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1 hour ago, bigcatdiary said:

Looking like non British riders are now an expensive option, especially for the Championship 

No more than they ever have. The rules haven’t changed just we don’t have the required employment status to sign non UK riders. It costs about £600 to get one and takes a few weeks but looks like we aren’t going to bother and didn’t look into it before declaring we’d signed three riders!

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7 minutes ago, Ringitsneck said:

No more than they ever have. The rules haven’t changed just we don’t have the required employment status to sign non UK riders. It costs about £600 to get one and takes a few weeks but looks like we aren’t going to bother and didn’t look into it before declaring we’d signed three riders!


You've encountered same problem Brummies and other Clubs have in the past.

Rob Grant's is now a new company. It was initially Rob buying out an existing Company. Changed when HMRC intervened.

A new Company formation can't apply for a Work Permit for a set period (not sure what it is but at least 2 years I think)

Surprised Roynon gone to Newcastle as he had been appointed new Track Curator at Perry Barr, could he have ridden for us and been Curator too?

 Wish the lad well, deserves all the luck going.

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15 minutes ago, HGould said:


You've encountered same problem Brummies and other Clubs have in the past.

Rob Grant's is now a new company. It was initially Rob buying out an existing Company. Changed when HMRC intervened.

A new Company formation can't apply for a Work Permit for a set period (not sure what it is but at least 2 years I think)

Surprised Roynon gone to Newcastle as he had been appointed new Track Curator at Perry Barr, could he have ridden for us and been Curator too?

 Wish the lad well, deserves all the luck going.

Are you sure it's not his dad that's the track curator at perry bar ? Unless Adam has recently been appointed that post too ? I might be wrong - I know Chris has done it for a couple of years now.

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5 minutes ago, ONTWOMINUTES said:

Are you sure it's not his dad that's the track curator at perry bar ? Unless Adam has recently been appointed that post too ? I might be wrong - I know Chris has done it for a couple of years now.

:oops: you're right......



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I have followed Adams Career from is time at Mildenhall, So when I heard he had signed for Newcastle I thought I would look on the forum to see what supporters thoughts were, and of course it was all about is Bad luck over many Seasons, But I really believe he will do an excellent job for Newcastle.However looking at the Newcastle thread I didn’t know about the Problems the previous Promotion Financial problems, So out of interest I went on Company House Website were I had a hell of a shock seeing they owe the tax man in excess of £150K must be very worrying times for the previous owners.
I hope Adam as a great Season for the Diamonds and as a injury free season as boy does he deserve it.

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Copied and pasted off Facebook (Newcastle Speedway page):

Company director Rob Grant has issued the following statement to update the Newcastle supporters of the road ahead.
"When I took over Newcastle Speedway back in November 2019, I did not envisage all the complications that were to follow in 2020, these being on top of a global pandemic.
I had taken over a club that had had no other active interested parties come forward, and at the time I genuinely felt that with a lot of hard work I could get Newcastle Speedway to become commercially viable.
I have spent most of this year fighting for survival with uncertain stadium arrangements, in which I'm pleased to say that discussions have rectified that issue, and as everyone has read, also an HMRC VAT investigation from the previous 6 years before my takeover. This wasn't even an issue at the time of takeover as the investigation had only been brought to our attention a couple of months into the new regime. Thankfully, we had not even began trading due to the pandemic.
The seriousness of the investigation and the financial sum that was suggested that NEWSPEED2003 Ltd owed was such a colossal amount that we had no choice but to seek professional help, with the conclusion being that the company I had taken over was now insolvent to the debt.
As the company NEWSPEED2003 was placed into liquidation, all assets, equipment and monies belonging to the company were seized. This included all sponsorship investment and season ticket revenue. The newly formed company NEWCASTLE DIAMONDS Ltd, with myself as the sole director, had to re-purchase all the assets back for a second time, therfore meaning I was now back in control, but with an empty bank balance. At this point I like to thank my team at Grants Family and Catering Butchers as without this company's financial backing I would of certainly of had to walk away from Newcastle Speedway.
This has led to where we are at present. The new management at Newcastle Speedway; myself, Dave Tattum, Darren Hartley, Tony Kearman and Rachel Robley are still as an enthusiastic as ever with some great visions for the future, including a possible move to a new location.
I came into Newcastle speedway as I believed I could get the company to be commercially viable and I still believe this.
I am not the type of person that invests finances at something just for the sake of it and I will not be following the example of some of the other management and promotion that throw countless amounts of money into it as if it's just a Friday or Saturday night toy. That is not me. I'm all for leading the way through commercial management and I will not place Newcastle Speedway in any financial danger, or my other companies for that matter, which are subsidising the speedway just to "keep up the Jones" sort of style. We at Newcastle are better then that.
Considering the effects of the liquidation, we are not in the same financial position as other clubs. Thankfully, we are still in a comfortable enough position financially, but we are not comfortable enough to be playing fast and loose with the finances.
The team is built on what income we have coming in, and a team of 7 that desperately have a passion and want for Newcastle, which in my opinion is the key ingredient to team morale and eventually team success.
We at Newcastle are unfortunate that we don't, as yet, have a sponsored licence to employ overseas riders, but I can confirm that an application has been completed and sent off for acceptance.
We are talking to a couple of riders for the final team spot, and I would ask that the supporters stay patient as we look at what options are available. We are fully aware we are in need of more top end power but due to a 11th hour takeover most of the other teams had completed their signings, and with most teams carrying the same line-ups over, we are making sure we find that right suitable candidate within budget and from very little resources left available.
In conclusion, I would just like to thank everyone who has and still is supporting us through this year, which I for one will be glad to see the back off in a few weeks time!
I look forward to seeing the much awaiting action next year. Newcastle, Covid permitting, are planning to open on bank holiday Easter Sunday with the 90th anniversary/new era individual.
Finally, from myself and on behalf of my team, I wish you all the very best and a much needed enjoyable Christmas."
Thank you,
Rob Grant.
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Again, especially after the recent Glasgow press releases, how refreshing is it to see a promoter being so open and honest to his fans and paying customers? It goes a long long way I feel, and beats the whole “sit quietly and say nothing” approach that so many teams seem to adopt. Fair play to him.

