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Newcastle now closed !!!

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Sad and completely feel for the Newcastle fans and the riders who now find themselves without a club. But its once again an amateur running a club and doing more damage to the sport and its reputation. Appreciate that beggars can't be choosers, but surely comes the time where there's some form of of test to determine whether these so called promoters are financially viable and have the know-how of running a speedway team?

Edited by spin king junior
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1 hour ago, FromBendThree said:

Cancelled...meaning Newcastle have gone completely. If there was a chance of a rescue deal, the match would have been postponed.

That may be a false interpretation of what cancelled means. 

If you postpone its usually weather related. 

Cancelled may just mean they've been told Newcastle have closed suddenly so they have to cancel the event. 

Whether Newcastle will reopen is surely too soon to say and I'd doubt anyone actually knows the answer to that. 

Plymouth have looked after their fans and visitors by simply getting a communication out about tonight specifically is my interpretation. 

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The Newcastle Advance Fire and Security Diamonds (in association with SecuriCorp) season has come to an immediate end with 11 SGB Championship league matches outstanding as the sole owner of the Diamonds, Rob Grant made the unilateral decision late last night that enough is enough, and the club is now closed for business.

"I've had no option but to close the Diamonds down now," Grant said this morning, "I have to point out this is my decision only, as my fellow co-promoters and anyone else who had a keen interest in keeping Newcastle Speedway going, wanted to help things run until the end of the season, but there really is no other option, and in the longer term, it is for the good of Newcastle Speedway.

"The situation has taken a massive toll on the finances of the club, a massive hit on my own mental health and also a substantial toll on my other businesses and I cannot allow this to take me down. Crowds have, naturally, dwindled to an unworkable level, and with results like our matches at home against Redcar and Leicester, and trying to encourage folk back into the stadium was never going to work, but again that's all down to me making poor decisions. 

"The team needed changes, yes, but the fact was clear, as many other promoters will tell you, there simply are no top guys available to come in at the moment and that crippled our efforts to bring in top-end new blood despite massive efforts to do so.

"The situation was critical, and it had to be shut down now before it became too late for prospective new people to look at taking the club into 2023. Had we continued like we were, I'd have ended up running Newcastle Speedway so deep into the ground that it would have been impossible to bring back to life or clear its financial commitments successfully, all of which will be in due course, but now at least there is an option for someone to get in touch and see if new blood can fully take over the club for the future.

"Closing now, before that terminal point in time, means the company will continue until we get all the finances in order. A future release will detail how we will compensate and part-refund our season ticket holders, so they won't be paying for matches they won't be seeing. The tickets sold online for the Poole match scheduled for this weekend have already been set for refunding and people who bought them will receive their money back in full over the next few days. 

"I want to apologise to our fans for how things have ended up. I want to thank my staff and sponsors for striving on through a dark season and wish the club and everyone connected with it the very best moving forward. Sadly, the club has run out of steam, the finances have run out of steam and I'm running on fumes. It's a sad day, but it's a day which had to happen now.

"If anyone wants to talk about taking the club forward, please contact via our website on the info@newcastle-speedway.co.uk so we can start talks."

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3 minutes ago, AndyPresley said:

I guess it all depends on what you do. Whilst you throw around your ignorant comments, many of us are more concerned about losing the club we have supported all our lives.

Point your anger at the incompetent people who have made that happen then. 

where do we think the riders will end up there the ones i feel sorry for 

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Sadly predictable.  Doesn't help anybody.

The current promotion has lurched from one disaster to the next.  Be it lack of due diligence prior to the purchase, regularly putting together sub-standard teams, lack of engagement with the supporter base and frequent threats of closure.

When people have offered help, it would appear their offers have been ignored.  So when the real crunch comes then the promotion were on their own.

Sounds to me like they are cutting their losses now, so that the money in the club is not lost.  They aren't going bankrupt, they are liquidating the company in essence.  Which means they will get some of their money back once the liquidators have done their work.

Given some of the appalling decisions made by the BSPA in the last ten years I can't really see speedway generating enough interest in this country for Newcastle Speedway to make a comeback in the near future.  Given that the SGP series is popular and with Eurosport having league racing on the TV,  the conditions for success are better than they have ever been, yet the controlling body still can't get the setup correct.

This sorry debacle is a sad reflection on the sport in this country.

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10 minutes ago, AndyPresley said:

I guess it all depends on what you do. Whilst you throw around your ignorant comments, many of us are more concerned about losing the club we have supported all our lives.

Don't rise to the clueless :icon_smile_clown:  He's been trolling the Poole threads for months and been put on 'ignore' by pretty much everyone.

Back on topic....it's a very sad day for Newcastle supporters and I sincerely hope somebody, somewhere, pops up to rescue the Diamonds.  Speedway in the UK is barely hanging on by a thread these days and we don't want any more clubs going the same way!!

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