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Glasgow 2021

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54 minutes ago, cityrebel said:

The Glasgow decision was made by professional people that run a successful business. Well done to them.

And notable for giving a thorough and candid explanation. (Contrast with BSI's prevarication over Cardiff)

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1 hour ago, cityrebel said:

The Glasgow decision was made by professional people that run a successful business. Well done to them.

Agreed, however..

A proper professional sport should have such decisions made by its governing body, and not unilaterally by individual members of that organisation...

As that just leads to chaos as each member seeks out getting their own way based on their own needs and wants..

Fair play to Glasgow for their leadership on this matter,  however the sport has a National leadership team who should be leading the way forward and agreeing the process to be followed..


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12 hours ago, mikebv said:

Agreed, however..

A proper professional sport should have such decisions made by its governing body, and not unilaterally by individual members of that organisation...

As that just leads to chaos as each member seeks out getting their own way based on their own needs and wants..

Fair play to Glasgow for their leadership on this matter,  however the sport has a National leadership team who should be leading the way forward and agreeing the process to be followed..


Speedway isn’t a proper professional sport. I don’t recall a time it ever has been. It masquerades as one but the reality is it should be run on a semi-professional level. 

Glasgow have made a sensible decision. If sitting out 2020 means they have a long term future then that is the right move. I hope other clubs will do the same rather than blindly follow whatever the BSPA’s plan may be if it hurts them long term. 

The party line seems to be that there will be a form of curtailed season. I’m off on a tangent here I know... But there doesn’t seem to be any concrete plan of how that will be  completed. To me the sensible thing would be to plan to a worst case scenario in which speedway can take place and hope for better. There are no guarantees that we will get any form of speedway this season full stop. 

The worst case where we could still go racing is that riders from overseas can’t get into the country. We either water things down considerably team strength wise (not a good idea) or we expand the British championship to include any British riders who want to compete. Depending on how many months of the season we fit in that can take the shape of qualifiers and a GP style series at tracks who wish to/can host or qualifiers leading to a one off final.

Cramming a half season into three months is a silly idea especially when one of those months is notoriously bad weather wise, getting sillier as the days go on where no progress is made. If any speedway is run this year in Britain it will be a miracle in my eyes, that speedway doesn’t have to be team speedway however. 


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25 minutes ago, Hacksaw Jim Duggan said:

Can their riders now sign for other teams if this "season" ever starts

Don't see why not as they are basically self employed.

Any agreement with Glasgow for this season will be null and void after we declared as not running.

Edited by Gazc
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Glasgow's decision has to be the correct one given the applied logic, acknowledging what we already know and anticipate in the coming months - add to that any currently unknown additional constraints likely to yet lay ahead this year, and not to mention any economic factors affecting prospective crowd levels.

Whilst the eternal optimism and positive intent shared by the BSPA announcements in recent months is admirable in many ways, it does suggest a blind obsession just to be able to run at all costs, and probably little consideration for riders, supporters and sponsors! 

It'll now be tricky for the BSPA to 'out logic' Glasgow's stance, even more so if other clubs shortly line up on the sidelines this season.

One further observation. Can those clubs allegedly prepared to run this season please explain how they've been able to go, in one close season, from "we need more supporters to make ends meet" to "we're happy to run in front of a fraction of our usual crowd level" - something doesn't add up! Are those clubs risking the very futures of their club?

Unprecedented times indeed.

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12 minutes ago, GlasVegas said:

Glasgow's decision has to be the correct one given the applied logic, acknowledging what we already know and anticipate in the coming months - add to that any currently unknown additional constraints likely to yet lay ahead this year, and not to mention any economic factors affecting prospective crowd levels.

Whilst the eternal optimism and positive intent shared by the BSPA announcements in recent months is admirable in many ways, it does suggest a blind obsession just to be able to run at all costs, and probably little consideration for riders, supporters and sponsors! 

It'll now be tricky for the BSPA to 'out logic' Glasgow's stance, even more so if other clubs shortly line up on the sidelines this season.

One further observation. Can those clubs allegedly prepared to run this season please explain how they've been able to go, in one close season, from "we need more supporters to make ends meet" to "we're happy to run in front of a fraction of our usual crowd level" - something doesn't add up! Are those clubs risking the very futures of their club?

Unprecedented times indeed.

It will be interesting to see what rules will be put in place by Government regarding testing riders and staff  and the financial cost to these Clubs “ on the breadline” if they do run.Personaly can’t see where it will viable

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Well done to the Glasgow promotion for making a clearly defined decision ---about Glasgow.

