generation of promoters from the 70's when I first fell in love with the sport.

I was fortunate to chat with him on quite a few occasions down the years and he always had an interesting tale to tell or an opinon to give - and, even if you didn't always agree with his opinion, it was interesting to hear nontheless and always gave you something to think about. Great memories and I think I will make a point to sit down and read his book again this week.

Condolences to his family and friends at this very sad time.

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a great servant to the sport. Had his knockers towards the end of his spell at Rye but made Rye a force for a number of years in mid 00's with some legendary sides. 


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8 hours ago, E I Addio said:

He had a good innings and kept the sport going at great financial cost to himself. Lived and breathed Speedway.

Former Provincial league riders champion but as others have said he really came to the fore as a promoter. Inextricably linked to Hackney and Rye House, particularly the latter where the sport only existed because of him and his financial input. One of the best if not the best GB team managers in his day despite backstabbing from other promoters with half his ability. Throw in the fact that he was a top rate track curator and we see there weren’t many areas a of the sport where he was wasn’t a powerful force.

The sport is now a poorer place without him


A great summary...

R.I.P. Len...

The sport owes him a huge thanks for the incredibly high standards he set, and the enormous amount of effort, work and time he put in to deliver those standards that set the bar height for others to aspire to...

Condolences to Andrew and all his family...

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The second division title wins at Rye will live long in the Rye fans memories. Put his money in to get the club back to it's rightful home in 2000 and built a brilliant little set up with success in the 2000's and put some cracking sides together.

A shame he lost his way towards the end of his time at Rye as he seemed to get more cantankerous as he got older and stopped investing in the team and stadium. Resulting in selling up to Warren Scott which was disastrous and has meant no speedway for the last 5 years and a huge battle on to return it to Hoddesdon.

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RIP Len, sad news indeed. One of the great true promoters, who I had a lot of respect for. Always good to deal with and always kept his word on any deals done. Some of todays promoters can lean a lot from the way Len worked.

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Sad news, the sport has lost another old-school promoter & more importantly a true showman.  In the mid-1980's, when the Boulevard had closed & before Craven Park opened for speedway, in between coach trips the Hull Speedway Supporters Club held regular get-togethers & often invited guest speakers; promoters, riders, team managers, etc. Len Silver was one such guest and very entertaining & interesting he was too.  All were offered travel expenses most didn't accept anything, Len flatly refused to take a penny saying "save your money, put it towards a bus trip to a speedway meeting".  He likely had business in the area anyway, I don't know, but it struck me that there was a guy from all the way from down south come to chat with us northerners brought together by the sport of speedway.  RIP Len....

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Very sad news.

I would like to  thank Len for the many happy memories during his time at Sunderland Speedway.

Like others on here I did not have a lot of time for some Promotors, however, Len was different, he inspired me to love the Sport. I respected him immensely.

R.I.P. + Len.

My condolences to his Family and Friends.

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In the early 70's I recall 'spannerIng' for my chum at a Friday mtg of Hackney vs Wolves, promoter Len Silver and then a few Fridays later getting to Sunderland vs Bradford, for further 'spannering' where Nel Revlis was the promoter! Len perfected time-travel well before Quantum Leap! 

RIP to a legend. 

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RIP Len. Had many discussions with Len when I was a promoter at Newcastle Speedway and I was always entertained by what he said. Views on everything and often spot on with what he said. Nice man who saw the greater picture not just as a promoter.



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34 minutes ago, 1Tsunami said:

RIP Len. Had many discussions with Len when I was a promoter at Newcastle Speedway and I was always entertained by what he said. Views on everything and often spot on with what he said. Nice man who saw the greater picture not just as a promoter.

Yes, I think that's a good insight even with the undoubted pressures of promoting.

I'm not sure if anyone can remember the book he wrote about speedway - possibly around 1969. I remember it being quite a decent read and much of what he said then is still more than applicable now!

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Len never suffered fools gladly and the song my way could have been written for him. He never brought much trophy success to hackney but he gave the hawks fans something priceless, a fantastic circuit and some of the most exciting riders who could pass anyone upon it. I think his loyalty to riders stands up as a shining light and stuck with many through thin and thinner. A trait sadly gone today as riders are dumped easily as the play off semis approach (yes you stead and lemon). They broke the mould when they made Len and sadly speedway will never see a promoter like him ever again.

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1 hour ago, OldHawk said:

Len never suffered fools gladly and the song my way could have been written for him. He never brought much trophy success to hackney but he gave the hawks fans something priceless, a fantastic circuit and some of the most exciting riders who could pass anyone upon it. I think his loyalty to riders stands up as a shining light and stuck with many through thin and thinner. A trait sadly gone today as riders are dumped easily as the play off semis approach (yes you stead and lemon). They broke the mould when they made Len and sadly speedway will never see a promoter like him ever again.

I definitely echo your opinion 👍

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