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29 minutes ago, Speedster15 said:

Not being arrogant but I did try to tell everyone he was two faced. Those were my words but everyone took his side and decided to have a go at me for my comments. 

I knew from Day 1 that Neil was making everything 100 times worse and that nothing was going to come from it other than even more anger. I'm not going to call out the petition and him as a person if I had nothing on my side to back my claims up because that would have been stupid. Everything constructive I said on that day was with a good heart and a good reason even if others couldn't see that. 

I got sarcastic at the end due to tempers flaring but as above I have apologised to those for that. I'll admit I should have reacted sarcastically or attacked a few on post made on a different thread. I fully hold my hands up and take the blame for that.

I will probably get banned again unless Phil is prepared to leave everything in the past. Personally I think he should but the choice is his. I just didn't want to pretend I wasn't the Messiah as I wanted to open up a little bit this time around because I think Neil has taken the micky out of everyone who signed his petition. He has dumped you all and just left you all with more questions than ever before. Even his response when he was originally called out was something you would here from a politician. 

The BB thread just got out of hand in a big way when tempers were high all round. 

Hmm, well i wouldnt say that he has left us all with more questions than ever before.  Two or more people have tried to get press involved and to ask questions ourselves directly to the club, but have either been ignored or blocked on social medical. Re your previous usernames, i'm right in saying there was a few others before the messiah wasn't there ?

Edit as didnt see previous post above:  you keeping mentioning Neil as if we were all duped or something here.  I dont think thats the case at all.  A few perhaps expected more of him considring he started the petition, but he's sudden disappearance hasn't felt like someone has stuck two fingers up.. it just looked like he panicked and backed away.

Edited by The Doctor...
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5 minutes ago, Speedster15 said:

If Phil the Moderator is reading this. I'm asking you to let me stick around for a bit even if you want to get rid of me as I would like to have a chat with a couple of people that I may have offended over the BB situation. I want to speak with those who thought I was winding them up and I would like to have the chance to apologise to them and explain everything in a better manor now that tempers have calmed.

Mimmo is top of my list. I think his name on her is Mimmo. I do know his real name but it's against forum rules to post private information so I shall take my chance on Mimmo. 

Hopefully you will leave everything in the past for the time being and give me the opportunity to speak with Mimmo and a few others as I don't wish to leave things the way they were left as I feel bad not only for the things I said that could have been taken the wrong way but also for Neil's actions when he has practically stuck two fingers up to everyone who stuck by him and signed the petition.

Even if people don't want me here. I'm just asking everyone to give me the chance to speak with Mimmo and a few others. Things shouldn't be left how they were. Life is too short and a lot of people have been left upset. 

I need to be given the opportunity to speak with them. I feel very bad within myself for some things that were said and how things were taken on that day and Mimmo is one of those who it affected the most. 

I have to put things right this time around. Do the right thing apologise etc. 

I sense a serious domestic in the background

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17 minutes ago, The Doctor... said:

Hmm, well i wouldnt say that he has left us all with more questions than ever before.  Two or more people have tried to get press involved and to ask questions ourselves directly to the club, but have either been ignored or blocked on social medical. Re your previous usernames, i'm right in saying there was a few others before the messiah wasn't there ?

Edit as didnt see previous post above:  you keeping mentioning Neil as if we were all duped or something here.  I dont think thats the case at all.  A few perhaps expected more of him considring he started the petition, but he's sudden disappearance hasn't felt like someone has stuck two fingers up.. it just looked like he panicked and backed away.

Nothing of the sort. I made it quite clear at the time why I closed the petition.

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2 minutes ago, Speedster15 said:

I've had so many to be truthfully honest but that is down me having to set up a new account due to the IP address being banned. Then sometimes I might change my screen name just to go along with a little joke or something now and then. 

I only have this one now and will continue to do so if given the chance. 

That's the way I see it. For me if you're committed to any cause of any subject / situation in life and want to help people then you should be going all in whilst never backing down instead of a half asked attempt and then walking off dumping everyone who stood by you. The petition signers have just been let down by the creator imo. That is just my opinion though. 

I'm just questioning myself whether Neil had everyone's best interest at heart or did he start a petition to try and get revenge on the management for a previous situation. I repeat this is just my opinion and I'm not looking to cause trouble I just feel like those who stood by him have been let down and it seems like Neil wasn't truly committed to the cause. 

Neil's post 'I was told that the arrangements were not going to change - so I decided that the petition had run its course. I was disappointed by the outcome of course' 

Doesn't sound like someone who was really that bothered in the first place to me. 


Perhaps although the petition in itself wasn't exactly the focal point of it.  Management were contacted in all sorts of ways and gave no reply to most attempts at communication.  Certain others on here including myself (who has zero to do with Peterborough and live in London) have shown a good deal of commitment not just on here to ask questions and speak to folk about the situation for advice.  Neil ceased his involvement long enough back now.

