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2 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Aaaaaarrrrrrgh ow ow ow eya eya eya the burn... the BURN... NURSE NURSE Get the Savlon... quick...

Although Christmas is one of our busiest periods I cant let this go now can I and as busy as I am I will dignify you with a reply... Honestly... and after all it is Christmas Time... Peace on Earth and good will to all men and all that or in your case "Peese on You"

Well now @Wee Eck is that really the best you can come up with... the sparkling wit and repartee of Wee Nonce Troll McTrollface states... that not only am I a waste of space but the biggest one that walks on the earth.. wow I'm hurt... really hurt... I mean "cut me do I not bleed" which as a saying from the Merchant of Venice will probably be wasted on a moron like your good self... although the meaning and context of using that statement is most apt in this situation...  “In sooth, I know not why I am so sad.” “Let me play the fool.” “If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces.” Brilliant eh? old Shakespeare could turn a phrase mind like eh... now that's a burn Eck... Whoosh...

So you do a little digging to find out that in fact it is true on the VAT fiddle Johnnie English and the previous shower had been tarnished with was correct... but because you didn't believe what you were told you still persist in pushing your own little agenda against Rob Grant and Newcastle and that it is a fact that the previous Promotion left Rob Grant with "a debt to HMRC of £158,048"  as you have since confirmed yourself... but that's the best you can come back with as a slight to my good self... well I am disappointed... just to expand on that point where do you think I get my information from... think now... not to hard cos straining like that might cause you to poop your pants... yes that's right the same place you have been trolling on the internet... however I used to get my information cross checked and authorised for posting by... go on... Think again... no? The Promotion... yep that's right before I put anything contentious on here it was vetted and checked for its accuracy by none other than the New Newcastle Promotion... If you are going to be a Troll Eck at least get your facts right and don't post details yourself that prove you are talking complete and utter Crepe as it takes the fun out of correcting you.... what are you doing? marking your own homework? what a Gobsh!te...

Now where I am happy for you to have an opinion... don't try and qualify "your opinion" by saying that "your opinion" is "shared by many I know" because that is like all of your posts... just another made up sentence, an outright lie; something to try and add weight to a non-existent argument... you may wish to add on the end that "we've got a garden" "my brothers 21" and the other old classic "your dad is bigger than my dad" however coming back to my dad is bigger than your dad... I just wish my dad had of been gay because I would have loved to have had a gay dad. So when you do say, my dad's bigger than your dad, my dad will batter your dad! so what? my dad will shag your dad. and your dad will enjoy it. (and so would you Eck I am guessing) (Plagiarised from the brilliant Frankie Boyle)(you looking for the Savlon yet Eck)

Now to be fair to be called the "biggest waste of space that walks the earth" is rather hurtful after all I do for charity through my business and for all the cash I have injected into Speedway over many years and especially when you see some of these Politicians and the Anti Vax brigade... wow... now that's what I would call a waste of space... however all I can say is there's not an emoji to express my heartfelt sorrow... but to be fair it is one of the cleanest insults I have had for a long while so thanks for that and it isn't as bad as being called a "Roger Hunt" or "Merchant Banker" that you must have been called on numerous occasions... and just to digress the one I dislike the most is the "illegitimate" word which brings your parentage into disrepute as I can confirm that I knew my father and both he and my mother were married and I was both conceived and born in wedlock... unlike you I would suggest... who is best described as "a file having teeth of a grade next finer than coarse" (bit of Google research needed for you there Mr Troll McTrollface just to keep it interesting so search on the line between the quotation marks).

