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Eastbourne v Glasgow Semi Final

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4 minutes ago, Tapeworm said:

If the reported events are true, and Glasgow management representatives were there to witness them and apologise for them, I wouldn't be surprised if certain riders were immediately released for bringing the club's reputation into disrepute, even if this jeopardises their league title aspirations. Some of the events sound much more serious than setting off a hotel smoke alarm and subsequently arguing with the hotel manager. What a shame that, despite all the time, effort and money poured into the club by the Facenna family, some riders wearing the club colours act this way.

Course nobody is going to get sacked. Smoke alarm was the perfect excuse to get Kyle in.

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Peter Facenna to be commended for apologising to the supporters.

Disappointed if Cookie has done what has been said on Match updates.

Where was  Cami Brown , team manager when the riders were kicking off? Surely he should have told them to get a grip.


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3 minutes ago, Richard Weston said:

Cami Brown wasn't the team manager. Michael Max was team manager.

In any normal business, if Cook did what he did: he would have been suspended by now and facing a tricky disciplinary.

Where was Max then? Would have thought they wouldn’t have tracked two riders that were kicking off during meeting in heat 15?


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15 minutes ago, Richard Weston said:

Craig Cook is a disgrace. He capped it all by riding his bike through the pits after the end of 15.

The SCB should throw a very large book at him.

Credit to Glasgow owner for his words at the end of the meeting. 

Well the SCB Co-Ordinater, Mr Neil Vatcher was there and should have witnessed it all first hand.

We will see if any actions are taken.

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Just got home from the meeting.

Going to 'try' and put an unbiased veiw on the meeting. Yes, I am an Eastbourne fan but I like to think I am pretty pragmatic and not afrais to say if our riders are out of orsder or if the track is not up to standard

Got there tonight ready for a cracking meeting and feeling a little nervous despite only having a 4 point deficit. First thing I heard that there was issues was when the announcer said that the away team had complained about the track and did not want to ride it. There were several people down on turn 2 discussing and kicking dirt around so to speak.

Then Jon Cook was interveiwed, he was seriously annoyed and dismayed that the fotness of the track and been called into question and clearly put the blame on Craig Cook (and his mates). At this stage I has no ill feelings about Glasgow or Craig Cook. I am no expert and certainly, I am not one to judge if the track is rideable by veiwing it from turn 1, on the stock car track, which is where I stand.


That started to turn a bit when Martin Dugard explained that Jason and Alfi had been practising on the track that day. I must admit, I was less than impressed when we were told there would be a delay as the Glasgow riders had not yet changed. But still, no real drama.

It was on the rider parade that it all started going a bit sour. For those of you that dont know, the way it done at Eastbourne is, the bikes are wheeled on to the track, then the riders are paraded out to 'Sussex by the Sea' and then introduced one by one, the away team first. This all takes place on the back straight as thats where the main stand is. When both teams have been announced, the riders are pushed off and have a few practice starts and the opputunity to slide into the turns to get a feel for the track.

Tonight, after the Glasgow riders had been announced, some of them pushed off, before the Eastbourne team had been announced. They came down the straight and into turn . With people still on the track and the infield (including kids, who are the Eagles mascots)  the track staff held out red flags to stop the Glasgow riders. Craig Cook ran straight into one of the track staff and then kicked off at him. Ot then all kicked off with several people involved.

My lad went round the pits to see what was going on and saw people pleading with Craig to go and ride heat 1. He was refusing, talking about his injury and saying why should he ride an unsafe track!

So, heat 1 started without him.

As much as I feel he should be banned from the whole meeting, thats not what I want. I pay my money to see the likes of Bomber, Scotty and Craig Cook riding. I love them all, they are Brits and I support British riders through and through.

The track rode fine. Even the reserves in heat 2 looked comfortable and were not struggling, Yes, there were some fallers but certainly was not more than you can often get. Someone on the updates site said its unusual to see 3 falls in 9 heats, really? I have seen 3 in one heat at times, and not just at Arlington. And Ed Kennet did not fall. He tagged the air fence riding a high line, stayed on and carried on, the air fence started to deflate and the race stopped, thats why he was excluded.

