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Who's going to Prague?

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Guest JY2003
A pen?

Oh yeh.....forgot about that........and my autpgraph book....What else?

An umbrella! Looking at forecast there could be some rain on Saturday :sad:


Take your NP fleece as well, doesn't look as though it'll be warm either!

Packed both :D

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An umbrella! Looking at forecast there could be some rain on Saturday 


Take your NP fleece as well, doesn't look as though it'll be warm either!


It says showers in latest reports so hopefully we will get away with it


by the way - I found this tonight - we are definitely going to try it out as i'm sure i'll never get another chance to.......... Bobsleigh!! :D



Safe Bobsleighing!!

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Guest JY2003

Just getting ready....all packed...film in camera....dressed.....need to have something to eat or ill feel sick....lets get ready to rumble....hahaha! See you at Heathrow Beercellar :D

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I dont mean to spoil day already, but I believe that if it rains, there will be no bobsleighs (been there and been denied that!). That's because when the metaltube youre supposed to ride in gets wet there's no friction for the brakes. Speeds might get well beyond 50km/h. Then again, sounds even more fun, and my travel insurance wont expire until august...

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im debating taking my scotty banner - dont want to jinx things by taking it and then him not riding (gutted  :sad: )

Im taking mine....if he is riding and you havent got yours then come and find us on the 3rd bend

Just read the post that Scotty has pulled out!!! GUTTED!! neva mind - have a good time anyway everyone - see you in PRAGUE!!

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never made the bobsleigh :cry: but still had a good time - don't know about you guys but have had enough of the beered up stag do brits and will leave it a couple of years to come back


good to meet Whackie and Rico (I knew that Rockets jacket would pay off ;) )

JY2003,beercellar, raquelle - where were you?!


great track - shame about the 'cutting' but feeling lucky that the meeting went ahead at all!

Edited by Splatty
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Just got back from Prague, left the hotel at 3:30pm in sunshine, got to the stadium at 4:00pm in pouring rain! No cover at all in stadium, meeting finished just before midnight so we spent nearly 8 hours stood in the rain soaked to the skin! Track staff should of bladed it to start with instead of messing about with graders for an hour, it was obvious thats what it needed. As with all the GP's nowadays the meeting started slowly (they really have to get rid of the opening heats!) but again got a lot better as the meeting progressed. I agree with others that the referees seem afraid to exlclude Rickardsson and first bend bunching seems to have chaned to first lap bunching now. Pedersen still showing what a dirty rider he is, and when Hancock passed him in the rerun was the race of the night, great when Hancock was pointing the finger at him afterwards. Crump was steady throughout the meeting but turned it on when it mattered at the end, and where was Mr super fast Adams?

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Had a fantastic weekend and even the rain couldn't spoil the party! :D


Great city and only saw one stag do all weekend!


Good to meet you too Splatty (even though I wasn't what you expected! :wink:) Probably met a few others as well, but must admit after being at the stadium over 4 hours before the meeting actually started I wasn't the most coherent person that evening. :oops:

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Got back late last night from our weekend adventure - cant believe the rain!! We had cracking seats (posh eh?) on the start finish straight, right behind Matt Ford - he was obviously never a boy scout turning up to a meeting where its pegging it down in a suit jacket and pin strip trousers!! Hope all the rain didnt spoil his hair!


Wish i'd known where everyone was so we could have met up - it would have been great to see you all. I was the one walking round with my union jack drapped over me in an attempt to keep me dry!


Roll on Cardiff, hope Scotty's back with us by then!

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I think you'll find you are on the sky coverage if you can get hold of a tape Raquelle - I remember thinking 'where did she get that' when I saw you - VERY disappointed with the merchandise at the ground - all the same usual stuff - Polish Polish Polish - all I could get hold of was a big and stupid England hat which looked like it was polish anyway!


With all that rain I think we were very lucky to get a meeting at all :)

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Guest JY2003

Well......i didnt enjoy it one bit... :cry:

Left our hotel..lovely and sunny...got to the stadium..Sat in the Bar and met up with Beerceller + co, very good!Started raining about 3pm(Prague time)And it bucketed it down! :cry:

Got it at the last minute coz we didnt want to get soaked...The Poles were totally drunk...they were p!$$!ng in the bushes....they coudlnt stand up or anything! We asked for help from the security guard and they made no attempt to help us or anything! Never going back their again!

Personally...i think the meeting should have been rained off and on, on Sunday becuase it was attrotious!


JY2003,beercellar, raquelle - where were you?!

I was in my hotel room becuase off the above

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good to meet Whackie and Rico (I knew that Rockets jacket would pay off 

JY2003,beercellar, raquelle - where were you?!


Good to meet you and your other half also Splatty.


Shame we didnt' meet till the tram as I'd seen you earlier in the evening - though at that point I was probably on a charge for beer.


Have to say, I don't normally drink during the meetings but the delays on Saturday got us started and we had a right old party going on and I don't think I had an empty glass all night (apart from when my mate knocked my pint out my hand).


Some great racing, some scary stuff, good atmosphere with some Reading, Peterborough and Coventry fans around us, grumpiest set of Wolves fans you can imagine :angry: , a crazy Czech couple sat behind us who looked like they were going home for a good old domestic :mad::mad: and to top the night off I'm now the lucky holder of a stinking cold :sad: . Still if I had to do it all over I'd do it again.


Roll on Wroclaw !!


Rico :rolleyes:


ps Tomek Gollob TOMEK !!! (as was sung all night)

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Sorry to hear you didn't have much fun - I can see how the GP could be a bit pants for some - ours was a bit up and down but worth the entrance for the atmosphere alone


Sat in the Bar and met up with Beerceller + co


that wouldn't be the bar outside the entrance would it? Thats where I got groped :D:D



some scary stuff



In some ways the rain delay will make it special when I look back

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Guest JY2003
Sat in the Bar and met up with Beerceller + co


that wouldn't be the bar outside the entrance would it? Thats where I got groped :D:D


Yes, it was the bar outside the enterance....!

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some scary stuff



In some ways the rain delay will make it special when I look back

Scary as in - I don't want to get involved in all the slating of riders so will leave my comment as scary - tRick's crash, Hancock's crash - thought they were scary.


Agree re the delay - made for a very entertaining evening all round ;)


Sorry to hear you had a bad experience JY - everyone around us was out making the best of it, apart from the grumpy Wolves fans of course :D


Rico :rolleyes:

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I remember thinking 'where did she get that' when I saw you -

What did I get what Splatty? I was sat in my waterproof (girl guide style!) and soggy jeans for most of the night. Spent the first hour before the supposed start wandering round drapped in a union jack then hid under a tree to stay dry(ish)!



At least at Cardiff we can stay dry with the magic roof.


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