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3 minutes ago, gustix said:




It's a great comment/response. No doubt about that. And as things appear in regard to Moderation there will in all probability to action taken!

I'm preparing myself for a stint in the cooler :drink:

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5 minutes ago, iainb said:

I'm preparing myself for a stint in the cooler :drink:

As matters stand there is nothing offensive in regard to SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY.


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2 hours ago, iainb said:

I don't think I've demanded answers of anyone... I merely asked a question, that he chose to ignore as he has every right to

I'm not assuming, I'm asking, so I can adjust my communication with them

Why would you not adjust the way you speak to somebody because of a condition they have, would you whisper to a deaf person, maybe cover your lips with your hand?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the thread is under the "Speedway News and Discussions" thread not "General Discussions"

I'll ignore your 12 year old schoolgirl question, you've quite clearly suspended your sense of humour at the moment

Not interested in the constant number swapping as I've said before, my issue is with BWitcher and his treatment of me and others

I've not attacked and never would someone for being Autistic, at the risk of repeating myself I merely asked so I could adjust the way I communicate

You have no need to ask for, seek, or need answers to whether someone is autistic or not, it’s none of your business. That’s all there is to say about it really.  To continue to call out someone and assume they are autistic is offensive. If you are assuming he is autistic (given that you said if he was you would adjust your communication) why not just do that anyway seeing as you say he is instead of trying to attack him with it? As you’ve just said ‘I’ve not attacked and never would someone for being autistic’ are you  not just not being hypocritical if that’s the case?

Your point about communicating with the deaf is irrelevant, this is a forum not face to face chit chat.

You mentioned the 12 year old schoolgirl comment, I just mentioned that yours are of a similar tone in reply. 

I don’t know the history of Bwitcher and something he apparently said about your dad. I read recent communications you’ve both quoted but I can’t see where the issue is? Maybe just quote and post it like Bwitcher has done to prove the point so it’s done and dusted.

Or just continue the 12 year old back and forth points scoring if you wish.

Points scoring by being offensive really isn’t a good trait. 

1 hour ago, dave69 said:

You are from a medical background ? I also hear a few things which are quite disturbing in Wales NHS.Akin to censorship.

I’m a nurse yes, but I fail to see the relevance?

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11 hours ago, stevebrum said:

You have no need to ask for, seek, or need answers to whether someone is autistic or not, it’s none of your business. That’s all there is to say about it really.  To continue to call out someone and assume they are autistic is offensive. If you are assuming he is autistic (given that you said if he was you would adjust your communication) why not just do that anyway seeing as you say he is instead of trying to attack him with it? As you’ve just said ‘I’ve not attacked and never would someone for being autistic’ are you  not just not being hypocritical if that’s the case?

I'm not calling him out for being Autistic, I'm calling him out for being a bully, he's displaying Autistic symptoms and that may very well be a reason for it. Again, I merely asked him if he was Autistic as I have every right to and he declined to answer as he has every right to. I'd say it is my business if I am being called names by this person and he is shamefully using the death of my Father to make a pathetic point. The only hypocrisy I see is the fact that everybody else is making this into such a issue that it ironically be seen as bullying towards BWitcher. Quite what my beef with BWitcher has to do with you or anybody else is a bit puzzling. In actual fact I was asked by Crumpet77 if I had mental health problems and you "liked" the post... I suppose that could be looked up as hypocrisy also.

Your point about communicating with the deaf is irrelevant, this is a forum not face to face chit chat.

So I can't make an analogy?

You mentioned the 12 year old schoolgirl comment, I just mentioned that yours are of a similar tone in reply.

I did it was a joke, you're obviously in a bad mood 

I don’t know the history of Bwitcher and something he apparently said about your dad. I read recent communications you’ve both quoted but I can’t see where the issue is? Maybe just quote and post it like Bwitcher has done to prove the point so it’s done and dusted.

BWitcher has posted the offensive quote already... I don't know how many times I have to repeat it until it sinks in for you

I posted "I take anybody dying from a lung disease seriously. I watched my dad die from IPF 2 years ago and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy"

He directly replied to this with "I must have missed you banging on about it in previous years. Got any quotes to share?"

I find this offensive showing a distinct lack of empathy

Or just continue the 12 year old back and forth points scoring if you wish.

There will be no more back and forth with him, I've told him I don't want him reading or replying to my posts and if he does he'll just get my standard reply

Points scoring by being offensive really isn’t a good trait. 

I'm not trying to score any points at all, I'm calling out a bully. I was brought up to stand up to and challenge bully's. If he's offended by anything that I have said then as I said before, if you live by the sword you die by the sword.

