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Rye House 2020


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2 hours ago, Chris said:

Just ignore the silly old fool. He wants a rise, don't give it to him

That would be great except people do believe him. Someone's threatening to report him to the council, SCB and BSPL.

It would be wonderful to just turn your back. Anyway it's not just him, it's the other nutters and my health - I've quit the action group. I was already in a bad before this came up.


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Just one final point before I go. There was a discussion in another, now deleted thread whether Rye House could operate in 2022. There in fact have been verbal discussions with one of the landlords which suggested a deal for 22 was possible. Whether the work could be completed on time of the BSPL would sanction this is another matter, so the comment in that other thread that there was no chance of RH running in 22 was rather wide of the mark.

As I've said, funny how some people know more about our business than we do.

Yes, I'm best out of it.



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7 hours ago, RobMcCaffery said:

Just what is the point? 

I'm already fighting ill-health. Enough is enough. The utter rubbish I've had to put up with for the crime of trying to resurrect the Rockets now it's the "Fit and proper person" angle. Your words of encouragement are rather flimsy given your preceding comments. 

My record within speedway should be robust enough. Clearly it isn't. 

Time to put myself first. I'm sure Steve will cope. Don't believe the utter rubbish that's written about him. What's the point of all this effort if it's going to be constantly undermined.

But then you all know more than me. Who needs hours on the phone sorting out policy and tactics, responses to correspondence with the park authority, Carter & Bailey, East  Herts Council plus trying to get the local media onside and making sure that we are closely following SCB requirements, no you all know far better....


I still love this sport. God only knows how and why. Time to retire to the terraces and work through Edinburgh's superb video archive.

Speedway and too many of its fans and me? We just don't fit. I believe in honesty and friendship, rather than aggression and deceit. 

Better things to do. As was once said. "You can't be reasonable with unreasonable people". 

I'm sure Rye House will do fine without me, probably far better. Now where's that queue of willing alternatives? Time to return to my own standards. 

Rob (A Rocket 1971-2021)




I tend to believe that many of the voices  and opinions expressed on this forum are not representative of the majority and certainly not of the average speedway supporter. A few negative comments on a forum should not influence your decisions in relation to Rye House. I wish you good luck and hope you can see sense to ignore any negativity on here. All the best, Andy.

Edited by AndyPresley
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51 minutes ago, AndyPresley said:

I tend to believe that many of the voices  and opinions expressed on this forum are not representative of the majority and certainly not of the average speedway supporter. A few negative comments on a forum should not influence your decisions in relation to Rye House. I wish you good luck and hope you can see sense to ignore any negativity on here. All the best, Andy.

Thanks Andy. It's sadly not a matter of 'seeing sense'. I know these are not fully representative but nonetheless some are very damaging if left unchallenged. People are taken in and worse still there are people who have a vested interest in blackening our reputation can, and have seized on the opportunity offered to try to blacken us with the authorities with whom we are conducting fragile discussions.

It really is a tense and personal poker game and I know it also exhausts Steve at times. Add in my other health problems and eventually something snaps. This is all very easy - until you do it.


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9 hours ago, RobMcCaffery said:

Just what is the point? 

I'm already fighting ill-health. Enough is enough. The utter rubbish I've had to put up with for the crime of trying to resurrect the Rockets now it's the "Fit and proper person" angle. Your words of encouragement are rather flimsy given your preceding comments. 

My record within speedway should be robust enough. Clearly it isn't. 

Time to put myself first. I'm sure Steve will cope. Don't believe the utter rubbish that's written about him. What's the point of all this effort if it's going to be constantly undermined.

But then you all know more than me. Who needs hours on the phone sorting out policy and tactics, responses to correspondence with the park authority, Carter & Bailey, East  Herts Council plus trying to get the local media onside and making sure that we are closely following SCB requirements, no you all know far better....


I still love this sport. God only knows how and why. Time to retire to the terraces and work through Edinburgh's superb video archive.

Speedway and too many of its fans and me? We just don't fit. I believe in honesty and friendship, rather than aggression and deceit. 

