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Corona virus

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Will all be suspended after tomorrow.

Right now, I don't think we see a 2020 british speedway season.

Poland have stopped international flights. The chaos this will cause will quite frankly, not be worth the pain.

Track availability in this country will be a huge deciding factor.

I'm heading to Scunthorpe tomorrow to get the only fix I'll be getting this year!

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10 hours ago, iris123 said:

Aren't you supposed to do that anyway ? Generally you are licensed for a certain capacity and should count people in to avoid going over the limit. Failure to do so can result in a fine or loss of license

Iris.. has Germany got a more efficient testing service at the moment? 

I note the death rate there is 0.2%... far lower than most other places, this suggests those with mild symptoms are being tested more.. is that so?

The rate including those in serious condition is 0.29%.. 

Worlwide figures at the moment:

Italy 7.17%
China 3.93%
Iran 4.52%
South Korea 0.89%
Germany 0.20%
Spain 2.54%
France 2.16%
USA 2.14%
UK 1.38%
Switzerland 0.97%
Netherlands 1.24%
Japan 2.86%

Overall 3.72%

Edited by BWitcher
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As I said on the other thread I have seen a report on people going to one test center, obviously feeling unwell and having to wait outside for hours and then being sent away, which I wouldn’t call efficient. But have nothing to compare it with, so no idea whether it is better or worse than elsewhere. Though seeing Trumps press conference last night it does sound like Germany is better than the US. He or one of the others stated the US can test 15-20,000 per day for 200,000,000 population and Germany have stated they can test 20,000 for 80,000,000. But again it is all in theory I think if the cases are well spread out.At the moment there are regions with a lot of cases and some with few

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13 hours ago, Richard Weston said:

With regard to crowds: heard doctor say on radio today that a person with coronavirus would give it to a handful of people they were next to -- it wouldn't spread right round the crowd. So, no different that being in a pub.

And then of course, those handful of people are capable of infecting another handful of people in another crowd or on the bus or in the pub etc. That is how an epidemic works. Every infected person is capable of passing it on and very likely will do. The danger is in close contact in whatever setting.

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Front page of The Times this morning again suggests that any limit on Sporting Events may not stopSpeedway.

They think crowd limit could be as high as several thousand as the main reason to stop some Events is not the risk of infection but to stop those that need big policing.

What BSPA will have to decide is whether there are enough riders in UK to cover their teams and what Guest/Replacement options may be for riders quarantined and unable to leave other Countries. If Poland and Sweden close and riders like Doyle are resident in UK seems obvious they will sit tight and ride here and risk getting stuck in Poland. 

Do BSPA go for blanket ban ?? 



Edited by HGould
added final question
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I can see a lot of businesses, even some big ones, struggling through this, some even disappearing.                      
I wonder how this will affect speedway sponsorship, either team or individual riders. Certainly GP riders require a lot of sponsorship to be competitive through a whole season, Emil went awol for 3 years cause he couldn’t raise funds to compete at highest level.              
we know sponsorship in Poland is crazy high, riders getting £1k per point it is said. What happens to Polish speedway if sponsorship collapses.                                        

 Interesting times ahead.

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11 hours ago, Red Flag said:

Thought you wearnt  the going anyway due to BB issues

I'm talking about my local track not Peterborough.  That's a different issue altogether, and even if there was no coronavirus problems, I still wouldn't be able to go there anymore, but can still do other stadiums where you haven't got a 15-minute walk from the car park!!!  

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Then you have riders like Nico Covatti saying that he and Paco C. need to fly in and out of Italy ( and into other Eurpean countries ) many times each season. If you believe that is going to be possible now ( and for at least the next three months ) you are misguided. No rider is going to be allowed to do that. These are not "normal" times. It is an emergency situation.

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It is an interesting point about sponsors. Plus tv who have paid out for a football season etc and then there might not be one. Plus fans have paid out for a tv package and they can’t watch any football or rugby or whatever....

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15 minutes ago, iris123 said:

It is an interesting point about sponsors. Plus tv who have paid out for a football season etc and then there might not be one. Plus fans have paid out for a tv package and they can’t watch any football or rugby or whatever....

If the UK government enforce postponement of events due to the virus outbreak that prevents the contractual parties performing their side of the contract this is known as contract frustration.

When a contract is frustrated by exceptional circumstances outside the control of the parties the contract becomes unenforceable with recompense paid to all parties to place them back in the same position prior to the contracts existence minus any benefit/s that the parties may had enjoyed prior to the contract being frustrated. 

I personally can see plenty of UK litigation occurring under the Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943 . No-doubt other nations may have similar laws as the UK.

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1 hour ago, waytogo28 said:

Then you have riders like Nico Covatti saying that he and Paco C. need to fly in and out of Italy ( and into other Eurpean countries ) many times each season. If you believe that is going to be possible now ( and for at least the next three months ) you are misguided. No rider is going to be allowed to do that. These are not "normal" times. It is an emergency situation.

Fair point but you can't close down all speedway because of foreign riders travel issues.


The BSPA has the option of dispensation (Guests) for any rider genuinely unable to travel and if those were mainly Britsih riders, giving them earning opportunity that has to be a win situation. If the Government guidelines make speedway feasible they why stop racing unless you have to?

If foreigners won't come or go home scared, different matter but where can you go that's not scary right now other than China??

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2 minutes ago, HGould said:

Fair point but you can't close down all speedway because of foreign riders travel issues.


The BSPA has the option of dispensation (Guests) for any rider genuinely unable to travel and if those were mainly Britsih riders, giving them earning opportunity that has to be a win situation. If the Government guidelines make speedway feasible they why stop racing unless you have to?

If foreigners won't come or go home scared, different matter but where can you go that's not scary right now other than China??

But you are surely going to have the case of teams missing more than one rider even at short notice. How is the BSPA going to cope with 4 or 5 or even a whole team being in isolation ?

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All events will be banned sooner rather than later to 'protect' the emergency services. It won't be the sport's decision to make.

The St. John's will likely be 'co-opted' into the mainstream NHS and do hospitals, under the current circumstances, want speedway riders, rolling up at A & E?

That's my guess anyway. 

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I can also sports cancelling events due potential breaches of duty of care they owe to their employees namely the sportsman. If someone contacts the virus and sadly dies or is prevented due to illness in carrying on with their sporting careers that the team concerned will no-doubt face a tortious action for breaching their duty of care towards them. That in case of footballers would run into millions.

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