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Poole 2020


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2 hours ago, RebelDan said:

I think you need to read between the lines here. This seems like posturing ahead of the AGM by Ford IMO. He wants Wednesday night racing to protect his business interests which is fair enough - the timing is ahead of the AGM though to lay a marker to other Promoters. Would the top league survive with just 6 teams ? I don’t know I’m speculating but I suspect he has no intention of dropping down he just wants a change of race nights and is letting other promoters know this ahead of the AGM. Also whatever price he wants for the club is less likely to be achieved if Poole are in the 2nd tier. Just my opinion of course not being close to Poole or Ford before someone hijacks my post! 

My thoughts exactly.

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1 hour ago, crazysue said:

I've only ever been nice, it's not in my nature to be nasty (silly and maybe sarcastic at times but nasty, nope)  and I do find that comment quite hurtful to be honest.

As for Poole, the top league would be a poorer place without them but if it is essential for them to drop down to survive then it is understandable, it is better to drop down and survive than to try to stay up and close, possibly permanently...now that really would be unthinkable.

We of course dropped down a league for more than a few years and by goodness it was a shock to my system. Initially I was very against it and would look at the top league with envy, however I soon got over myself and my drama queen tantrums (I was a real drama llama over it) and realised that things were just as good as before, the smell was the same (ish) and I soon got used to the new sets of fans that came from other teams. That said, I was over the moon at our move back for this season.

Yes, sorry I had to generalise all Ipswich fans into one group. But on the forum for meeting threads etc you come as a package. And if it means I don't have to put up with Baldyman and Gavan and a few others, then I'll take it. But I wasn't including you, as apart from today? you don't post much on the forum.

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4 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:

I don’t believe moving back to a Wednesday from a Thursday would make any difference to crowd levels. 

Long time fans Rabbit and her husband stopped going.  Admittedly only two but there were probably others who were affected by riding Thursday's instead of Wednesday's.

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5 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:

Yes you are right. I was a bit quick off the mark and very disappointed to read and hear there was a risk of us dropping down. Hasty is the right word.

I have always much preferred the highest quality racing, as I prefer top league football. I went to Swindon Town v Newport recently and what a load of crap that was. 

I did enjoy Poole when they were in the NL as I didn’t have anything to compare it with. But the sport has changed completely from the 1990’s. And when we moved up the racing was just so much better.

I might not feel like it now but if Poole do drop down, by March I will probably trundle down the road to the stadium. It’s in the blood.

Be positive Steve .   When Lakeside dropped down to NL in 2016 the racing was dire. No other word for it, In 2017 in the CL we had 3 heatleaders the crowd could really get behind , in Nick Morris, Adam Ellis and Richard Lawson, and I enjoyed that season as much as I had enjoyed Speedway for years. It’s just a tragedy the club was stuffed by the malevolent Rob Godfrey in his bizarre determination to reduce the number of teams.

If you have a team at any level you can really  get behind that’s 60% of the enjoyment of the sport.Sadly I no longer have a club to support so my enthusiasm is evaporating quicker than a snowball in the Sahara , but as you say it really is in the blood so give it your support and am I sure you will enjoy it. Make the most of it . The best days of the sport are behind us and I doubt whether it will be with us  much longer, especially with the present idiots in charge.

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21 minutes ago, lisa-colette said:

Yes, sorry I had to generalise all Ipswich fans into one group. But on the forum for meeting threads etc you come as a package. And if it means I don't have to put up with Baldyman and Gavan and a few others, then I'll take it. But I wasn't including you, as apart from today? you don't post much on the forum.

I can understand your point Lisa although I don't readily agree with it. I see people as individuals rather than a collective and try not to tar everyone with the same brush, if I did, then I would see all Poole fans as tongue in cheek wind up merchants thanks to Steve (loves ya really Steve :D). Instead I take each person as they come and work out the individual personalities and go with that.

As for not posting, I did cover that further up. Updates, work, family and this season, a multitude of mad dashes to hospital in the middle of the night (for parents) leaves precious little time for reading let alone posting on here. Alongside this, I have had struggles with my mental health and a crisis of self confidence over the last few years which led to a massive reduction in posting not just here but on Updates (although I was still doing my normal organisation and chasing, just not active posting) , social media and other non speedway related forums preferring to be very much in the background. I realised just how much I had withdrawn a few weeks back when everyone was posting about Cardiff and have gradually over recent weeks, forced myself to stop hiding and to become more involved again.

