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Glasgow 2021

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30 minutes ago, Fromafar said:

Len said he was refunding weeks ago.Which is what should have been done by all Promotions.IMO

To be fair to Eastbourne, i haven't asked for a refund. They did announce that any meetings staged this season would be free to season ticket holders, and their current tickets would be valid for next year. A decent gesture if speedway returns.

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1 hour ago, Fromafar said:

Len said he was refunding weeks ago.Which is what should have been done by all Promotions.IMO

Yes that’s the way they all should do it, Len has done the right thing.
I assume Glasgow have refunded all season tickets.  

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35 minutes ago, Speedtiger said:

Yes that’s the way they all should do it, Len has done the right thing.
I assume Glasgow have refunded all season tickets.  

I feel I must add if some supporters want to donate or have their money rolled over till next season fair play to them.

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1 hour ago, cityrebel said:

To be fair to Eastbourne, i haven't asked for a refund. They did announce that any meetings staged this season would be free to season ticket holders, and their current tickets would be valid for next year. A decent gesture if speedway returns.

Fair Play.

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On 6/2/2020 at 2:52 PM, snapper said:

Most of the stadiums that have restricted viewing areas is because of safety issues that the closed part of the stadium is not fit to be used so unsure how easy its is going to be to get these areas open.  Others such s Edinburgh and Newcastle just don't have the space.

Edinburgh obviously don't agree as they have declared they are ready to go.

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7 hours ago, JanAndersen said:

Another trophyless season for the Possilpark Tigers. 

Well look on the positive side as with Glasgow not running that will be at least two less defeats for The Monarch's this year.

Edited by cinderfella
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57 minutes ago, cinderfella said:

Edinburgh obviously don't agree as they have declared they are ready to go.

This does surprise me. 

Edinburgh basically have two sides of their eh "stadium". How can they socially distance?

Somewhere like Berwick I could see being possible fairly easily, with a good few portaloos but plenty of open available space but Edinburgh is comparatively tiny. 

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14 hours ago, cinderfella said:

Why does everyone assume Glasgow have got bottomless pockets? If you have watched the recent In The Red documentary you will have heard the promotion saying they loose about £100k a season.
Glasgow are very lucky to have owners that not only support speedway but also invest in the area including the junior (equivalent of non-league) football team but there is a limit to how long the Facenna's can be expected to dig into their personal accounts.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons Glasgow have been honest and up front about saying they are not running. Having 6 overseas riders in the team this year must also raise problems.

To be fair (and trying not to come across as a Monarch) (Smug) it was pointed out to Glasgow fans 2+ years back that the club was losing cash hand over fist and that the place was being underwritten by the Facenna family business for six figure sums per annum as a corporate social responsibility on their company accounts and that this had been the case from when they first purchased to spot...  yet the argument at that time was totally denounced as lies and jealousy; however "The Red" documentary has proved this to be fact...

I also agree where you state that Glasgow and their fans are in a very fortunate position with such generous benefactors as the Facenna family and it also needs noting that this isn't their personal accounts or wealth that is being impacted but that of their main business and as long as they run the club as a charity on the basis of it being an aim of their main companies corporate social responsibility to support local sport and their main business remains profitable then this is fine and long may it reign... However the motor industry are having hard times at present...

Crunch time will come if they ever sell their business and the new board/owners make a decision as to whether they will continue to support sports in the the local community or pay their shareholders a larger dividend... this is when it may come down to the Facenna family to underwrite the club with their own hard earned cash and at £100k plus a year losses its difficult to see this happening unless there were changes... I would suggest the club would no longer be allowed to live beyond its means if they stayed in charge under that type of scenario...

I would also suggest the main reason that Glasgow have been honest and up front about saying they are not running is more down to the logistics and them having the common sense to see that it will be a logistical and financial nightmare to try and run Speedway without it costing even more money... Why run and lose say another £100k over half or quarter of a season when you can shut up shop and lose nothing (or very little) by not running at all... you have to respect what the promotion have done and I have been reliably informed that there will be no penalty imposed on Glasgow or any club for that matter should they decide not to run which is quite correct IMHO... and having 6 overseas riders in the team this year would raise problems.

The Glasgow promotion I am sure would have much rather preferred to run if it wasn't for the issues raised in these strange Covid ravaged times and they have been brave enough to grasp the nettle with both hands and well done to them for doing so; they wont be the last promotion to make or take this decision  I am sure of that and it will be interesting to see which way the BSPL jump (eventually) with regards to trying to run a fixture list which has so many hurdles to navigate before a wheel is turned... it just may be totally beyond them...

The other thing of note on here are the vastly different opinions as to whether the sport should run at all this season and the questions that are being raise and the debate it is generating... I was in the "speedway should run camp" when this thing broke but now I am starting to think "should we? it may not be a good idea" and slowly residing myself to the fact that "maybe its not a good idea and we should write the season off totally" a fascinating debate.

