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Newcastle now closed !!!

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16 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Ave got some buble wrap in the back of the van you can wrap him in... it will give him more protection than that air fence panel he shredded ...



I'll pop along to your residence in the morning b4 you bugg@r off to the west coast.. for yet another peaceful weekend 

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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Just been on a call out and called into Brough Park on the way back after the mention by @Triple.H. and nearly had a flutter on the last race but just missed out and boy am I please I did because the red hot tip for trap 4 came in last a think... the 2 won with the 3 second but never mind I bumped into a good friend of Newcastle Speedway in the one and only Andy "Dalbers" Dalby and he said was devastated the way things have transpired with the club and the effort and cash Andy put in over the years should not be overlooked....

Had a few good years Andy did and travelled the country following the Diamonds as a director of the club...

He was happy to support JER both as a mentor with his previous knowledge and financially and even this help was turned down...

You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink unfortunately...



A meeting between 2 legends... Or as you eloquently put it a few pages back 'leg-ends' ;)

How I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall... Wonder what was said... It's a damn shame that 'numpty' turned down the help of Dalbers... Probably no one better for the job of giving advice when it comes to Newcastle speedway... Would you and Andrew be willing to help support a fan run venture (advice and guidance rather than money, which understandably you're sick of wasting)

When it comes to the money discussion on the last page, 'finding 600 to pay £10 a week for 28 weeks'... and the counter argument of it will be impossible to find 600 people who are willing to pay £300... I'm sure some of them 600 would be willing to pay more than that... I would happily and the more who do that, the less people who are relied on... I was not willing to part way with anymore money while Rob Grant was in charge of the club, because I knew fine well what a crook he was... But if there was an actual 'fan ran club' where the fans who put the money in have their say and one individual is in charge... A reasonable person... Perhaps someone like Dalbers or THJ... I could happily part with £250-£300 a month during the season and pay for my entrance weekly too (which I know is absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it's better than £10 a week) And I'm sure there would be people who are willing to put more in... I wonder if Dave Tinning would be put off from another venture with someone a bit more respectable at the helm... I'm sure he would sponsor a chunk of that £150k again... And there's race sponsors etc too...

Has anyone learned Arabic yet???

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10 hours ago, ruffdiamond said:

Sorry to poop on ya party mate, but where do you find 600 fans willing to part with £300?,,, cos basically that's what you'd need, it's ok agreeing to pay £10 per week, but really keeping up with payments could prove problematic for many reasons. 

The maths looks easy, but doesn't make it simple.

As for the final meeting last season, yeah there was many there,,, but how many where only there for one reason?

Great idea in principal, thanks,,, hopefully it can generate enthusiasm. 

The figures could be spread over 12 months maybe? 

Call it £20 a month, (circa a fiver a week), meaning £240 per person per year..

A "Community Club" is, for me, something that could work in Speedway given such a relatively small amount of patrons attend, but have a fierce loyalty to their teams and sport....

Let's be honest, the way the sport is ran, if you are still a regular today you are a "lifer"' and it can be as much about the social aspect of the night out as it is the racing, (maybe even more?)...

Therefore, use the "social event" aspect as its selling point.. 

Run it like a supporters club holding social events through the whole year to keep fans engaged even in the off season, eg eve of season party, end of season party, xmas party etc..

Get a detailed database on the supporters, birthdays for example to send cards from the club to them and their family members, and if any kids parties are being held at McDonalds etc, then send a rider to attend to surprise the kid and spread the word...

And run weekly or monthly prize draws to those who commit to add some interest, doesnt have to be huge prizes, the constant engaging is the key...

Discount merchandise too, to members of the club, it looks great in Poland seeing loads of fans with an "identity" by all wearing club colours, and can only prick interest in those yet to be engaged..

For clubs that dont have someone happy to run Speedway as a vanity project with deep, deep pockets, then surely having a collective of local, like minded folk could be a way forward? 

Sponsors could/may still put in their four or five figure sums the same as they do now, and there will still need to be a leadership team, who could/may still be the ones putting big money in as is currently the way things are ran now..

However, having a few hundred fans engaged and involved with their club for 12 months using regular communication with them, and getting 20 matches or so for £240 a season, has to be worth giving a go surely as it will provide guaranteed income, (by DD, with any default payments meaning no more membership)...

