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Sheffield vs. Belle Vue Grand Final 2nd Leg 13/10/22


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What a great advert for the sport the Finals have been..

Never a great fan of Owlerton as it is too narrow for the speed and the angles the bikes hit the bends nowadays, to ever be a  "great" track, but it served up some tremendously fast close racing...

With riders literally knowing that one slight mistake whilst out in front would cost them points...

(Evening Jack);):D

There most have been around 500 Aces fans there tonight and they delivered a truly awesome atmosphere..

My lad said how great the sport could be if they could deliver away crowds every meeting to add some noise, and that "the pyro" must have made the sport look worth watching to those who may be less acquainted with the sport but watching on TV..

Incredible at the end to see what it meant to the Aces riders, and Matej in particular...

We sometimes feel that these lads are mercenaries travelling the globe riding for all and sundry to earn money, and they never really develop an affinity with the club or fans...

Well tonight Matej proved how much he loves riding for the Aces and what this meant to him tonight.. 

And my lad caught his sombrero when he threw it before Matej jumped into the crowd and celebrated with them..!!B)

Charlie doing a "John Terry" was a nice touch too..:D

A fantastic nights Speedway both on and off the track, and one that will live long in the memory.. 

Although I did say to my lad...

"It was very good, but it wasn't as good as '93 at Wolves"...:D

Well Done to the Aces. Unlucky Tigers..

Both teams served up 30 heats of great sporting excellence and drama...



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5 hours ago, JoeW436 said:

Kurtz knew the score there 

EXACTLY watching live going down the straight Brady knew what he was doing by not giving an inch and forcing the refs hand ,i could see it coming a mile off,but he did hit the bouncy fence quite hard !!! just to make sure Tobias was thrown out.Classic Brady and  in my opinion won the meeting for the aces with a hard block move on Holder,maybe Holder should have seen it coming as with Tobias who should have been more aware at where Brady was on the track.

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4 hours ago, Rob B said:

Just got home, not even going to bother reading all the pages on here as will be the normal moaning from the usual forum muppets.

After following them home and away everywhere for 29 years can say


I can vouch for that at Lynn, you're always there, enjoy the celebrations Rob! Special times!

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Superb speedway..well done Belle Vue, unlucky Sheffield. Massive support from the hundreds of Manchester fans. Great meeting for Swindonian Tom Brennan. A great advert for speedway racing.:t:

Edited by auntie doris
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8 hours ago, iainb said:

Great tie over 2 legs, Congrats to the Aces well deserved. Disappointed with Steady's comments blaming the ref... thought he was better than that

As we walked past the pits on the way out from the fourth turn, several Aces fans did actually trip up over his bottom lip due to it protruding so far ...:D

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4 hours ago, speedwaysliders said:

EXACTLY watching live going down the straight Brady knew what he was doing by not giving an inch and forcing the refs hand ,i could see it coming a mile off,but he did hit the bouncy fence quite hard !!! just to make sure Tobias was thrown out.Classic Brady and  in my opinion won the meeting for the aces with a hard block move on Holder,maybe Holder should have seen it coming as with Tobias who should have been more aware at where Brady was on the track.

In my opinion Tobias was already past Kurtz. Kurtz was leaning all over Tobias down the back straight forcing his line into bend 3 and then almost gambled the ref would rule in his favour as he was always going to end in a heap. The camera angle from behind suggests Kurtz should have gone not Tobias, and that's what I'd have probably gone with. 

3 tough calls by the ref last night, first one right I think, but not so sure on the other two! But that's speedway.

Where does this 'block' move come from that Louis keeps banging on about. In the old days it would have been seen as a dirty move by Kurtz to stick his front wheel at Holder, his intention pretty clear and dangerous.

Btw, I'm neutral in all this cos I'm a Stars fan and jealous that we weren't in the playoffs again this year....!!


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7 hours ago, Jonny the spud said:

Yeah. Those two league titles with Swindon and British individual title …. So much losing. 

Yes, fair play on those... all I've seen him do for most of this season is trail round at the back, he's hardly a habitual winner... oh and don't forget he massively let the Birmingham fans down, he's not a team man

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Some great drama with plenty for the fans to discuss, speedway at it's best. When speedway gets it right it's still a fantastic spectacle. The celebrations afterwards by fans, riders and management showed how much it meant to them.

I much prefer a great team match than individual meetings.

As far as the matches go, yes there were controversial incidents and none of the referee's decisions were easy, but let's concentrate on the positives.

Well done the Aces after 29 long years and Sheffield will be contenders again very soon, I'm sure. 

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7 hours ago, Rob B said:

That how it should be done :


Thought Tobi was their best rider over the 2 legs. Always gives 100%. Great rider for Swindon, won 2 titles, 2017/19. Good to see The Aces triumph at last. Simon Stead is a great guy, Sheffield will be back.

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9 minutes ago, redlead said:

Even reported on BBC News this morning, Belle Vue winning the title after 29 years.


I think this is already paying dividends with a potential sponsor noticing and being impressed

Former Olympiam Tom Daley has said " Belle Vue are a perfect fit for me. My knitting appeals to the demographic in the stands whilst I feel great affinity with the diving on the track"


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11 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:

You know what was missing? The Pirate roar and atmosphere. No atmosphere came over tonight on tv. Did you here the Sheffield roar as the number 8? Nope. 

What I thought was missing was a rendition of Sweet Caroline after heat 14 with the fans waving their phones around with the lights on... that would have been so good, so good, so good!

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6 hours ago, speedwaysliders said:

EXACTLY watching live going down the straight Brady knew what he was doing by not giving an inch and forcing the refs hand ,i could see it coming a mile off,but he did hit the bouncy fence quite hard !!! just to make sure Tobias was thrown out.Classic Brady and  in my opinion won the meeting for the aces with a hard block move on Holder,maybe Holder should have seen it coming as with Tobias who should have been more aware at where Brady was on the track.

I've watched the heat 1 and heat 11 incidents again Kurtz involved in both one went for and one against him - on balance probably both correct - If I recall it correctly the ref doesnt have the benefit of countless different angles to view it from?

Also take a bow Lewis Kerr - 9 pts - 3 months ago he was riding for Lynn and would have had no notion of being in the grand final! - funny how life can change - same for Sedgmen who rode a blinder in heat 14!

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2 hours ago, kelvinht said:

Where does this 'block' move come from that Louis keeps banging on about. In the old days it would have been seen as a dirty move by Kurtz to stick his front wheel at Holder, his intention pretty clear and dangerous.

I believe it was perfected by the Danes, Hans Andersen was particularly good at the move and to a lesser extent Nicki P... although he never quite nailed it, preferring to nail the rider instead. 

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