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Corona virus

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14 minutes ago, BWitcher said:

Nice fantasy you've concocted, much like all the rest.

The debate was over the effectiveness of lockdown.

I pointed out that two viruses, influenza and Covid-19 are transmitted in the same way... one has dropped like a stone, the other has not. As such, it appears that lockdown is not the primary driver, or indeed much of a driver at all, in the fall in Covid-19 hospital admissions and deaths.

I have provided factual evidence to back this up.

You on the other hand, have provided absolutely nothing, other than the two viruses behave differently (you're now saying after transmission). As Covid, we are told, is more deadly, that in actuality only supports what I am saying further, so thanks for adding further weight to my analysis.

At this moment in time Covid-19 is pretty much insignificant as a deadly virus in the UK. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

At this moment deaths involving flu/pneumonia are 7.6 x more than deaths with Covid-19. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

At this moment in time on average only ONE person is admitted to each hospital in the UK every FOUR weeks. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Also, the people who constantly post things along the lines of "I await your obligatory 'gotta prove your wrong as I have to have the last word' posts are the ones who genuinely do want the last word'.. that's why they post that.

Now, by all means, if you wish to challenge the above, go ahead and do so. I don't moan and bleat when someone does that, but I do expect you to provide reasoning and facts to support it. Otherwise, it's meaningless.

And there it is folks...more cobblers because he cannot stand not having the last word even though he has been told I will never agree with him.

The highlighted bit made me laugh out loud.  Delusion is a wonderful thing.

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21 minutes ago, Diamondboy said:

Yep he just had too reply.

Of course he did.  Just waiting for the next one even though there is nothing to reply to on my last post.  He's probably googling 'delusion' right now to tell me how deluded I am for using the word 'delusion' :rofl:

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1 hour ago, chris4gillian said:

Of course he did.  Just waiting for the next one even though there is nothing to reply to on my last post.  He's probably googling 'delusion' right now to tell me how deluded I am for using the word 'delusion' :rofl:

Of course there is something to reply too.

You have claimed 'more cobblers'.

Do explain what is 'cobblers'. Let's here your reasoned opinion, backed up by supporting facts why my post was 'cobblers'. 

Once again, I am uninterested in 'having the last word', which is why I am inviting you to expand on your 'cobblers' statement.


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14 hours ago, iainb said:


Again, another bullet point reply so I’ll address accordingly.

I will reiterate, it’s no ones business if anyone on here is autistic or not. It’s no excuse to call someone out for it and is quite frankly disgraceful. The more you make the assumption the more you are attacking. If that’s your style, fair enough. Don’t be a hypocrite and call others out for it tho. I’m glad you get and understand why you are being called out for being hypocritical.

you can make any analogy you want, however if it’s irrelevant it’s still irrelevant. 

By suggesting you are also behaving like a 12 year old schoolgirl (your own analogy) with your responses doesn’t mean I’m in a bad mood. It just points out the glaring obvious that you are calling out someone for replying ‘like a 12 year old schoolgirl’ by replying like...... a 12 year old schoolgirl. Sometimes it’s best to accept the blame instead of deflecting it onto others. 

I understand about being personally attacked by the loss of a parent and had one sad individual actually set up a profile called ‘stevebrumsmomisdeadhaha’. Who rightly got a ban for that pathetic behaviour. I understand being attacked in that way. However like 2 others posters have replied it seems clear Bwitcher was referring to flu and not your dad. You may read it different, that said I’m now the 3rd person reading it the same way. It seems there was genuine confusion. Anyway that’s not for me to put right. 

By replying ‘see you next Tuesday’ to every one of his posts is junior school humour but again it’s quite frankly offensive as we all get what you are saying. Again if that’s your thing crack on.

The morals of calling someone on their behaviour right now is extremely astounding.

Ive no axe to grind with anyone so I’m just calling it as I see it. See it as friendly advice (which it is) plus also pointing our your behaviour and postings are gutter level at times.

see it as friendly or see it as supporting the enemy if you will it won’t make much difference to me personally..


13 hours ago, Shrub said:

I'm genuinely sorry to hear of the circumstances of your father's death ianb, however having now read the full exchanges on pages 21 and 22 it's clear that Bwitcher was referring to flu and not your father's death.

That’s the way I read it too in all honesty. 

Edited by stevebrum
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16 minutes ago, stevebrum said:

Again, another bullet point reply so I’ll address accordingly.

I will reiterate, it’s no ones business if anyone on here is autistic or not. It’s no excuse to call someone out for it and is quite frankly disgraceful. The more you make the assumption the more you are attacking. If that’s your style, fair enough. Don’t be a hypocrite and call others out for it tho. I’m glad you get and understand why you are being called out for being hypocritical.

You are a hypocrite, Crumpet77 asked me if I was mentally ill and you liked his post yet you're calling me out for asking if BWitcher was Autistic?

you can make any analogy you want, however if it’s irrelevant it’s still irrelevant. 

Stop going on about it then

By suggesting you are also behaving like a 12 year old schoolgirl (your own analogy) with your responses doesn’t mean I’m in a bad mood. It just points out the glaring obvious that you are calling out someone for replying ‘like a 12 year old schoolgirl’ by replying like...... a 12 year old schoolgirl. Sometimes it’s best to accept the blame instead of deflecting it onto others. 


I understand about being personally attacked by the loss of a parent and had one sad individual actually set up a profile called ‘stevebrumsmomisdeadhaha’. Who rightly got a ban for that pathetic behaviour. I understand being attacked in that way. However like 2 others posters have replied it seems clear Bwitcher was referring to flu and not your dad. You may read it different, that said I’m now the 3rd person reading it the same way. It seems there was genuine confusion. Anyway that’s not for me to put right. 

I don't know how you think it seems clear that BWitcher was referring to flu and not my dad when he directly referred to a post about my dad dying and not the flu. How easily you are led by what others think, it's there for all to see but no you want to believe something else... quite unbelievable

By replying ‘see you next Tuesday’ to every one of his posts is junior school humour but again it’s quite frankly offensive as we all get what you are saying. Again if that’s your thing crack on.

Is that an analogy you're making there... analogies are irrelevant, remember

The morals of calling someone on their behaviour right now is extremely astounding.

Ive no axe to grind with anyone so I’m just calling it as I see it. See it as friendly advice (which it is) plus also pointing our your behaviour and postings are gutter level at times.

With friends like you who needs enemies?

see it as friendly or see it as supporting the enemy if you will it won’t make much difference to me personally..

Ditto, at last we agree on something

That’s the way I read it too in all honesty. 


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7 hours ago, chris4gillian said:

He also has a little clique on here who tend to agree with every word he posts...I believe you have an honorary membership to this clique :P

You might think that but BWitcher’s just PMed me to say I’m definitely not part of his clique!  :D

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3 hours ago, stevebrum said:

By replying ‘see you next Tuesday’ to every one of his posts is junior school humour but again it’s quite frankly offensive as we all get what you are saying. Again if that’s your thing crack on.

I don't.  What does it mean? :blink:

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