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Workington 2025

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Well all you bad vibers and negative Nancy’s can get back under your rocks now. Fantastic piece for the end of season on the comets socials. Team building well under way by the sounds of it and I’m excited to see who we bring in to hopefully go a couple steps further and lift some silverware in 2025.

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Yes looks like comets 2025 here we come,  but as said in the review the fans have to keep supporting.  Looking forward to the new season 2024 was a blast home and away in 24 here's to more of the same next year UTC.   My team so far  Tate  Antti   Batch  Cookie ?   Conner Bailey   Slater lightcap   but sll depends on what team average is agreed 

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22 minutes ago, Neila said:

Yes looks like comets 2025 here we come,  but as said in the review the fans have to keep supporting.  Looking forward to the new season 2024 was a blast home and away in 24 here's to more of the same next year UTC.   My team so far  Tate  Antti   Batch  Cookie ?   Conner Bailey   Slater lightcap   but sll depends on what team average is agreed 

Connor bailey has sold his British equipment 

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4 minutes ago, Redtruck said:

Connor bailey has sold his British equipment 

Can buy new stuff as said in the speedway star article a few weeks ago, he is young enough to have another go if he is in the right place 

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1 hour ago, CTD26 said:

Well all you bad vibers and negative Nancy’s can get back under your rocks now. Fantastic piece for the end of season on the comets socials. Team building well under way by the sounds of it and I’m excited to see who we bring in to hopefully go a couple steps further and lift some silverware in 2025.

Amen to that. To be fair the bloke who posted that is probably just pessimistic😂 Never want to get your hopes up too much in life.

There’s a long term project going on, it does need people to support, but in general I was impressed by some of the attendances this year.

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7 minutes ago, Marksman said:

Amen to that. To be fair the bloke who posted that is probably just pessimistic😂 Never want to get your hopes up too much in life.

There’s a long term project going on, it does need people to support, but in general I was impressed by some of the attendances this year.

Haha not a very good way to go through life. 

Exactky, the work Andrew, Steve and the volunteers have put in is fantastic and to just pull the plug would be ridiculous. Couple of bad attendances but overall I was impressed too.

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As for 2024 rider thoughts and riders returning in 2025;

Cookie - Good season, lead from the front especially away from home, some incredible performances on the road. Unfortunate to miss a few meetings. 100% will be back from what I heard on Saturday.

Tate - Obviously already signed but looks to be making quick progress in his recovery. Can’t wait to see him ride again in 2025, a real crowd puller.

Antti - Great season overall, struggled seeing the away tracks for the first time, but is to be expected. Probably an 8 point plus rider next year. 110% would have back.

Claus - Good meetings at times away from home. But few and far between, not worth the money flying him over every week. Won’t be back

Batch - Good season, led from the front in Cookies absence more times than not. Always beats who he should beat, but struggles against the very top guys in the league. Doesn’t have their speed. I’d imagine he won’t be back next season, mainly because his points can be best used elsewhere ( Team building average is higher than Cook’s)

Sam McGurk - not a lot to say really, can’t imagine he’ll be back in this league anytime soon.

Starke - Great to have some firepower at reserve late on in the season. 10 points at Poole was a highlight. 100% would have back on his 3.40 average to start at reserve in 2025.



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I think the core of the team for 25 will be Cookie, Tate and Antti (Andrew says that Tate and Antti are club assets). Troy  maybe if the points limit is 40 ish. Claus and Sam dont think they'll be back. Paul Starke would make 5. Which leaves 2 riders to find. Question for me is would the promotion go for a new 2 pointer and a higher average rider or 2 riders with higher averages and potential to improve. I did read somewhere that they were thinking of making a 2 pointer a must for youth development.

Edited by Bomber75
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2 hours ago, Bomber75 said:

I think the core of the team for 25 will be Cookie, Tate and Antti (Andrew says that Tate and Antti are club assets). Troy  maybe if the points limit is 40 ish. Claus and Sam dont think they'll be back. Paul Starke would make 5. Which leaves 2 riders to find. Question for me is would the promotion go for a new 2 pointer and a higher average rider or 2 riders with higher averages and potential to improve. I did read somewhere that they were thinking of making a 2 pointer a must for youth development.

The 2 pt average is the least they can do. There's many things that need changed to help british speedway survive. Making it so champ teams must have a 2 pt average is one of them. 

Other things that I'm not so keen on is the assessed averages for foreign riders. Poor celina, who was slightly better than sam this year, was let go because of her assessed average. 

They also need to sort out the NDL. That league is atrocious. Young riders are having meetings few and far between and it'll be stalling any hopes of progression. I watched a fair few NDL meetings this year and there are some good riders out there.

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9 hours ago, Marksman said:

As for 2024 rider thoughts and riders returning in 2025;

Cookie - Good season, lead from the front especially away from home, some incredible performances on the road. Unfortunate to miss a few meetings. 100% will be back from what I heard on Saturday.

Tate - Obviously already signed but looks to be making quick progress in his recovery. Can’t wait to see him ride again in 2025, a real crowd puller.

Antti - Great season overall, struggled seeing the away tracks for the first time, but is to be expected. Probably an 8 point plus rider next year. 110% would have back.

Claus - Good meetings at times away from home. But few and far between, not worth the money flying him over every week. Won’t be back

Batch - Good season, led from the front in Cookies absence more times than not. Always beats who he should beat, but struggles against the very top guys in the league. Doesn’t have their speed. I’d imagine he won’t be back next season, mainly because his points can be best used elsewhere ( Team building average is higher than Cook’s)

Sam McGurk - not a lot to say really, can’t imagine he’ll be back in this league anytime soon.

Starke - Great to have some firepower at reserve late on in the season. 10 points at Poole was a highlight. 100% would have back on his 3.40 average to start at reserve in 2025.



It's not often I agree with a post on this forum in its entirety. 

I'd keep cookie. Although there are better number 1s out there, his home and away performances have been solid. If he has a good off season he'll be even better next year. I liked his speech during the Poole fixture.

Tate is a no brainer. Most exciting rider I've seen around northside. When we were out there getting beat by Poole, I just kept thinking about tate and what he could've done against those big hitters.

Vuolas is also a no brainer. Yes he struggled around some away tracks, but his performances at home and more recently in the prem have been top notch. Definitely an asset as baines said and it sounds like he'll be back. 

Claus had some good results and some bad results. I feel like we were rushed into this signing due to lack of availability of other riders. Not a bad rider, likes the longer tracks, wouldn't have him back. I'm sure he'll be at Glasgow next year. Although he did love berwick too.

Batch was a pleasant surprise. Didn't expect his performances this year. Gave it a real good go and scored some much needed points. His performances at redcar were my highlight. One fan was heard stating "no one beats danny king or charles wright twice around their own track". Cheers Batch, I loved seeing his face after that performance. I can't see him back though, he might end up as a no.1 somewhere though.

Paul Starke was brilliant at reserve. He was what we needed to push onto the playoffs. Scored points that our reserves just weren't doing. Probably a wise choice to bring him back on his average. He just needs to get that machinery sorted. 

As for sam, I liked the kid. In the NDL he put some exciting performances in and I really thought he would've pushed on and made some progress. He was very competitive last year against some good riders, but this year it seemed every reserve rider was better.

Edited by Woke23
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