Craig Cook, when he finally took to the track, rode it fine and looked classy and smooth. The races that he did not gate were the races of the night as he looked brilliant trying to make the pass.

It was a real shame that the controversy ruined the night as it was great for Eastbourne to go through but I feel Glasgow were just deflated after the whole thing, it was really meeting over after a few races. Could have been so much better if Craig Cook had popped out and won heat one.

I always think there are two sides to everything but the Glasgow manager having the guts to go on the mic and apologise afetr the meeting said it all and hats off to him for doing so.


Edited by stevec
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24 minutes ago, Richard Weston said:

Craig Cook is a disgrace. He capped it all by riding his bike through the pits after the end of 15.

The SCB should throw a very large book at him.

Credit to Glasgow owner for his words at the end of the meeting. 

That wasnit the only race that happened either. Its a rule at Arlo that bikes cannot be ridden through the pits and they have to dismount before heading through

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16 minutes ago, Tapeworm said:

If the reported events are true, and Glasgow management representatives were there to witness them and apologise for them, I wouldn't be surprised if certain riders were immediately released for bringing the club's reputation into disrepute, even if this jeopardises their league title aspirations. Some of the events sound much more serious than setting off a hotel smoke alarm and subsequently arguing with the hotel manager. What a shame that, despite all the time, effort and money poured into the club by the Facenna family, some riders wearing the club colours act this way.

What a load of tosh. What the Tigers management will have learned is what a good track preparation team they have, what a good professional announcer they have, what a good set of fans they have who applaud opposing riders for there efforts. The Tigers reputation is earned by the product they put on at Ashfield - riders, staff, volunteers and fans. The team have tried to entertain on there travels on a variety of tracks, surfaces and shapes. We lost tonight - most Glasgow fans predicted it including myself - so well done to the Eastbourne riders and I stress the riders. Reading various posts the promoter, track staff and announcer don't appear to be blameless and some of the eagles fans should be ashamed of themselves. 

Tonight the Tigers management also learned another approach to speedway as they were up against an old hand in the promotion game - he made sure that the track, the track staff and the fans got into Tigers riders heads. So the owners will have also learned who coped with the aggravation and intimidation and who didn't. They should now ensure that the riders be made aware that these things happen and other teams will produce crap tracks and all the other things that can influence a result  and learn to stay focussed and deal with it.

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32 minutes ago, Mike.Butler said:

Cook was totally out of order but situation was then inflamed by home promotion and announcer over the mike....rarely have I been at a meeting with such ill-feeling..

from what I saw perhaps the ref should have thrown cook out of the meeting...

and from what I heard the Eastbourne presenter should be censored for provoking the situation when a wiser head was called for. 

Agreed, Cook made a total door handle of himself.

I also agree that the Eastbourne promotion did not help matters with their comments over the PA, although not explicitly naming anyone there were some references by Martin Dugard to “an ex GP rider” and Jon Cook saying “a rider with the same surname as me”. These remarks only stirred things up, and whether you like it or not, there was no input from the other side, (Cook or the management), to state their case.

Kevin Coombes also, I think, overstepped the mark in his announcing which probably went beyond BSPA guidelines.

Eastbourne management should have been more professional in their approach to a rather silly Glasgow side, it would have made Glasgow look more foolish and kept the moral high ground. Although I doubt Jon Cook thinks that way.

The best comment was from the increasing,y astute and savvy Ian Jordan who simply remarked that the goings on at the start of the meeting were “extraordinary, I’ve never seen anything like it”. 

And as for those that think a “punch up” is good for the sport.......it isn’t.

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1 minute ago, Richard Weston said:

To quote: First thing I heard that there was issues was when the announcer said that the home team had complained about the track and did not want to ride it.

Oh Sugar! Thanks, I will edit. I did not mean to type that!