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5 hours ago, Argos said:

I have followed Adams Career from is time at Mildenhall, So when I heard he had signed for Newcastle I thought I would look on the forum to see what supporters thoughts were, and of course it was all about is Bad luck over many Seasons, But I really believe he will do an excellent job for Newcastle.However looking at the Newcastle thread I didn’t know about the Problems the previous Promotion Financial problems, So out of interest I went on Company House Website were I had a hell of a shock seeing they owe the tax man in excess of £150K must be very worrying times for the previous owners.
I hope Adam as a great Season for the Diamonds and as a injury free season as boy does he deserve it.

He's on a steal of an average aswell him & james should be worth at home at least 8 to 12 points between them

Edited by pienpeesman
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5 hours ago, HGould said:


You've encountered same problem Brummies and other Clubs have in the past.

Rob Grant's is now a new company. It was initially Rob buying out an existing Company. Changed when HMRC intervened.

A new Company formation can't apply for a Work Permit for a set period (not sure what it is but at least 2 years I think)

Surprised Roynon gone to Newcastle as he had been appointed new Track Curator at Perry Barr, could he have ridden for us and been Curator too?

 Wish the lad well, deserves all the luck going.

Close... the situation is you need to have at least 12 months of audited trading accounts before you can apply for a Sponsors Licence and with the Covid carry on I doubt if the new Speedway company will have these (because they have not really been trading to be fair)…

However there may be a loop-hole as Rob has his other business interests that have been trading for around 15 to 20 years and he may be able to do something on the back of these other companies...

Here's hoping


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I do wish I could pick the lottery numbers as easy as it is to see through some of the charades that go on in Speedway...

Firstly Newspeed2003 accounts overdue... Why?


I can tell you why? its a small matter of unpaid VAT... some £158,048:00 worth... ouch...

Open and read the "Statement of affairs" dated  27 Nov 2020...

Now I wonder who the VAT man will be chasing for that... again look at Companies House and you can see there was only "One Director"

Only another guess but I assume there will be an awful lot of "Blood Letting" and we will just have to wait and see and watch the local press and the HMRC Web Site to see where this one ends up...

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas...





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So here's the next one

Pick your team and bring back @Dandelion and @Terrace Grumbler as here is my next prediction Build; Build and Build and to 41 points...

Oh hang on... As we already have most of the team you are looking for one rider... Suggestions below...

    AVE   -2.50%
1 Claus Vissing  8.43   8.43
2 Connor Mountain 4.73   4.61
3 Matthew Wethers 6.92   6.92
4 Max Clegg  5.05   4.93
5 AN Other 8.31   8.11
6 James Wright 4.00   4.00
7 Adam Roynon 4.00   4.00
  Total: 41.44   41.00
  Remaining:     0.00

You have 8.11 for a Johnny Foreigner and 8.31 for a Brit... 

Go on have at it; you know you want to...

Oh and why 41.00? cos that's what Glasgow want and we all know what Glasgow want; Glasgow get...

Don't let on that I have told you cos I might get sued... PMSL... or is it LMFAO... (probably both)

Mark my words; you watch... 



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17 hours ago, enotian said:

According to the facebook post Smetana had to be replaced as the promoters dont have the licence to employ EU riders

They've done well to act soon but I do wonder what this means for Vissing?

Something doesn’t add up here. Let Smetana go and sign a much lesser average Brit but then say you've applied for the right to employ foreigners which will take a few weeks ....so why not wait for approval and keep Smetana ? Diamonds were already 2 points under the limit so now it’s 5 points under.

Unless the rumour of lowered team points limit is actually true?

As the rules haven't changed, as yet, Vissing doesn’t need a visa.

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