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Gardening at the start line

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On 9/6/2024 at 10:08 AM, THE DEAN MACHINE said:

Annoying and largely unnecessary, it is mainly habit on the riders part but speedway is full of unnecessary habits, a concrete start grid would be an idea to eliminate this but it does have disadvantages to it 

Bikes need to be fitted with concrete tyres, that way it would hard pack the surface to stop gardening and hard pack the shale when riding round which would not hit riders who are behind😂

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I have been around long enough to remember concrete and tarmac starting areas. The individual grids were ribbed so that the riders all got a better grip and were also spaced out much better than they are now, and at several tracks the tarmacked area was extended to about halfway to the first bend. I don't ever remember any serious injuries being sustained by riders falling on the concrete/tarmac, but in reality, this isn't a part of  the track where riders fall very often!

One of the problems though, was that there was more rearing at starts, with riders sometimes somersaulting backwards and landing on the concrete, which must have been very painful! They were eventually done away with as a safety measure, but looking back, I think the starts were better (and less drawn out) than they are now.

Personally, I think riders touching the tapes should be excluded full stop - with no handicap or reserve replacement allowed. I know there is always this parrot cry of "supporters wanting to see four-man races" but supporters don't want to keep seeing the starting rules, (or first bend "bunching" falls for that matter) being repeatedly abused, and this would stop it.

As far as "gardening" is concerned, I think most supporters find it irritating and annoying, and would welcome some rules to reduce or eliminate it. Perhaps two minutes is too long and one  minute might be better - and I would definitely ban completely, the practice of mechanics swarming onto the track before every race. Mechanics should do their jobs in the pits and riders should be "on their own" as soon as the pit gate is opened.

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Don't riders have to be ready to race when the clock reaches 0:00 now? If so, how is it a problem?

People who get annoyed by this - what would you rather see? No riders there at all? Riders just sat back from the tapes and waiting for the clock to count down? The tractor going round?

If it was delaying the start then I could see it might be an issue, but if it isn't then why be annoyed by it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The long term answer to the gardening problem must surely be some kind of ribbed "carpet" laid across the starting area? This would need to be heavy enough not to lift under the pressured of riders' starts, and possibly light enough to be able to be moved onto the centre green as soon as the riders have moved away from it.

Not an easy combination I agree. I do have some ribbed plasticy-rubber mats in mind which I have seen used by builders in soggy grassed areas at a caravan park, which look strong enough to withstand the pressure of a rear wheel, and perhaps there might be a way of leaving them in place on the track? I have shown pictures of these to a couple of promoters and suggested that they might be worth a try, but neither of them have shown any interest in doing so.


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