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Eastbourne v Glasgow Semi Final

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24 minutes ago, Pinny said:

Try and shoulder barge one of your mates and you will see that your head doesnt go anywhere near theres , unless of course you class a shoulder barge as a head butt. 

Also , being Cook who has a pathetic temper at the best of times , why would he go for him with a shoulder barge? He went in with his head and its clear as day in the video thats what happened and cannot understand how people can say otherwise . Just like you see in boxing when boxers go in with their head when fighting dirty , thats exactly what that was . A headbutt doesnt exactly mean leaning your head back first then forward , it means going at someone with your head. Which is what cook done, with a helmet on. And its clear as day in the video.

First things first I won’t do that. Your shoulder really can’t go far from your head. Again think of the mechanics instead of typing nonsense. 

I would suggest Craig was speaking/shouting at the said throbber with the red flag. When you see riders talk to each other with their helmets on they need to get close so the other as the helmet will muffle their voice and the engine would of been running. That is clear as day. I can only speculate as to why he went with a shoulder barge, a maniac jumped out in front of him! Why are people so keen to ignore this morons actions? Is it just to slaughter Craig?? A headbutt means hitting someone with your head as hard as your can with a view to hurt the other person. Craig certainly did NOT headbutt or mean to headbutt anyone. 

The actions from the hangers on down there was uncalled for. If the Tigers had done ANYTHING wrong it is up to the meeting officials to deal with the situation. Not a flag marshall, not a mechanic or any other clown that was on the track. Eastbourne speedway tried to take control of the situation and acted like thugs in doing so. The book should be thrown at them. 

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5 hours ago, nagy1 said:

First things first I won’t do that. Your shoulder really can’t go far from your head. Again think of the mechanics instead of typing nonsense. 

I would suggest Craig was speaking/shouting at the said throbber with the red flag. When you see riders talk to each other with their helmets on they need to get close so the other as the helmet will muffle their voice and the engine would of been running. That is clear as day. I can only speculate as to why he went with a shoulder barge, a maniac jumped out in front of him! Why are people so keen to ignore this morons actions? Is it just to slaughter Craig?? A headbutt means hitting someone with your head as hard as your can with a view to hurt the other person. Craig certainly did NOT headbutt or mean to headbutt anyone. 

The actions from the hangers on down there was uncalled for. If the Tigers had done ANYTHING wrong it is up to the meeting officials to deal with the situation. Not a flag marshall, not a mechanic or any other clown that was on the track. Eastbourne speedway tried to take control of the situation and acted like thugs in doing so. The book should be thrown at them. 

later today you'll be in denial of The Holocaust. 

Grow some balls and admit the instigator and chief culprit was Craig Cook

Foe every action there is a reaction.

The reaction may have been disproportionate but the culprit quite clearly is Cook.

Throw the book at him.

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43 minutes ago, HGould said:

later today you'll be in denial of The Holocaust. 

Grow some balls and admit the instigator and chief culprit was Craig Cook

Foe every action there is a reaction.

The reaction may have been disproportionate but the culprit quite clearly is Cook.

Throw the book at him.

I don't agree.

The way I see it, a flag marshal deliberately walked in front of a moving rider - something I was told when training for the post that you must never - never - do (when approached by a moving bike, you stand still every time). Had he not done that, there would have been no incident at all. 

I actually think that Craig Cook's reaction was rather tame. There's no way that's a head butt or even an attempted head butt (if that had been the intention, he'd have done it), its a shoulder charge. Hardly violent assault, I suspect most riders would have reacted in some way in the same circumstances and I can think of a few who would have done a lot worse. 

Even then, the situation was under reasonable control until some unnamed person confronts Cook and says something that makes him lash out.

Cook is guilty, definitely. But the flag marshal, the person who confronted Cook, Eddie Kennett, Claus Vissing and possibly a few others are equally so. 


Edited by Halifaxtiger
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7 hours ago, nagy1 said:

Cook was heading to the pits until the unquantifiable unit of butter jumped out in front of him.


Exactly. Should have stopped though rather than thinking he knew best. Marshall on track with red flag, red lights on, how hard is it to understand - obstruction on track, fxxkihg STOP. Jeez. 

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8 hours ago, nagy1 said:

Cook was heading to the pits until the unquantifiable unit of butter jumped out in front of him.


and in reality craig should have still been sitting on his bike waiting for the introductions to finish along with half of his glagow team mates . 

presentation of riders has been like that for decades (except when they ride out of the pits with their opposite team number . it does not matter how much you try to BUTTER it up , as you say ).. craig still done the wrong thing  . dont think he will be @ glasgow next year . rasmus will be number 1 !