Interesting times and as stated well done Glasgow it may start the ball rolling on a definitive decision on whether we move forward or not and possibly give it up as a bad joke; write the season off and look to next year... But I honestly think we may still be in some form of Covid 19 impacted life style come the start of next season so we may be no further forward... I sincerely hope not but we will see...


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Excellent post THJ...:t:

For me it always comes down to finance, so if there is any racing it probably only should be done by those who can either comfortably finance any losses or feel that their buisness plan, (with all the Covid 19 restrictions), can deliver a profit..

And those who fall within that criteria may be very few in numbers I would think..

Personally,  I think a season of no losses/minimal losses, for the vast majority of teams who seem to lose high five figure sums annually, might not be the worst scenario in the world. Especially if they use the money saved as a promotional budget next year, to really make an impact both locally as an independent business, and nationally as a BSPL collective..

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3 hours ago, mikebv said:

Excellent post THJ...:t:

For me it always comes down to finance, so if there is any racing it probably only should be done by those who can either comfortably finance any losses or feel that their buisness plan, (with all the Covid 19 restrictions), can deliver a profit..

And those who fall within that criteria may be very few in numbers I would think..

Personally,  I think a season of no losses/minimal losses, for the vast majority of teams who seem to lose high five figure sums annually, might not be the worst scenario in the world. Especially if they use the money saved as a promotional budget next year, to really make an impact both locally as an independent business, and nationally as a BSPL collective..

Good post mikeb, I appreciate the BSPA optimism but they should now be realistic, as Glasgow have been, and call off this season and clubs make a statement about paying back the season ticket money and restore some faith with fans.

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I haven’t seen any announcements that when speedway stadiums reopen they can also admit spectators.  All other motor sports I interested in ie Moto GP, F1 are racing without spectators.  Can’t recall seeing a date when speedway can return, full stop, never mind with spectators.

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1 hour ago, OveFundinFan said:

I haven’t seen any announcements that when speedway stadiums reopen they can also admit spectators.  All other motor sports I interested in ie Moto GP, F1 are racing without spectators.  Can’t recall seeing a date when speedway can return, full stop, never mind with spectators.

There's no way speedway runs in the UK without spectators. Totally unsustainable. 

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10 hours ago, Joseq7 said:

There's no way speedway runs in the UK without spectators. Totally unsustainable. 

I agree, but everyone on here seems to be talking about speedway taking place with spectators. Apart from snooker and horse racing I havent seen any sport in the UK taking place, and they are without spectators. Footbal is spoke about, but its a contact sport and many players do not seem too keen to be part of it - they have families to think of.

Speedway in the UK in 2020 with spectators - I dont think so.

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So speedway with no spectators. Is it possible ? 

Could a meeting not be streamed online on a pay per view basis ?

I cannot see regular "league racing" attracting much of an audience onlne (watched enough paint dry on the you tube offerings )  but if a series of open meetings were arranged with select teams representing a number of clubs maybe that woudl attract enough interest?

Not an IT expert so dont know what would be involved - but  there are already video companies out there doing speedway videos..... which can be paid for online  so if they charged for a one time password to log on to the streaming service would that work ? 



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What would it cost cost for a pass?

if say 1000 attend a meeting, maybe half of those have access to a streaming service.

So whereas 1000 at £15 equals £15000, would 500 people pay £30 to produce the same revenue?

Also loss of profit from Programmes, Bars, Catering.

I think the Tigers have called correctly.

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49 minutes ago, tweedcider said:

What would it cost cost for a pass?

if say 1000 attend a meeting, maybe half of those have access to a streaming service.

So whereas 1000 at £15 equals £15000, would 500 people pay £30 to produce the same revenue?

Also loss of profit from Programmes, Bars, Catering.

I think the Tigers have called correctly.

Yep it's this. 

Total total non starter.

League meetings in Poland behind close doors is economically viable. 

Also I can see something like a six meeting, six venue, shortened SGP season in Poland too. 

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15 hours ago, old bob at herne bay said:

Could a meeting not be streamed online on a pay per view basis ?

Edinburgh had pay-per-view available for home matches to anyone living more than a specified distance from the stadium last year so it must be possible to do if a club has the correct equipment available.

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42 minutes ago, cinderfella said:

Edinburgh had pay-per-view available for home matches to anyone living more than a specified distance from the stadium last year so it must be possible to do if a club has the correct equipment available.

I think this was only going to be available this coming season? Not sure it was in place for 2019. Could be wrong. 

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6 minutes ago, JanAndersen said:

I think this was only going to be available this coming season? Not sure it was in place for 2019. Could be wrong. 

No it was available last season through a link to EMTV.


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