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Belle Vue Aces 2020

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1 hour ago, Speedtiger said:

Phil, it is TRUE just check out the BV accounts on official company house web sight!! 

a) It's called a "website".

b) There's nothing filed at Companies House to show what profit or loss they have made.  (and certainly not your made up half a million loss).

As a small company (micro-entity), they are only obliged to file micro company accounts.  This means no profit and loss account has to be filed, no statement of source and application of funds has to be filed, and only the briefest of 3 line abbreviated balance sheets has to be filed.   And indeed, this brief balance sheet is all they have filed.  There's no P&L account to look at.

All you can do with the modified balance sheet info is take one figure away from the other to show a difference of approx £152k.   If nothing else has changed during the year you could assume they had made a loss of £152k.   But you haven't got any information on anything else, so making that assumption would be silly.   For all you know they could have lost £10,152,000 but pumped 10 million into the company.  Equally they could have made £9,848,000 profit, but taken  £10M out in dividends....  they could have taken out mortgages, paid off mortgages, bought a share of the stadium, bought riders, sold riders, made clever accounting adjustments for tax reasons.... a million possibilities.

You're unlikely to see any speedway club ever reach the level of turnover needed for them to be compelled to file a Profit & Loss account.  Until then, keep guessing and making crap up.



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10 minutes ago, Speedtiger said:

Ok you make a lot of ifs, buts and maybes but you should look on company house it in black and white and looks a huge loss

Not read a word of my posting above have you?

There is NO profit and loss account filed at Companies House.  As a micro company they don't have to file one, and they haven't.

  All that is filed is an abbreviated balance sheet which gives minimal information, and certainly doesn't show profit or loss.



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Mark Lemon just confirmed on BV YouTube that Max and Bjerre are both giving Britain a miss this year.

Also spoke of another signing he's very excited about. Mentioned that we were close to signing him last year, and he ended up having a very good season - probably Wright?

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21 minutes ago, TheOpinion said:

Mark Lemon just confirmed on BV YouTube that Max and Bjerre are both giving Britain a miss this year.

Also spoke of another signing he's very excited about. Mentioned that we were close to signing him last year, and he ended up having a very good season - probably Wright?

Probably YES

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My view on what Mark Lemon said about Bjerre was that he couldn't commit to the start of the season.  It may be possible that he is available later in the season.  Just a thought, but if Kildermand doesn't work out or intends not to stay all season, then maybe Bjerre replaces him later.  Who knows?

With Kurtz, I think he is at a similar stage of development as Fricke was 2017 and see know reason why he can't make the same progress as Max has.  He'll certainly have a consistently good track to do it on. I'm looking forward to watching him. 


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10 minutes ago, Aces51 said:

He became British Champion at the NSS so he certainly knows how to ride the NSS. I wouldn't describe him as a steal on his current average but I think he is still improving and will certainly increase his current average. 

Charles Wright I believe is 31, which is not the end of the world. But certainly you couldn't expect a huge improvement at this age, so would this be a case of the average fits ? To refer to the earlier question would you be signing him for home form alone ?

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42 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

How so ? He rode a year at a big track, and would be moving to a big track. Unless you are saying he is a NSS track specialist ?

His average is only 6.68 and there is plenty of potential to put two points on his average

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Last year, at the age of 30, he increased his PL average by 1.5 points. That shows he is still capable of improvement.  He also showed in both the British Final and the Cardiff GP that he can now mix it at a higher level than he has previously shown.

I would see him as a signing that could do well both at home and away.  He isn't one of those riders who have a significant difference in their home and away averages. There was only 0.75 between them last year and I see no reason to think that any improvement this year will not be reflected across both of those averages. 

Edited by Aces51
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14 minutes ago, Aces51 said:

Last year, at the age of 30, he increased his PL average by 1.5 points. That shows he is still capable of improvement.  He also showed in both the British Final and the Cardiff GP that he can now mix it at a higher level than he has previously shown.

I would see him as a signing that could do well both at home and away.  He isn't one of those riders who have a significant difference in their home and away averages. There was only 0.75 between them last year and I see no reason to think that any improvement this year will not be reflected across both of those averages. 

A fair and reasonable post. But would you expect any further improvement on his average ?

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1 hour ago, Aces51 said:

He became British Champion at the NSS so he certainly knows how to ride the NSS. I wouldn't describe him as a steal on his current average but I think he is still improving and will certainly increase his current average. 

His average I don’t see as a steal either. Steady improvement I would expect, nothing more.

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3 hours ago, Speedtiger said:

Ok you make a lot of ifs, buts and maybes but you should look on company house it in black and white and looks a huge loss and if they are supposed to be hot shot business people it is a very bad show. Or is it a tax dodge? 

A company belle Vues size does not have to publish company accounts and it's clear that they don't.  Also there is absolutely no chance they are losing anywhere near 500k a year.

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I think he will improve again next year because a big part of speedway is confidence and his successes last year should mean he starts next season feeling very confident. 

However,  it's a matter of opinion. I think I saw enough in him last year to think that he has not yet reached his peak but I've seen too many riders have a good season and then stand still, or even go backwards, to know that you can never be sure. 

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53 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

Charles Wright I believe is 31, which is not the end of the world. But certainly you couldn't expect a huge improvement at this age, so would this be a case of the average fits ? To refer to the earlier question would you be signing him for home form alone ?

In his case I wouldn't rule out any improvement. Charles Wright was never going to amount to anything more than a PL reserve a few years ago, he's now British champion. If Cook can manage a GP season then I reckon Wright could too.

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With the 2.5% deduction from wright it's actually 6.51. 


He achieved an average of 6.68 riding at no1 or 5. He will be swapping places between 3rd hl and end string with bewley. So should get a high 6 or low 7 point average for me

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Charles has been gradually improving. He's a classic, run of the mill British rider. Will do well in this league and as 3rd HL he should get himself over a 7 point average.

So, it's looking like:








Given where I was a couple weeks back, I'm very happy with that team. A slight step back in the top 2 but I think we now have a stronger 3rd heatleader and better reserves. 

Bewley and Worrall for similar reasons, were poor last season. If they can get back to pre 2019 form then we will make the play offs I'm sure.

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