Negativity and Ignorance? well are you talking about yourself here as 1. I don't have a negative bone in my body and 2. how can you refer to someone who quotes famous Bards and refers to subjects in Latin as Ignorant; I try to educate morons like you on here and raise the tone and I certainly don't Troll the B'Jesus out of posters on here when there is a subject I disagree with and to be "Totally Honest" I have been known (sometimes) to put a long winded reply on here now and then (once or twice maybe)  however I try to interject that with humour; fun facts and the truth; and as a Libertarian I don't believe in keeping secrets... or am I reading to much into your comments and that you consider me of having "Negative Ignorance" which is in fact a compliment as today Ignorance is actually a cool concept and more complicated than people like to ponder. For Example "As someone who grew up in a city I had negative ignorance of how to drive a tractor. My country spouse had negative ignorance about navigating public transportation. Both of us overcame those. Had I chosen to refuse to learn how to drive the tractor after I lived on a farm and had one that would have become privative ignorance. As in, I had the option, and wherewithal, to gather the information and I chose not to. Negative ignorance is when someone should not be reasonably blamed for not knowing something. however thinking about that... you are surely describing yourself in this instance you moron...

So in your knowledgeable; expert; smart ass; wise cracking; snide opinion "Newcastle speedway is far better off since you were given the bum’s rush by its owner" well let me answer that little one liner and I will come back to the "apparently" at the end... You are using words which I doubt you have any idea of there context or meaning. Bum's Rush or "the bum's rush" is what would happen if a vagrant entered a saloon, hoping to take advantage of "the sometimes sumptuous free lunch counters, which were meant for drinkers only." The freeloader would be forcibly removed from the premises. Now are you suggesting for one minute that I am a "Freeloader" the man who with his pal funded the bar at Brough (for many a year)... I spent between £150 to £250 quid on food and drink every meeting last season at Brough as did my old pal Doug Lawson; both of us always happy to buy a pint (or drink of choice) and that was for anyone not just the mob I was socialising with... furthermore £4500 direct to the club and its riders last season... The promotion have put out already that they are looking for sponsors for riders to support them and if last year was to be repeated the club have lost that £3000 of direct support and the additional £1500 quid that went into last years riders so I would suggest it is the other way round and that I have given the club the "Bums Rush" rather than how you have tried to interpret it you illiterate moron... of course you could always take over this mantle if you wish and you put your money where your mouth is you Gobsh!te (and I will come back to this word later if I may)...

Now what I will add is... that unlike the previous promotion who you so dearly loved and have supported on here with vim and vigour.. and with a pack of made up lies and fabrications of epic proportions; Rob Grant has always been straight and honest with me in the past unlike the clandestine meetings I had with the former lot in the Costa Coffee opposite Newcastle Civic Centre in town or the M&S Café on the Silverlink...  When they would "Pee up your leg and try and tell you it was raining" Rob has a good team behind him now and yes we had a disagreement and he has a new substantial backer who will input far more capital than I ever would so even the full sponsorship pot that was available from my company will be well covered by his new main sponsor and after our little "tet  a tet" and a meeting last week with Dave Tinning I have chosen (me) to step back (my choice); and if someone gave you 5 grand a year for free would you be better off... no you would give them the Bums Rush... PMSL what a half wit...

Apparently!!! another word you slip in as a cover all at the end to try and support your comments... which proves you are talking complete and utter Crepe and trying to qualify the tripe you have penned with "Apparently"...  The definition of Apparently is as follows "You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true"... or in your case spouting a "factual inexactitude" as ever. You make stuff up and qualify it as heard from a source Apparently... is that a Red or a Brown Source (sauce lol get it) (never mind here is another subtle interlude that you wont get 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M&ab_channel=CoooLverstukas )

Which brings me finally onto "Gobsh!te" which describes you to a Tee @Wee Eck used as a noun Chiefly Irish Slang: and Vulgar. using the following description "a mean and contemptible person, especially a braggart. a stupid and incompetent person"... However I still do like Wee Nonce Troll McTrollface... but if the cap fits Biffa you should wear it...

Merry Christmas you filthy Animal and a Happy new Year...


Nurse cancel the Savlon am okay now...

