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Bjarne Pedersen Wins Danish Championship

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Early last season i thought Bjarne wouldn't make the most of his potential, but boy he has certainly kicked up a few gears now. His rostrum place in the last GP has given him great confidence and he firmly believes he can mix it with the best in the World.

Congratulations Bjarne.

Not bad for a grade 'D' rider !!!!

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The oldest guy in that top 10 is 25ish? 7 of them have rode in the British Premier League, 5 of them have rode in a GP at some point and 2 others have rode in the SWC, another is a 16 year old and 9 of them are riding in the Elite League this year. Kind of makes the British scene look a bit, old? also shows we're not bringing on the youngsters at the same rate.


Well done Mads, just a shame Puk couldn't do a bit better.

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I think Nicki wont be successful in speedway like he was last year! He just had luck! Now here are better riders (Bjarne).

In GP he wont come even in top 5!

But who knows!? ;)

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Bjarne has won the Danish Championship with 14 points. Nicki Pedersen and Kenneth Bjerre had a run off for second spot after both scoring 13. Nicki won the run off to come second, Bjerre third and Hans Andersen fourth. Well done to Bjarne another great performance. :D:D

Yeah, but KB lost the toss, and had to start outside. NP did not make any fails so KB could pass even though he did put on a lot of preassure on NP.

Bjarne is the fair Champ of that competition.

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