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Peterborough Panthers 2023


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I am reliably informed that the comments on the AEPG Facebook page and the PCC planning applications website are causing problems for the company as pretty much all the comments are objections to the application.

A few are thinking the Facebook page will shortly be removed due to the flak they are currently getting so any help from other supporters will be greatly appreciated, it’s important because a lot is going on behind the scenes and it’s in no way a foregone conclusion that this application will be approved and even if it is it will take quite a few years to get off the ground.

Please mention in any comments the 53 year history and heritage of Peterborough Speedway and the fact that this planning application fails the PCC local plans LP30 and LP36.

PCC LP30 refers to the fact that the loss of any existing leisure and sports facilities will not be supported unless replacement facilities are provided in accordance with policy LP30.

PCC LP36 refers to the fact that no plans will be approved for more than 650 dwellings on the Showground, AEPG current plans are for 1500 dwellings.

The aim is to continue at the Showground which will give the club time to relocate if necessary without any break in speedway, at the moment AEPG won’t even agree to a meeting or talk about the likelihood at all past 2023.

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On 8/29/2023 at 11:14 PM, Mick Bratley said:

There are two parts to the planning application.

The documents to the two parts are here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications//search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application

Search keyword ‘Showground’ You will see the recently published two applications.

You can submit your objections or comments for the first part here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RSOMJ0MLIWV00

You can submit your objections or comments for the second part here:

The planning portal is not the easiest to navigate, but it is important that Speedway supporters overcome this, read the documents and note that there is no provision for Peterborough Speedway in the planning application, in contravention of the City Councils Local Plan and specifically policy LP30. You can find the adopted Peterborough Local Plan here https://www.peterborough.gov.uk/council/planning-and-development/planning-policies/local-development-plan

The section on the Showground and specifically local policies LP30 and LP36 are very relevant. This is a legal document, if this is not adhered to, what is the point of going to the trouble and expense of producing such a document?

Objections and or comments are welcomed from supporters of all clubs from the U.K. and around the world. The Peterborough City Council need to know and understand the 53 year heritage of Peterborough Panthers. 


When is the specific cut off date for objections/comments on the PCC website?

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To do this go to the councils planning portal here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications//search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application

Planning simple search ‘Showground’

You will see the two applications references are: 23/00400/OUT and 23/00412OUT click on either or both

Click on documents

Click on associated documents 

You will then see the comments/objections that have been already left there are 25 to a page. Go down the different page numbers to eventually find the planning application detail.

To make a comment/objection go back to the page where the associated documents link was and click the comments link.

Leave your comments/objections and press submit.

Anyone anywhere in the world can comment/object.


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11 minutes ago, Mick Bratley said:


To do this go to the councils planning portal here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications//search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application

Planning simple search ‘Showground’

You will see the two applications references are: 23/00400/OUT and 23/00412OUT click on either or both

Click on documents

Click on associated documents 

You will then see the comments/objections that have been already left there are 25 to a page. Go down the different page numbers to eventually find the planning application detail.

To make a comment/objection go back to the page where the associated documents link was and click the comments link.

Leave your comments/objections and press submit.

Anyone anywhere in the world can comment/object.


Would be nice if these instructions could be included the programme for each of the remaining meetings. Need as many eyes on this as possible as I would imagine the majority of people who go each week won’t be active members of the BSF. Somewhat disappointed that the existing custodians of the club don’t seem prepared to make any noise publicly regarding objecting to the eviction. 

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45 minutes ago, Mick Bratley said:

30 days after submission.

What is/was the submission date because I can't see such a date on the PCC website, only that the application was validated on Mon 14 Aug 2023.

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As at lunchtime on Monday 4th September there has been almost 300 comments/objections to AEPGs planning applications, which will force the closure of Peterborough Speedway, there is not a single positive comment.

This is great, but we need more people to comment/object.