Mr Courtney

For all those who are of a more cheerful disposition and for all the kind comment made thank you very much

Have a very safe and Happy Christmas and an equally safe but brilliant New Year


That's a fact well worth publishing WOW.. 

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What does everyone think the lineup order will be? I would go for personally

1. Bradley Wilson Dean (Outside line rider)

2. Max Clegg (Inside line rider)

3. Paul Starke (Inside line rider)

4. Lee Complin (Outside line rider - or was)

5. Matthew Wethers (Solid as a rock to ride with James and George mainly)

6. George Congreve (Bit of an unknown, but allows James at 7)

7. James Wright (Will soon be in the main body, but for who? VERY strong number 7)

Might not be the strongest team out there, but body does it look entertaining...

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38 minutes ago, Diamonds85 said:


What does everyone think the lineup order will be? I would go for personally

1. Bradley Wilson Dean (Outside line rider)

2. Max Clegg (Inside line rider)

3. Paul Starke (Inside line rider)

4. Lee Complin (Outside line rider - or was)

5. Matthew Wethers (Solid as a rock to ride with James and George mainly)

6. George Congreve (Bit of an unknown, but allows James at 7)

7. James Wright (Will soon be in the main body, but for who? VERY strong number 7)

Might not be the strongest team out there, but body does it look entertaining...

Do the averages allow Complin to be 7 and  Wright 4?

Edited by Wardey
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7 minutes ago, Wardey said:

Do the averages allow Complin to be 7 and  Wright 4?

I have no idea what Lee's average will be and I guess we won't find out until next March probably... I'd be disappointed if we have over 1 point left to play with, as we could've resigned Adam Roynon rather than taking a gamble on George Congreve. Just really hope that gamble pays off :D

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Complin? Seriously? 

Looking at that team, they are wooden spoon winners. It really is a shame a team can be made up of Starke and a bunch of also rans.  

I paid my first ever visit to Newcastle last season for the double header with Plymouth. A decent crowd which was good but the Poole meeting was a one sided slaughter. And that Newcastle team looked stronger than this one. Now I fully understand that teams are built to a budget, but a winning team attracts more fans through the door and this team will struggle to score enough points to win at home.

I wish Newcastle every success in 2022. Perhaps they could ask moneybags NUFC to be club sponsor. A fraction of a percent of NUFC’s budget would guarantee the clubs survival.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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6 minutes ago, Steve Shovlar said:

Complin? Seriously? 

Looking at that team, they are wooden spoon winners. It really is a shame a team can be made up of Starke and a bunch of also rans.  

I paid my first ever visit to Newcastle last season for the double header with Plymouth. A decent crowd which was good but the Poole meeting was a one sided slaughter. And that Newcastle team looked stronger than this one. Now I fully understand that teams are built to a budget, but a winning team attracts more fans through the door and this team will struggle to score enough points to win at home.

I wish Newcastle every success in 2022. Perhaps they could ask moneybags NUFC to be club sponsor. A fraction of a percent of NUFC’s budget would guarantee the clubs survival.

This team looks way stronger than last years mess?

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10 minutes ago, Steve Shovlar said:

Complin? Seriously? 

Looking at that team, they are wooden spoon winners. It really is a shame a team can be made up of Starke and a bunch of also rans.  

I paid my first ever visit to Newcastle last season for the double header with Plymouth. A decent crowd which was good but the Poole meeting was a one sided slaughter. And that Newcastle team looked stronger than this one. Now I fully understand that teams are built to a budget, but a winning team attracts more fans through the door and this team will struggle to score enough points to win at home.

I wish Newcastle every success in 2022. Perhaps they could ask moneybags NUFC to be club sponsor. A fraction of a percent of NUFC’s budget would guarantee the clubs survival.

Team is definitely stronger than last years team. Then again your a Poole fan and Poole fans are always right.

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4 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Aaaaaarrrrrrgh ow ow ow eya eya eya the burn... the BURN... NURSE NURSE Get the Savlon... quick...

