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Kings Lynn 2023

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18 minutes ago, AlexBrady said:

Evening Daniel,

This is on top of gate receipts, sponsorship and TV money - so I can assure you the budget was considerably over £150,000 per annum.

All the best


Of course total is way way way over £150,000 per annum. That's the bare minimum a club needs in 2023 via MAIN SPONSORS alone is what I meant, especially if we're having to compete against the likes of 'Tru Plant'.

No finger pointing at you Alex, you did what you could, having MacInnes this year too. King's Lynn not being helped with dwindling crowds but the reputation over the last 10 years hasn't been good & rightly so Speedway fans have disappeared from the terraces. 

Edited by Daniel Smith
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14 minutes ago, Daniel Smith said:

Of course total is way way way over £150,000 per annum. That's the bare minimum a club needs in 2023 via MAIN SPONSORS alone is what I meant, especially if we're having to compete against the likes of 'Tru Plant'.

No finger pointing at you Alex, you did what you could, having MacInnes this year too. King's Lynn not being helped with dwindling crowds but the reputation over the last 10 years hasn't been good & rightly so Speedway fans have disappeared from the terraces. 

Nothing to do with this dwindling crowds .. Alex needed time to be with his family. Or do you know than us

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9 hours ago, Bald Bloke said:

Ippo, Shef and Bv can spend

Possibly the best supported!  It was a good crowd at Owlerton last week -the best for some time i have seen there grand final excepted! easy 2000+

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11 hours ago, GeneralMelchett said:

Star today carries a 2 page spread interview with Alex Brady - reckons he has spent a 6 figure sum on KL in 2 seasons - to all those fans who blather on about just go out and buy this or get us that rider - 6 figure sum in 2 years to be near the bottom of the league!!

The six figures in two years is obviously a lot of money, but...

Say it was £120k...?

Over say 30 home meetings in that time that is £4k a match..

At twenty quid to get in, and pay the VAT, that is only around 250 fans a week from "break even"...

I would say most tracks have (at least and probably many more), than 250 fans who no longer attend regularly due to its operating model..

But these fans turn up "now and again" if a particular rider is in town, or the mood fits on any particular night (eg decent weather, not been for a while etc)..

Many of the official, and unofficial, social media club sites have well over 3000 followers of the respective clubs...

And, as the play offs show, 3000 crowds can be delivered...

So, the potential is definitely there for the sport..

New fans coming in is fine..

But. Getting those who are still fans of the sport, but dont have enough emotional attachment to their team, due to how the sport is ran, is the real opportunity...

Eg 2.75M live within 45 mins of the NSS in Grt. Manchester..

Surely even the most basic marketing could get an extra 500 there each week..?

You don't even need the same 500 from week to week, just another 500..

Promoters must be putting in huge amounts individually, and all to deliver "what?" in all honesty..

Imagine all putting in the same figures to collectively market the sport together? 

With no promotion or relegation, and the quite ridiculous operating model, the sport needs to ensure the entertainment keeps fans interested..

If "Fortunes are spent" then spend them on promoting the sport before the night, during it, and after the event...

A really honest interview in the SS with Alex Brady, who seems one of those positive, modern thinkers that the sport so desperately needs...

Let's hope he can come back into it soon...

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9 minutes ago, therefused said:

I sometimes wonder if you will ever post anything positive ever again

Regularly, but people only choose to remember negativity because the truth hurts everyone with how bad British Speedway currently is. 

Nobody is enjoying this current state, many are just attending Speedway through habit rather than it's pure entertainment. 

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1 hour ago, Daniel Smith said:

Regularly, but people only choose to remember negativity because the truth hurts everyone with how bad British Speedway currently is. 

Nobody is enjoying this current state, many are just attending Speedway through habit rather than it's pure entertainment. 

I am aware that my view and experience will contrast with others but I have enjoyed my speedway visits since I started going again in 2021 ish - this year I have attended 3 meetings - 2 at Foxhall crowds were Ok about 2000 ish (maybe more) is my guess and at Sheffield last week. In all 3 the away side has won - crowds fairly decent I reckon there was 2000 maybe more at Owlerton last week too. There has been some decent racing in all particulalry when riders like Doyle Holder and Emil have been involved. There have also been some dull heats FTG as they say but that's speedway.

