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Newcastle Diamonds vs Poole + Plymouth Sun 8 Aug 4pm

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8 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Honestly Ian

Being a former chauffeur to Mr English in the past I am sure you were told information that differed wildly from the press release and that the official comments and that those press releases were no where near the truth and lets say what was actually put out was more diplomatic and a little bit sanitised than the true events of what went on and I may get a wrist slapping for this but hey ho...

So here it is as far as I know... from the start of the season and over the last two months or so (and from Matty getting injured) the club have tried for Kenneth and Lasse Bjerre; Ludvig Lingren and Claus again (twice) also Rene Bach and we have even asked about trying to get Kenni Larsen's licence back but all to no avail... also when the Visa issues started with Claus feelers were put out to Martin Smolinski and Adam Skornicki; certain avenues were explored and even UK access sponsorship and Elite Sports Person's visas were looked into for all these riders. There were also three other riders two Danes and one Swede who were approached but ruled out coming to Newcastle from the start and these contacts were not taken any further.

We had to all intents and purposes Troy Batch signed on as we believed we were the only side in the league who could fit him in then Kent got the jump on us so that went out of the window and we have also tried Rohan Tungate; Brady Kurtz and Luke Bekker and finally Dan Bewley and Dan was the only one we got near to be fair but his Polish team are in the play offs and he couldn't afford a Mickey Mouse injury at Brough jeopardising those play off finals especially with what his Polish team has invested in him so that stopped him...

Ellis Perks; Bradley Wilson Dean; Josh Auty and Josh Bates are amongst others who the promotion have talked to...

Wages and travel costs have never ever in any of the guys mentioned above been an issue... Work permits; Visas; Sunday racing and Poland were all the primary issue for the foreign riders and as far as the riders already here their issues have been as stated above or different again on personal grounds... 

That's SEVENTEEN riders they have tried to bring in that I know about and there have been others on top of those named above... However the club now being run by consummate professionals would never reveal such things would they; however me being a "Merchant Banker" who doesn't give a "Rats Behind" and is too big to hit... well... there you go...

I can also confirm that the riders wages are all up to date and riders are paid according to contract and they get everything they are entitled to... any issues are resolved immediately and the promotion are having to re-build the clubs reputation with regards to this matter following on from the mess that the previous shower left and those same people who although used to cry foul when other clubs were slow paying riders proved to be just as bad and if not worse than the worst of them carrying out the same practice with riders still owed monies at the start of the next season... So your belief Ian that wages and costs are the issue are wrong... Totally Wrong...


Oops I forgot one make that EIGHTEEN as another one they got quite a way down the "contract talks" track with was Hans Andersen however another one who cited that Sunday and Poland was a problem... not the offer...

Makes you wonder what Peter Kildemand and Rasmus Jensen are up to...? Not sure of Peter's Polish commitments, I know Rasmus rides for Gdansk (I think) Dunno how Gdansk are looking for playoffs? BUT Rasmus has ridden in the uk recently, so surely a visa could be sorted relatively easily?

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On 8/11/2021 at 3:07 PM, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Oops I forgot one make that EIGHTEEN as another one they got quite a way down the "contract talks" track with was Hans Andersen however another one who cited that Sunday and Poland was a problem... not the offer...

So basically we're saying that even if any Newcastle Promoter was mega wealthy and could afford to run a loss making business they still couldn't attract a competitive team. Unless they moved race nights from a Sunday.  Which doesn't seem to be an option either.

And you can't run a team at a lower level because (apart from it only having a handful of fixtures) the crowd levels wouldn't cover the stadium rental.

Sounds like we know where to find the writing..........

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1 hour ago, enotian said:

So basically we're saying that even if any Newcastle Promoter was mega wealthy and could afford to run a loss making business they still couldn't attract a competitive team. Unless they moved race nights from a Sunday.  Which doesn't seem to be an option either.

And you can't run a team at a lower level because (apart from it only having a handful of fixtures) the crowd levels wouldn't cover the stadium rental.

Sounds like we know where to find the writing..........

Partially correct...

As a club Sunday does us no favours whatsoever... however even with or without a mega wealthy promoter there are British riders who don't ride in Poland and we can target those.... 

Remember we started on the back foot two year back when the team building process started and hopefully when Rob decides to run next year he gets his calls in early for the riders he wants...

Sunday's aren't bad now I would suggest for riders who want to remain in the UK especially if they start to get Jobs and start to run semi-proffesional which could change the dynamics...




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4 hours ago, PirateShip said:

Isn't a change of race day possible for Newcastle? But with Edinburgh, Glasgow & Berwick having a say on the weekend I think I've answered my own question. 


32 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

No... dog track rules...



Dogs on Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat,,, leaving Sun or Mon. Premiership Monday, with possibly less fans and staff to get the meeting on.

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On 8/11/2021 at 8:13 PM, lisa-colette said:

Only cos if I think I'm right I won't let it go. So be prepared for other posts depending on what Zaney Waney compared to Benjamin Brasso does next!! :D

That's def. a female thing :D

I wasn't comparing ZK to anyone initially, but you picked up on Bickers because he raced at No. 2 the first meeting after ZK was ousted.  I just ran with it 'cos I could :lol:

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7 minutes ago, chris4gillian said:

That's def. a female thing :D

I wasn't comparing ZK to anyone initially, but you picked up on Bickers because he raced at No. 2 the first meeting after ZK was ousted.  I just ran with it 'cos I could :lol:

i would let her get on with it she is happy :party::party:

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1 hour ago, lisa-colette said:

Dogs on five days!! That's excessive, must be popular in Newcastle!

Bags meetings televised live into every bookies in the country and many abroad... The greyhounds are very profitable for ARC Racing.... 

Certainly more profitable than a Speedway meeting although at this double header the Bar takings were quadrupled and it was the highest bar take in over 12 years...

So I would suggest that the Speedway isn't a total loss for the stadium owners... Rent and beer must cover their staff costs...


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25 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Bags meetings televised live into every bookies in the country and many abroad... The greyhounds are very profitable for ARC Racing.... 

Certainly more profitable than a Speedway meeting although at this double header the Bar takings were quadrupled and it was the highest bar take in over 12 years...

So I would suggest that the Speedway isn't a total loss for the stadium owners... Rent and beer must cover their staff costs...


Just a shame rob doesnt get a share off the bar? U must have been thristy john:rofl:

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2 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Bags meetings televised live into every bookies in the country and many abroad... The greyhounds are very profitable for ARC Racing.... 

Certainly more profitable than a Speedway meeting although at this double header the Bar takings were quadrupled and it was the highest bar take in over 12 years...

So I would suggest that the Speedway isn't a total loss for the stadium owners... Rent and beer must cover their staff costs...


That makes sense. Poole had the dogs 3 nights and I thought that was a lot. Obv not!!

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