Although Christmas is one of our busiest periods I cant let this go now can I and as busy as I am I will dignify you with a reply... Honestly... and after all it is Christmas Time... Peace on Earth and good will to all men and all that or in your case "Peese on You"

Well now @Wee Eck is that really the best you can come up with... the sparkling wit and repartee of Wee Nonce Troll McTrollface states... that not only am I a waste of space but the biggest one that walks on the earth.. wow I'm hurt... really hurt... I mean "cut me do I not bleed" which as a saying from the Merchant of Venice will probably be wasted on a moron like your good self... although the meaning and context of using that statement is most apt in this situation...  “In sooth, I know not why I am so sad.” “Let me play the fool.” “If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces.” Brilliant eh? old Shakespeare could turn a phrase mind like eh... now that's a burn Eck... Whoosh...

So you do a little digging to find out that in fact it is true on the VAT fiddle Johnnie English and the previous shower had been tarnished with was correct... but because you didn't believe what you were told you still persist in pushing your own little agenda against Rob Grant and Newcastle and that it is a fact that the previous Promotion left Rob Grant with "a debt to HMRC of £158,048"  as you have since confirmed yourself... but that's the best you can come back with as a slight to my good self... well I am disappointed... just to expand on that point where do you think I get my information from... think now... not to hard cos straining like that might cause you to poop your pants... yes that's right the same place you have been trolling on the internet... however I used to get my information cross checked and authorised for posting by... go on... Think again... no? The Promotion... yep that's right before I put anything contentious on here it was vetted and checked for its accuracy by none other than the New Newcastle Promotion... If you are going to be a Troll Eck at least get your facts right and don't post details yourself that prove you are talking complete and utter Crepe as it takes the fun out of correcting you.... what are you doing? marking your own homework? what a Gobsh!te...

Now where I am happy for you to have an opinion... don't try and qualify "your opinion" by saying that "your opinion" is "shared by many I know" because that is like all of your posts... just another made up sentence, an outright lie; something to try and add weight to a non-existent argument... you may wish to add on the end that "we've got a garden" "my brothers 21" and the other old classic "your dad is bigger than my dad" however coming back to my dad is bigger than your dad... I just wish my dad had of been gay because I would have loved to have had a gay dad. So when you do say, my dad's bigger than your dad, my dad will batter your dad! so what? my dad will shag your dad. and your dad will enjoy it. (and so would you Eck I am guessing) (Plagiarised from the brilliant Frankie Boyle)(you looking for the Savlon yet Eck)

Now to be fair to be called the "biggest waste of space that walks the earth" is rather hurtful after all I do for charity through my business and for all the cash I have injected into Speedway over many years and especially when you see some of these Politicians and the Anti Vax brigade... wow... now that's what I would call a waste of space... however all I can say is there's not an emoji to express my heartfelt sorrow... but to be fair it is one of the cleanest insults I have had for a long while so thanks for that and it isn't as bad as being called a "Roger Hunt" or "Merchant Banker" that you must have been called on numerous occasions... and just to digress the one I dislike the most is the "illegitimate" word which brings your parentage into disrepute as I can confirm that I knew my father and both he and my mother were married and I was both conceived and born in wedlock... unlike you I would suggest... who is best described as "a file having teeth of a grade next finer than coarse" (bit of Google research needed for you there Mr Troll McTrollface just to keep it interesting so search on the line between the quotation marks).