Give the size of many clubs, a "Community Club" could just be a possibility, giving fans a real stake in their team, whilst helping spread the cost over 12 months and providing them with real value for money Speedway at the same time, and will also help them be in charge of their own destiny, rather than hoping the sole person in charge can keep what they enjoy attending so much, going for the whole season...

Edited by mikebv
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2 hours ago, ruffdiamond said:

Mike, what we need is someone with knowledge of running such a thing. It seems that you know what you are talking about, so can we put your name down as chairman and can you organise a get together and set the ball away? Thanks. 

I am planning to (semi) retire in September mate...:D

55 years young... (in mind if not in body)...:D

But honestly, engaging people through pro active marketing, especially today given the digital platforms that exist, isnt hard...

Like running a business..

Bring drive, energy, passion, resilience, bravery, inspiration and tenacity to what you do, and utilise the skills of those around you who are more qualified and gifted than yourself technically to deliver your aims, and you can move mountains...

36 years of running stores and regions for one of worlds leading retailers has taught me that....

I am sure around Newcastle (and all over the country), there are potential leaders who can engage and mobilise a few hundred people, especially when those people already want the same thing so need no convincing.. 

Edited by mikebv
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11 minutes ago, mikebv said:

I am planning to (semi) retire in September mate...:D

55 years young... (in mind if not in body)...:D

But honestly, engaging people through pro active marketing, especially today given the digital platforms that exist, isnt hard...

Like running a business..

Bring drive, energy, passion, resilience, bravery, inspiration and tenacity to what you do, and utilise the skills of those around you who are more qualified and gifted than yourself technically to deliver your aims, and you can move mountains...

36 years of running stores and regions for one of worlds leading retailers has taught me that....

I am sure around Newcastle (and all over the country), there are potential leaders who can engage and mobilise a few hundred people, especially when those people already want the same thing so need no convincing.. 

Well if your gonna semi-retire, you could do it as a little hobby!!! ;)

A would fail at the digital platform carry-on, am scared of the sky remote (its got too many buttons). A like to see people's lips move when a talk to them.

Anyway, thanks for your input and hopefully some inspiration can be gathered from it.

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26 minutes ago, mikebv said:

 Bring drive, energy, passion, resilience, bravery, inspiration and tenacity to what you do, and utilise the skills of those around you who are more qualified and gifted than yourself technically to deliver your aims, and you can move mountains...

If only Rob Grant knew this...

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If you got 600 paying fans through the door you wouldn't need any schemes for additional cash... 600 fans paying 15 quid to get into the meeting brings in 9k... 

Savagely basic figures but 2.5k to get the home meeting on and 500 quid travel for the away meeting leaves you with 6k to pay the riders over 2 meetings averaging 60 points at home and 40 points away including bonus points gives you an average rate for the team of 60 quid a point...

So there lies your first problem or challenge getting fans to come and watch... however if you can guarentee 600 fans through the door you will have a hell of a start... 



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3 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

See Edinburgh have put out details of their new stadium/site...

Hope this works...




Yip, seen it, the guys up there must know how to go on? Great news and hopefully inspiration for Newcastle. 

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Season tickets should be transferable to another person if the person who buys it can't attend for any reason, in my opinion. If this was made available, I would personally buy 2 or 3 season tickets through my business, & give the spares to friends & other businesses I work with. This could result in other businesses taking an interest in speedway, & possibly investing themselves in the future. The worst case scenario, is more people will buy season tickets.

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At the minute Edinburgh good news of new stadium. Got me thinking about Seaton burn again. Is anyone looking in to how much it would be to restart talking and look at the land again as still up for sale. Other funding grants other sponsors ect 

Only way to make speedway pay is have your own stadium. And rent out to other sports even car boot sale food festivals ext 



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2 minutes ago, InfinitiDiamonds said:

At the minute Edinburgh good news of new stadium. Got me thinking about Seaton burn again. Is anyone looking in to how much it would be to restart talking and look at the land again as still up for sale. Other funding grants other sponsors ect 

Only way to make speedway pay is have your own stadium. And rent out to other sports even car boot sale food festivals ext 


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1 minute ago, HectorRacing said:

Is the land at seaton burn still for sale ? (Not that i can afford it) 


might go for a run and look at it later

It can be done and hopefully, something can happen to keep Newcastle going. Just remember what happened to Berwick in 1980 turfed out of footie stadium in 1981 riding home meetings at Barrow, Workington, Glasgow, and Newcastle then in 1982 Berrington Lough was up and running.

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