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King's Lynn vs Peterborough. Thursday July 25th

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23 hours ago, Fortythirtyeight said:

Can't for the life of me work out why ' fans '(?) who haven't been to a meeting in two years are actually on this forum?

It appears Kings Lynn have more of them than anybody.

whilst I fully understand the lack of interest if you are unfortunate enough to live near a track that doesn't provide value for money or even decent racing but why constantly go on this forum? Especially after two years???

I no longer have a local track so travel to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Berwick , Belle Vue and Redcar to get my fix and whilst one or two of these tracks do not provide great racing week in , week out, I still have the desire so pick and choose which fixtures to attend and therefore get my ' value for money ' fix.

If you don't go to meetings, there'll be no meetings !

Ask Workington fans!!!

In my case I have been to Kings Lynn this year, and living near Norwich,  go to Mildenhall sometimes as well. The reason I'm on the Forum is I follow ALL speedway, not just Kings Lynn. I have followed the sport for 56 years, my first meeting being at the Firs in 1963. First went to Lynn in 1967 and went twice a week when the "Starlets" were running as well. Followed the Stars all over the UK and once went to Poole and back in the same day, returning in dense fog!  Just because I don't go every week does that mean you think I shouldn't be on a speedway forum?  I find it interesting to hear everybody's opinion and many posts on this forum point out the cost, and general lack of entertainment at many tracks in the UK, not just Kings Lynn. For this very reason people who would never miss a meeting (I include myself here) have drifted away from the sport and tend to watch it from the back benches, hoping something will change to bring us back in the the fold again.  As you rightly say, "If we don't go to meetings, there'll be no meetings" but I wonder whose fault that is?  I was delighted to read there was a good crowd at Saddlebow Road last night, who knows, maybe I'll be encouraged to go again?

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I’m sure Trees can fight her own battles but there needs to be a little bit more respect for her views. Nothing wrong with a it of positivity on quite a dark thread, provides a little bit of balance. Ridiculing her just isn’t on though just because others see things differently. 

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I attended to particularly watch the Redcar Heat leaders 

the racing was not as good as I have seen there previously but okay. 

The gripe for me is - when a meeting is advertised to start at 7-30 then The is when the tapes for heat 1 should go up. Here we had a couple of meaningless parades which stared at 7-35 so Racing did not start until 7-45. The way the weather changed it could have had a real effect on the result.  To be fair to Lynn I was at Peterborough & they were the same. Is this a Buster thing ?

A general point about speedway in general, when there is a tape offence put the 2 mins on Immediately, keep the pit gate closed unless to let An excluded in or replacement out .Why we have to have a 5 minute delay is beyond me. On TV this makes the sport appear it is amateur 




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4 minutes ago, Norfolk Bear said:

when there is a tape offence put the 2 mins on immediately

1 minute. Open the pit gate, let riders and mechanics do what they like, but competitors have 60 seconds to back at the tapes.

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2 hours ago, Fortythirtyeight said:

Do you think we just threw it all way and ignored it?

Without going into every avenue of our findings here's a few tasters.

New fans found their first time experience very enjoyable but expensive in reality. 

A suggested acceptable adult price was £12-14.

They wanted more entertainment between races such as modern music ( not 70's hits) interaction with the crowd ( centre green chats with riders/ fans/ management ) Mascots were often mentioned.

They wanted more races, more explanation of the basic rules and better viewing platforms with more interaction with the riders.

They appear to enjoy ' 2nd half ' type races , when they took place, when kids were involved as the younger ones could connect with children their own age having a go.

None of them could get their head around ' guests ' or R/R or ' excluding a rider but putting him back in off 15m.

Car parking was an issue.

The ' used to go years ago ' feedback was always harping about bikes on the back of cars, riders in the bar after meetings, ' characters ' starting fights on the track ( riders and team managers) old format 13 heats and ' junior scurry's' and match races between two top stars visiting the track.

74% of fans who completed the surveys had attended speedway for more than 20 years and 65% of those thought that the standard of race meetings now was better than the past.

I still have all the feedback sheets and have shared the information with 3 different promotions all of which have tried to implement some of the findings with varying success levels. One track improved their 'new' fan attendance over one season by 45%.

Some fans are harder to please than others.