Edited by crazysue
Added more info
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11 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:

Just had the flu jab last week. Grotty for a couple of days but ok now. Worth having.

Perhaps let us know it's worth having after you have had a Flu/cold free Winter?  The Flu jab is not something I have ever had and I don't intend to as I have never had the Flu and can't remember the last time I had a cold. Just hope I am not tempting fate now. :D

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8 hours ago, orion said:

So if had Top division polish standard teams you thinks crowds would not go up ? please don't reply  with your normal we not got the money because that has nothing to do with the point being made .

Your mate is a poor example ..the rider  level dropping is why the entertainment level has dropped . what I find so scary about speedway fans is the lack of understanding about the need for decent riders to   bring  the  crowds in .  of course most of  them are really old and will turn up to watch any old rubbish 



The last sentence really shows your lack of knowledge and understanding of speedway to be honest.Go on the other threads ask the guys who watch regular NL and Championship speedway and see if they tell you it is all a load of old rubbish.The bring back the top stars that will repair thing's is a pie in the sky notion which in this moment in time not  realistic.  ( i.e. at the moment the money is not there also riders do not want to commit to a whole season here simple as that. Mike and most of his ideas are all financially viable the uk now is what it is and we have to make do with what we have it can still produce a good night out whatever level if put together right.

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4 minutes ago, Sidney the robin said:

The last sentence really shows your lack of knowledge and understanding of speedway to be honest.Go on the other threads ask the guys who watch regular NL and Championship speedway and see if they tell you it is all a load of old rubbish.The bring back the top stars that will repair thing's is a pie in the sky notion which in this moment in time not  realistic.  ( i.e. at the moment the money is not there also riders do not want to commit to a whole season here simple as that. Mike and most of his ideas are all financially viable the uk now is what it is and we have to make do with what we have it can still produce a good night out whatever level if put together right.

Even when I  tell you not to reply about it being  viable you go and do it .. the point being make is that you keep saying that people don't worry about who is riding what is quite clearly wrong I don't need to  ask people who watch Nl or championship I just look at the poor crowds that drop every year as the rider  standard does . . one moment you say that someone never go's anymore because the uk is rubbish and then in your next post  you say that other people are saying it's great . make your mind up ? 

No one is on about bringing back top riders back  but to keep dropping the standard has clearly not worked and nearly every  idea is to do the same again as its been for  the last 20 years . 


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6 hours ago, Gemini said:

Perhaps let us know it's worth having after you have had a Flu/cold free Winter?  The Flu jab is not something I have ever had and I don't intend to as I have never had the Flu and can't remember the last time I had a cold. Just hope I am not tempting fate now. :D

I had the flu in 2003. A cold it is not. Man flu it is not. I was laid out for over two weeks in bed and affected for well over a month Totally exhausted before slowly recovering. It is true to say that line that if a 50 pound note had Wafted past my bedroom window I would not have got up to pick it up. It really can be a life threatening illness for the weak and elderly. If a jabs available for free from the doctor don’t hesitate IMO.

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1 hour ago, orion said:

Even when I  tell you not to reply about it being  viable you go and do it .. the point being make is that you keep saying that people don't worry about who is riding what is quite clearly wrong I don't need to  ask people who watch Nl or championship I just look at the poor crowds that drop every year as the rider  standard does . . one moment you say that someone never go's anymore because the uk is rubbish and then in your next post  you say that other people are saying it's great . make your mind up ? 

No one is on about bringing back top riders back  but to keep dropping the standard has clearly not worked and nearly every  idea is to do the same again as its been for  the last 20 years . 


Bring them back by  all means but how do you pay for them??  when clubs barely get 1000 paying  fans everyweek.You have no answer no plan and odviously you have  not got a head for business.Mike on the other hand has a plan it looks viable and it could work who knows.Also IF????? you have been to Swindon everyweek is it that bad ?? i for one have praised the promotion on this years racing i have never knocked them.

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11 hours ago, orion said:

So if had Top division polish standard teams you thinks crowds would not go up ? please don't reply  with your normal we not got the money because that has nothing to do with the point being made .

Your mate is a poor example ..the rider  level dropping is why the entertainment level has dropped . what I find so scary about speedway fans is the lack of understanding about the need for decent riders to   bring  the  crowds in .  of course most of  them are really old and will turn up to watch any old rubbish 



Do you stick to your very clever observation that most speedway fans are OLD and turn up to watch any old rubbish??? Also what is wrong with being old ? you have a real nerve you are nearly old folks home bound.