Negativity and Ignorance? well are you talking about yourself here as 1. I don't have a negative bone in my body and 2. how can you refer to someone who quotes famous Bards and refers to subjects in Latin as Ignorant; I try to educate morons like you on here and raise the tone and I certainly don't Troll the B'Jesus out of posters on here when there is a subject I disagree with and to be "Totally Honest" I have been known (sometimes) to put a long winded reply on here now and then (once or twice maybe)  however I try to interject that with humour; fun facts and the truth; and as a Libertarian I don't believe in keeping secrets... or am I reading to much into your comments and that you consider me of having "Negative Ignorance" which is in fact a compliment as today Ignorance is actually a cool concept and more complicated than people like to ponder. For Example "As someone who grew up in a city I had negative ignorance of how to drive a tractor. My country spouse had negative ignorance about navigating public transportation. Both of us overcame those. Had I chosen to refuse to learn how to drive the tractor after I lived on a farm and had one that would have become privative ignorance. As in, I had the option, and wherewithal, to gather the information and I chose not to. Negative ignorance is when someone should not be reasonably blamed for not knowing something. however thinking about that... you are surely describing yourself in this instance you moron...

So in your knowledgeable; expert; smart ass; wise cracking; snide opinion "Newcastle speedway is far better off since you were given the bum’s rush by its owner" well let me answer that little one liner and I will come back to the "apparently" at the end... You are using words which I doubt you have any idea of there context or meaning. Bum's Rush or "the bum's rush" is what would happen if a vagrant entered a saloon, hoping to take advantage of "the sometimes sumptuous free lunch counters, which were meant for drinkers only." The freeloader would be forcibly removed from the premises. Now are you suggesting for one minute that I am a "Freeloader" the man who with his pal funded the bar at Brough (for many a year)... I spent between £150 to £250 quid on food and drink every meeting last season at Brough as did my old pal Doug Lawson; both of us always happy to buy a pint (or drink of choice) and that was for anyone not just the mob I was socialising with... furthermore £4500 direct to the club and its riders last season... The promotion have put out already that they are looking for sponsors for riders to support them and if last year was to be repeated the club have lost that £3000 of direct support and the additional £1500 quid that went into last years riders so I would suggest it is the other way round and that I have given the club the "Bums Rush" rather than how you have tried to interpret it you illiterate moron... of course you could always take over this mantle if you wish and you put your money where your mouth is you Gobsh!te (and I will come back to this word later if I may)...

Now what I will add is... that unlike the previous promotion who you so dearly loved and have supported on here with vim and vigour.. and with a pack of made up lies and fabrications of epic proportions; Rob Grant has always been straight and honest with me in the past unlike the clandestine meetings I had with the former lot in the Costa Coffee opposite Newcastle Civic Centre in town or the M&S Café on the Silverlink...  When they would "Pee up your leg and try and tell you it was raining" Rob has a good team behind him now and yes we had a disagreement and he has a new substantial backer who will input far more capital than I ever would so even the full sponsorship pot that was available from my company will be well covered by his new main sponsor and after our little "tet  a tet" and a meeting last week with Dave Tinning I have chosen (me) to step back (my choice); and if someone gave you 5 grand a year for free would you be better off... no you would give them the Bums Rush... PMSL what a half wit...

Apparently!!! another word you slip in as a cover all at the end to try and support your comments... which proves you are talking complete and utter Crepe and trying to qualify the tripe you have penned with "Apparently"...  The definition of Apparently is as follows "You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true"... or in your case spouting a "factual inexactitude" as ever. You make stuff up and qualify it as heard from a source Apparently... is that a Red or a Brown Source (sauce lol get it) (never mind here is another subtle interlude that you wont get 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M&ab_channel=CoooLverstukas )

Which brings me finally onto "Gobsh!te" which describes you to a Tee @Wee Eck used as a noun Chiefly Irish Slang: and Vulgar. using the following description "a mean and contemptible person, especially a braggart. a stupid and incompetent person"... However I still do like Wee Nonce Troll McTrollface... but if the cap fits Biffa you should wear it...

Merry Christmas you filthy Animal and a Happy new Year...


Nurse cancel the Savlon am okay now...

Mr Courtney

For all those who are of a more cheerful disposition and for all the kind comment made thank you very much

Have a very safe and Happy Christmas and an equally safe but brilliant New Year


So will you not be attending John?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and the family.

