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Swindon Robins 2020

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At least I was there for the last ever meeting in 2019 when Swindon did the Double in front of 3500 chanting, singing fans. Some great Abbey memories of Briggo, Broady, Kilby, Ashby, Crumpie, Adams, Doyley, etc., Just be the very occasional trip 30 miles up the road to Oxford now for me.:(

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Russell has always been a bit of a wideboy. I imagine his interest in the sport fizzled out when his cut of Sky money stopped. Doubt he's even interested in reviving Swindon anymore.

The worst out of all of this is Rossiter and Kilby. These are supposedly Swindon through and through and have backed the bullsh1t and lies for many years and even had a pop at the fans for questioning GI and the new stadium. Rosco sitting on bikes with plans and telling everyone it will happen was pathetic

You could see it wasn't happening from a mile off but Rosco wouldn't have it. He's happy to get front and centre when a trophy is being lifted but he has been very quiet lately. 

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1 hour ago, Sidney the robin said:

You have been slated for years because you dared not to be swayed by  the   b……….         .I knew it in my heart this was happening but the funny thing is it still is a huge shock hard to except.The Abbey has been a huge part of my life and no one can take away the great memories i won’t be going to anymore live speedway my heart is not in it anymore.I hope the sport goes on to prosper but i think not my yesteryear collection will be my main passion now.

I think that post sums up how a lot of us are feeling today sid.

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Can't believe Lee Kilby..rather explain what going on etc ..Just gote on a Facebook rant of self pity about himself..Not sure he understands that the town and many people have lost there speedway for good.. That much more important than him  .People want answers and he one of the people who should be  giving them .

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I was one of the ones who knew it would never happen and never believed a word of BS from Tomlinson or GI. But I wish I had been wrong. It's clearly the end of speedway in Swindon forever, we've been shafted by everyone. The thing annoying me the most now is the lies from the usual suspects after that 30.08.22 meeting and the complete silence from the club. At least have the nerve to front up now. If Gaming have shut down the dogs to force the speedway to close then say it how it is. Nothing to lose now by speaking the truth about them. Most of us knew it all along anyway.

SBC will now focus their attention on getting the Oasis dome de-listed so their partner can build some resi flats. Complete and utter scumbags.

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1 hour ago, orion said:

I think that post sums up how a lot of us are feeling today sid.

The betrayal, lies,and generally taking us all for mugs is the hurtful thing.If only   they would of just been honest with us from the start that is all most of us Budgie fans would expect.Memories of the Abbey so many of them to name the place was a huge part of generations of supporters.My number 1 favourite memory was Malc Wellie Holloway ( RIP) running into the flowerbeds in a junior jaunt.

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4 minutes ago, Sidney the robin said:

The betrayal, lies,and generally taking us all for mugs is the hurtful thing.If only   they would of just been honest with us from the start that is all most of us Budgie fans would expect.Memories of the Abbey so many of them to name the place was a huge part of generations of supporters.My number 1 favourite memory was Malc Wellie Holloway ( RIP) running into the flowerbeds in a junior jaunt.

The best years for me was seeing Leigh in action every week. He's probably my favourite sportsman of all time. We were so lucky to witness that class every week for years. Will always remember the 2012 title as it was the first for ages and always good to get one over Poole! I remember punch ups at Oxford when I was a kid! Punch ups at Eastbourne when I was a bit older! Crumpy going unbeaten for about 7-8 meetings in Div 2 one year. Personally, great memories of going with my grandparents and then taking my niece and nephew and my own boys eventually. Gutted to be honest. Got plenty of other things going on in life and we haven't had speedway for 3 years but this still feels like a massive loss.

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Leigh Adams for me as well..I called him Mr Clean and the name stuck a bit..The safest rider I've ever seen nearly always in control..But what I am really liked is that thou he  was riding all over the world but come Thursday night him and his bikes were immaculate. .what a pro.

