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Newcastle Diamonds 2021

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Hi everyone - I'm new to this forum but first started watching the Diamonds in 1964 and have been a fairly consistent supporter at home and (very occasionally) away ever since. Not sure I quite qualify as one of the 350 hard-core die-hards but I'm solidly in the next category down.  My working life was entirely in finance so I did think that I might be able to contribute in that context - however I listened with great interest to THJ talking in the bar after the match on sunday (I was the tall balding bloke at the back) and quickly realised that my knowledge of the cash flows associated with a typical speedway meeting/season/track build is  negligible. I do want to offer some opinions  however so will keep them fairly general.

Every decent business plan/forecast/budget  has to major on how great the product or service in question and how much appeal it has and how much revenue it can generate. In our case that means the quality of the racing and the quality of the viewing experience.  A strong winning team would be a nice addition (altho  maybe less important because it can actually be counter-productive for home meetings).  So it's about racing and viewing and whilst ,like everyone else, I have had some great nights at Brough Park and have some great memories, I do not believe that our old track is capable in this day and age of providing either. The issues were set out very eloquently  in a post on this forum a couple of days ago (sorry I haven't done a link)  and I'm not sure I can better that - but in summary the deal with ARC is too expensive and inflexible and the track is too far away and the wrong shape entirely for modern speedway. So whilst there has been much well-informed discussion about how a new venture might be financed and what the legal structure might be,  I believe all of this is secondary to the issue of finding a new location and track where the racing and viewing is great.  That stands a chance of getting crowds above a break-even figure and not just appealing to the 350 and a few extras like me.  It simply will not grow and prosper if it's just for the hard-core support - despite all of their fantastic goodwill and indeed monetary support.  In that context I have to offer the unpopular (and regrettable) view that NL racing on it's own is a non-starter (or is at least struggling to beat the two minutes....).

All of you folks above a certain age (unspecified..) will have visited Berwick's track  Berrington Lough back in the day. Not without it's flaws obviously (eg way too tight) and ultimately not successful but I simply cannot get out of my head the prospect of  a venue out of town for the Diamonds which is great for families to visit at 4pm on sunday afternoons in the summer.  A great area to watch what goes on in the pits and engage with the riders, great racing (with at least two lines, some dirt and maybe banking), top notch grub and drink from Rob ( all revenue staying within the club?), sideline attractions for the kids, trade stands for the adults - all of Rob's initial vision. Sadly Covid, Brough Park, the handover and a few people letting him down made it all impracticable this year but the dream can be revived I believe.  We have firstly  to find and promote a potential venue which ticks all of the right boxes first of all to get individuals, sponsors and grant-awarding bodies etc really enthused and promising hard cash. Then  we start the debate about the legal vehicle to use and how it's structured and all of the other stuff which the forum has touched on. I don't relish the prospect of a year out of course but that may be the inevitable consequence of a move.

A few specific venues have been mentioned - eg Seaton Burn, Gypsies Green etc - and I have to say I can add nothing to the debate about them specifically. It is vital however that we focus first on the pro's and con's of each prospective new venue and allow the business plan and finance-raising to flow from there.  Location,location.... yeah you know the rest.  This might have also have the side benefit of eliminating all the arguing about the past - water under the bridge and a waste of everyone's energy and time.  There is still great enthusiasm and knowledge to be tapped into. As an aside I had a chat with Rob long before the season started and he mentioned to me two possible venues - neither of them has been has been referred to on this or any other forum (as far as I know) and as it was in confidence I'm not about to disclose anything.  I would be interested to know if they are still options or were knocked on the head for whatever reason. So if you read this Rob - would be interested in an update please. And please stop blaming yourself entirely for what has happened - you had the ultimate baptism of fire as a speedway promoter and came damn close to making it work. A massive effort which was greatly appreciated.

Just as a footnote (are you still reading this?!! is there nowt on the telly? Sorry to drone on and on.....) I keep referring only to a new track.  Not a new stadium or grandstand or owt fancy - just gimme somewhere to stand to see great racing (did I mention that?) and a decent team with Max and Connor and a genuine No.1  in it and I'm there.  Hope springs eternal. 


John T

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Well that's saved me booking a room at the South Gosforth Club and an awful lot of fans having to put their hands in their pockets...

Thanks to all those who offered to help and it still may be worth having those discussions...

Brilliant news and let's see where we go with it from here... always said the best bloke was in the job...



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8 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well that's saved me booking a room at the South Gosforth Club and an awful lot of fans having to put their hands in their pockets...

Thanks to all those who offered to help and it still may be worth having those discussions...

Brilliant news and let's see where we go with it from here... always said the best bloke was in the job...



So do we have to call you Co promoter or is it someone else lol

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14 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well that's saved me booking a room at the South Gosforth Club and an awful lot of fans having to put their hands in their pockets...

I think an informal celebratory social at South Gosforth club would be a good idea. 

They serve a belting pint of Moretti (although I see THJ's on the San Miguel just now).

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