Good Night


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21 minutes ago, Shrub said:

I'm genuinely sorry to hear of the circumstances of your father's death ianb, however having now read the full exchanges on pages 21 and 22 it's clear that Bwitcher was referring to flu and not your father's death.

Having seen your post, I went back and checked that also. I do remember that now, and yes, I certainly agree that Bwitcher was referring to the flu. That also ties in with some of the comments I made a few hours ago.

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8 hours ago, Shrub said:

I'm genuinely sorry to hear of the circumstances of your father's death ianb, however having now read the full exchanges on pages 21 and 22 it's clear that Bwitcher was referring to flu and not your father's death.


7 hours ago, chunky said:

Having seen your post, I went back and checked that also. I do remember that now, and yes, I certainly agree that Bwitcher was referring to the flu. That also ties in with some of the comments I made a few hours ago.

No, No, No! I don't know why you're now trying to convince yourself of what you thought he meant, it's truly baffling... you'll be trying to tell me black is white next.

I posted : "I take anybody dying from a lung disease seriously. I watched my dad die from IPF 2 years ago and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy"

and he directly replied to that post with: "I must have missed you banging on about it in previous years. Got any quotes to share?"

He didn't reply to the previous post, or any of the other previous posts he directly replied to the post about my father dying.

He's now come up with the narrative that he may have been referring to previous posts, the fact is he didn't, he posted a direct reply about how my father died with the comments I didn't see you banging on about it.

Now if you've settled this in your own minds and are happy to back him to the hilt on what you now think he was referring to that's your choice, perhaps you think we're in a Two Ronnies skit where we're answering the previous question asked?

If indeed he was referring to a previous post, the decent thing to do would be to apologise for the offence caused by his error, and rectify his mistake by removing the post and actually replying to the message he wants you to think he meant to reply to... then we can all move on and address the issue of why he's called me (and others in the past) a cretin, stupid and an idiot and also while we're at it ask why he was obsessively baiting chris4gillian so much the other day.

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12 hours ago, Shrub said:

I noted in my post that only urgent symptomatic cases were being seen. That's not my words, that's taken from the introduction in the Lancet's article, explaining what was  happening in hospitals during lockdown. The fact remains though that the critical screening and diagnostic services did stop, failing to pick up next months, next year's cancer cases. This decision, and the catastrophic loss of life it will cause, is a disgrace, a state sanctioned death sentence for thousands for years to come.

Perhaps when you see one of your health professional friends next you should get him / her to explain virus transmission to you!

I have to say as well, on coming home from work today and catching up on the postings here, that I could hardly believe what I was reading. Bwitcher doesn't need me to defend him, he's more than capable of doing that himself, but to call him the 'C' word (again) in the same childish schoolboy manner as before, suggest he's possibly autistic - then accuse him of being a bully! The staggering hypocrisy.... 

Chunky and Stevebrum have summed the situation up perfectly in the past hour or so, I'll not add to that but agree fully with what they said.  




You're responding to the wrong poster with those comments as I have not done any of those things...I have in fact stated that I do not think BWitcher is a bully!!!


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55 minutes ago, iainb said:


No, No, No! I don't know why you're now trying to convince yourself of what you thought he meant, it's truly baffling... you'll be trying to tell me black is white next.

I posted : "I take anybody dying from a lung disease seriously. I watched my dad die from IPF 2 years ago and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy"

and he directly replied to that post with: "I must have missed you banging on about it in previous years. Got any quotes to share?"

He didn't reply to the previous post, or any of the other previous posts he directly replied to the post about my father dying.

He's now come up with the narrative that he may have been referring to previous posts, the fact is he didn't, he posted a direct reply about how my father died with the comments I didn't see you banging on about it.

Now if you've settled this in your own minds and are happy to back him to the hilt on what you now think he was referring to that's your choice, perhaps you think we're in a Two Ronnies skit where we're answering the previous question asked?

If indeed he was referring to a previous post, the decent thing to do would be to apologise for the offence caused by his error, and rectify his mistake by removing the post and actually replying to the message he wants you to think he meant to reply to... then we can all move on and address the issue of why he's called me (and others in the past) a cretin, stupid and an idiot and also while we're at it ask why he was obsessively baiting chris4gillian so much the other day.

It doesn't matter how many times you post it, you're still wrong. Selecting two posts from a running conversation is just an attempt to mislead people. As we can see, some have actually gone back and read it and can see nothing untoward was said. 

The death of your father is very sad, as is any death. I too, as indeed I'm sure is the case with  everyone on this forum, has had relations die due to contracting a virus. Unfortunately when you reach a certain stage in life or have other afflictions a virus getting into the lungs can be the tipping point.

