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Danny Ayres RIP

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3 minutes ago, acef said:

Was genuinely in disbelief when the news broke. 

I'm still shocked if I'm honest. He seemed like such a free spirited bloke, always smiling and always having a laugh. 

RIP man. 

It is always sad when we lose someone.

It is a tragedy that the person was suffering in ways we can't even begin to imagine, 

An even bigger tragedy is that we didn't know, and were unable to help.

R.I.P. Danny

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Fantastic personality and great guy.

The Sport is the poorer.

The outpouring of thoughts and genuine sadness show the affection Danny was held in.

Not a time for guessing or conspiracy theories at all please lets all show some respect for family and friends.

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Such a  massive shock was only pulling out a couple of photos the other day that i wanted Danny to sign when he came to Swindon with Ipswich. I will remember Danny as a entertainer he visited Swindon the other year in a NL fixture he was fantastic box office got all the crowd going in his antics.Last year he made the British Final the underdog mixing it he was great value that night with Charlie Wright winning it and Danny entertaining it was one of the best British Finals of recent years.RIP Danny.

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Remember him signing a couple of photos for me the other year he guested once at the Abbey in the Premiership and he was great value.But he was talking full of life interested in the photos what years they were and he was talking to all the fans he was so down to earth natural.Be nice if a meeting can be held in his memory help his family and show the rest of the nation just how special Danny was to the speedway world.

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Really shocked and saddened to hear this news.

Danny was a bit of a throwback to the entertainers of years gone by and will be a huge loss to the sport.

I think we all knew that he would never be a World Champion but if Danny was riding at my local track I would have made an extra effort to go and watch.

I never had the pleasure of meeting Danny but he always seemed like a lovely guy and i would offer my condolences to his family and friends who will feel his loss a million times worse than all of us.

RIP Danny

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9 hours ago, Terry said:

I only saw Danny Ayres ride once, at last years British Final, and for me, his race with Bomber was the highlight of the evening.

Even though he must've been gutted to lose the race he still gave a great interview after, full of passion and great humour, and I remember thinking what a breath of fresh air this guy is, in a sport sadly lacking real entertainers these days. 

Such a shame to go so young RIP


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I have seen the rise of Danny Ayres from his early days when he came from moto X he would enter the turns foot forward & get round like a 50P onto his detirmination to ride faster than he was able. Until it all fell into place & Danny Ayres the speedway rider arrived. But through all of this his humour dedication & humility shone out. The title "Mr Entertainer" feels so inadiquate in this day & age he was the ringmaster & we his big top. He will always be remembered for his 2019 British Final but for me so much more.

The thing Danny Ayres was best at was being Danny Ayres


RIP Danny Ayres


"The GREATEST Entertainer"

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Absolutely awful news to read about Danny's death this morning. A real joy to watch wherever he rode and a real showman. Had the pleasure of watching Danny on numerous tracks around the Anglia region and his love for the sport and competitive nature were there for all to see. He will be truly missed by all within the sport, last year's ride in the British Final living long in the memory of everyone I'm sure. RIP Danny and condolences to your family and friends.

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