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Sheffield Tigers vs Ipswich Witches (playoff final 2nd leg) 05/10/23

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23 minutes ago, Pinny said:

I remember Mark Loram in 2003 jumping around like he was part of the Poole team that won the league when he was guesting. 

end of the day, guests have always been a part of the sport. Sheffield lost J Holder, Woffy and Tobi M through injurys and im sure if they had it there way theyd of wanted a fall side. 

They decided not to have Jack back and made the team stronger overall. It is always preferable not to have a fall side!!!!

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Right.......I've slept, read through all the posts......and think i just need to put my opinion onto this matter.

I'm not going to go about the guests(although I'm not sure Harris should be able to ride for 2 teams in the play offs),but it is what it is, and Sheffield felt the pain of Robert Lambert guesting for Belle Vue last season, which i still say was wrong, but it's irrelevant.

Congratulations to the Sheffield team(Kyle Howarth)on last night, joking aside ,any side that can't defend an 18 point lead, in my opinion doesn't deserve to win the title, we scraped in Play Offs, and we certainly give it a good go.

So well done Sheffield, great effort last night, and you are the Champions.

Sadly as a Witches fan, 8 weeks does not culminate in a season, but what a last 8 weeks this team has give us supporters, Runners-Up in the league and KO Cup winners, i would of taken that at the beginning of August, its been entertainment all the way with Emil and Jason, worth the entrance fee alone, it seems absolute certain both will return next season, so let's hope we have a league with enough teams in, so its competitive and all of us supporters of this great sport all over the country have Speedway to go and watch next season.

But i cant just leave one situation which as a 55 Year Old lover of Speedway for over 47 years i have to address.

This also isn't a jab at you Sheffield Fans as i don't blame any of you in the slightest, but i travelled to Sheffield last night, yes devastated at the end, but all Sheffield supporters(most) were very humble to acknowledge we had made the journey and conversations were absolutely fine, but oh my......Tai Woofinden, what can i say, for years now i have followed, supported and defended this guy at more than just the British Grand Prix's....But no more, in fact, i hope we bump into each other at Cardiff next year, yes i hear you all say, i bet he's scared, and i very much doubt he is, but what a disgusting individual this guy is, his behaviour as a 3 time World Champion(which ive seen him win twice) was nothing short of a schoolkid, he's meant to be a role model in the Sport, i even had dozen's and i mean Dozen,s of Sheffield fans actually apologise on his behalf for his Pathetic F**K OFF back to Ipswich comments on the mic.

We won't get any kind of apology, as i doubt he even has that in him, so that's me done cheering on that reprobate. I didn't see the Lambert stuff, so no comment from me, although i now understand there is video footage coming out about those scenes, which i also find quite sad.

Well done the Tigers, great performance last night, let's all hope we have enough tracks to cheer our boys on next season.

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14 hours ago, Hooky said:

Also Tai Woffinden on the mic after the meeting saying “Ipswich Witches need to get on their broomsticks and f*** off back to Ipswich” was pure quality :rofl:

Poor old Tai is completely classless, I was always taught if you had nothing sensible to say then say nothing, clearly Tai didn't get the memo.

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2 hours ago, The Third Man said:

Hope you actually saw this happen, otherwise not a good thing to put on forum, so i take you you were actually in attendance

Yes I was, it was by the gate next to the pits

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13 minutes ago, King Jamie said:

I entered the times below in my programme. Possibly one or two may be slightly out. As you said, it was quite loud.

Heat 1. Awarded.

Heat 2. 62.62.

Heat 3. 63.12.

Heat 4. 62.32.

Heat 5. 61.62.

Heat 6. 62.06.

Heat 7. 62.75.

Heat 8. 64.87.

Heat 9. 65 13.

Heat 10. 65.88.

Heat 11. 63.19.

Heat 12. 64.25.

Heat 13. 63.93.

Heat 14. 64.06.