However, the point I made then.. and I still make now is that you, nor indeed anybody else (including me after deaths) were calling for restrictions, bans on attending sport, lockdowns etc. It was simply deemed a part of life.

It's not a difficult thing to understand, but you stubbornly refuse to do so. Your choice.

As for chris4gillian. He initiated the discussion by attacking one of my posts with inaccurate information. Now, given your mantra is everybody is entitled to an opinion (which I agree with) I defended my opinion with reasoning and backed it up with evidence. Chris4gillian was asked to do the same. However, he then began to act petulantly, refusing to provide the 'evidence' he claimed he had and concocted his fantasy about not being allowed an opinion. A hypocritical fantasy I'm afraid.

Anyhow, this has now been put to bed on the other thread as it now transpires chris4gillian didn't have any evidence at all, his claims were false and he was wrong. Nothing wrong with that, life is all about learning.

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1 hour ago, DC2 said:

He hasn’t “obsessively baited” Chris4Gillian, he’s had a long debate with him on two threads.

I agree, I don't think he's done that either, but I DO think his manner and pig headedness to anyone who disagrees with his point of view or challenges anything he posts is very OTT.  He is definitely obsessed with Covid and especially Covid v Flu and spends hours and hours trawling the web finding articles and links to statistics just so he can prove (I prefer force) his opinion on anyone who's crazy enough to read it.  And he HAS to have the last word on everything....wait for it....

He also has a little clique on here who tend to agree with every word he posts...I believe you have an honorary membership to this clique :P

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31 minutes ago, BWitcher said:

As for chris4gillian. He initiated the discussion by attacking one of my posts with inaccurate information. Now, given your mantra is everybody is entitled to an opinion (which I agree with) I defended my opinion with reasoning and backed it up with evidence. Chris4gillian was asked to do the same. However, he then began to act petulantly, refusing to provide the 'evidence' he claimed he had and concocted his fantasy about not being allowed an opinion. A hypocritical fantasy I'm afraid.

Anyhow, this has now been put to bed on the other thread as it now transpires chris4gillian didn't have any evidence at all, his claims were false and he was wrong. Nothing wrong with that, life is all about learning.

Utter, utter nonsense.  I have claimed from the outset Covid and Flu are different virus' and therefore act differently in many ways.  You just continue to state time and time again that they are spread the same way (I have always said a similar way because the infection rates and the amount of exposure to each required to contract each one differs) and Flu numbers now outweigh Covid by so much that Covid is now almost insignificant.  I do not share your OPINION that Covid is nothing to be concerned about and that is why you just bang on and on and on back to me in the vain hope I will bow down to your greater OPINION.  That will never happen.

I await the obligatory 'gotta prove you wrong as I have to have the last word 'cos you're talking rubbish' response.... 

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14 minutes ago, chris4gillian said:

Utter, utter nonsense.  I have claimed from the outset Covid and Flu are different virus' and therefore act differently in many ways.  You just continue to state time and time again that they are spread the same way (I have always said a similar way because the infection rates and the amount of exposure to each required to contract each one differs) and Flu numbers now outweigh Covid by so much that Covid is now almost insignificant.  I do not share your OPINION that Covid is nothing to be concerned about and that is why you just bang on and on and on back to me in the vain hope I will bow down to your greater OPINION.  That will never happen.

I await the obligatory 'gotta prove you wrong as I have to have the last word 'cos you're talking rubbish' response.... 

Nice fantasy you've concocted, much like all the rest.

The debate was over the effectiveness of lockdown.

I pointed out that two viruses, influenza and Covid-19 are transmitted in the same way... one has dropped like a stone, the other has not. As such, it appears that lockdown is not the primary driver, or indeed much of a driver at all, in the fall in Covid-19 hospital admissions and deaths.

I have provided factual evidence to back this up.

You on the other hand, have provided absolutely nothing, other than the two viruses behave differently (you're now saying after transmission). As Covid, we are told, is more deadly, that in actuality only supports what I am saying further, so thanks for adding further weight to my analysis.

At this moment in time Covid-19 is pretty much insignificant as a deadly virus in the UK. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

At this moment deaths involving flu/pneumonia are 7.6 x more than deaths with Covid-19. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

At this moment in time on average only ONE person is admitted to each hospital in the UK every FOUR weeks. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Also, the people who constantly post things along the lines of "I await your obligatory 'gotta prove your wrong as I have to have the last word' posts are the ones who genuinely do want the last word'.. that's why they post that.

Now, by all means, if you wish to challenge the above, go ahead and do so. I don't moan and bleat when someone does that, but I do expect you to provide reasoning and facts to support it. Otherwise, it's meaningless.

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