Google Search ‘Peterborough City Council Planning Applications’
Search the planning register ‘Showground’
You will see the two applications references are: 23/00400/OUT and 23/00412OUT click on either and/or both
Click on documents
Click on associated documents 
You will then see the comments/objections that have been already left there are 25 to a page. Go down the different page numbers to eventually find the planning application detail.
To make a comment/objection go back to the page where the associated documents link was and click the comments link.
Leave your comments/objections and press submit.
Anyone can comment/object. You can comment on both applications.

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On 8/29/2023 at 6:11 PM, Crump99 said:

Policy LP36: East of England Showground specifically points to the fact that the loss of any existing leisure and sports facilities will not be supported unless replacement facilities are provided in accordance with policy LP30

Existing Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Community Facilities - the important bit

The loss, via redevelopment, of an existing culture, leisure, tourism or community facility will only
be permitted if it is demonstrated that:

k. The facility is demonstrably no longer fit for purpose and the site is not viable to be
redeveloped for a new community facility; or
l. The service provided by the facility is met by alternative provision that exists within
reasonable proximity: what is deemed as reasonable proximity will depend on the nature
of the facility and its associated catchment area; or
m. The proposal includes the provision of a new facility of a similar nature and of a similar or
greater size in a suitable on or off-site location.

But as I say, don't get in to specific detail at this point (unless you are good and know what you're doing), just a general objection of that not being met should mean that they have to wake up and think about it at the very least.



I can't see how a golf driving range, an all weather football pitch and gym is of similar nature or size to the showground. I think the developer will be trying to argue point K, its no longer viable.

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I have submitted my objections to both applications, but it set me thinking. Should we in some way be getting other showground users involved too ? The obvious one is Truckfest as its their flagship event, and I believe one of the premier events world wide of this type. Also the camping & caravan show..... I'm sure there are many others too. If we could show its truly multi purpose then there would be more objections and a greater chance of success ?

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6 minutes ago, eric i said:

I can't see how a golf driving range, an all weather football pitch and gym is of similar nature or size to the showground. I think the developer will be trying to argue point K, its no longer viable.

Yes, although we have yet to see their full reasoning, it does appear that that will be one of their main points but even that can be argued against and I'm just working on my objection as we speak.

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31 minutes ago, rusky said:

I have submitted my objections to both applications, but it set me thinking. Should we in some way be getting other showground users involved too ? The obvious one is Truckfest as its their flagship event, and I believe one of the premier events world wide of this type. Also the camping & caravan show..... I'm sure there are many others too. If we could show its truly multi purpose then there would be more objections and a greater chance of success ?

Feel free to let anyone know they can object!

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There is another document that becomes very relevant in this case called the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  This government document is the bible as far as far as planning is concerned.  I forms the basis of all plans and lower-level plans like the Local Plan.  There are a couple of useful references in the NPPF.  For example - In paragraph 196 it says:  Where there is evidence of deliberate neglect of, or damage to, a heritage asset, the deteriorated state of the heritage asset should not be taken into account in any decision.  Perhaps the common factor of all the loss of all of the various events, and the effective forcing of the speedway to disappear could be classed as deliberate neglect in order to forward the case for the proposed plans?  It is hardly likely to be a coincidence when viewed with the changes made to the directorships in the operating company now fixed tightly to AEPG.  Closes the "Not viable" argument completely.

Paragraph 99 of the NPPF also makes interesting reading for inculsion n any objections.

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Just completed objections online received email confirmations but not showing on list of objections yet , how long does it take to show as some listed for today 5th Sept

There was a total of 514  across both applications when i checked , 296 on one 214 the other then mine to come as not listed but submitted

Interesting to see one objection from the fire service 

Edited by scoobydoo
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Surely there is a local residents group who would be looking to oppose this too?  I know we like to think that most neighbours hate the speedway, but in reality, most who I've ever met would much rather keep their lovely views, access to schools and doctors and reasonable road access and tolerate the speedway even if they aren't keen on it.  

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