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27 minutes ago, SPEEDY69 said:

 Exactly. Should have stopped though rather than thinking he knew best. Marshall on track with red flag, red lights on, how hard is it to understand - obstruction on track, fxxkihg STOP. Jeez. 

Next time I see a red flag shown I will expect the rider to stop exactly where he is on the track four rider pile up oh dear. As Halifaxtiger said it means return to pits where Craig was going simple  or they can try your option and end in hospital 

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7 hours ago, nagy1 said:

First things first I won’t do that. Your shoulder really can’t go far from your head. Again think of the mechanics instead of typing nonsense. 

I would suggest Craig was speaking/shouting at the said throbber with the red flag. When you see riders talk to each other with their helmets on they need to get close so the other as the helmet will muffle their voice and the engine would of been running. That is clear as day. I can only speculate as to why he went with a shoulder barge, a maniac jumped out in front of him! Why are people so keen to ignore this morons actions? Is it just to slaughter Craig?? A headbutt means hitting someone with your head as hard as your can with a view to hurt the other person. Craig certainly did NOT headbutt or mean to headbutt anyone. 

The actions from the hangers on down there was uncalled for. If the Tigers had done ANYTHING wrong it is up to the meeting officials to deal with the situation. Not a flag marshall, not a mechanic or any other clown that was on the track. Eastbourne speedway tried to take control of the situation and acted like thugs in doing so. The book should be thrown at them. 


I am well aware of fighting and combat sports and that is a head butt. Trying to speak to the marshall? Do me a favour!!!

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1 hour ago, SPEEDY69 said:

Exactly. Should have stopped though rather than thinking he knew best. Marshall on track with red flag, red lights on, how hard is it to understand - obstruction on track, fxxkihg STOP. Jeez. 

Where has this nonsense come from?

I have NEVER in 40 years of watching speedway seen riders all STOP at a red flag. They slow down and leave the track.

How many times do you see red flags when a rider is prone injured on a bend? The riders don't stop and get off their bikes, they ride slowly past. Which is what Cook was doing.

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So my summary ...

Craig was annoyed at the state ofthe track when he arrived at the stadium.  After some work was done on the track, he got changed and reluctantly appeared on the parade. The "co promoter"  then less that courteously anounced the Glasgow team, insultingly referring to the Glasgow number 1 rider. This caused Craig Cook and 2 others to piss off from the parade and head back to the pits ..... not in a very good mood I would imagine.  Joker of a marshall gets in the way of a running motorcycle and sadly nearly kils himself in the process .  Gets a right rollocking from Craig who is understandably very pissed off by the entire Arlington set up. Ugly scenes follow with nocredit to Craig,  Exhaust pipe Eddie Kennett and another Eastbourne rider who seem intnent on having a punch up.

Craig then quite rightly in my opinion does not take his place in heat 1  (riding against  yes Exhaust pipe Eddie) in a race which woudl have probably tested the Arlington first bend airfence.


This Eastbourne promotion do seem a bunch of "win at all costs"  bullies intent on winding up the  opposition AT Arlington. Interestingly they  have pulled out of a visit to Kent in a NL challenge alledgedy as Ian Jordan (yet another co promoter ?) isn't happy with some of the social media comments about the Eastbourne team !


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1 hour ago, MANSE said:

Next time I see a red flag shown I will expect the rider to stop exactly where he is on the track four rider pile up oh dear. As Halifaxtiger said it means return to pits where Craig was going simple  or they can try your option and end in hospital 

aye laddie , true , craig was heading to the pits. that was due to him setting off before all the introductions were still ongoing .  so he was bound to get there first regardless if the marshal being there or not . 

Edited by jenga
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4 minutes ago, gazzac said:

Hopefully there's a time limit of a week on this thread,  can't think it can go into a second week going over and over the same stuff, or is it just me.

You're right, it's terrible to see page after page of discussion on a discussion forum.

Much better to see the forum continue to slowly wither away.

I wonder if you apply the same analogy to the sport itself and complain about fans entering meetings? Perhaps there should be a five minute time limit for them to get in.. anyone arriving before and after, sorry, no go. We wouldn't want too many watching the same stuff now would we.

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2 hours ago, SPEEDY69 said:

Exactly. Should have stopped though rather than thinking he knew best. Marshall on track with red flag, red lights on, how hard is it to understand - obstruction on track, fxxkihg STOP. Jeez. 

