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13 minutes ago, Mimmo said:

It'll mean some promoters have got to isolate too, so how will that work as well.

At 76-years of age, I'm the youngest person living in my immediate area, and if I've got to self isolate, how do I get thing like milk and bread to keep me going???  

Online shopping ? Supermarkets deliver to your door here at least

My ex-girlfriends father is also nearly 80 and has a psychological problem with being around a lot of people which means he has trouble shopping. So has for years had most things delivered to his flat

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8 minutes ago, BWitcher said:

For many Iris, they wouldn't have any other choice.

What's the point of closing schools, then just sticking the children in another location, all together still anyway? Not an attack, just wondering what the rationale is.

Can understand your question, because it is one that immediately sprang to mind when I heard it on the radio yesterday. Haven't done any research into the reason. I just guess they are hoping the numbers are much lower and most people can stay home themselves and look after the kids. I am wondering if they are coming up with a lot of panic ideas that haven't been thoroughly thought out

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4 minutes ago, iris123 said:

Online shopping ? Supermarkets deliver to your door here at least

My ex-girlfriends father is also nearly 80 and has a psychological problem with being around a lot of people which means he has trouble shopping. So has for years had most things delivered to his flat

I'm not to good with computers, and I can honestly say that not a single person on the close I live in, either has a computer or would know how to operate one if they had, and I'm being genuine with that comment. 

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20 minutes ago, Mimmo said:

It'll mean some promoters have got to isolate too, so how will that work as well.

At 76-years of age, I'm the youngest person living in my immediate area, and if I've got to self isolate, how do I get thing like milk and bread to keep me going???  

If we follow the Italian model you're still allow to go out to visit the supermarket, pharmacy and other approved places. The idea is to minimise contact between those in the high risk categories and the wider population.

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1 minute ago, Mimmo said:

I'm not to good with computers, and I can honestly say that not a single person on the close I live in, either has a computer or would know how to operate one if they had, and I'm being genuine with that comment. 

He is obviously different. He hasn't worked since he was 30-40 because of his problem and when I first got to know him used to spend hours mucking around with electronic stuff. Building little units with no real purpose just to have blinking lights etc or he'd make lights that went on when you opened the wardrobe. Then when computers got going he was right into them. So I guess it was right up his street to get into home shopping

I certainly wish you both all the best in these difficult times

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16 minutes ago, iris123 said:

Can understand your question, because it is one that immediately sprang to mind when I heard it on the radio yesterday. Haven't done any research into the reason. I just guess they are hoping the numbers are much lower and most people can stay home themselves and look after the kids. I am wondering if they are coming up with a lot of panic ideas that haven't been thoroughly thought out

Personally, I still think its just a constant case of appeasement.

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13 minutes ago, MattK said:

If we follow the Italian model you're still allow to go out to visit the supermarket, pharmacy and other approved places. The idea is to minimise contact between those in the high risk categories and the wider population.

The Italian model is the absolute worst to follow. 

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1 minute ago, BWitcher said:

Personally, I still think its just a constant case of appeasement.

I personally don't understand all the fuss. Some of it,ok. But children aren't badly affected at all as far as I know. So let them carry on their education. Maybe you'd have to stop certain teachers from attending if they have underlying problems and you would have some staffing problems. But as long as the children aren't visiting grandma and granddad, that should be one problem we don't have to deal with. Isolate the kids from the eldery,as they might have the virus without showing any symptoms. But closing schools seems to cause more problems than it solves imo

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Just now, MattK said:

Why's that?

A ridiculously high death rate compared to most of the rest of the world.

They also get a far higher death rate for normal flu as well.

South Korea appear to have it right.

The major key though is more testing... The more people are tested, the more the death rate goes down... the less scary figures can be used by the media... the less panic.


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49 minutes ago, Mimmo said:

I'm not to good with computers, and I can honestly say that not a single person on the close I live in, either has a computer or would know how to operate one if they had, and I'm being genuine with that comment. 

A lot of towns are setting up community groups of volunteers who will get shopping,  medicines etc for the elderly. Try phoning your local council to see if they can give you a phone number for one near you.

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I thought I heard something to the effect that the reason why the UK government did not want to close schools was due to the fact that they thought the kids would then end up either being looked after by the grandparents who the government want to keep away from kids or the kids would be playing on the streets and spreading any virus or colds they may have to even more people than by being at school. 

All governments are trying to do the best for their country but the media hysteria is making rational discussion and decisions almost none existant and certainly very difficult. 

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8 hours ago, HGould said:

Not going to do them much good going home...even if they can get a flight as Australia will insist on quarantine / isolation for 14 days from midnight tonight so if they are going home to earn money forget it. With contracts here signed and cost of flights, better to stay here and see what situation is like in 3-4 weeks time.

An aircraft cabin for 24 hours is just about the worst place to be right now!

Maybe they would prefer being home. Three or four weeks? the government are talking about a four month isolation for over seventies.

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17 minutes ago, Crumpet77 said:

All official stats in this country have become irrelevant now all potential cases are not being tested. 

If you don't test then you appear to have a very high number of deaths per 100 cases which is exactly what I would have thought the government would not want but maybe they want the panic to continue, who knows.

Must make life for health professionals very difficult, you have my best wishes doing what at the best of times is a pressurised job.

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1 hour ago, Mimmo said:

I'm not to good with computers, and I can honestly say that not a single person on the close I live in, either has a computer or would know how to operate one if they had, and I'm being genuine with that comment. 

Totally true. Many people just don't get that  to many of the older generation computers are a complete mystery,

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2 hours ago, Mimmo said:

It'll mean some promoters have got to isolate too, so how will that work as well.

At 76-years of age, I'm the youngest person living in my immediate area, and if I've got to self isolate, how do I get thing like milk and bread to keep me going???  

Easy , just go out and panic buy . take a leaf out of everyone elses book ! 

also how do the goverment advise the people about how to go about things when they dont even know enough about the virus itself ? done a wee bit if shopping and i was amazed at the number of people who were buying fresh produce instead of safe tinned items that last a long time ....    :drink: included !

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1 hour ago, HertsRacer said:

A lot of towns are setting up community groups of volunteers who will get shopping,  medicines etc for the elderly. Try phoning your local council to see if they can give you a phone number for one near you.

Thanks, I will do.

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