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U-21 FINAL: BERWICK, Wednesday, October 21st

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8 hours ago, moomin man 76 said:

Kyle Bickley's reputation was built on his success as a junior, but as soon as he hit senior racing at sixteen, he hasn't been anything special.

That said in both the British U19 and U21, he has been dire.

Ultimately, he's a rider with good gear and good backing, but sadly it appears limited ability.

How wrong you are.

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I think we do a bit carried away with the view that we are 'miles behind' other nations..

In reality only Poland have a good few U21 riders of potential..

The rest, like the UK, have the odd one or two coming through..

The fact is we start to talk up these lads far too soon and then get disappointed when they feel to reach the levels 'we' have decreed they will reach..

As has been said, the worlds best no longer race over here in any numbers, so gauging truly where you are in the pecking order is very difficult, and being good domestically isn't really a measure of high actual capability for a lot of the lads..

The glide path now for young riders to become a truly 'top rider' has to be similar to the one Lambert has taken, and Bewley is following..

ie. Get yourself riding overseas as early as you can, however, to do that you need to be of a certain level which in all fairness very few British lads are at..

Lambert it was clear, (like Woffy), that at around 19 years of age, he was a genuine potentially World Class talent, Bewley at 21 still has question marks against what level he will eventually achieve, however, Dan is clearly of a level much higher than his current peer group and, as he has shown in Poland can mix it with the very best..

The rest will develop to whatever level they reach, but having two in the 'Top 20' riders in the world is pretty much the max for all Speedway nations, so Britain is doing 'OK' on that score, with Bewley starting to slowly climb the rankings from below to try and make it three..

Being at that level though is living in a very rarefied atmosphere, which the vast majority will never reach, so maybe we should lower expectations on our riders, because, as history shows from circa 1980, not too many of our lads are capable of getting there.

And the work being done at 'youth' level now isn't I would suggest to find more 'World Champs', but more in finding a good number of British riders to fill British team places, and given the way teams are structured over here you don't need to be anywhere near international level to gain one of those..



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1 hour ago, Trees said:

Hardly got the chance to race here this year!!

Yes I appreciate that but have the Poles noticed these boys have that something extra and that's why they were given the opporchancity to ride over there?


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Just out of interest does anyone know why Leon Flint was wearing, R, B, W & Y body colours while everyone else wore standard meeting issue?

Surely not psychological gamesmanship? Lol

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9 hours ago, iainb said:

It's pretty p155 poor isn't it, thankfully I've not seen most of it due to the abysmal camera work.

Glad I only "donated" a fiver... And I still feel short changed!

If that is the best level of live streaming that UK speedway can offer up it will fail completely, starting late ( due to power proble,s. if true that should have been checked well before ), Very poor camera work - follow the man in front and never show a complete race . Constant buffering on the stream delivery. The very poor meeting management where there is no urgency of any kind to get with it ( one of the reasons why UK domestic speedway is in the place it is with supporters walking away ). I will not comment on the racing ( what little of it there was ). For me it was a brave experiment of live match streaming - possibly the future of UK league racing, well it proved to be terrible VFM. My intention was that if it was a good taste of what streaming could be I would donate £10, but as it was so dire overall and came out looking very amateurish I donated £2 for "effort" in trying . 2/10 rating.

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The racing wasn’t great but that is Speedway and with this field there was always going to be processional heats.

As for the stream it left a lot to be desired but it was free with a donation and you have to feel that was the set up because it was known it wasn’t going to be perfect. I’m no expert but a couple of static cameras to switch between would have done the job better, a lot of the action was missed due to the cameraman not keeping up. 

It’s a shame we didn’t get a final heat but Bewley was a worthy winner. Along with Kemp, Rowe, Flint and Brennan (to name just a few) we clearly have some talented riders coming through. 

I appreciate the effort to get this meeting on and that as fans we had a chance to watch it. 

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9 hours ago, cinderfella said:

When you consider Bewley and Rowe have been getting good track time in Poland this year you can see how much they have improved but what does that say about the standard of British racing when our youngsters have to go abroad to race with the best and gain experience.
Gone are the days when riders wanted to come to Britain to race and compete with the best and I don't see anything changing in the near future

I think heading to the continent is the best (only) way to fulfill a riders potential nowadays, we’ve seen numerous examples of riders who have plied their trade in the UK and earned decent money from doubling up but have hit a glass ceiling developmentally and are found seriously wanting when racing abroad for GB.

