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Newcastle now closed !!!

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3 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I just couldn’t believe what I was reading, all positive “you did your best” and all this garbage.

I know some of negative ones got took away but over 200 positive comments about a bloke who has took our club away! 
Some people scared to say what they really think and some just clueless :blink:

Within 2 years he took a club and turned them into dust! More annoying how he ignored offers for help/advice

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1 hour ago, Gaz said:

I just couldn’t believe what I was reading, all positive “you did your best” and all this garbage.

I know some of negative ones got took away but over 200 positive comments about a bloke who has took our club away! 
Some people scared to say what they really think and some just clueless :blink:

And he's got nee spine & just seems to do things on the spur of the moment without listening to other sides of the carry ons as I for 1 has been on the receiving end of 1 of his mistakes but it was rectified immediately let's say thanks to a word in his lug 

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2 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Probably needs it because no Diamonds fan wants to see the Topic Title at the top of the headings list to be fair...

Best left to die like the club...



Think the previous promotion had a lot to do with the demise I always wondered how he funded so many holidays/cruises.!

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11 hours ago, Gaz said:

I just couldn’t believe what I was reading, all positive “you did your best” and all this garbage.

I know some of negative ones got took away but over 200 positive comments about a bloke who has took our club away! 
Some people scared to say what they really think and some just clueless :blink:

Not even having the bottle to tell the riders himself about the closure sums him up to be honest.

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22 hours ago, Winditon said:

Firstly regarding the air fence i was led to believe they only have a certain life span and then have to be replaced.

That's what somebody on here said, with the constant inflating and deflating it does wear out, which seems fair... don't know that you would have to replace it all at the same time though, surely you'd buy panels over time to spread the cost.

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1 hour ago, ruffdiamond said:

Delegation, or act of?

Abdication rather than delegation more like... if he had of delegated some of the tasks out to people who knew what they were doing we wouldn't be in this mess...

Easier to walk away than try and pull things round...

Just proved himself to be an even bigger clown than everyone thought he was in the first place...



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5 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Abdication rather than delegation more like... if he had of delegated some of the tasks out to people who knew what they were doing we wouldn't be in this mess...

Possibly, a like the 'we' bit. ;)

Easier to walk away than try and pull things round...

Sometimes its like that, 'just tip it over the edge'?  May take someone with proper mettle, good speedway and business knowledge and be able to generate enthusiasm with passion, 'any idea's on finding one of them'?

Just proved himself to be an even bigger clown than everyone thought he was in the first place...

All about opinions. 




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On 6/25/2022 at 10:15 PM, speedy19902006 said:

First of all for myself, I was one who gave Rob more slack than most, the way I seen it was that he put his hand in his pocket (twice over if things are to be totally believed) when others were not prepared to and essentially gave Newcastle the stay of execution that would have been 3 years ago or whatever it was - and to be honest for that fair play to him he was prepared to give it ago when it seemed that others would not, so to keep an argument somewhat balanced and constructive I think he needs credit for doing that. And in business / life it is always far easier to spend someone else's money than it is your own...

***HOWEVER*** (before I get my head detached before people read to the end of this post ;))

1) I cannot stomach what essentially feels like totally lies now in an attempt to essentially liquidate the assets whilst under the guise of "doing it now to give Newcastle the best chance later" this is utter rubbish - as what is well documented now and proven with the sale of track equipment and such like, seems to me like he said one thing to keep the heat off him whilst doing something totally at odds with his statement in the other all underhand and devoid of transparency and integrity.

2) What boils by proverbial urine to be honest and probably leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of fans (which I suspect Rob probably does not understand) is the air fence debacle. And this cannot be sorely put onto Robs toes and the previous ownership need to bare some responsibility, however (and please correct me if I am wrong but this is / was my understanding) the air fence was afforded through a just giving page and whip round at the time the regulations came in (or this is how my memory serves me anyway) meaning all clubs had to have one to operate. That and I believe a few large singular donations from individual fans allowed the air fence or a vast majority of it to be bought. Therefore to sell it off to try and recoup monies lost just seems unethical and wrong to be honest and this is a point I will further explain further down in looking to any future we may have. But for the ownership that Rob bought from to use the gesture of the fans and such like to inevitably increase the sale price as its another asset with value to purchase that is integral to running a meeting is kind of wrong in my opinion - however seems like Rob also sees it as fair game.

