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Birmingham v Berwick

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1 hour ago, Speedway fan said:
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Sunday April 24, 2022
JOSH Auty has been released from hospital after successful surgery on his broken leg.

The experienced Brit sustained breaks to his tibia and fibula which have now been pinned and plated.

Josh would like to thank supporters for all of their messages and best wishes.

Meanwhile, UK Life Medical would like to clarify the situation which saw last Wednesday’s home fixture with Berwick abandoned at Perry Barr.

Specialist Paramedic Marc Dodds said: “Josh sustained an injury to his leg and as the Paramedic covering the event on examination I felt that Josh may have sustained a fracture to his Tibia/Fibula.

“We provided treatment and ensured Josh had the right amount of pain relief to deal with this type of injury.

“Normal procedures when a rider requires hospital treatment is to call 999 and have a NHS County Ambulance attend.

“This way care can be passed on and the race meeting can continue.

“As we called 999 for Josh we were informed that there would be a 6 hour wait for a 999 response.

“The level of injury Josh received and the fact Morphine, which is a controlled drug, had been given meant that only a Paramedic could transport to hospital.

“Hospital delays also played a big part of what we faced as many Ambulances are kept outside waiting to go in, this was the case on arrival at hospital where we were told it would be a 5 hour wait.

“Thankfully we were able to get Josh in quicker due to his injury type, but this is not always the case.

“Even if the Club had a second Ambulance on site, the fact the Paramedic would need to travel would mean the meeting would still have to be cancelled.

“The NHS is facing unprecedented delays and this is having a knock on effect across the industry and impacts on meetings such as Speedway.

“The owners have tried really hard to keep this club going and have invested a lot of time and money into it.

“Some elements are out of their control and also financial implications have to be considered when needing additional cover, this is something that goes on behind the scenes.

“We always want to ensure everyone, riders, mechanics, track staff or spectators are always looked after if we are needed.

“Please be assured we are working on many solutions.”

Birmingham head to reigning Champions Poole on Wednesday (April 27, 7.30) with the next fixture at Perry Barr on Wednesday, May 4 (7.30) against Scunthorpe.
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WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2022 @ 7.30pm

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We know and accept that nothing could be done on the night....what we are now interested in, is what will be in place at the next HOME meeting to avoid the possibility of the same  occurrence?

'What are the 'many' solutions being worked on ? (last sentence of news bulletin...)

If funds are needed to cover extra medical attention, let's get a monthly lottery draw going, as mentioned in previous posts? (not sure how feasible this is, but at least it's a positive suggestion?)

All the above post is doing, is trying to justify why we haven't been refunded....unless I'm missing something? 

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1 hour ago, HGould said:


Nothing else to say here.

People who are NOT Brummies fans who are trolling and lecturing about Birmingham Speedway being closed should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If you can't support SPEEDWAY as a Sport I'm not sure what the point is of attacking it!

Those who HAVE paid good money to attend do deserve a hearing and hopefully the Club will come up with a financial solution to both deal with the current NHS crisis and its implications in terms of cover, and something to placate that rather poor PR and initial offer from last Wednesday


Not sure I've read any posts that want B'ham closed ? just an overwhelming opinion that ALL fans at the Berwick meeting should receive a TOTAL refund in order for the current B'ham promotion to hold on to their integrity ? (may be?....this is just my interpretation...)

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Just an observation ? even if another ambulance had arrived within an hour or so, the meeting may still NOT have finished due to the 10pm curfew ?

So, B'ham would have incurred the extra cost and most likely still NOT have finished the meeting.

Get 2 Paramedics and 2 Ambulances in place from the start....

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P.s and forget about 'Demo' riding before the meeting....waste of time and hardly anyone is interested. Crack on with the match. 

If there's to be any demo's as such, do it during the 10/15 minute interval, providing the meeting is running smoothly.

While I'm on the subject....the parade is lack lustre and boring IMO.

