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Mildenhall 2023


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3 minutes ago, Islander15 said:

Kinsley confirms that he’s one of the 3 that are out. A club decision, and not his. 

Unfortunately makes sense as he had the highest average in the team, and with the points limit being reduced was always going to be difficult to accommodate everyone.

Also, I was under the impression you were unable to skip a league? IE you can’t do national and elite, must do the national and championship or championship and Elite? But will the amount of times the rules have changed probably changed again!

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Press Release from Mildenhall Speedway 


The Mildenhall Fen Tigers proudly sponsored by Manchetts Rescue and Recovery have started to unveil their team for the new British Speedway season which looks likely to return during May after the speedway drought since 2019 due to the pandemic. Bold new plans are in place throughout the sport to develop British riders and the Club have embraced fully the ambitions of Speedway Great Britain in their efforts to energise and remodel the sport to meet the needs of 2021 and the future.

Familiar faces will return to West Row next season with the announcement that Luke Ruddick and Jordan Jenkins will return to the Club as part of a balanced septet to match the requirements imposed by a 35 point limit for National Development League Clubs. 

Team Manager Malcolm Vasey said "This has become the opportunity for something of a renaissance for the sport in this country and I am convinced that for us not only will it promote the development of young riders but also provide very exciting racing at Mildenhall, particularly with the team that we have assembled.   We have had to prune our intentions to match the revised points limit concentrating on exciting prospects combined with a level of stability that should ensure that we are successful.  In addition to the League programme which is necessarily curtailed because of the late start to the season the Club have been assured that the SGB will help us to stage other exciting events that will guarantee interesting fixtures throughout the shortened campaign and we will release details of these events as soon as possible". These could include such events as the League Riders' Championship, Four Team Tournament and other late competition rounds arrangements for which need to be finalised.

Former Mildenhall rider Luke Ruddick returns to the Club where his career began with great enthusiasm for the season that lies ahead.   Malcolm Vasey described him as a rider with the blue touch paper alight and the show about to begin.   Vasey said "I tried to get Luke into my team when I was at Stoke but Leicester beat me to it.   Luke is a rider who can gate very well but is never afraid of an all out attack if he has to come from the back, I feel sure that Luke will develop further in 2021 and push his average up in the Fen Tigers cause. He lives locally and that is always helpful minimising his travel. Like myself Luke is a native of Northumberland and has a high level of steel in his racing.  I am convinced that Luke's career will burgeon this season and I am so pleased that this will be as a Fen Tiger. I spoke to him yesterday and his enthusiasm runs very high" 
Luke Ruddick enjoyed success at both Coventry and Leicester since his departure from the Fens and it is hoped that he can help Mildenhall to win honours in 2021. He is a great capture who feels he still has a Speedway point to prove and will be a mainstay in 2021.

A rider that Malcolm Vasey is also pleased to see on his team sheet for the new season is another former Fen Tiger in the shape of 19 year old Jordan Jenkins.   He also lives nearby and will also ride for Redcar in the Championship where he is highly regarded.  Jordan came onto the scene at Mildenhall in 2016 and having had many rides at the track looked set for success at the Club and beyond. He has however had to endure quite serious injuries during his relatively short career which have unsurprisingly retarded his progress but his enthusiasm for the sport is high and he is ready to make strident advances in his speedway career having spent 2019 at Kent and Redcar. Vasey regards Jordan Jenkins as very high in potential saying "He has fought his way through injuries and has come back with reinforced determination.  His attitude to the sport and direction are very clear and I think he sees this as his coming of age in the sport with an opportunity to fulfil his career ambitions.  I look forward to his presence back where he belongs and with his courage and determination running high I feel sure that he will fulfil his role as a heat leader."

