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Newcastle Diamonds 2021

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16 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

I knew what Redcar cost as it has been quoted many times previous and it was your persistent assertations that a track couldn't be pulled together for 150k which were totally wide of the mark... and it was you who asked what was spent on Duns and I will guarantee you expected a larger outlay and there are nothing theoretical about my figures as one of my roles is to set up and run sites for various construction projects and has been for many years. 



Now there you go again, making assumptions and being rude to anyone who dares question your intimate knowledge. 
For the record, knowing what Duns consists of, a small oval with no services, facilities or air fence, I’m astonished at the figure of £70,000. I thought it would be far less. If that’s “all” you get for £70k, in my view, you’ve no chance, starting from scratch, of getting a full sized and fully licensed professional circuit for £150,000. 
It is also my opinion that what is needed at Newcastle is a local promotion, made up of people who know something about how to run a speedway business, who can work to bring back a quality team to the current venue. The 2021 Diamonds were built down to a price and the supporters knew that from the start. 

Edited by Wee Eck
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It's all well and good saying this... But who in their right mind is gonna take over to be the new promoter??? This is the final few weeks for the Diamonds, I just hope to god that everyone turns out in force to show everyone associated with the club just how loved they were and how massive of a loss the club is going to be... We need crowds like the Poole/Plymouth double header, aye it's way too late, but let's just do it!!

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this is my second and last post on  this forum or any other  . I can tell you now having been very heavily   involved in building a new stadium ,even with basic amenities which includes toilets and a  tempary stand you are talking about  850K. And that's with help from many volunteer's 

So don't imagine for one minuet  you can  build one for150k   .


Edited by hurriken1
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4 hours ago, Wee Eck said:

Now there you go again, making assumptions and being rude to anyone who dares question your intimate knowledge. 
For the record, knowing what Duns consists of, a small oval with no services, facilities or air fence, I’m astonished at the figure of £70,000. I thought it would be far less. If that’s “all” you get for £70k, in my view, you’ve no chance, starting from scratch, of getting a full sized and fully licensed professional circuit for £150,000. 
It is also my opinion that what is needed at Newcastle is a local promotion, made up of people who know something about how to run a speedway business, who can work to bring back a quality team to the current venue. The 2021 Diamonds were built down to a price and the supporters knew that from the start. 

Wow I'm surprised your considered response came back so quick this time... only 17 hours!!!.... take some iced green tea  or a pint of cranberry juice for the boiling sensation in the bladder....

Whats the obsession with quoting professional all the time what's the point you are trying to make... and what type of licences are you banging on about a racing and track licence or an alcohol licence because neither are any stumbling block... you are just a little troll having a pop all the time... move over Nick Negative here's @Wee Eck... you can't stand it when your whole outlook or your "opinion" is blown out of the water... it's okay having an opinion based on facts but if you are just going to make pony up you need to be re-thinking your approach... facts always trump opinions every time... especially made up ones...

Here's another fact to dispel your opinion how local do you think Rob Grant is? His family home where he grew up is 9 mile away from Brough Park and he has lived and was schooled in a suburb of Newcastle all his life... and raced for his local club...  So how much more local do you want? A caravan in Brough Park car park? And between him and Dave Tattum they know how to run a speedway business you condescending tool...

The current venue runs on one year leases by ARC racing and it will take a very specialised promoter who will be able to make that pay especially on crowds of 3/400... oh so I don't know let's say an ex-Speedway rider who can maximise profits through maybe something like erm... let's think...  running his own food venue at the spot and generating supplementary revenue streams... something the owners of Brough have always blocked in the past by the way... now who fits that bill... no prizes for guessing who best fits the bill that's for sure.... too easy... or... or... here's an idea if we could only encourage a rich pair of brothers who have unlimited funds and a fantastic business who could underwrite all the losses under the cover of supporting the local community with a Corporate Social Responsibility wrapper... any guesses or an opinion on who I could be referring to there then eck? 

Now don't think too hard cos you might pop a blood vessel and I wouldn't want that on my conscience as once again you are wrong...yep you're wrong again... yes... that's right... wrong... as of course I'm thinking of the Ruben Brothers.... Yep if they can afford to buy a football team and half the town centre for entertainment venues they will have cash to spare... so who did you think I meant eck... let's have your opinion please...

The 2021 Diamonds were built from the 2019 Diamonds that Rob Grant inherited from a fantastic professional promotion who had a £20/£25k start each season in the bank because they neglected to pay their VAT commitment... but that will be okay to you because they were Professional like eh?