So as you've come out so to speak and have very close knowledge of the situation.. apart from speaking privately to a few select forum members to explain, do you have anything to publicly share ?

I think a few of us are sussing out your previous identities on here which is making a few bits fall into place.  Would be good if you came out of this positively i will say after many years of bans etc.


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1 hour ago, Steve0 said:

Has someone escaped from the local mental institution?  Seriously - what a loon!

An absolute cockwomble.

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1 minute ago, Baldyman said:

Just out of interest,,, Neil, do you know who speedster is? 

Someone joined my page a few weeks ago,,, and I thought there and then that this person was him,, and they would soon be saying they know my name

No idea, and he’s made no attempt to contact me privately.

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8 minutes ago, Speedster15 said:

No wealdstone.

I just know who Mimmo is and I really don't want to leave things as they were. He was clearly very upset that day more than anyone and I actually do feel bad for the part I played on that day. 

So I need it's not even a case of want. I need to be given the chance to speak with him because I do feel bad and I know Mimmo is very upset with the BB parking situation. 

I may have a joke, I may have a bit of banter, I may post the truth in a bad way but one thing I'm not is a cold hearted b lol. 

I really do feel bad about that day for some things. I want to explain everything in a cool, calm and collective manor to Mimmo and smooth things over as everything was being taken the wrong way and Mimmo is the one who came out of that day worse than anyone else imo. 

If I'm not given the chance to speak with Mimmo then I think that would be bang out of order tbh. I'm not going to be nasty or aggressive. I just want a nice civil chat with him and explain everything whilst apologising to him amongst many other things. 

Things cannot be left in the manor they were. It's just not right to let that happen tbh. I'm actually trying my best to do the right thing and put everything right today. But this is now in Phil's hands to give me the chance to speak with those who got caught up in the drama that day and were left upset and affected the most. 

I know people don't like me but surely just this once even those who don't like him can see that I'm doing my best to reach out to people and put things right. I'm trying my very best here. Things should have reached the heights they did that day. 

Very noble to want to speak with Mimmo but as far as putting things right, is that just you clearing your conscience or to actually help the affected in the situation ? 

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3 minutes ago, Speedster15 said:

I know you have. I have been reading your posts on the BB thread. 

Me speaking to those personally is not about the reasoning behind the BB parking change. It's to do with my own personal actions on that day. Actions that caused upset to some and actions that I need to explain in a much better manor whilst apologising amongst many other things. 

I really don't want to leave things the way they were with Mimmo and a few others. I truly do feel bad. I'm not a cold hearted b and I want to reach out to those my comments may have affected. 

Honestly I'm not the real KKS. I just have to created another account after every ban. I will truly reveal my real identity when my involvement with Peterborough Speedway is over. But for now I shall keep that private.

I'm trying to do the right thing and I want to do the right thing but the decision is not up to me. It's all up to Phil the moderator. The choice is Phil's to allow me to have the chance to reach out to those affected and to try my hardest to put things right. 

Too much upset was caused and things shouldn't be left in the way they were. I don't want to argue with anyone, I don't want a reaction out of anyone. I just want a chance to reach out to those who came out of that day the worst. I keep saying it but I do feel bad. 

That's reasonable - i didn't mention KKS tho, did someone else ?  I think it's obvious you're the other user who often had to say you weren't the original crackpot kks as you flitted around between usernames, but ended up getting in spats yourself along the way. 

Would be great if you were able to say who you are as tho it may cause you a red face or two at first but in the long run may help.  

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2 minutes ago, Speedster15 said:

Most assume I'm KKS so I assumed you was KKS.

Who are you referring to then?

I've lost track of them all now.. i'm sure you have an idea tho cos i'm sure folk accused you of being kks every time and most of your first posts were having to defend yourself.

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Reading between the lines, did someone get, or very nearly injured by a BB driver & H&S has called the shots on the BB parking ban? 

It can surely be the only reasonable explanation for the BB ban inside the perimeter fence.

Just maybe a court case is ongoing and an explanation cannot be given to protect the case? 


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36 minutes ago, Daniel Smith said:

Reading between the lines, did someone get, or very nearly injured by a BB driver & H&S has called the shots on the BB parking ban? 

It can surely be the only reasonable explanation for the BB ban inside the perimeter fence.

Just maybe a court case is ongoing and an explanation cannot be given to protect the case? 


They would have been able to at least say that and it would have been a good get-out for them anyway so they would have mentioned it surely if that was it.

Pretty sure there would no restrictions anyway mentioning it, let alone protecting any case.


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1 minute ago, Lukas said:

I thought this was meant to be a thread about Peterborough speedway..why are people even responding to this idiot?

This person is close, very close  to those who matter at Peterborough IMO

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