Looking at the prospects for the Club in what is effectively a different environment Vasey said "I am very proud of the approach taken by the Club to the new and exciting situation that faces us.  It is obvious that there is recognition of the importance of our League to develop exciting new riders in an interesting mix with riders who have gained some experience. I will be introducing one or two surprises in the next few days so keep your eyes open for them. Unveiling our team is a real pleasure the future is exciting for us as we want to rebuild this Club and there are opportunities ahead to do this in what is something of a brave new world. We want our loyal supporters to help with this and having known the Mildenhall support which is where I started my speedway career I am sure that our supporters will get behind us just as they have over the years.  We anticipate changes ahead to further develop the relationship between Club and Supporters and I have used a capital letter S for what is the most important element of any Club.   Let's go for it, Riders, Fans and Management alike, be fearless and resolute in support and understand our new situation. 

It would be so easy to say the new scheme of things is unacceptable and close down as others have. The owners of our Club have concluded that is not the way for our Mildenhall Fen Tigers. I back them to the hilt myself and hope that you will do the same.  Bring your friends to West Row let's live the dream together. Other teams have fallen by the wayside and we cannot allow that to happen here at Mildenhall. Tigers roar, please come back in numbers and show us," was Vasey's message to Fen Tigers supporters.

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Great start to team building with two reliable heat leaders who can both improve, especially Ruddick, but, I don’t personally see either of them as the No.1.

Great to see Mildenhall staying positive despite the points limit reduction and they deserve a lot of credit for this. Fair play also as they must have given Kinsley a good period of notice that he was being released in order for Kent to be able to change and build their team around him as a 8.00 rider.

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From Mildenhall Speedway - 

Malcolm Vasey is back to reveal three more of the 2021 Mildenhall Fen Tigers -

Five named, two to go ....

Mildenhall Fen Tigers proudly sponsored by Manchetts Rescue and Recovery are delighted to announce the names and details of three more riders who will represent the Club during the 2021 season. These are all riders have that worn the Fen Tigers colours previously and we are quite certain that our supporters will welcome them back to West Row.  

I think that before naming the riders I should once again be emphasise that although the Management of the Club would have liked to track the team announced for 2020, this is not being possible due to the BSPL policy to reduce the points limit to 35 for 2021. The Club fully supports the intentions of the BSPL in this regard which revolve around the acceleration of the development of more young British riders and the points limit reduction is one of the parameters to enable this to happen. Whilst this has always been a desirable process the pandemic and consequential travel restrictions and the actions of other Speedway National Associations have increased the need to focus on the development of British riders. To fail to take such actions could seriously threaten the ability to staff adequately teams to enable our League system to function as we would all wish. 
Sam Bebee will return to West Row and we hope that given some better luck he will realise his full abilities and make the impact in British Speedway that his courage and exciting skills deserve. Sam has suffered enough career threatening injuries that would have caused most men to give up but his determination to return and to be successful for Mildenhall are absolute and this very popular rider is once again ready to be the rider he deserves to be. Team Manager, Malcolm Vasey, had this to say about Sam Bebee. "We are all aware of the extreme bad luck that has so far decimated any chance Sam has had of a worthwhile career in the sport he loves and for the team he also loves. He has first class equipment and returns to the side fully focussed and more determined than ever to put the past behind him and make a success in Speedway. His commitment is absolutely total and I am delighted to have him back in our ranks. It was no surprise for me to learn from Sam that his equipment is ready to go fully serviced and upgraded and his spirit is high in anticipation of at last competing again." added Vasey.

Another rider returning to Mildenhall is the North Yorkshire based Elliot Kelly, so popular amongst our supporters and another rider with amazing devotion to speedway and determined to build on his very promising first year at West Row, Recently turned 17, Elliot is one of the most promising young riders in the country and Mildenhall are very fortunate to retain his services. His first season at Mildenhall as a raw 15 year old brought considerable development in his speedway racing skills which will be enhanced by his physical development as he grows older and he is a prized asset for the Fen Tigers team.   Malcolm Vasey summed it up "Elliot loves it here at West Row and when you add that to his enormous desire to make it in the sport we are privileged to be able to use his outstanding commitment to both sport and the Club and 2021 will be a big year for him.  He is an incredibly charming young man so popular on the terraces modest yet courageous he ticks so many boxes his inclusion in our team would be impossible to resist. He is also now an asset of Kings Lynn Speedway and we look forward to working with them to escalate the career of this young enthusiast. Elliot has vastly improved his equipment and Kelly's eye is firmly focussed on the next steps. The Fen Tigers will benefit from that no doubt especially when he takes them wide (private joke between Elliot and I)" 