Oh and the other thing you need to support your wrong opinion is a good memory... or at least to have an opinion that holds water... now all Newcastle fans know the situation with regard to the team because it has been run through many times to explain the selections/changes... however if Glasgow hadn't threatened to sue every one back in 19/20 wanting to retain their original team and not lower the team build points average (and supported by Eastbourne) and have teams re-declare the Newcastle team would have looked much different... but those Professional promotions who took a selfish approach to look after themselves and built to what they perceived as strong as a team as possible stopped any realignment of teams to share out what assets there were availanle to the detriment of another club will in your opinion be okay... and we all know where Eastie have ended up in that little exercise... also if the Rising Star process hadn't been implemented Newcastle would have had a much stronger bottom end even without the redeclaration exercise taking place... but a rider who they had been promised would be a 3 star rider ended up a 4 star and had to be dropped from the team but never mind our Professional promotion just rode with the blows and got on with it... and Newcastle were further weakened...

However the Promotion never built the team "down to a price" as you so eloquently put... and here is my opinion we have a Professional promotion who have done their utmost to keep the sport alive at Brough Park and many factors have worked against them from many corners but Rob has still kept his sence of humour in the face of adversity and if he does walk he can hold his head high because hes done things right and propper and gave the thing 100% of his time and effort...

So get ya thinking cap on eck and al wait another 17 hours or so for you to concoct your opinionated drivell and have a snide pop at something that is on the brink of being lost forever... but hey ho one less team for your lot the screw over eh... it's great giving an opinion when you know Jack about the facts... must be great living in a little dream world...



Edited by TotallyHonestJohn
Missed out word
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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Wow I'm surprised your considered response came back so quick this time... only 17 hours!!!.... take some iced green tea  or a pint of cranberry juice for the boiling sensation in the bladder....

Whats the obsession with quoting professional all the time what's the point you are trying to make... and what type of licences are you banging on about a racing and track licence or an alcohol licence because neither are any stumbling block... you are just a little troll having a pop all the time... move over Nick Negative here's @Wee Eck... you can't stand it when your whole outlook or your "opinion" is blown out of the water... it's okay having an opinion based on facts but if you are just going to make pony up you need to be re-thinking your approach... facts always trump opinions every time... especially made up ones...

Here's another fact to dispel your opinion how local do you think Rob Grant is? His family home where he grew up is 9 mile away from Brough Park and he has lived and was schooled in a suburb of Newcastle all his life... and raced for his local club...  So how much more local do you want? A caravan in Brough Park car park? And between him and Dave Tattum they know how to run a speedway business you condescending tool...

The current venue runs on one year leases by ARC racing and it will take a very specialised promoter who will be able to make that pay especially on crowds of 3/400... oh so I don't know let's say an ex-Speedway rider who can maximise profits through maybe something like erm... let's think...  running his own food venue at the spot and generating supplementary revenue streams... something the owners of Brough have always blocked in the past by the way... now who fits that bill... no prizes for guessing who best fits the bill that's for sure.... too easy... or... or... here's an idea if we could only encourage a rich pair of brothers who have unlimited funds and a fantastic business who could underwrite all the losses under the cover of supporting the local community with a Corporate Social Responsibility wrapper... any guesses or an opinion on who I could be referring to there then eck? 

Now don't think too hard cos you might pop a blood vessel and I wouldn't want that on my conscience as once again you are wrong...yep you're wrong again... yes... that's right... wrong... as of course I'm thinking of the Ruben Brothers.... Yep if they can afford to buy a football team and half the town centre for entertainment venues they will have cash to spare... so who did you think I meant eck... let's have your opinion please...

The 2021 Diamonds were built from the 2019 Diamonds that Rob Grant inherited from a fantastic professional promotion who had a £20/£25k start each season in the bank because they neglected to pay their VAT commitment... but that will be okay to you because they were Professional like eh?

Oh and the other thing you need to support your wrong opinion is a good memory... or at least to have an opinion that holds water... now all Newcastle fans know the situation with regard to the team because it has been run through many times to explain the selections/changes... however if Glasgow hadn't threatened to sue every one back in 19/20 wanting to retain their original team and not lower the team build points average (and supported by Eastbourne) and have teams re-declare the Newcastle team would have looked much different... but those Professional promotions who took a selfish approach to look after themselves and built to what they perceived as strong as a team as possible stopped any realignment of teams to share out what assets there were availanle to the detriment of another club will in your opinion be okay... and we all know where Eastie have ended up in that little exercise... also if the Rising Star process hadn't been implemented Newcastle would have had a much stronger bottom end even without the redeclaration exercise taking place... but a rider who they had been promised would be a 3 star rider ended up a 4 star and had to be dropped from the team but never mind our Professional promotion just rode with the blows and got on with it... and Newcastle were further weakened...