Excellent. thank you for your efforts and now for your honest feedback. Much more constructive a result than when a small group of us prepared something for our local promoter. Not even a Thank You. Just deafening, disinterested silence ( that promoter has now left the sport ). The only thing that surprises me is that 65% of fans ( of 20 years standing ) said that the standard of race meetings now was better than in the past. So why would you think that so many have traipsed off the terraces? Incidentally, when was "now" ie when was this done? Thank you.

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Forty,  your survey makes some interesting points.  The poll that was undertaking, can I ask over how many different tracks and how many people from each ?   Seems to me if a lot were mentioning 13 heat Speedway, second half junior races etc then those surveyed seem in the main to be 60 plus (?).   If they are still turning out at that age then I would suggest they are ya real die hard fans and not able to give a true indication of what the Sport needsin the year 2020 and onwards.

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25 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

I’m sure Trees can fight her own battles but there needs to be a little bit more respect for her views. Nothing wrong with a it of positivity on quite a dark thread, provides a little bit of balance. Ridiculing her just isn’t on though just because others see things differently. 

We get plenty of ridicule for having a differing opinion. It's open to all. 

When in my case, one man has destroyed my love of going home and away watching the Stars this 'all things rosy in the garden' angers me. 

Buster is in full control of King's Lynn and Peterborough and it ain't particularly going well is it? 

Fortunately for Ipswich, Chris Louis made sure he remains in control of all things Ipswich otherwise we'd of more likely than not had a melt down their too from fans.

Buster is single handedly driving many many more away from the sport than brining them in through the turnstiles. 

I just don't see where the positives are in Speedway under his control. Under his tenure the future is declining at a rapid speed. 

There are just 2 positives in British Speedway right now and they're either end of the UK in Glasgow and Isle of Wight. 

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9 minutes ago, waytogo28 said:

Excellent. thank you for your efforts and now for your honest feedback. Much more constructive a result than when a small group of us prepared something for our local promoter. Not even a Thank You. Just deafening, disinterested silence ( that promoter has now left the sport ). The only thing that surprises me is that 65% of fans ( of 20 years standing ) said that the standard of race meetings now was better than in the past. So why would you think that so many have traipsed off the terraces? Incidentally, when was "now" ie when was this done? Thank you.

Done at the beginning of 2017 and 2018, two tracks we were allowed inside, one outside in the car park. ( 2 interested promoters , 1 not)

Those that no longer go I can't answer for via a survey as they weren't there to be surveyed, had to base the outcomes on ' occasional ' fans of long standing interest ( over 20 years following the sport but now pick and choose when they come)

Even ex riders surveyed said the standard was higher now than in the 60's , 70's. but they thought the sport was now too professional and expensive for riders and too expensive for fans.

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12 minutes ago, semion said:

Forty,  your survey makes some interesting points.  The poll that was undertaking, can I ask over how many different tracks and how many people from each ?   Seems to me if a lot were mentioning 13 heat Speedway, second half junior races etc then those surveyed seem in the main to be 60 plus (?).   If they are still turning out at that age then I would suggest they are ya real die hard fans and not able to give a true indication of what the Sport needsin the year 2020 and onwards.

See previous reply.

As the main demographic of speedway fans is of that age group who then is qualified to indicate where the sport can be improved?

By a fan who's been attending a few meetings and doesn't know what has been tried before ???

I'm interested in hearing who you think should be supplying feedback if it's isn't regularly supporters,

please don't say people on here who haven't been to a meeting in years!


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40 minutes ago, Daniel Smith said:

Buster is in full control of King's Lynn and Peterborough and it ain't particularly going well is it? 

Fortunately for Ipswich, Chris Louis made sure he remains in control of all things Ipswich otherwise we'd of more likely than not had a melt down their too from fans.

In a possible scenario - just what could Chris Louis do if Buster Chapman insisted on more control at Ipswich? 

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19 minutes ago, gustix said:

In a possible scenario - just what could Chris Louis do if Buster Chapman insisted on more control at Ipswich? 

Unless he has not spent the money Buster paid him ( to therefore repay the Buy Back clause ) obviously very little, S.F.A. in fact.

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56 minutes ago, Fortythirtyeight said:

See previous reply.

As the main demographic of speedway fans is of that age group who then is qualified to indicate where the sport can be improved?

By a fan who's been attending a few meetings and doesn't know what has been tried before ???

I'm interested in hearing who you think should be supplying feedback if it's isn't regularly supporters,

please don't say people on here who haven't been to a meeting in years!


