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Newcastle 2020

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4 hours ago, Aceslider said:

With respect, we only have your word for that.

The filed accounts up to A.P 30 November 2016 (after which Micro company accounts were filed) at Companies House indicate that the company was registered for VAT. This is stated quite clearly in the accounting policy note which states that turnover is declared net of VAT. Such a statement would not be included unless it were true. This means that the company's VAT inputs and outputs would be accounted for through its VAT account and the net liability shown duly paid to HMRC. If the liability were not paid, it would be reflected by an ever increasing liability due for payment to HMRC. No such liability is reflected in the filed accounts. This does not surprise me as (a) I expect the company was paying its liabilities as and when they fell due and (b) because there would probably only be 2 quarters in every 4 (bearing in mind the speedway season) when liabilities arose.

It would be inconceivable for a company incorporated in 2003 to trade for such a long period of time as a registered VAT business, not to pay its VAT liabilities. Is that what you are alleging?

I would accept that a VAT compliance review might at some stage flag up potential under or over declarations, but this would be perfectly normal in such reviews and can arise for a multiplicity of reasons. This however is not quite the same as the bold statement you make in "not paying the VAT man".

In case you were wondering, I am certainly no apologist for the company, but I am very much at odds with the concept of denigrating an individual or individuals until there is some substance to the allegations which so far as I am concerned are totally unfounded.



So I wonder who will be wrong or sho will be spot on with your good self or mr THJ ?? I know who I would back on the outcome of this whole sad situation... But the main thing is that young granty is keeping his dream alive 

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This weeks guest on ‘My Life in Speedway’ from the Talk Speedway Podcast is former Glasgow, Wolverhampton, Berwick, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Redcar man James Grieves 

Listen here 

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1V0LtxcH4xElJLdLjCVzkp?si=BwX9hCDAQH-I5ejZOwp-pg

itunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/my-life-in-speedway-with-james-grieves/id1485785964?i=1000498714499

on www.talkspeedway.co.uk or by searching for talk speedway on your podcast app of choice 

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On 11/16/2020 at 10:13 AM, gmuncie said:

This weeks guest on ‘My Life in Speedway’ from the Talk Speedway Podcast is former Glasgow, Wolverhampton, Berwick, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Redcar man James Grieves 

Listen here 

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1V0LtxcH4xElJLdLjCVzkp?si=BwX9hCDAQH-I5ejZOwp-pg

itunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/my-life-in-speedway-with-james-grieves/id1485785964?i=1000498714499

on www.talkspeedway.co.uk or by searching for talk speedway on your podcast app of choice 

Great to hear the stories from James. Pity he didn't say much about his time at Newcastle, but he is well remembered from his time with us. He brought his son down to Newcastle, I think it was at Press and Practice time, and he did a few races with our Archie Freeman. James's sweeps around the outside of Newcastle are legendry.

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Well another fly in the ointment

Nick Skorja ain't coming next season unfortunately 

To be fair I was really looking forward to seeing him ride round Brough...

The hunt is on for a replacement

Somehow I don't think he will be the last change. .



Edited by TotallyHonestJohn
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6 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well another fly in the ointment

Nick Skorja ain't coming next season unfortunately 

To be fair I was really looking forward to seeing him ride round Brough...

The hunt is on for a replacement

Somehow I don't think he will be the last change. .



It might have been a nice publicity ideal for all the promotions to say they would start with the same team as 2020. In reality there will always be movement and changes , possibly connected to Poland's rules, riders wanting more cash, riders retiring, riders getting tapped up. We needed to drop someone to now capitalise on it, and bring our team up to the strength of others, as a 2 points deficit was never on with most fans.  Imagine a rider really riding great, increasing his average by quite a bit, and us only ending up as the same strength os the start level of others teams.   Look forward to see the new team.

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58 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well another fly in the ointment

Nick Skorja ain't coming next season unfortunately 

To be fair I was really looking forward to seeing him ride round Brough...

The hunt is on for a replacement

Somehow I don't think he will be the last change. .




44 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

It might have been a nice publicity ideal for all the promotions to say they would start with the same team as 2020. In reality there will always be movement and changes , possibly connected to Poland's rules, riders wanting more cash, riders retiring, riders getting tapped up. We needed to drop someone to now capitalise on it, and bring our team up to the strength of others, as a 2 points deficit was never on with most fans.  Imagine a rider really riding great, increasing his average by quite a bit, and us only ending up as the same strength os the start level of others teams.   Look forward to see the new team.

Copied and pasted off Facebook:

Nick Skorja joins Landshut
Newcastle have found themselves having to make a team change for the 2021 season having initially hoped to run with their shelved 2020 septet, however they must now move forward without the Slovenian star Nick Skorja.
"Everyone at Newcastle Speedway would like to wish Nick Skorja all the very best," said Diamonds' boss, Rob Grant, "He is taking up a new opportunity with German team Landshut, however Landshut compete in the Polish leagues, which share Newcastle's race day, Sunday, making it an impossibility for Nick to compete in the Diamonds' squad in 2021. All the Newcastle management, whilst hoping he has a great season in Poland next year, are staying hopeful that Nick will return to UK, and racing for Newcastle in the future."
With Skorja moving on to pastures new, Newcastle's behind-the-scenes team are now looking at what options are available and have added: "We are currently looking at what options we have available and have spoken to a couple of riders already, both of whom are based in the UK and from the EU. As soon as we know which direction we are taking. we will act appropriately and quickly, and in due course will reveal the decision to the fans as soon as we can."
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So we are already looking at two riders eh... what with Brexit... Covid... and Poland... added to us being a Sunday track... there can't be a very long list to choose from... I certainly don't envy the job the promotion have... 