As they rightly point out in the statement, every club is different with different stadium set-ups, access etc, quite apart from the availability of riders if and when the sport is given guidance to resume.  Glasgow's stated main income source is from attendances (rather than  advertising, sponsorship, food and beverage etc) so their decision is clearly made with that uppermost in their minds if social distancing continues as it is now - especially as their recent video 'In The Red' stated they are still losing £100k per season!!!

They are not trying to force their decision on other clubs - but other clubs may well make a similar decision based upon their own circumstances but equally they may not

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Well done Glasgow for making this decision, and taking the time to explain why they have come to the decision, each passing month without Speedway could mean more and more Teams will follow Glasgows lead in this. At this moment in time i cannot see speedway resuming until August at the earliest come the end of this month then unless something changes drastically we will then be at a September resumption, at what point does League speedway become impossible for the 2020 season ?, I would suggest September would be that time, because no matter what you cant run a season over the 2 months of September and October, and as for running into November good luck with that one, I for one wont be watching Speedway on a cold/damp night in November.

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Glasgow's decision is the correct one in their circumstances.    The very fact of their recent success in filling a compact little stadium so full means that social distancing of regular spectators at Ashfield would be nigh-on impossible. 

Other clubs, with more-spacious arenas (King's Lynn, Peterboro, Isle of Wight, Ipswich and Berwick come to mind) could probably get their regular attendances in while socially-distanced, if they wanted to. 

Other places, where spectating is currently limited to small parts of a stadium, might be able (with H&S and landlords' approval) be able to reopen long-closed areas and space people out.

But in Glasgow's case this would be quite impossible, and their well-timed announcement is absolutely on the button. 

Edited by crescent girl
Had missed out the apostrophe in KL!
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Most of the stadiums that have restricted viewing areas is because of safety issues that the closed part of the stadium is not fit to be used so unsure how easy its is going to be to get these areas open.  Others such s Edinburgh and Newcastle just dont have the space.

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Entirely sensible decision from Glasgow, and now one club has blinked I think more clubs will follow. Time to put an end to 2020 and look to 2021, same teams same rules, clubs will start in a reasonably decent financial situation in fact some will start in a very healthy situation which has to be a positive.

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3 hours ago, screm said:

Entirely sensible decision from Glasgow, and now one club has blinked I think more clubs will follow. Time to put an end to 2020 and look to 2021, same teams same rules, clubs will start in a reasonably decent financial situation in fact some will start in a very healthy situation which has to be a positive.

The problem is Screm while folk and clubs must take care and same in all sports venues this virus I think will never totally go from the Planet?

It will be question of living with it as best can?

With that in mind the world in all areas needs to move forward and people need to move on as well in due course.

Rumours are that the S Distance might drop to 1m as in most Euro countries and if that happened it could lift lot of questions but hey I just a mere mortal.

Am sure Mr Hancock will have the answers !!!  There is every chance we be no further forward come 2021 season.

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Unfortunately in these covid days and going forward, health and safety will be a big thing, ( THJ will probably be aware of the big ins and ous of  this in his line of work)     would the promotion/ volunteers be willing/know all about this ? Will it be worth the hassel for what may only be a season of 2 months if we are lucky. If all h+s is done would a crowd turn up to watch? If I were a promoter I would think the hassel for a short season would not be worth it, that's without the potential rider issue.  I think hard as it is to think like this, I would abandon the season, re-group and focus on 2021, if they can afford to do it, as for many their business and sponsor's businesses may have taken a very big hit in these times. Sorry if this sounds bleak but IMO that's where the sport is.

the above is taken from what I wrote on the Newcastle thread, think it applies to all speedway tracks/stadiums.

i think once again Glasgow have been forward thinking in deciding to cancel 2020 season. I think they will be first of many making the same decision

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36 minutes ago, Catch Me If You Can said:

The problem is Screm while folk and clubs must take care and same in all sports venues this virus I think will never totally go from the Planet?

It will be question of living with it as best can?

With that in mind the world in all areas needs to move forward and people need to move on as well in due course.

Rumours are that the S Distance might drop to 1m as in most Euro countries and if that happened it could lift lot of questions but hey I just a mere mortal.

Am sure Mr Hancock will have the answers !!!  There is every chance we be no further forward come 2021 season.

I think the main problem regarding up this season would be the restrictions imposed by Governments and testing procedures and cost  ,maybe by next season these will be lifted to make running more viable. If some Promotions want to take the gamble that’s their prerogative.Given the financial state of the sport ,I’m not convinced running this season is wise.But who knows!!

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