Announce the 2 number 1's and let them do a lap and so on.....(straight from the pits etc.....)

Just my opinions of course....


Edited by GiveusaB
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41 minutes ago, GiveusaB said:

Just an observation ? even if another ambulance had arrived within an hour or so, the meeting may still NOT have finished due to the 10pm curfew ?

So, B'ham would have incurred the extra cost and most likely still NOT have finished the meeting.

Get 2 Paramedics and 2 Ambulances in place from the start....

That’s the bottom line they have to have 2 Paramedics and 2 Ambulences in place.


2 hours ago, HGould said:


Nothing else to say here.

People who are NOT Brummies fans who are trolling and lecturing about Birmingham Speedway being closed should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If you can't support SPEEDWAY as a Sport I'm not sure what the point is of attacking it!

Those who HAVE paid good money to attend do deserve a hearing and hopefully the Club will come up with a financial solution to both deal with the current NHS crisis and its implications in terms of cover, and something to placate that rather poor PR and initial offer from last Wednesday


Don’t see anyone lecturing about Birmingham being closed,they are just pointing out the basic requirements to run meetings and not treat the fans like mugs regarding re admission.

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19 minutes ago, Fromafar said:

That’s the bottom line they have to have 2 Paramedics and 2 Ambulences in place..

Most clubs can't regularly field 7 riders so there's no chance of having 2 Paramedics and 2 Ambulances in place... unless they can operate P/R, or a guest replacement from the NHS

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If there is anything positive to be taken from this truly unfortunate occurrence, it is that people in power at the remaining clubs which currently do not employ two paramedic professionals in addition to two ambulances (or one plus an equipped medical room) have been given a very clear heads-up that the next disaster could be at their track.

There are private organisations all over the country providing paramedic services .   In Central Scotland alone, there are half a dozen!     These companies are in business competition with each other, they offer competitive rates (considerably lower than some of the wild guesstimates quoted by previous posters) and I can only imagine several club bosses have been busy over the past few days, obtaining quotations and weighing up options.

At least half a dozen circuits I know of (I'm sure there are more) have two-plus-two medical cover, and while other factors can delay or even cancel meetings, at least these clubs can be confident of sparing their customers the avoidable aggravation suffered already this year at Birmingham and Mildenhall.

Nigel Tolley and his consortium at Perry Barr (who have already got so much right) have learned  a hard lesson  -- and I really, really hope they can get their show back on the rails, and push onwards and upwards after last Wednesday's fiasco.      

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9 hours ago, HGould said:


Nothing else to say here.

People who are NOT Brummies fans who are trolling and lecturing about Birmingham Speedway being closed should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If you can't support SPEEDWAY as a Sport I'm not sure what the point is of attacking it!

Those who HAVE paid good money to attend do deserve a hearing and hopefully the Club will come up with a financial solution to both deal with the current NHS crisis and its implications in terms of cover, and something to placate that rather poor PR and initial offer from last Wednesday


i don't think for one second that anyone wants Birmingham speedway to close.

But the sticking issue here I feel is the £10 for two completed races.

The new promotion at Birmingham have worked hard and done decent job since taking over.

But the this £10 for 2 completed races is a massive own goal and as one other poster has said a PR disaster.

When Birmingham promotion have worked hard to attract new fans, how is  charging them £10 for 2 completed races going to encourage those supporters back and on regular basis, it don't take a Rocket Scientist to work out that they will more than likely give the sport a wide berth.

Its okay for the likes of me and yourself who are hardcore supporters and possibly write off the money loss, but a casual or new potential fan might think twice about returning.  

There is a credit crunch and money is tight, and people will be looking value for money.

I just hope hard work has not been undone.  

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1 minute ago, Heedthebaw said:

Laurence Rogers has worked at many many clubs, Most of which are now gone. Tells you something.