I guess that generation ( yep I’m in that group). Will always harp back to the ‘Good old days’ 13 heats, 2nd half Junior races, rider of the night.  3 genuine heat leaders in every team ( 17 teams as I recall).  Big Crowds.  Characters in the Sport who in the main stayed loyal to a Club. Riders the fans could identify with etc etc.

Sadly those days are gone, so it might be difficult to get a true feeling for what’s needed from this generation.  It perhaps needs a younger person’s input where all (some) modern technology can be embraced and utilised in today globe trotting Speedway World.

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1 hour ago, Bagpuss said:

I’m sure Trees can fight her own battles but there needs to be a little bit more respect for her views. Nothing wrong with a it of positivity on quite a dark thread, provides a little bit of balance. Ridiculing her just isn’t on though just because others see things differently. 

Couldn't agree more.She's passionate about the Stars and there is nothing wrong in that.The ones ridiculing her are the ones who can never see any positives whatever happens.

Incidentally i agree with Trees and thought the crowd was quite good compared to many meetings

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1 hour ago, Daniel Smith said:

We get plenty of ridicule for having a differing opinion. It's open to all. 

When in my case, one man has destroyed my love of going home and away watching the Stars this 'all things rosy in the garden' angers me. 

Buster is in full control of King's Lynn and Peterborough and it ain't particularly going well is it? 

Fortunately for Ipswich, Chris Louis made sure he remains in control of all things Ipswich otherwise we'd of more likely than not had a melt down their too from fans.

Buster is single handedly driving many many more away from the sport than brining them in through the turnstiles. 

I just don't see where the positives are in Speedway under his control. Under his tenure the future is declining at a rapid speed. 

There are just 2 positives in British Speedway right now and they're either end of the UK in Glasgow and Isle of Wight. 

That’s all great but don’t take it out on somebody who enjoys going. If you are criticising her for only being positive when you are exactly the same in only ever being negative. 

I assume when you refer to only two positives you mean in promoting terms as you don’t mention the fact that we have arguably the best speedway track in the world in this country.

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11 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

That’s all great but don’t take it out on somebody who enjoys going. If you are criticising her for only being positive when you are exactly the same in only ever being negative.

I have no problem with Tree's or anyone else enjoying Speedway.

Seeing as I get criticism for being only negative (which I am with regards to the King's Lynn owner) then the same has to said of those that only see positive does it not?

As many have said numerous times this year and previous at King's Lynn, the atmosphere is flat, racing none existent etc etc. 

Would be interested to know from those that are still so in love with King's Lynn, what it is that genuinely keeps them going?

In terms of Belle Vue, they do have the best track in the world but they haven't got the same promoting mentally as Glasgow & Isle of Wight. 

These clubs make their fans feel included and listened too. 

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2 hours ago, Daniel Smith said:

We get plenty of ridicule for having a differing opinion. It's open to all. 

When in my case, one man has destroyed my love of going home and away watching the Stars this 'all things rosy in the garden' angers me. 

Buster is in full control of King's Lynn and Peterborough and it ain't particularly going well is it? 

Fortunately for Ipswich, Chris Louis made sure he remains in control of all things Ipswich otherwise we'd of more likely than not had a melt down their too from fans.

Buster is single handedly driving many many more away from the sport than brining them in through the turnstiles. 

I just don't see where the positives are in Speedway under his control. Under his tenure the future is declining at a rapid speed. 

There are just 2 positives in British Speedway right now and they're either end of the UK in Glasgow and Isle of Wight. 

I'll have to add Kent to your list. Despite battling against the dreaded curfew every week, they still get excellent crowds for NL racing. They must be one of the few tracks making money out of the sport.

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As much as I don't like budget Chapman and his monopoly over British speedway. What are the other options if no one else wants to  buy into a sport that's outdated, non profit making, poorly supported and governed by promoters who can hardly see beyond the end of their own noses? Let's face it, speedway is sinking fast and the warning signs have been illuminating tracks for years. I'm just pleased I'm able to witness speedway at Alwalton, all be it not the most exciting at present. You can't blame anyone for wanting to invest money into a sport that  is still surviving by the skin of its teeth. I'm afraid to say that I'm going to make the best of a bad job,because I fear in less than five years time, speedway will have dried up completely as a spectator sport and then we really will have something to moan about!

Edited by pleasureboy60
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