Next time the ref puts on the red lights see how many riders "stop", they will throttle back and slow down.

Edited by tyretrax
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this is for the Glasgow fans/supporters only . there are only two,2, to, too  answers to this question . so here goes . I WILL PUT THIS IN CAPITALS  FOR EVERYONE .  not shouting B.T.W. 


NO ELABORATIONS PLEASE . .......      J  .. Glasgow follower B)

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Ok so after my enforced ban (for saying someone was a pillock lol) and then my own holiday this is how i see the incident

1. Presenter and Jon Cook try and get the crowd going on the mic (nothing wrong in that)

2. Three Glasgow riders (led by Cook) ride off while the presentation lap is going.......totally unacceptable

3. A marshall is on the track as Cook comes round holding a red flag................why on here are some people saying a red flag means stop? It doesnt it means slow down and be ready to stop. How many meetings does a rider fall and the other riders stop completely? They dont simple as , they slow up which is what Cook done

4. The people saying Cook rode into the marshall are blind, stupid or both......i also dont believe that the marshall deliberately stepped in front of Cook......have you ever walked towards someone and you both go to avoid someone and end up going the same way and bumping........thats what happened here.

5. Cook then over reacts by confronting said marshall and then shoulder barges him.........unacceptable........though those people on here....with video evidence ...that call that a headbutt need to take a long hard look at themselves obviously no idea what a headbutt is.

6. Paul Dugard then acts like a total moron and then the melee ensues

7. Edward Kennett and Kyle Newman then sprint the length of the straight to join in

8. Martin Dugard as well seems to quite enjoy a headbutt......watch Cooks supposed headbutt and then check out Dugards

Purely and simply Cook started this off and should be fined 100%...........those calling for a ban and those calling it a headbutt need to get a life

I would assume Eastbourne speedway (namely the Dugards) and Edward Kennett will also be getting fines as well as Cook

Would this have all started if Cook hadnt kicked off? No

But the Eastbourne promotion and riders certainly played there part in making sure it escalated

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12 minutes ago, jenga said:

this is for the Glasgow fans/supporters only . there are only two,2, to, too  answers to this question . so here goes . I WILL PUT THIS IN CAPITALS  FOR EVERYONE .  not shouting B.T.W. 


NO ELABORATIONS PLEASE . .......      J  .. Glasgow follower B)



Answer one question with one word on a discussion forum. You are a sad and pathetic old man. Get over your deal with Glasgow and go back under your rock. 

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13 minutes ago, Gavan said:

Ok so after my enforced ban (for saying someone was a pillock lol) and then my own holiday this is how i see the incident

1. Presenter and Jon Cook try and get the crowd going on the mic (nothing wrong in that)

2. Three Glasgow riders (led by Cook) ride off while the presentation lap is going.......totally unacceptable

3. A marshall is on the track as Cook comes round holding a red flag................why on here are some people saying a red flag means stop? It doesnt it means slow down and be ready to stop. How many meetings does a rider fall and the other riders stop completely? They dont simple as , they slow up which is what Cook done

4. The people saying Cook rode into the marshall are blind, stupid or both......i also dont believe that the marshall deliberately stepped in front of Cook......have you ever walked towards someone and you both go to avoid someone and end up going the same way and bumping........thats what happened here.

5. Cook then over reacts by confronting said marshall and then shoulder barges him.........unacceptable........though those people on here....with video evidence ...that call that a headbutt need to take a long hard look at themselves obviously no idea what a headbutt is.

6. Paul Dugard then acts like a total moron and then the melee ensues

7. Edward Kennett and Kyle Newman then sprint the length of the straight to join in

8. Martin Dugard as well seems to quite enjoy a headbutt......watch Cooks supposed headbutt and then check out Dugards

Purely and simply Cook started this off and should be fined 100%...........those calling for a ban and those calling it a headbutt need to get a life

I would assume Eastbourne speedway (namely the Dugards) and Edward Kennett will also be getting fines as well as Cook

Would this have all started if Cook hadnt kicked off? No

But the Eastbourne promotion and riders certainly played there part in making sure it escalated

Is that Paul Dugard who confronts Cook full on after the shove with the flag marshall? In my opinion, that is the person who was really responsible for this all kicking off.

The flag marshall was in the wrong, in my opinion, alnd walked in Cook's way, but he sensibly walked away after Cook shoved him, so deserves some credit for that. It could have all ended at that point were it not for the confrontation of Cook.

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