I thought as much... there does seem to be a common denominator 

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11 hours ago, HGould said:


Nothing else to say here.

People who are NOT Brummies fans who are trolling and lecturing about Birmingham Speedway being closed should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If you can't support SPEEDWAY as a Sport I'm not sure what the point is of attacking it!

Those who HAVE paid good money to attend do deserve a hearing and hopefully the Club will come up with a financial solution to both deal with the current NHS crisis and its implications in terms of cover, and something to placate that rather poor PR and initial offer from last Wednesday


Show me where I've said anything about wanting Birmingham to close. It's the absolute opposite and you're purely burying your head in the sand if you can't see the problems this could cause- not just for Birmingham, but the sport as a whole. 


My sticking point is that for all the goodwill and money the promotion put into Birmingham how on earth will it survive if its ripping off fans like this? No new fan will put up with it and the die hards will dwindle. We all need to be realistic and understand the average fan cannot be affording to lose money for nothing. With how often rain offs and crashes do occur in speedway, can we seriously not expect this to happen again? Bluntly, what has happened at Birmingham is a shambles and they need to do better.


If Birmingham need a blue print of how to run a speedway team they need look no further than their opponents for this meeting. Berwick like Birmingham was once a club in trouble but their new promotion have worked theirs socks off on and off the track and not done it by cutting corners. And whilst they might not be the most cash rich side or field the best 1-7 in the league you can say with their involvement with the fans with the 5-1 draw, the dirt xtra and genuine effort to bring value to money to their fans in the double headers that they've thought outside the box and been rewarded with an incredibly loyal fan base.


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14 hours ago, heathen52 said:

Im afraid that by following the BSPL refund policy the club have shot themselves in the foot, it has/will been a PR disaster, somehow the promotion need to make sure incidents of this nature cant happen again, but how to entice disgruntled supporters back through the gates is an entirely different proposition, I almost went to the meeting against Berwick luckily I didnt and I will be very reluctant to attend any meeting that has minimal medical cover in the future, not only at Birmingham.

Just curious, but which tracks do you mean you will be attending? i.e. which tracks always have two ambulances and two paramedics?

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12 hours ago, Heedthebaw said:

Laurence Rogers has worked at many many clubs, Most of which are now gone. Tells you something.

There's also a lot of clubs that have disappeared without Laurence being involved which I think tells you something about the sport and the people who run it at the very top. 

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17 hours ago, tyretrax said:

Question for GiveusaB. You say do away with the "Demo" races, do they take place before the advertised start time or after it? If before what time  would be saved?

Well the demo last week took place after the main parade (which i would've assumed started at 7.30pm?) I didn't check my watch at the time, but it was there or there about ?

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So, on the Official B'ham website today.... The club are still taking the stance of 'only £8' off any other home meeting apart from U21 Final.

This is disappointing!

Onwards and upwards according to the club!

No mention of what will be different re: Medical Cover for the next Home meeting?


Call me disloyal, but I wont be attending!

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2 hours ago, GiveusaB said:

So, on the Official B'ham website today.... The club are still taking the stance of 'only £8' off any other home meeting apart from U21 Final.

This is disappointing!

Onwards and upwards according to the club!

No mention of what will be different re: Medical Cover for the next Home meeting?


Call me disloyal, but I wont be attending!

Very poor PR.

Might come back to haunt them,at least if crowd levels don’t improve they dont have to look far for answers.Themselves.

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The promotion may claim they can’t afford to give free admission but imo they can’t afford not to.  Definitely a case of shooting themselves in the foot. Especially as they have invested so much in the track and new fence. 
if you had free entry you would give them a second chance. At £8 probably not for the casual supporter

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It's not about the money now that I've chilled out :) the way I see it is.... they had/have,  2 options? Either refund/free admission to another meeting and we carry on... or, do wot they're doing and go by the Official guidelines... BUT,  put something in place for the next meeting so it minimises the risk of it happening again?

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