Better things to do. As was once said. "You can't be reasonable with unreasonable people". 

I'm sure Rye House will do fine without me, probably far better. Now where's that queue of willing alternatives? Time to return to my own standards. 

Rob (A Rocket 1971-2021)




Like I said good luck in your efforts to reopen Rye House speedway, your doing what the BSPL should have done a couple of years ago!

I think anyone with any sense will fully endorse the above statement. But also like I said you need to lay of all the paranoid defensive ramblings cause this is what causes your issues with many. One thing I've learnt in my long years is that whatever you do someone won't like what you do and will criticise. Keyboard warriors should be ignored and you should let actions and fact do your talking - Again like I said if your successful in getting speedway back to Rye House you won't need to say anything to anyone cause the facts will be there for all to see! 

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2 hours ago, Halifaxtiger said:

i think completely ignoring 'keyboard warriors' is a major mistake. 

Truth is, there are an awful lot of people on this forum who love the sport and sincerely only wish the best for it. That, however, does exclude them for being critical - indeed, on many occasions, it is good that they are. The BSPL and its members are hardly paragons of competence and honesty - they have, on many occasions, acted stupidly, selfishly, and with utter contempt (and even abuse) towards those who turn up every week to pay their entrance fees. It is right that they are brought to book for their actions, and one of the reasons that many of them despise the BSF is because certain members hit them very hard with the truth as they see it. 'Paranoid defensive ramblings' are a very good description of - on the rare occasion someone deigns to reply - what we get, usually tinged with hostility and aggression. 

Isle of Wight's Barry Bishop is one of the few who does regularly engage and what we see is a reasoned, measured response to our comments. The number of likes his posts receive reflect just how much his contribution is valued.

You're absolutely correct that 'whatever you do someone won't like what you do and will criticise'. Some do so out of spite, malice and the settling of perceived scores. Others - including yourself - do so for what they think is right, even if they maybe mistaken (not that you are here). 

Its a question, then, of sorting the wheat from the chaff and that is something I have mentioned to the small numbers of people I know  involved in running the sport and competing in it. The BSF can be a very significant source of customer feedback and knowledge if the comments are considered with a keen eye. 

Great post Halifaxtiger and I agree with the vast majority of your points.

However, I wouldn't class those that offer constructive criticism, or those seeking answers to genuine questions as 'keyboard warriors'. I'd reserve that term for people that use this forum and other social media platforms to behave in an irrational and unreasonable manner, as well as using it to belittle others and those that are running the sport. I guess it comes down to what you define as a 'Keyboard Warrior'.

I'd also suggest that stereotyping all promoters of the BSPL as being incompetent and dishonest, which I see a lot, is not necessarily true or fair. There will inevitably be some good and some bad - I don't believe that being a member of the BSPL automatically qualifies you as being the latter and each should be judged on their own merit - Barry Bishop being a good example. 

Edited by AndyPresley
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It is all academic. I have resigned from The Rye House Action Group and will be taking no further part in speedway beyond spectating. 

Quite frankly, after v50 years I've had enough. I still enjoy watching the sport but there are too many people involved who I would normally keep well clear of in life. You can only compromise your standards so far and for so long. 

Thanks for dismissing genuine feelings as paranoid ramblings - it's clear II didn't pitch them low enough. 

Speedway is full of great people. Sadly it is also full of low lifes, cowards who hide delight in social media where they can hide behind keyboards and the 'safety' and 'freedom' of childish fake names. They know that if they tried such behaviour they wouldn't last long so here they can be 'free',  and if the victim complains they vilify them as 'weak'. 

Some of you are so  full of self-justified hypocritical rubbish that they can barely see straight. The "Who duz ee fink ee iz" "I'll show im" mentality rules.

No, I don't want to play your stupid games. All I wanted from the BSF was genuine information and informed comment. I should have realised most of it dried up long ago. 

All I  wanted to do was save Rye House. There's no money involved, just a wish to help, despite being housebound and in constant pain. I suppose I got what I deserved. I should have sat on the sidelines saying it was impossible or insulting the organisers for bothering. Thank goodness I have plenty of other interests that involve civilised, intelligent people. 