Like I said earlier I was genuinely looking forward to seeing our original team of seven perform in the Championship...

This won't be the last change I fear... to Newcastle...  or for any of the other teams in our league for that matter...



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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well another fly in the ointment

Nick Skorja ain't coming next season unfortunately 

To be fair I was really looking forward to seeing him ride round Brough...

The hunt is on for a replacement

Somehow I don't think he will be the last change. .



Do you play chess by any chance ( Czech mate )

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30 minutes ago, pienpeesman said:

Do you play chess by any chance ( Czech mate )

That wouldn't be a reference to me old pal Matej Kus would It? You'll be telling me Stuart Robson is also being considered next...

Ludde springs to mind but once Brexit kicks in he will need a work permit as will all Europeans come January 1st...

The whole thing is a mess to me... and it's all going to bag-wash...




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4 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

That wouldn't be a reference to me old pal Matej Kus would It? You'll be telling me Stuart Robson is also being considered next...

Ludde springs to mind but once Brexit kicks in he will need a work permit as will all Europeans come January 1st...

The whole thing is a mess to me... and it's all going to bag-wash...




Surely there is a chance that the points limit will have to be reduced, making it impossible for teams to declare the same 7 riders ?

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1 hour ago, proud panther said:

Surely there is a chance that the points limit will have to be reduced, making it impossible for teams to declare the same 7 riders ?

Think you could be correct there pp... 

The premiership need to sort out what they are going to do with the potential loss of riders (Not just Brits) to Poland... 

The impact come Jan 1 and Brexit... and what implications this will have on bringing riders in... work permits and the additional costs associated with this..

Continued Covid restrictions not just on travel but crowd sizes as I have heard clubs who use dog tracks will initially only be allowed to let 350 spectators in... so to make it pay the entry fee will need to be at least 20 quid...  also how quick can they roll out a vaccine...

So the build point level gets reduced to what 39 or 38 which is fair play but the club's have said they would try and commit to their original teams as selected from 2019 but have the riders reciprocated or are they going to go mercenary... 

Newcastle have lost one for sure to Poland and Birmingham also to HMP Service so they have an immediate requirement then who else isn't going to come back...

So a points reduction means each team will lose a rider and a mini reshuffle will take place...

Personally I think it will end up a right mess... hopefully not but I am not holding out much hope



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I suppose season ticket holders will get first shout so I imagine that will bring the attendance down with paying customers on the door.How many actually rolled the season ticket over?Like you say it is all a bit of a mess if you ask me.

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I certainly rolled over my sponsorship package but I have no idea how many season ticket holders did the same.

Not everyone is in the same boat and I can understand if anyone wanted to claim back their season ticket cash

I wonder if Rob Grant knows which one of the ten mirrors he must have broke which is bringing all this bad luck

What a palaver!!! 

Oh there's a thought for a replacement wonder what Victor is doing?


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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Yep Newcastle will still be at Brough next year but if you know where there's 12 to 20 acres of land on the outskirts of Newcastle please contact the management... 




Is next year the last of present lease? If so is it likely to be renewed?

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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Yep Newcastle will still be at Brough next year but if you know where there's 12 to 20 acres of land on the outskirts of Newcastle please contact the management... 




Even if there was a site available, when would RG be prepared to go in even further to develop such a place, while this covid carry-on still only has a candle light at the end of the pipe?

Any hope's can easily be blown out. :(

Edited by ruffdiamond
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9 minutes ago, lewy said:

Is next year the last of present lease? If so is it likely to be renewed?

To be honest I think this year would have been the last one of the three agreed by the previous promotion so RG has got them to extend it for this coming year and to be fair I think he would like a longer term rather than being on a year by year lease but with the whole world being upside down who knows what the future holds...

7 minutes ago, ruffdiamond said:

Even if there was a site available, when would RG be prepared to go in even further to develop such a place, while this covid carry-on still only has a candle light at the end of the pipe?

Any hope's can easily be blown out. :(

Ya not wrong and you have to empathise with him after all the crepe he has had to put up with and having still not turned a wheel in anger he's hanging in there when most mere mortals would have been heading for the hills long ago...

Keep fighting the good fight RG you'll get that 90th anniversary meeting on some day... or maybe a 95th eh...



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10 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Ya not wrong and you have to empathise with him after all the crepe he has had to put up with and having still not turned a wheel in anger he's hanging in there when most mere mortals would have been heading for the hills long ago...

Keep fighting the good fight RG you'll get that 90th anniversary meeting on some day... or maybe a 95th eh...



Yeah, am sure many would have bailed earlier, hopefully many folk with integrity will keep backing him and, maybe we'll get to see the club thrive in the murky future. 

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