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12 minutes ago, MrP said:

Team is definitely stronger than last years team. Then again your a Poole fan and Poole fans are always right.

Suppose it depends on how BWD, Congreve and Complin get on. Would expect much of the same from the other four, maybe slight improvement.  Does look a bit risky tho. :t:

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1 hour ago, Diamonds85 said:


What does everyone think the lineup order will be? I would go for personally

1. Bradley Wilson Dean (Outside line rider)

2. Max Clegg (Inside line rider)

3. Paul Starke (Inside line rider)

4. Lee Complin (Outside line rider - or was)

5. Matthew Wethers (Solid as a rock to ride with James and George mainly)

6. George Congreve (Bit of an unknown, but allows James at 7)

7. James Wright (Will soon be in the main body, but for who? VERY strong number 7)

Might not be the strongest team out there, but body does it look entertaining...

Switch starke & Matty round

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48 minutes ago, MrP said:

Team is definitely stronger than last years team. Then again your a Poole fan and Poole fans are always right.

Looks very weak to me. Still, happy to be proved wrong. Poole fans are always right? Mostly. But not always,  ;)

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46 minutes ago, Gaz said:

So will you not be attending John?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and the family.

No Gary not unlike you and yours a couple of year back av had enough and at present I very much think that's it... It will save me a 90 mile trek across the A69 each Sunday and I can have Sunday lunch with a few beers in Maryport...

I had a good run from 1968 to 2021 with a few gaps I might add but I have had all the enthusiasm drained from me and I dont need the hassle...

36 minutes ago, ruffdiamond said:

Suppose it depends on how BWD, Congreve and Complin get on. Would expect much of the same from the other four, maybe slight improvement.  Does look a bit risky tho. :t:

Ruff I haven't commented on this Team but what I will remind folk of is this...  in 2018 Workington were written off before a wheel was turned and the main comment was that the team were stiched on for the Wooden Spoon... and look what happened... H18tory as our Cumbrian bretheren like to point out... I still have the Bumper Edition of the Speedway Star for the start of that year and no one gave them a chance...

Weak team on paper... so what... it ain't the paper that gets the results... a result is a 46 - 44 win and are 6 members of that team capable of a 7ish average with the reserve coming in on a 4... it's not beyond the realm of possibilities for me...

There is a great deal to be said for strength in depth... get on the BSPL web site and check the teams and the averages in the Archive section for that 2018 season... young Kyle didnt break a 2 avaverage I think... it's a big ask but it is doable.... and it depends on loads of factors...



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25 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

No Gary not unlike you and yours a couple of year back av had enough and at present I very much think that's it... It will save me a 90 mile trek across the A69 each Sunday and I can have Sunday lunch with a few beers in Maryport...

I had a good run from 1968 to 2021 with a few gaps I might add but I have had all the enthusiasm drained from me and I dont need the hassle...

Ruff I haven't commented on this Team but what I will remind folk of is this...  in 2018 Workington were written off before a wheel was turned and the main comment was that the team were stiched on for the Wooden Spoon... and look what happened... H18tory as our Cumbrian bretheren like to point out... I still have the Bumper Edition of the Speedway Star for the start of that year and no one gave them a chance...

Weak team on paper... so what... it ain't the paper that gets the results... a result is a 46 - 44 win and are 6 members of that team capable of a 7ish average with the reserve coming in on a 4... it's not beyond the realm of possibilities for me...

There is a great deal to be said for strength in depth... get on the BSPL web site and check the teams and the averages in the Archive section for that 2018 season... young Kyle didnt break a 2 avaverage I think... it's a big ask but it is doable.... and it depends on loads of factors...



That is a shame as Newcastle Speedway needs all the supporters through the turnstiles.

Edited by soupy
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5 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Aaaaaarrrrrrgh ow ow ow eya eya eya the burn... the BURN... NURSE NURSE Get the Savlon... quick...

