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Medical Services @ Prague

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Was it just me or did the medics take a hell of a long time to reach two possibly badly injured riders last night??? Whilst I'm biased (see my sig :D ) I was totally amazed at the apparent lack of fast response first aid to both Rickarddsson and especially Hancock. There was one rider fenced who ended up almost hopping on one foot back to the kennels. What if he had a fracture??? Your thoughts and comments please....

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I noticed that too. It was Holta who injured his foot and had to jump back on his own. I was amazed that no one came to help him. When Tony crashed I remember the camera was on him for what seemed to be forever and you didn't see anyone coming to help him and he was laying completely still. At that point I was sure that he had passed out and possibly injured his head or neck cause he had the front wheel of the bike over his head when he slided. Medics did come then though and they were pretty quick at bringing in the ambulance. When Hancock crashed I think the reason they didn't get to him right away was because he quickly got up on his own even though it looked like he had hurt his arm. It seems like the medics on the field only come to help when a rider is down and can't get up by himself, which is completely wrong in my oppinion. They should at least talk to the rider and hear if he feels okay after every crash but most times they just stay on their position.

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Couldn't agree more - my policy is any rider that goes down gets spoken too unless they are immediately up and about looking fine. Holta even asked for help and got none. The fact that Hancock got up is neither her nor there, he took a couple of big impacts and could well have needed immediate help. As for Rickardsson's crash I was totally disgusted at the amount of time it took for help to get to him.

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Well if it's any consolation my little lad watched the replay the next day (set his alarm so he could watch TRick) he woke the house up screaming and crying because TRick was on the track not moving, I never realised how strongly he supported TRick until he asked me to phone Middlo to ask if TRick was ok. Bless..... it was the replay and I knew from a text from Tabby that Tony was ok, so after calming him down we watched the replay, well I did with one eye open as still half asleep. :blink: He did ask why the ambulance man didn't run though and that from a 7 year old. :approve:

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TRick was on the track not moving,

Milking the moment as usual :rolleyes:

That is just the kind of ill informed and pathetic statement a typical terrace dweller with little first hand experience in behind the scenes activities, would make. Any rider who falls will make the effort to move because they know their loved ones will be watching and crapping bricks that they're down.


As for the medical support at Prague...... I seem to recall having this discussion last year. Once again certain posters jumped down my throat and accused me of being racist, believe it or not! These countries have inadequate medical facilities and are unused to dealing with the likely occurance of serious rider injury. Last year Lucas Dryml almost lost his life had it not been for the quick actions of his father in running on track and pulling his tongue out his throat. The medical staff at the hospital were totally appalling, allegedly.



Edited by Leg Trailer
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Well if it's any consolation my little lad watched the replay the next day (set his alarm so he could watch TRick) he woke the house up screaming and crying because TRick was on the track not moving.

Yeah, that's almost how I reacted for a little while there. I hardly even noticed that his hand was caught in the wheel in the beginning, all I noticed was that he didn't move at all. And I don't know if this was only on danish television but because of the delay they had to change sattelite and the signal was gone for a few minutes while Tony was getting checked by the medics, that was really frustrating. But thank god he was able to get right back on the bike, and even won the heat.

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:blink: He did ask why the ambulance man didn't run though and that from a 7 year old. :approve:

Apparently my 3 year old jumps up and down shouting "Run Daddy faster!!!" when anyone goes down and I'm in the middle on duty. I also have to hold a debrief with my 6 year old on the injuries received....


I've always thought that the first few momenst after an incident can make the difference not only between life and death but between a full recovery and permanent injury....

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Blimey lighten up Leg Trailer, it was a tongue in cheek comment, no offence intended. Ok his hand was allegedly trapped in the front wheel, but he made no effort to move whatsover, as you say to let his wife/family know he was OK. I for one sat at home thinking he was unconcious as he was so still on track. Was good to see him walk away and obviously in no pain at all hence his further involvement in the meeting.

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The problem is that often medical staff at these events don't really understand what they are been asked to do.


I spoke to a consultant whilst on work exp in January, as I hope to follow medicine as a career with very specific interest in using my qualification at speedway meetings, & helping speed up recovery times etc, but this consultant asked what sport I liked & I explained about the speedway. He said that he'd been track doctor covering for his mate a few years ago at Newcastle. His mate said 'Its fine, you just sit there have a coffee, watch the meeting, there's never any accidents!' So of course off he went sat down, first heat, massive pile up - riders everywhere!


If the medical staff aren't imformed of what to expect then they aren't going to be ready to deal with it.


Perhaps BSI should have its own medical team (not that I'm hinting for in 10 years or anything :wink: )

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surely if he was unconscious he wouldn't have been allowed straight back out for the re-run??

the doctor should certainly have put a stop on it, but he was up and fine as soon as they freed his arm so i would suspect he wasn't unconscious

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Well I couldn't tell what was going on as the cameras averted the scene on Sky Sports. As for riders getting back on the bike after being knocked out, it happens, not saying it should but it does. Tony fell on his head, jamming his chin down on his chest which is a very common way of getting knocked out.


What looked like a very nasty accident had a happy ending and rather than sit here discussing whether Tony was unconcious or not I think we should be thankful we're not discussing a tragedy because from where I was sitting it sure looked that way for a few agonising minutes.

Edited by Leg Trailer
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Maybe (just maybe)............ if he had moved he could have caused damage if there was any there to an unsuspected injury, at the end of the day he got up he was fine and the panic for all speedway fans was over.

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I noticed last year the difference between riders when they come off in a spill.


OK it relates mostly to watching PL racing for me but the more experienced riders even in relatively straight forward looking spills tend to take their time getting up (when a race has been stopped I mean!). I think that shows they have learned by experience! Certainly makes more sense to me - last thing you want to do is make any injury or potential injury worse.

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Guest JY2003
Was it just me or did the medics take a hell of a long time to reach two possibly badly injured riders last night???

According to someone who was in Prague, their was only one paramedic/doctor on the track! :unsure:

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