I tend to try and ignore all the shennanigans - if you constantly look for problems you will find them -  most other sports wing it and run on a whim of owners / the money men as well. I try to be a glass half full rather then empty type. Ultimnately I want to go to the meeting pay my money and go home afterwards feeling I enjoyed it - which for now I do.

I remember once attending a football match at Hillsborough - the guy behind me spent all game moaning about how SH*t3 Wednesday were, the ref was bent, and everyone was an idiot, anyhoo he left with 5 minutes to go the game was 2-2 - the Owls scored a last minute penalty to win which he missed - given the above why had he bothered going if it was causing so much stress!!! 


Edited by GeneralMelchett
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18 minutes ago, GeneralMelchett said:

I am aware that my view and experience will contrast with others but I have enjoyed my speedway visits since I started going again in 2021 ish - this year I have attended 3 meetings - 2 at Foxhall crowds were Ok about 2000 ish (maybe more) is my guess and at Sheffield last week. In all 3 the away side has won - crowds fairly decent I reckon there was 2000 maybe more at Owlerton last week too. There has been some decent racing in all particulalry when riders like Doyle Holder and Emil have been involved. There have also been some dull heats FTG as they say but that's speedway.

I tend to try and ignore all the shennanigans - if you constantly look for problems you will find them -  most other sports wing it and run on a whim of owners / the money men as well. I try to be a glass half full rather then empty type. Ultimnately I want to go to the meeting pay my money and go home afterwards feeling I enjoyed it - which for now I do.

I remember once attending a football match at Hillsborough - the guy behind me spent all game moaning about how SH*t3 Wednesday were, the ref was bent, and everyone was an idiot, anyhoo he left with 5 minutes to go the game was 2-2 - the Owls scored a last minute penalty to win which he missed - given the above why had he bothered going if it was causing so much stress!!! 


Attending meetings just "for the racing" definitely delivers for me too..

The only downside is that any team sport desperately needs their followers to believe in the teams from an  emotional angle..

Which hopefully then encourages plenty of repeat visits, rather than the "occasional ones" that you and I (and countless others "generic fans"), currently do..

The actual racing is as good as anything i have seen in over 50 years of following it..

If they could ever add credibility to the quality of racing then they could be on to a winner..

Hopefully one day, it may sink in, and they give it a go...

Edited by mikebv
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20 minutes ago, mikebv said:

Attending meetings just "for the racing" definitely delivers for me too..

The only downside is that any team sport desperately needs their followers to believe in the teams from an  emotional angle..

Which hopefully then encourages plenty of repeat visits, rather than the "occasional ones" that you and I (and countless others "generic fans"), currently do..

The actual racing is as good as anything i have seen in over 50 years of following it..

If they could ever add credibility to the quality of racing then they could be on to a winner..

Hopefully one day, it may sink in, and they give it a go...

don't disagree with any of that - all sound from my perspective - would I ever be a 100% attender each week probably not as my team are now long gone!! I really do / should get myself to BV - I currently live in an area where I have plenty of choice - BV is only 1 hr away Sheffield I can walk to and Scunny is only 45 minutes away. if i feel a wee bit more adventurous I could go to Peterborough (90ish mins) or Leicester about the same. Even Wolves I can / have done in about 90 minutes

I agree now the racing now is better than its ever been - you just have to watch old videos for that to be proven in my view!

Edited by GeneralMelchett
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6 hours ago, Daniel Smith said:

Regularly, but people only choose to remember negativity because the truth hurts everyone with how bad British Speedway currently is. 

Nobody is enjoying this current state, many are just attending Speedway through habit rather than it's pure entertainment. 

There is a lot of truth in your last paragraph. I've had this conversation with my mate, and if one of us doesn't go, the other probably won't unless we know there is going to be another of our dwindling group going. Little niggles, like tractor racing, not being able to hear the tannoy after being fobbed off for literally years , consistently making the track inconsistent for the first few heats, seeing the same away team 2 weeks on the trot,  getting thrashed home and away,all these and more are sucking the fun out of going,to the point where I am starting to pick snd choose  and I've been going to speedway since the early 70's.

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10 hours ago, StarBoy said:

What's this in reference too?

Kowalski in Sweden tonight was found to have illegal equipment before the start of the meeting - and then was allowed to change it and start the meeting. He went on to score 1 point for reference too.

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