Last but by no means least in our list of riders for today and also returning to us is Midlands based Arran Butcher. Arran rode for the Fen Tigers in 2019 completing his season with a great score at Plymouth as we chased a place in the Play-Offs. A quiet unassuming young man Arran is an all round motor cyclist and is desperately keen to push on with his speedway career. Arran supplied some good performances for Mildenhall in 2019  and our hope is that he will move forward in his speedway development having demonstrated clearly that he is well capable of enhancing his racing skills. Malcolm Vasey had this to say about Arran's forthcoming third spell under his jurisdiction. " I am very pleased to welcome this quiet and likeable young man back to Mildenhall. He rode for me briefly at Stoke in 2018 showing improvement match by match and did much the same at Mildenhall in 2019 joining us after we were struck by injuries. Arran feels that this is a huge year for him and if he moves forward with his speedway skill set Mildenhall will be huge beneficiaries. An all round motor cyclist with experience on grass, and moto-cross  I am sure that he has the ability to achieve his and our aspirations for him."

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57 minutes ago, Sings4Speedway said:

Clueless Vasey fully supports the BSPL initive for new young british riders by re-signing riders with league experience.  Bebee hasn't developed and if he had he wouldn't constantly be on the injury list, Butchet is a perennial reserve although Kelly could be the bright light in this team.

Bebee could certainly score well in a weak league if he can stay injury free, meanwhile Butcher who hasn't been a great scorer did start to score better for Plymouth in 2019!

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Press release from Mildenhall Speedway  -

Malcom Vasey reveals the final pieces in our jigsaw

2021 Fen Tigers are complete

Mildenhall Fen Tigers proudly sponsored by Manchett's Rescue and Recovery are very pleased to reveal the two riders that complete the make-up of the team for 2021. One is probably easily anticipated by supporters the second would be perhaps harder to guess but at the Club it is felt that they have made an outstanding capture that is totally consistent with the commitment to the success of the challenging new speedway system that we find ourselves in for 2021.    

It will be no surprise to many that Jason Edwards will back at West Row for the forthcoming campaign. Jason came to Mildenhall for the 2019 season and brought with him a level of professionalism rarely seen in such a young rider. He will be 19 this year and his organisation and back up in all respects is superb from his machinery to his smart kevlars and his pre-match preparations. Nothing is left to chance and his personality and pride match the efforts of himself, his family and his support team that bring him to the tapes with everything in place. Team Manager Malcolm Vasey said "Jason is the consummate professional and a fantastic asset to any team at this level and there are very clear signs of his ability to reach the top in speedway. He is also a very genuine and remarkably mature rider for his age and it is an absolute pleasure to have him racing for our Club. 

Jason is on a Speedway journey and it is difficult to predict where that will end, his tree is taking root and may yet become the tallest in the forest. He is an "Essex Boy" with a difference and it is fantastic that he rides for Mildenhall" added Vasey. "Jason has secured a place at Eastbourne in the Championship a sure sign of the potential we have in our midst at West Row. He is so enthusiastic and eager for the season to start and is ready to take on the new challenges that face him. He is keeping himself fit and I feel his effervescence will be plain for all to see." The Club are very grateful to Eastbourne Speedway for allowing us to enjoy his services in 2021.

Our final rider will have kept you guessing until the end and in fact he is an amazing inclusion in our side that reflects all that we are setting out to do with support from you all.  We are proud to name Sam Hagon, the 2019 British Youth 250cc Speedway Champion who also competed in the 2019 250cc World and European Championships. 

Sam's speedway pedigree is superb his Grandfather, Alf Hagon, having ridden for Harringay, Wimbledon, Leicester and Oxford in the fifties and sixties. His Dad, Martin's speedway career took him to Hackney, Rye House, Sheffield and Ipswich and he was also a top long track rider finishing fourth in the World Longtrack Championship of 1987 and also winning the European Grasstrack Championship in 1984 complementing his British Masters Grasstrack Championship wins in 1984 and 1987. With this rich heritage Sam has already shown the ability to follow in these illustrious footsteps and we are delighted that he has chosen to do so at Mildenhall in 2021. 