However the Promotion never built the team "down to a price" as you so eloquently put... and here is my opinion we have a Professional promotion who have done their utmost to keep the sport alive at Brough Park and many factors have worked against them from many corners but Rob has still kept his sence of humour in the face of adversity and if he does walk he can hold his head high because hes done things right and propper and gave the thing 100% of his time and effort...

So get ya thinking cap on eck and al wait another 17 hours or so for you to concoct your opinionated drivell and have a snide pop at something that is on the brink of being lost forever... but hey ho one less team for your lot the screw over eh... it's great giving an opinion when you know Jack about the facts... must be great living in a little dream world...



I seem to recall a figure of £100,000 to 'MOVE' Newcastle Speedway to a better/different place. In you're valued opinion, does that number sound realistic and, is that the sort of money that needs to be invested to keep the Diamonds alive?

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1 hour ago, ruffdiamond said:

I seem to recall a figure of £100,000 to 'MOVE' Newcastle Speedway to a better/different place. In you're valued opinion, does that number sound realistic and, is that the sort of money that needs to be invested to keep the Diamonds alive?

Ruff no one in their right mind would keep this alive or move it unless they were flush and had money to throw at a folly... the returns are none existent... if it was a grand a hundred grand or a million quid... how do you make your money back... 

It would take someone with very deep pockets and a mountain of time on their hands to run and operate Speedway in Newcastle that is why someone like Rob was the ideal promoter at any venue let alone Brough.... so as much as anywhere can be developed at a cost the question has to be who would where could you and why would they....

Gypsies Green at Shields has been mentioned and I had a chat about it today and a local Multi Millionaire tried to buy it to put the local football team in and he was going to invest millions in the place and was knocked back... but let's say the council has a rush of blood and hands over a ready made stadium and all you need to do is drop in a track and say additional floodlighting and a few other bits and pieces for a "Professional" track and set up as our friend likes to say... then yes 100k is a realistic figure... 12 to 18 acres of flat scrub land from a flat start you could do a lot of damage with 100k... but how do you get a return or are you not bothered and prepared to write off that initial outlay in the first instance... needs one passionate fan to do that...

I would love for someone to come in and take it on but in the current environment we find ourselves in and under the current set up there is just too much going against it to be viable.... even if you could guarentee to break even would be a start... if the place was getting double the numbers through the door they are now then it would be worth saving... but unless Rob can be talked back round there isn't a wall with people sitting on it queing up to buy the spot... unfortunately...



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7 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Ruff no one in their right mind would keep this alive or move it unless they were flush and had money to throw at a folly... the returns are none existent... if it was a grand a hundred grand or a million quid... how do you make your money back... 

It would take someone with very deep pockets and a mountain of time on their hands to run and operate Speedway in Newcastle that is why someone like Rob was the ideal promoter at any venue let alone Brough.... so as much as anywhere can be developed at a cost the question has to be who would where could you and why would they....

Gypsies Green at Shields has been mentioned and I had a chat about it today and a local Multi Millionaire tried to buy it to put the local football team in and he was going to invest millions in the place and was knocked back... but let's say the council has a rush of blood and hands over a ready made stadium and all you need to do is drop in a track and say additional floodlighting and a few other bits and pieces for a "Professional" track and set up as our friend likes to say... then yes 100k is a realistic figure... 12 to 18 acres of flat scrub land from a flat start you could do a lot of damage with 100k... but how do you get a return or are you not bothered and prepared to write off that initial outlay in the first instance... needs one passionate fan to do that...

I would love for someone to come in and take it on but in the current environment we find ourselves in and under the current set up there is just too much going against it to be viable.... even if you could guarentee to break even would be a start... if the place was getting double the numbers through the door they are now then it would be worth saving... but unless Rob can be talked back round there isn't a wall with people sitting on it queing up to buy the spot... unfortunately...



It's a shame it's not run by the government, cos they're great at throwing daft money away? ;)

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On 9/8/2021 at 5:03 PM, Justgotmecpc said:

I'm not saying it's a definite but from what I've hord there may be a saviour out there for the diamonds but it could all be garbage just as our prime minister with dodgy hair spouts out

Gone a bit quiet was it Garbage?

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8 hours ago, proud panther said:

If there is a potential saviour for next season, getting a huge crowd for the next meeting would possibly help him make a decision. If not, it would help Rob Grant lose a bit less. 


The crowd doesnt need to be huge and anything over 650 will make Rob think again IMHO... and 750 or 850 would definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons that is for sure and would surely give him food for thought.... so spot on with your comment and if the fans want to keep the thing alive all they have to do is turn up... easy as that...



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4 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Brilliant gesture and Tony Jackson (last Worky manager to win the treble) is coming over and when I offered him a ticket for free he said thanks but I would rather buy one to help the club which was another fantastic gesture... 



He looked well ( Tony Jackson last weekend at Redcar ) nice to see

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