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24 minutes ago, jenga said:

just trying to keep the workington name alive on the forum .

This isn't the place for it and as a man who had a detrimental impact on the club and did all he could in the past to destroy what was being done it's ironic (Or moronic) to now try and make out that you are agreived or upset at its loss....

Either pull the thread or dont post because no one believes your crocodile tears or manufactured grief at the loss of Speedway in the town... 

Your family couldn't do it and it is evident that you didn't want anyone else to do it....

You need to do a Boris and go lie in a ditch...



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10 hours ago, phillwhitewasmad said:

Can I say this thread is doing nothing at all for speedway thj I understand your frustration with jenga he is nothing but a doom mongering troll who’s innate posts do nothing for speedway. His crap since the demise of the once proud comets seems mainly aimed at scunthorpe and there promotion but if he did as much for his team as they do for theirs things maybe could of been different. Put him on block and hope nobody quotes him 

Phil ya not the only one whose mad and you are spot on... can I just correct you as it's not a Scunny thing it's a Rob Godfrey thing with Knob Head (jenga)... he has a fundamental hatred of any one in positions of responsibility who are making a sucess of things especially in Speedway... this has been picked up from previuos posts he has made as to how badly his famliy were treat when promoting at Worky by every one including the BSPA... his old man will be spinning in his box seeing how his clown of a son is going on...

On blocking... that's not my thing as I will defend what I perceive to be wrong or untrue... unfortunately I'm not that narrow minded.... and on the detrimental post with regards to Rob G and to a lesser extent Scunny his posts are absolute tripe and I can confirm the committmet of Rob G to the sport...



7 minutes ago, Richard Weston said:

Not in this section of the forum, thank you. Workington were not a Championship club in 2019 and won't be next year.

Spot on... and if the clown hadn't got the Comets unofficial forum shut down he would have had somewhere to post ad nauseam.... the bloke is an absolute tool...



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i , you were correct all along . here was me thinking i was keeping the worky thing going ( did not think of putting it in the  discussions thread ) silly me . so as long as folk dont post on this thread, it will die a slow death . 

50 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Phil ya not the only one whose mad and you are spot on... can I just correct you as it's not a Scunny thing it's a Rob Godfrey thing with Knob Head (jenga)... he has a fundamental hatred of any one in positions of responsibility who are making a sucess of things especially in Speedway... this has been picked up from previuos posts he has made as to how badly his famliy were treat when promoting at Worky by every one including the BSPA... his old man will be spinning in his box seeing how his clown of a son is going on...

On blocking... that's not my thing as I will defend what I perceive to be wrong or untrue... unfortunately I'm not that narrow minded.... and on the detrimental post with regards to Rob G and to a lesser extent Scunny his posts are absolute tripe and I can confirm the committmet of Rob G to the sport...



Spot on... and if the clown hadn't got the Comets unofficial forum shut down he would have had somewhere to post ad nauseam.... the bloke is an absolute tool...



as you  say thj , its not a scnny thing , it was a godfrey thing and i was not the only one who commented on the way the fixtures were being done with scunny . i think even tj and shazza had an input . 

regarding my ole man . he did take on a dying sport @ workington (as did Laura ) and ran it for  a few years . kept it going as long as he could  and kept the sport in the town .  i find it a bit nasty from you to say he failed . he did pass it on tho . he enjoyed every second of it . 

so just how bad was my family treated . thats a new one on me ! .............. so lets not post on here !.

P.S.  yer typing is letting you down from pervious posts .


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18 hours ago, MANSE said:

Surely its time this thread was removed to SPEEDWAY  MUSEUM as Workington are no longer members of the Championship Speedway Section:nono:

Don't read it ya numpty, no-one forcing you, jog on back to your own thread which should surely this season after the last 3-4 should be called something like " Glasgow 2020, lets hope we win some silverware this season" or maybe " Glasgow 2020 - Desparado " :D . Worth the thread just to p... you off :approve:

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6 hours ago, Richard Weston said:

Not in this section of the forum, thank you. Workington were not a Championship club in 2019 and won't be next year.

remind me again where the sheffield thread is and the poole thread . they dont know where they will be in 2020 . they have 2 threads each .  i expect come friday two of the threads will be wiped out . maybe even the newcastle one ..  also  why is the eurosport thread in the premiership section ?

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3 hours ago, Taylorj said:

Am i missing something here ??? DON'T READ THE THREAD IF YOU DON'T WANT TO , honestly it is that simple :rolleyes:

Re Richard Weston;

This Dick has always got to add his twopennorth re Comets non-existence.....you are spot on Tj with your solution for him....but let's talk Comets anyway and let them explode.

It's actually keeping me interested enough....e.g. Until THJ mentioned it I wasn't aware Jengas family had held the promotion ropes at DP....??

I'll guess it was laal Eddy from Lowca..........but probably miles off...??????

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1 minute ago, Richard Weston said:

Stardate 3235: Speedway and inter-galatctic sport while Workington fans still discussing return of speedway to the town and the question of who caused the failure in 2018. 

You're about as funny as Keith Lemon, Lenny Henry,Toothache..................have you read the 'Football 2019/20' thread pal...no mention of Comets so right up your street.

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2 hours ago, singy13 said:

Re Richard Weston;

This Dick has always got to add his twopennorth re Comets non-existence.....you are spot on Tj with your solution for him....but let's talk Comets anyway and let them explode.

It's actually keeping me interested enough....e.g. Until THJ mentioned it I wasn't aware Jengas family had held the promotion ropes at DP....??

I'll guess it was laal Eddy from Lowca..........but probably miles off...??????

naa , its the same one . i should know.  but he gave it a go, unlike some on here . but life goes on . 

should i delete this thread or is it keeping everyone happy ?  B.T.W. who did actually cause the demise of workington speedway ?

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4 hours ago, singy13 said:

Re Richard Weston;

This Dick has always got to add his twopennorth re Comets non-existence.....you are spot on Tj with your solution for him....but let's talk Comets anyway and let them explode.

It's actually keeping me interested enough....e.g. Until THJ mentioned it I wasn't aware Jengas family had held the promotion ropes at DP....??

I'll guess it was laal Eddy from Lowca..........but probably miles off...??????

No Singy you are right Jenga is laal Eddy from Lowca's laal lad.... and that's the main reason why he is so bitter and twisted... because daddy blew his inheritance on the worst team ever fielded by Workington Speedway (1980)... 

Jenga couldn't stand any one else making a success of it and why he vented his relentless vitriol at the Denham and Morgan promotions... (and every other teams promotions; riders and fans when he couldn't get a bite on this or the unofficial forum from the home side lot)

It was boiling his bladder to see other Cumbrians make a success of the spot when his old man spent all his brass on a complete failure...

Now you know why he does what he does and goes on the way he does.... should have had therapy years ago instead of showing his ignorance on here... one very sad pathetic laal man...



Edited by TotallyHonestJohn
Missed out word
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