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12 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:

I don’t believe moving back to a Wednesday from a Thursday would make any difference to crowd levels. 

Not true.  I can't make (many) Thursdays due to family commitments, Wednesdays are fine and have always been kept free for Poole Speedway.  The change to Thursday meant my attendance dropped significantly as I cannot change my family situation on a Thursday.

So there you finally have what you've been craving... my reason for not attending much this year! 

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58 minutes ago, Sidney the robin said:

Bring them back by  all means but how do you pay for them??  when clubs barely get 1000 paying  fans everyweek.You have no answer no plan and odviously you have  not got a head for business.Mike on the other hand has a plan it looks viable and it could work who knows.Also IF????? you have been to Swindon everyweek is it that bad ?? i for one have praised the promotion on this years racing i have never knocked them.

Yet again for the 5th time I never said anything about bringing top riders back .. I  never seen  a business that has the same plan for 20 years meaning that his stores close down one by one and losing customers   every year but carries on doing the same .

My business head tells me that I need more customers not less



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44 minutes ago, chris4gillian said:

Not true.  I can't make (many) Thursdays due to family commitments, Wednesdays are fine and have always been kept free for Poole Speedway.  The change to Thursday meant my attendance dropped significantly as I cannot change my family situation on a Thursday.

So there you finally have what you've been craving... my reason for not attending much this year! 

I actually think change of race night created a drop in attendance as the main contributor just my opinion though

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2 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:

I had the flu in 2003. A cold it is not. Man flu it is not. I was laid out for over two weeks in bed and affected for well over a month Totally exhausted before slowly recovering. It is true to say that line that if a 50 pound note had Wafted past my bedroom window I would not have got up to pick it up. It really can be a life threatening illness for the weak and elderly. If a jabs available for free from the doctor don’t hesitate IMO.

My mum always says that about not having enough energy to pick up the money! Do you get it as a nasal spray like they do at the schools? 

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2 hours ago, orion said:

Yet again for the 5th time I never said anything about bringing top riders back .. I  never seen  a business that has the same plan for 20 years meaning that his stores close down one by one and losing customers   every year but carries on doing the same .

My business head tells me that I need more customers not less



But the problem you have is that you have not got an alternative plan to Mike yet you criticise his. 

Edited by Sidney the robin
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I believe Poole should enter into the Championship , continuing in a league which is in free fall through lack of numbers of clubs and riders does not  make sense.We need to look after the sport in this country first and foremost.

Costs will be cut .. which at this point in Speedway is required.

The championship leagues seems a more viable stable option , and I believe promoted right the correct way to go. Commercially it is  a more interesting league from a sponsorship viewpoint.The sponsorship can be sold , at a more economical price. More of them at a more viable price..Relying on a large main sponsor whilst good is also as proven not always a good thing, especially in this current economic climate.

The club would be able to link to the current crop of sdl/mdl riders and bring riders through the ranks at reserve level.

It worked under stewkesbury back in the day, and I feel actually it was more entertaining. 

Anyway just my thoughts 




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3 hours ago, Steve Shovlar said:


It is true to say that line that if a 50 pound note had Wafted past my bedroom window I would not have got up to pick it up. 



Come on, Steve, that’s not saying much. Surely an entrepreneur of your considerable magnitude would never get out of bed for a meagre £50?  :)


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24 minutes ago, Apollo said:

I believe Poole should enter into the Championship , continuing in a league which is in free fall through lack of numbers of clubs and riders does not  make sense.We need to look after the sport in this country first and foremost.

Costs will be cut .. which at this point in Speedway is required.

The championship leagues seems a more viable stable option , and I believe promoted right the correct way to go. Commercially it is  a more interesting league from a sponsorship viewpoint.The sponsorship can be sold , at a more economical price. More of them at a more viable price..Relying on a large main sponsor whilst good is also as proven not always a good thing, especially in this current economic climate.

The club would be able to link to the current crop of sdl/mdl riders and bring riders through the ranks at reserve level.

It worked under stewkesbury back in the day, and I feel actually it was more entertaining. 

Anyway just my thoughts 




In my opinion having one league to encompass all clubs in the current premier and Championship would be the best option but I dare say it wouldn't suit the tv companies.

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