May God damn you all. 



Edited by RobMcCaffery
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Am I missing something? 

I have read through the thread and there hasnt been any real negativity re the fight to get Rye House reopened.. 

A few people have expressed their doubts but surely that is natural given the precedents set so often when tracks close down. ie they usually dont come back..

And it is only an opinion of someone on a forum, nothing more and nothing less. It hardly makes any difference to whether Rye House come back or not I would suggest...

Likewise, nor will the many positive messages of best wishes that seem to outnumber any 'doubters' comments considerably..

Forums are about opinons, otherwise it isnt worth having them...

Taking any comments from others with a different view to you ultra personally definitely isnt worth it...

Best wishes to Rye House, been twice and enjoyed both visits..

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40 minutes ago, mikebv said:

Am I missing something? 

I have read through the thread and there hasnt been any real negativity re the fight to get Rye House reopened.. 

There's one sad person clearly with a vendetta, and the regular geriatric troll was on here the other day, but seems to have been deleted.

Other than that it all seems pretty supportive.   The vast majority of us would love to see Rye House re-opened a.s.a.p. and back into British Speedway 2023.

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8 hours ago, AndyPresley said:

Great post Halifaxtiger and I agree with the vast majority of your points.

However, I wouldn't class those that offer constructive criticism, or those seeking answers to genuine questions as 'keyboard warriors'. I'd reserve that term for people that use this forum and other social media platforms to behave in an irrational and unreasonable manner, as well as using it to belittle others and those that are running the sport. I guess it comes down to what you define as a 'Keyboard Warrior'.

I'd also suggest that stereotyping all promoters of the BSPL as being incompetent and dishonest, which I see a lot, is not necessarily true or fair. There will inevitably be some good and some bad - I don't believe that being a member of the BSPL automatically qualifies you as being the latter and each should be judged on their own merit - Barry Bishop being a good example. 

Very hard to disagree with that :approve::t:

The only thing is that for every person who - to quote cityrebel, because he's right -  'is always ...... waiting to have a dig' there is also someone who regards any form of criticism - no matter how constructive, reasonable, genuine or justifiable - as spiteful, vindictive malice motivated by a grudge or vindictiveness and to be met with denial, hostility, aggression and even abuse. 

In a significant number of cases on here, that simply isn't true. 

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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I think often a lot of any "critism" towards clubs is generally aimed at being constructive because theres not a fan out there that wants to see another track closed. Stoke was a dump but i miss it, Buxton was basic and possibly ahead of its time. If clubs embrace the challenges they face and are open and honeat about them you will often find the paying public are far more supportive. 

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6 hours ago, RobMcCaffery said:

It is all academic. I have resigned from The Rye House Action Group and will be taking no further part in speedway beyond spectating. 

Quite frankly, after v50 years I've had enough. I still enjoy watching the sport but there are too many people involved who I would normally keep well clear of in life. You can only compromise your standards so far and for so long. 

Thanks for dismissing genuine feelings as paranoid ramblings - it's clear II didn't pitch them low enough. 

Speedway is full of great people. Sadly it is also full of low lifes, cowards who hide delight in social media where they can hide behind keyboards and the 'safety' and 'freedom' of childish fake names. They know that if they tried such behaviour they wouldn't last long so here they can be 'free',  and if the victim complains they vilify them as 'weak'. 

Some of you are so  full of self-justified hypocritical rubbish that they can barely see straight. The "Who duz ee fink ee iz" "I'll show im" mentality rules.

No, I don't want to play your stupid games. All I wanted from the BSF was genuine information and informed comment. I should have realised most of it dried up long ago. 

All I  wanted to do was save Rye House. There's no money involved, just a wish to help, despite being housebound and in constant pain. I suppose I got what I deserved. I should have sat on the sidelines saying it was impossible or insulting the organisers for bothering. Thank goodness I have plenty of other interests that involve civilised, intelligent people. 

May God damn you all. 



I’ve done it myself, just take a break from speedway, forums come back refreshed one day. Time heals and fingers crossed your health recovers too. All the best whatever you decide.

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