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Nigel Pearson RIP

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Not my cup of tea as a commentator but obviously a well liked, knowledgeable and dedicated fan of the sport. His loss will be felt through many facets of speedway as he had his fingers in so many pies. Always looking for new ways to push the sport and drag it into the digital / satellite age and offer help and advice along the way. 

Condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and all who felt a connection to him as one part of the shouty brothers. I think we’ll find just how good he was now that he’s no longer here. If  we can find someone with even half of his talent and enthusiasm then we should be ok. 

rest in peace sir. 

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An incredible shock to hear this news

Whatever your opinion of Nigel as a commentator it makes no odds - this primarily is about a man , a husband and a father gone too soon

Less importantly but worth acknowledgement is that Speedway has also lost a passionate advocate and one that had connections in places that Speedway needs to regain influence and one who will be sadly missed

RIP Nigel

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Shocked as many are here. He was en enthusiastic commentator but more importantly a well liked representative for the armchair fan,  and an affable personality who skillfully showcased the sport for to a wide range of spectators. Never met him but if I had I would have expected him to be the same genuine and pleasant personality that he portrayed on screen.  Speedway has lost a close friend. My thoughts for his family - they have lost a man who was a very welcome guest in many homes. RIP Nigel you will be greatly missed  - Wind it on!

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1 hour ago, iainb said:

There's just been a lovely tribute to Nigel on Talksport by Ian Danter.


10:50 am

Thanks for posting that, nice tribute from Dants, he mentioned the 2007 GP and Harris's win, so I just rewatched it,  I had my moans about the shoutys on a good few occasions but just watching that brought a tear to my eye, such a sad loss for his family and the sporting world in general.  I suffered a brain aneurysm myself back in 2010, was lucky enough to survive intact following 7hrs of surgery at North Staffs Hospital, such a shame that nothing similar could be done for Nigel.


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5 hours ago, keepturningleft said:

Despite his involvement in many other sports, I am convinced that speedway was always Nige's strongest passion above all else. Does anyone agree?

I think all the different things he has done in speedway show that.

But I am sure he deeply loved every sport he worked on.  It is shown by how the communities around darts and football in the West Midlands have expressed shock at his loss just as much as we have.  And there has equally been many personal tributes from fans and colleagues in those sports about how friendly and supportive he had been with them too.

He clearly meant something to a lot of people and has left a hole everywhere he has worked.

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Absolutely terrible news. 

Having lost someone very close to me with an aneurysm I have some idea of the shock Nigel's family and friends must be feeling. 

RIP mate, I somehow feel that I know you after a couple of talk-ins and all those commentaries. 

PS It's not for me to moderate these boards but a couple of the appalling comments earlier on this thread would warrant a ban in my book... these boards are generally a place of good humour and common sense and we can do without that sort of embarrassing idiocy...

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24hrs on and I still can't get my head around the news, so surreal, someone I knew, larger than life and always had time for a chat whether that be on the phone or in person. We will all miss him and I can't imagine how his wife and kids must be feeling right now. Shock would be an understatement. 

RIP Nige, it was great to have known you pal 

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Sad news indeed. He was the modern day Mr speedway. 
forgetting that though what comes across most is that  he was just a fabulous human being. I diddnt know him personally but you can tell by the amount of tributes what type of guys he was. Such a genuine bloke. 

RIP Nigel 

Edited by PhilTheAce
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A great ambassador and total professional yet humble at the same time. We were very recently discussing catching up with him, in a couple of weeks, not realising, at the same time, he was being rushed to hospital. A tragic loss. Condolences to Kerrie and family. 

Edited by Mr Ore
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Some great tributes and kind words on this thread. 

There are real parallels in Nigel's passing and that of a successful cycling journalist I knew who also recently passed away far too early. 52 is certainly no age. But in that short time, he is someone who got his head above the parapet, crammed a lot into a short life, achieved a great deal and leaves behind a body of work to be proud of. That's something we can all draw inspiration from.

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What shocking news ... the most important and the saddest thing if that a wife has lost her husband and 3 children have lost there dad . The pain and grief must be unbearable . 

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