Heat 15. Absolutely no scoob whatsoever. Sorry.

Thanks couldn't hear a thing over the tannoy system, only got heat 2

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4 hours ago, weatherman said:


Bringing the sport into disrepute - it’s quite simple really - footballers get that all the time! County FA and the National FA have the power to levy heavy fines.  

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52 minutes ago, foreverblue said:

They decided not to have Jack back and made the team stronger overall. It is always preferable not to have a fall side!!!!

Jack was still injured at the close of the transfer window, he rode at Cardiff after the window closed, and even if he was fit i don't think his injury would have stood up to riding in all the meetings he would have had to in England, he looked in a lot of pain at Cardiff

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39 minutes ago, topaz325 said:

Nice touch by some Ipswich fans giving Lambert the Hand sign at the start of the meeting.

Sadly it’s a vicious circle - if the riders misbehave then (some)fans will respond in kind if (some) fans misbehave so will riders!!

repeat ad infinitum 


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47 minutes ago, topaz325 said:

Nice touch by some Ipswich fans giving Lambert the Hand sign at the start of the meeting.

Not that I'm condoning it at all,  but tbf Lambert was doing that most of the meeting to the witches fans who were cheering the boys on Tuesday night. 

Oh and let's not forget we're Suffolk and he's Norfolk :wink::lol:

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4 hours ago, old bob at herne bay said:

Mr. Woffinden disgraced himself again ( not for the first time) Last time he attacked a supporter, now he verbally abuses Ipswich on network TV. A very poor advert for the sport, genrating the WRONG type of publicity. 

A "WILD card" nomination for the SGP series is appropriate. 

What with whingeing Lambert (R) on Tuesday and now the swearing Woffinden, our British sports  "stars" really do need to be better educated when speaking to the media. 

On Tuesday, Lambert was only being honest about the Refs decision and the state of the track, something that most posters on here were going on about. But because he said it, it's an issue! 

As for Woffinden, there is no need for that sort of language, just smacks of wanting to be in the limelight even tho he's injured. Sad really. 

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I wasnt at the meeting

I had two friends who go to Ipswich every week with their young daughter and her friend ... the friend couldnt go but the family of 3 did

I was getting texts through the meeting as i was watching it on TV so we was comparing notes....Did Emil touch Howarth...Did Danny fall on his own....questions they asked as they couldnt see all the action

I will stress that at no point during the meeting did they say that any Sheffield fans were abusive at all.

They text me 15 minutes after the last race.....their young daughter was crying as Ipswich had lost

A Sheffield fan , a female and a grown adult walked past the young child and said the 'w' word in her face

If you dont want to believe me then dont...... i dont care less 

They left the track asap as their daughter was frightened of the supporters

Now every track has its idiots that behave awfully but last night some Sheffield fans went to far

I guess when one of the riders swears down the mic and allegedly another one has family that kick off then i guess that it flows down to the terraces

I remember the days when our sport had panto villians..............Lambert had made himself one of those by his comments..... For his family to then cause issues is disgusting

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Just now, The Dog said:

On Tuesday, Lambert was only being honest about the Refs decision and the state of the track, something that most posters on here were going on about. But because he said it, it's an issue! 

As for Woffinden, there is no need for that sort of language, just smacks of wanting to be in the limelight even tho he's injured. Sad really. 

No Lambert was just hiding behind excuses for his poor performance 

agree re Tai however shades of John Terry in full kit Branleur’ mode! 


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3 minutes ago, GeneralMelchett said:

No Lambert was just hiding behind excuses for his poor performance 

agree re Tai however shades of John Terry in full kit Branleur’ mode! 


But I don't think it was a particularly poor performance, 9 points away against Doyle and Emil is about right. My take is that he was annoyed at the refs decision, and it was a poor one, and the track given that it's a showcase event. Maybe British Speedway is a long way behind in the way of track prep when we have adverse weather, something Poland have managed to sort out 

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