Although Christmas is one of our busiest periods I cant let this go now can I and as busy as I am I will dignify you with a reply... Honestly... and after all it is Christmas Time... Peace on Earth and good will to all men and all that or in your case "Peese on You"

Well now @Wee Eck is that really the best you can come up with... the sparkling wit and repartee of Wee Nonce Troll McTrollface states... that not only am I a waste of space but the biggest one that walks on the earth.. wow I'm hurt... really hurt... I mean "cut me do I not bleed" which as a saying from the Merchant of Venice will probably be wasted on a moron like your good self... although the meaning and context of using that statement is most apt in this situation...  “In sooth, I know not why I am so sad.” “Let me play the fool.” “If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces.” Brilliant eh? old Shakespeare could turn a phrase mind like eh... now that's a burn Eck... Whoosh...

So you do a little digging to find out that in fact it is true on the VAT fiddle Johnnie English and the previous shower had been tarnished with was correct... but because you didn't believe what you were told you still persist in pushing your own little agenda against Rob Grant and Newcastle and that it is a fact that the previous Promotion left Rob Grant with "a debt to HMRC of £158,048"  as you have since confirmed yourself... but that's the best you can come back with as a slight to my good self... well I am disappointed... just to expand on that point where do you think I get my information from... think now... not to hard cos straining like that might cause you to poop your pants... yes that's right the same place you have been trolling on the internet... however I used to get my information cross checked and authorised for posting by... go on... Think again... no? The Promotion... yep that's right before I put anything contentious on here it was vetted and checked for its accuracy by none other than the New Newcastle Promotion... If you are going to be a Troll Eck at least get your facts right and don't post details yourself that prove you are talking complete and utter Crepe as it takes the fun out of correcting you.... what are you doing? marking your own homework? what a Gobsh!te...

Now where I am happy for you to have an opinion... don't try and qualify "your opinion" by saying that "your opinion" is "shared by many I know" because that is like all of your posts... just another made up sentence, an outright lie; something to try and add weight to a non-existent argument... you may wish to add on the end that "we've got a garden" "my brothers 21" and the other old classic "your dad is bigger than my dad" however coming back to my dad is bigger than your dad... I just wish my dad had of been gay because I would have loved to have had a gay dad. So when you do say, my dad's bigger than your dad, my dad will batter your dad! so what? my dad will shag your dad. and your dad will enjoy it. (and so would you Eck I am guessing) (Plagiarised from the brilliant Frankie Boyle)(you looking for the Savlon yet Eck)

Now to be fair to be called the "biggest waste of space that walks the earth" is rather hurtful after all I do for charity through my business and for all the cash I have injected into Speedway over many years and especially when you see some of these Politicians and the Anti Vax brigade... wow... now that's what I would call a waste of space... however all I can say is there's not an emoji to express my heartfelt sorrow... but to be fair it is one of the cleanest insults I have had for a long while so thanks for that and it isn't as bad as being called a "Roger Hunt" or "Merchant Banker" that you must have been called on numerous occasions... and just to digress the one I dislike the most is the "illegitimate" word which brings your parentage into disrepute as I can confirm that I knew my father and both he and my mother were married and I was both conceived and born in wedlock... unlike you I would suggest... who is best described as "a file having teeth of a grade next finer than coarse" (bit of Google research needed for you there Mr Troll McTrollface just to keep it interesting so search on the line between the quotation marks).