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10 minutes ago, SharpenRake said:

What a load of tosh. What the Tigers management will have learned is what a good track preparation team they have, what a good professional announcer they have, what a good set of fans they have who applaud opposing riders for there efforts. The Tigers reputation is earned by the product they put on at Ashfield - riders, staff, volunteers and fans. The team have tried to entertain on there travels on a variety of tracks, surfaces and shapes. We lost tonight - most Glasgow fans predicted it including myself - so well done to the Eastbourne riders and I stress the riders. Reading various posts the promoter, track staff and announcer don't appear to be blameless and some of the eagles fans should be ashamed of themselves. 

Tonight the Tigers management also learned another approach to speedway as they were up against an old hand in the promotion game - he made sure that the track, the track staff and the fans got into Tigers riders heads. So the owners will have also learned who coped with the aggravation and intimidation and who didn't. They should now ensure that the riders be made aware that these things happen and other teams will produce crap tracks and all the other things that can influence a result  and learn to stay focussed and deal with it

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16 minutes ago, SharpenRake said:

What a load of tosh. What the Tigers management will have learned is what a good track preparation team they have, what a good professional announcer they have, what a good set of fans they have who applaud opposing riders for there efforts. The Tigers reputation is earned by the product they put on at Ashfield - riders, staff, volunteers and fans. The team have tried to entertain on there travels on a variety of tracks, surfaces and shapes. We lost tonight - most Glasgow fans predicted it including myself - so well done to the Eastbourne riders and I stress the riders. Reading various posts the promoter, track staff and announcer don't appear to be blameless and some of the eagles fans should be ashamed of themselves. 

Tonight the Tigers management also learned another approach to speedway as they were up against an old hand in the promotion game - he made sure that the track, the track staff and the fans got into Tigers riders heads. So the owners will have also learned who coped with the aggravation and intimidation and who didn't. They should now ensure that the riders be made aware that these things happen and other teams will produce crap tracks and all the other things that can influence a result  and learn to stay focussed and deal with it.

Eastbourne have a proffessional announcer, hence why he has been used at the British Speedway GP.

Eastbourne have professional track staff and fans that applaud away riders that do well

A certain few Eastbourne fans will let us down and trust me, I have been at away meetings where certain fans let them down.

Jon Cook made some comments that maybe f=he could have steered away from but he was seriously annoyed.

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7 minutes ago, stevec said:

Eastbourne have a proffessional announcer, hence why he has been used at the British Speedway GP.

Eastbourne have professional track staff and fans that applaud away riders that do well

A certain few Eastbourne fans will let us down and trust me, I have been at away meetings where certain fans let them down.

Jon Cook made some comments that maybe f=he could have steered away from but he was seriously annoyed.

Certainly a post from Mike Butler above makes reference to the announcer - see below

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1 hour ago, Mike.Butler said:

Cook was totally out of order but situation was then inflamed by home promotion and announcer over the mike....rarely have I been at a meeting with such ill-feeling..

from what I saw perhaps the ref should have thrown cook out of the meeting...

and from what I heard the Eastbourne presenter should be censored for provoking the situation when a wiser head was called for. 


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10 minutes ago, SharpenRake said:

Tonight the Tigers management also learned another approach to speedway as they were up against an old hand in the promotion game - he made sure that the track, the track staff and the fans got into Tigers riders heads. So the owners will have also learned who coped with the aggravation and intimidation and who didn't. They should now ensure that the riders be made aware that these things happen and other teams will produce crap tracks and all the other things that can influence a result  and learn to stay focussed and deal with it.



I was there. I know what I saw.  Glasgow (possibly one rider?) complain about the track, ride off whilst the home team & their mascots (young children) are still being announced & their No.1 still wearing his helmet headbutts a member of the track staff. There have been occasions when the track has been dodgy. Tonight it most certainly wasn't. 

And according to you its entirely Eastbourne's doing? 

Even the Glasgow owner apologised at the end of the meeting.


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1 minute ago, Richard Weston said:

The focus should be on what Craig Cook did.

I expect the SCB to announce his ban in the morning.

And everyone else walks away scot free (see what I did there). How about announcer being fined. Jon Cook losing his licence, the track staff member ejected from the stadium given a life ban.

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