We feel that this is an important capture for us and once he has settled in we look forward to watching the progressive development of this young sixteen year old racer. Sam himself is very keen to do well at Mildenhall and is the final name in what we feel will be an exciting band of youngsters thus fulfilling  both our twin intentions to entertain our supporters and contribute to the new wave of British rider development in Speedway. Sam Hagon has already graduated to 500 cc machinery and has been frustrated by the pandemic at this very important time in his speedway career. He has raced at Mildenhall and is looking forward to return this time as a home rider. 

One aspect of the hiatus in his career has enabled the broken collarbone he sustained before the sport's lockdown has fully healed and this youngster is ready to follow family tradition and make progress in the sport. Team Manager Malcolm Vasey said " I was impressed from my recent chat with Sam who is a good friend of Jason Edwards and I am certain that he and his team will fit in very well at West Row. He is counting the days to when we hope to re-start racing and now wishes to make up for lost time in his speedway career. I look forward to having this young man ride for Mildenhall in the new season" added Vasey

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4 hours ago, Sings4Speedway said:

Clueless Vasey fully supports the BSPL initive for new young british riders by re-signing riders with league experience.  Bebee hasn't developed and if he had he wouldn't constantly be on the injury list, Butchet is a perennial reserve although Kelly could be the bright light in this team.

Bit harsh on Bebee. He's been so unlucky with injuries but has definitely improved 

Edited by adz_mft
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A very well structured team. 3 proper heat leaders and in Edwards a genuine number 1. A pairing of second strings who know West Row well and should score points at home at least. Then at reserve Hagon should make a very good impact even if Butcher will probably not score very many. If the play-offs existed still then they should make that and hopefully for their home fans they can make a success of the season and be up near the top. 

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44 minutes ago, adz_mft said:

Bit harsh on Bebee. He's been so unlucky with injuries but hasn't definitely improved 

I agree. His injuries have been awful.

When I have seen him he has been a little wild but there is some potential there, and it would very wrong to simply dump him as failing to develop.

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41 minutes ago, Dandelion said:

Ermmm... bebee is only 19 and people are saying hes already over the hill? :blink: madness...

Ironically the person who said it, called someone else clueless. I expect nothing less from him though, it's a normal little dig that occurs every so often :rolleyes:

Edited by adz_mft
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38 minutes ago, adz_mft said:

Ironically the person who said it, called someone else clueless. I expect nothing less from him though, it's a normal little dig that occurs every so often :rolleyes:


1 hour ago, Dandelion said:

Ermmm... bebee is only 19 and people are saying hes already over the hill? :blink: madness...


38 minutes ago, adz_mft said:

Ironically the person who said it, called someone else clueless. I expect nothing less from him though, it's a normal little dig that occurs every so often :rolleyes:

I didnt say he was over the hill i said he hadn't progressed so far not helped by injuries but equally injuries brought on by his riding approach.  As for Vasey i stand by what i said and stopped short of a full opinion of him.

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1 hour ago, old bob at herne bay said:

Come the end of a very short 2021 season , everyone will have improved their starting averages , and lots of back slapping saying how well the new lads have done.....the reality is that they will have just improved racing each other ....and not advanced one iota. 

Yep and what will happen to these riders next season if the points limit is still really low?

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2 hours ago, old bob at herne bay said:

Come the end of a very short 2021 season , everyone will have improved their starting averages , and lots of back slapping saying how well the new lads have done.....the reality is that they will have just improved racing each other ....and not advanced one iota. 

The average for each team should be about 42 at the end of each season, which is a 7 point rise, so "statistically" every rider should increase his average by one point! So you'd need to look at riders who increase they're average by more than one point as genuine improvers! However will that mean they have really improved or just that the league is weaker?

Edited by szkocjasid
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