The ‘best of the rest’ behind Bewley all have time on their side as they are 3-5 years behind him in age and experience so now is the time to get them on the continent at every possible opportunity on the kind of tracks where they will hopefully race in world events in the future, not circuits where there is hardly room for two riders to race side by side at full pelt and they have to shut off into the corners to get round them because the track is too narrow. I still maintain we would have had a far better meeting on a different track and the standard would have looked much different but Berwick deserve credit for holding it and getting it on. Was a dreadful spectacle though. 

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1 hour ago, waytogo28 said:

If that is the best level of live streaming that UK speedway can offer up it will fail completely, starting late ( due to power proble,s. if true that should have been checked well before ), Very poor camera work - follow the man in front and never show a complete race . Constant buffering on the stream delivery. The very poor meeting management where there is no urgency of any kind to get with it ( one of the reasons why UK domestic speedway is in the place it is with supporters walking away ). I will not comment on the racing ( what little of it there was ). For me it was a brave experiment of live match streaming - possibly the future of UK league racing, well it proved to be terrible VFM. My intention was that if it was a good taste of what streaming could be I would donate £10, but as it was so dire overall and came out looking very amateurish I donated £2 for "effort" in trying . 2/10 rating.

Seemed ok between normal heats on time? Referee seemed to push on. Usually delays between 4 8 12 16 with riders two in row

I dont imagine the electrical hold up would help either. Is there not as well a delay between Heats 20 and Semis as riders get tyre changes.

It not easy but at least credit to Berwick for giving it go for a British Championship in late October.  Track looked grippy and would catch out some less experienced around there.

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Can't understand the obsession that some fans have that young Brits should try and get a contract abroad. They then complain when riders like Woffinden  stop racing in the UK or complain when our fixtures are messed about cos riders are racing abroad. We should be pleased that Harris, Lawson, the Worralls, King, Barker and the rest prioritise the UK to earn a steady living rather than persue a contract in the grand prix circus. 

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10 hours ago, moomin man 76 said:

Kyle Bickley's reputation was built on his success as a junior, but as soon as he hit senior racing at sixteen, he hasn't been anything special.

That said in both the British U19 and U21, he has been dire.

Ultimately, he's a rider with good gear and good backing, but sadly it appears limited ability.

those remarks may come back to bite you in future years and i for one will remind you of your poor COMmEnTS , hats if i am around .


i am sure kyle had an arm injury , could be wrong tho !

Edited by jenga
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If anyone is still in any doubt as to why nobody watches Speedway in this country anymore then they only need to experience the events of last night!

Late starting, flood light failure, link for stream being switched, stream freezing multiple times, none-existent racing, poor camera work, have I missed anything..?

I managed to stick it to Heat 9, actually saw a genuine racing pass in heat 8, astounding!

At least we didn't have the ubiquitous starting tape failure, perhaps that happened once I gave up on it.  Perhaps the racing was amazing after Heat 8...

Pay what you think it's worth?  I wonder how much Berwick will pay me for managing to put up with 8 heats of it!  :D:D

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Not the greatest of meetings racing wise, heat 12 only decent race, they could have saved a lot of time by just running heat 16, which decided the outcome, Dan lucky to get  a  re-run as he was last when Kemp fell.

Let's hope Belle Vue put on a far slicker presentation, as the meeting ran at a snails pace last night, there did not seem to be any clock at the start gate, so the riders took ages to come to the tapes.

I did donate, as I had watched the meeting, but will think twice before paying to watch at Berwick again, what were the so called improvements made to the track, didn't look any different to me.

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18 minutes ago, Stoke Potter said:

Late starting, flood light failure, link for stream being switched, stream freezing multiple times, none-existent racing, poor camera work, have I missed anything..?

You forgot to mention that when they did switch streams they couldn't be bothered to tell the 1,800 people that were watching a blank screen that they had done so :o

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34 minutes ago, jenga said:

those remarks may come back to bite you in future years and i for one will remind you of your poor COMmEnTS , hats if i am around .


i am sure kyle had an arm injury , could be wrong tho !

He had an arm injury yes 

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I watched last night, I've sent them £2.50.

That's not being sarcastic just what I felt it was worth.

I paid £10 for Peter Craven having spent £13 (nearly) for British Final

I thought British Final was worth every penny.

I paid £5 for the Plymouth live stream, I thought that was worth a fair bit more but not as multi camera as BF

I think BV did an excellent job and worth it. I think Plymouth did an excellent job and worth it.

I can't and won't attack Berwick, they tried, did what they could and we saw more than we would have without it. To me it was worth £2.50 as not as good as BV or Plymouth but credit to them for trying.

It's been a nightmare season for Speedway everywhere.

Hopefully the BSPL can get a Fixture List out for all Leagues by New Year, give us something to hope for and hopefully the covid situation will allow a start of some type sooner rather than later next Spring. Lets hope we are all here to praise or moan as we see appropriate



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