3) Given the very publicised sponsorships the club received from various generous business, families and individuals - I am sure this would have been done on the understanding that essentially sponsors and people putting their money in, heat sponsors, race day programme advertisements etc etc that they were doing so expecting to get March to Septembers worth of advertisement (race day banners, pictures, website advertisement etc etc) in return for their hard earned money... Surely given the debacle they should be looking for some sort of pro-rata refund on what they did not get against what they initially put in? 

4) What are the ramifications on the other co-owners / an or promoters who put money in? Do they get anything back? Surely this cannot be just Robs decision to make, they must have some course of action they could take?

5) All the actions talked about in this thread seem to me to be the actions of a person who has no intention of speedway running again at Newcastle, selling the assets to run a meeting removes any / all value, the only thing it seems he could sell would be the name? Not to hard to get around in the future I'm sure..."Newcastle Pheonix's" (for one year only as its a crap name but would be great before reverting to something more akin to the Diamonds or Diamunds :D")

The Future

Going back to further explain point 2 and why I think it is extremely important is I think we all feel totally short changed by the various cash injections and donation fans have put into the club over the years for promoters and owners to essentially use it somewhat. However I do think we can learn an important lesson from it. Given that the club (if anything is left of it) will or will be near as dammit asset less I think now more than ever the idea of a supporters trust is vital to any possibility of speedway running again in any capacity at Newcastle. Anyone who went to the last meeting at Gosforth and listened to the excellent explanation to the complexities of running a fund and giving the club money by @TotallyHonestJohn will understand it is far to complex, and legally a nightmare to attempt / do. However I do think this shower of rubbish scenario we find ourselves in shows giving the club money and continual whip-rounds does nobody nor the supporter any favour in the long term. However I do believe that this gives us an opportunity to re-think the idea of a supporters fund where by the supporters fund can purchase such things like tractors and track equipment and effectively loan / lease these items to a club/ owner/ promoter for a basic / minimal fee. If this were the case for the air-fence for example it would give the club stability through changes of promoters and owners etc where the assets needed to run a speedway meeting essentially transcend any ownership change. Maybe @TotallyHonestJohn this would remove some of the complexities you so brilliantly talked about and explained in running a supporters club giving / purchasing stuff on the clubs behalf. I do beleive if there is any chance of someone wishing to put speedway on again in Newcastle this would make it hugely more do-able as it is going to be a from scratch start therefore it would surely make it more achievable to a new venture if such items were covered by a supporters club given that any ground up startup costs will be immense! Whilst we have no speedway this could be the time to try and set something up - £10 per month when we are not going to be spending £20-£30 per week as we have no speedway to go to. Such an amount would sharp build up and allow the purchasing of vital assets when / if a new venture were to happen. If nothing happens in the next 5 years all monies to be returned plus any interest generated. Whilst it is ambitious I do think the above issue of supporters money and gifts / cash injections / and fund raises we've had over the years are clearly not handled with the respect and integrity they should have. WE have essentially purchased assets for the club for them to be used to get a outgoing promotion an increased sale price or in this case asset liquidation when in reality there investment in the asset was minimal / non existent yet the promoters / owners are then the beneficiary of the value of the asset. Therefore I think we can think smarter in the future and in the same time provide the club with assets that stay with the club thus increasing long term stability and remove this utter debacle we now find ourselves in.

Whilst I fully understand Rob will have lost a shed load of cash in this venture stripping the assets to try and recoup some of his cash / investment just seems totally short sighted and on the above points quite immoral given the statement put out by the owner, and the fact that the main asset was purchased by the fans (albeit under a different promotion and many years ago) it still feels like a sucker punch and such a nail in the coffin to any chance of speedway starting again as to buy a new one is such a large sum of money.

I apologise if this is wordy it is my second attempt at typing this - I am sure the first one was better written however I managed to delete my first attempt prior to submitting and this is a hastily wrote and heavily streamlined version.

Lastly whilst I am full of ideas and I would love to try and get such an offering of the ground sadly my career would not allow me to hold such a financial position and I simply do not have the time to do it either. But hopefully someone reads this and think it makes sense and could be a go-er and runs with it. 



It would have taken me all weekend to write that

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10 hours ago, topaz325 said:


Read the guide lines at the top of the page...... 

So what are the guidelines at the top of the page? Adverts, nowt else? Certainly that is what I see on the browser I use?


Are you another Grant hoop licker?



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