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They say bs baffles brains, not in this case, we all knew once a new stadium was muted it was code for more houses, they were allowed right up to the pits, no buffer zone or green space between. Our so called mp and promoters have been a disgrace with their lies and silence, I would rather hear unpalatable truth than their bs. Anyway I still have my memories of hundreds of great nights at the Abbey, first started going as a kid in the 70's and after a hiatus having moved away started going again in middle 80's on. My mate who was Jimmy Nilsson's mechanic reigniting my interest. Leigh was also my favourite rider.

I fear for Speedway in this country, those in charge sleepwalking from season to season watching clubs fold, leagues down to six teams and interest waning.

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13 hours ago, Call me wolfie said:

What’s happened to Alun Rossiter, he seems to have disappeared. I thought he would have been more vocal to be honest.

Bumped into him on Sunday last but one at Swindon Shuffle music event in Beehive pub....I didn't mention speedway didn't seem much point! He's around doing his thing pubwise etc 

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1 minute ago, ruckerroo said:

The dogs will follow im pretty sure, shame for all , as a neutral i attended oxford fri night (working at the dogs) and i must admit it was in very good nick. that looks the only hope for the thames valley now .

I went to a few Oxford meetings this season and was very impressed with the set up after so long out. I don't know much about the history during the closure and how it came back but they seemed to have a council who always backed the return of sport rather than housing which is something Swindon never had. The stadium owner seems to be a man who will get things done as well. Fair play to Oxford and will look forward to visiting next season if I retain any interest in the sport.

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The worst thing is that those of us that have questioned GI's motives and expressed concern across the past ten years or so over whether the stadium would ever be built were just badmouthed and cussed out by other fans and parts of the management for being 'negative'

Sadly, the chickens have now come home to roost.

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3 minutes ago, thecoombdog said:

I went to a few Oxford meetings this season and was very impressed with the set up after so long out. I don't know much about the history during the closure and how it came back but they seemed to have a council who always backed the return of sport rather than housing which is something Swindon never had. The stadium owner seems to be a man who will get things done as well. Fair play to Oxford and will look forward to visiting next season if I retain any interest in the sport.

You should, Oxford's return has been (largely) a roaring sucess and my transition to Cheetahs fan is going smoothly.

Although I'm sure for both of us we'll always be  Racer/Robin at heart.

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3 minutes ago, arnieg said:

You should, Oxford's return has been (largely) a roaring sucess and my transition to Cheetahs fan is going smoothly.

Although I'm sure for both of us we'll always be  Racer/Robin at heart.

I could never support an Oxford team in any sport but I do hope the success story carries on for years to come!. Too many teams being lost and not enough coming back. Dread to think how it will look in 5 years time.

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I used to live in Shrivenham so would go to a lot of Oxford meetings on fridays and bank holidays, just to get my fix, glad to hear they are back and it's a success.

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THE following statement has been issued by Swindon Speedway:

It is with great sadness that the Directors of Swindon Speedway and Stadia UK are announcing permanent closure of Speedway Racing at the Abbey Stadium.

We together made extensive investigations with a view of keeping Speedway racing at the Abbey Stadium. These discussions have involved the current management and promotion of the club and has extended to a number of possible investors.

The club has concluded that with the prevailing financial climate, the uncertainty over the long-term future of Greyhound racing and the inability to operate additional events, Speedway racing cannot achieve anything like a break-even financial position, short or long term. Sadly, this means that Swindon Speedway will not be able to compete in the coming 2023 season.

However, these recent discussions have revealed a keenness from a number of potential investors to create a new motor sport stadium within the environs of greater Swindon.

It is the intention that the site would be a new build, in an environment which would allow regular use of a stadium specifically for Motorsports. Speedway would form an integral part of this plan.

Consequently, a new company Swindon Motorsports Limited has been formed with the intention of identifying a suitable site and achieving planning permission. It is hoped that this option will bring about the swift return of speedway to Swindon.

Club Chairman Terry Russell said: “I am disappointed that my 17-year involvement with the club has ended. However, I am very excited about the new venture and bringing a new facility built especially for motorsports.”

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