Negativity and Ignorance? well are you talking about yourself here as 1. I don't have a negative bone in my body and 2. how can you refer to someone who quotes famous Bards and refers to subjects in Latin as Ignorant; I try to educate morons like you on here and raise the tone and I certainly don't Troll the B'Jesus out of posters on here when there is a subject I disagree with and to be "Totally Honest" I have been known (sometimes) to put a long winded reply on here now and then (once or twice maybe)  however I try to interject that with humour; fun facts and the truth; and as a Libertarian I don't believe in keeping secrets... or am I reading to much into your comments and that you consider me of having "Negative Ignorance" which is in fact a compliment as today Ignorance is actually a cool concept and more complicated than people like to ponder. For Example "As someone who grew up in a city I had negative ignorance of how to drive a tractor. My country spouse had negative ignorance about navigating public transportation. Both of us overcame those. Had I chosen to refuse to learn how to drive the tractor after I lived on a farm and had one that would have become privative ignorance. As in, I had the option, and wherewithal, to gather the information and I chose not to. Negative ignorance is when someone should not be reasonably blamed for not knowing something. however thinking about that... you are surely describing yourself in this instance you moron...

So in your knowledgeable; expert; smart ass; wise cracking; snide opinion "Newcastle speedway is far better off since you were given the bum’s rush by its owner" well let me answer that little one liner and I will come back to the "apparently" at the end... You are using words which I doubt you have any idea of there context or meaning. Bum's Rush or "the bum's rush" is what would happen if a vagrant entered a saloon, hoping to take advantage of "the sometimes sumptuous free lunch counters, which were meant for drinkers only." The freeloader would be forcibly removed from the premises. Now are you suggesting for one minute that I am a "Freeloader" the man who with his pal funded the bar at Brough (for many a year)... I spent between £150 to £250 quid on food and drink every meeting last season at Brough as did my old pal Doug Lawson; both of us always happy to buy a pint (or drink of choice) and that was for anyone not just the mob I was socialising with... furthermore £4500 direct to the club and its riders last season... The promotion have put out already that they are looking for sponsors for riders to support them and if last year was to be repeated the club have lost that £3000 of direct support and the additional £1500 quid that went into last years riders so I would suggest it is the other way round and that I have given the club the "Bums Rush" rather than how you have tried to interpret it you illiterate moron... of course you could always take over this mantle if you wish and you put your money where your mouth is you Gobsh!te (and I will come back to this word later if I may)...

Now what I will add is... that unlike the previous promotion who you so dearly loved and have supported on here with vim and vigour.. and with a pack of made up lies and fabrications of epic proportions; Rob Grant has always been straight and honest with me in the past unlike the clandestine meetings I had with the former lot in the Costa Coffee opposite Newcastle Civic Centre in town or the M&S Café on the Silverlink...  When they would "Pee up your leg and try and tell you it was raining" Rob has a good team behind him now and yes we had a disagreement and he has a new substantial backer who will input far more capital than I ever would so even the full sponsorship pot that was available from my company will be well covered by his new main sponsor and after our little "tet  a tet" and a meeting last week with Dave Tinning I have chosen (me) to step back (my choice); and if someone gave you 5 grand a year for free would you be better off... no you would give them the Bums Rush... PMSL what a half wit...

Apparently!!! another word you slip in as a cover all at the end to try and support your comments... which proves you are talking complete and utter Crepe and trying to qualify the tripe you have penned with "Apparently"...  The definition of Apparently is as follows "You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true"... or in your case spouting a "factual inexactitude" as ever. You make stuff up and qualify it as heard from a source Apparently... is that a Red or a Brown Source (sauce lol get it) (never mind here is another subtle interlude that you wont get 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M&ab_channel=CoooLverstukas )

Which brings me finally onto "Gobsh!te" which describes you to a Tee @Wee Eck used as a noun Chiefly Irish Slang: and Vulgar. using the following description "a mean and contemptible person, especially a braggart. a stupid and incompetent person"... However I still do like Wee Nonce Troll McTrollface... but if the cap fits Biffa you should wear it...

Merry Christmas you filthy Animal and a Happy new Year...


Nurse cancel the Savlon am okay now...

Mr Courtney

For all those who are of a more cheerful disposition and for all the kind comment made thank you very much

Have a very safe and Happy Christmas and an equally safe but brilliant New Year


This has to be the best post this forum has ever had. I would like to have a pint with you one day. At Brough hopefully.

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