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Fans’ Voice Representative

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14 minutes ago, DaveWayne said:

But Belle Vue wouldn't have had a choice between Sheffield and Ipswich. They were 3rd and Ipswich 4th, so Belle Vue were either against Leicester or Sheffield.

Nobody had  a choice, if the rules were used. We’re not talking about how it should have been, we are now talking about how they rigged it. 

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4 hours ago, iainb said:

I find the apathy, from many, to the rigging of the pay offs absolutely astounding! As I've said elsewhere I find this the worst decision this so called sport has made in living memory, and there have been a few! For me it cuts to the heart of whether Speedway is a sport or sports entertainment. EVERY Speedway supporter should be contacting their lesser spotted Fan's Voice Representative and club to voice their disgust on what has happened, whether it be a detailed email or a "this just ain't on" type of email, because believe me this will be the thin end of the wedge, if they can do this, they'll do anything! If enough of us message them threatening to boycott the pay off semis (which I will be doing), hopefully they will get the message.

Here are the contacts you need to be messaging:

BSPL: office@britishspeedway.co.uk

Belle Vue: info@bellevue-speedway.com

Ipswich: enquiries@ipswichwitches.co

Leicester: info@leicesterspeedway.com

Leicester Fans' Voice Representative: LionsFansVoice@gmail.com

Sheffield: office@sheffield-speedway.com

Direct Message Phil Morris on Twitter/X


Of course you will receive no reply, but if enough of us voice our disapproval/disgust they will hear it.

I find that if you contact SCB / BSPL / Phil Morris politely and constructively ( which doesn't mean you can't disagree with them) then they do reply.

The Fans Voice reps can't do much more in these circumstances that collate and forward on concerns. They don't have the power to change the decision. 

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So, I've left this for a while to all play out. Here's what happened...

I was most surprised to receive a reply to my email from Phil Morris himself, asking for my contact details so we could have a chat. I was then absolutely flabbergasted to receive a call from him this morning 2 and a half hours before GP practice was due to start!!

We spent a good half an hour discussing the "play" off semi finals. I'm not going to divulge what was said in our private conversation only to say it was a very honest and very open account of what has gone on and the reasons behind it.

While I still do not agree with it, I at least feel that my voice has been heard and I think that is all I can ask for and expect. 

One thing I will say that he mentioned was that he said somebody had sent him a screenshot of a post I'd made on here suggesting that the Fans' Voice Representatives didn't exist, so it appears we have a mole in our midst (or should that be a moley :D), which is no bad thing really as I said to him that since these fans reps were announced I'd heard nothing more from them and perhaps they need to be more visible with contact details on club websites etc. Not to bother them with the tittle tattle issues like Tatum said this or Eurosport doesn't show that but the big stuff like rule consistency and fixture "manipulation".

As for the others that I emailed, I did hear back from David Lowe the Lions fans rep but unsurprisingly didn't hear back from a single club, not even a courtesy email thanking me for getting in touch and my concerns would be forwarded to the Premiership CEO. I tell a lie, Belle Vue did but that reply came from BSPL towers, I suspect Belle Vue never even saw it. To be fair I did cc the other clubs into the email I sent to Leicester, so not receiving a reply from them is maybe understandable.

Did anybody else hear back? Don't worry, I know you didn't even bother emailing :rofl:

Edited by iainb
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