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Poole v Belle Vue Thurs 2nd May 2019

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1 hour ago, Bald Bloke said:

You may well be right. But Stevie should score a steady 5 or 6 i would of thought . Where as Dan could score anything between 0 and 10 ;)   

At Poole riding as a HL, if he gets 6 or more he would have done very well. Dan struggled at Poole when he was at reserve. Hopefully get some rain Weds to help the track! 

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1 hour ago, lisa-colette said:

At Poole riding as a HL, if he gets 6 or more he would have done very well. Dan struggled at Poole when he was at reserve. Hopefully get some rain Weds to help the track! 

Dan is nowhere back to race fitness, if he scores more than 3 I will be delighted.


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39 minutes ago, daz9100 said:

He did OK tonight then 

I should have clarified my point a little more than I did.

He will be, and is, absolutely fine around the wide open spaces of the NSS. It's a safe race track.

Away is another matter on circuits that he wont be as confident on, where tight situations on tracks that frankly aren't prepared as well as the national stadium, will occur.

Indeed Poole is probably the worst track in the United Kingdom in terms of actual prep, holes, bumps and anything else you may find at Wimborne Road.

Edited by acef
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57 minutes ago, lisa-colette said:

Haha. Are you doing the SS thing of posting an unlikely score do you can say ' look we scored more than 34 points, we did amazing!....' 

Have u not seen our away scores. 

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Some photos from the recent match hammering v Swindon @ 4 Point Road.

This picture clearly shows that Poole put as much water as they could on the morning of the drubbing.

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.takeshape.io%2F1f1d0876-be74-4b33-99c8-6ac93f1d70db%2Fdev%2F053e2774-0ed8-41ef-875b-8672948671e5%2Fdry%20water%20spigot.jpg%3Fauto%3Dcompress%2Cformat%26w%3D1200&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leonardodicaprio.org%2Fmetropolitan-water-shortages-lessons-learned-the-hard-way&docid=M3vo9xtTRS-E8M&tbnid=HbzrtRL6_4YadM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiZzMDA-ffhAhWk4IUKHRP3Dx8QMwiMASgxMDE..i&w=1200&h=799&safe=active&bih=969&biw=1920&q=water shortage pictures&ved=0ahUKEwiZzMDA-ffhAhWk4IUKHRP3Dx8QMwiMASgxMDE&iact=mrc&uact=8

This picture was taken of a Swindon fan stood on bend 1 just after heat 15. Luckily, he was appropriately attired for the event.


Hopefully Poole have paid the water bill this month. If not, they could always ask Belle Vue to bring their hose with them, which has usually got some water in it.

I can also see why Matty boy went with the use of bibs as they must be a lot easier to clean than full kevlars.

Aces in shock win 46-44.

Edited by theblueboy
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3 minutes ago, theblueboy said:

Some photos from the recent match hammering v Swindon @ 4 Point Road.

This picture clearly shows that Poole put as much water as they could on the morning of the drubbing.

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.takeshape.io%2F1f1d0876-be74-4b33-99c8-6ac93f1d70db%2Fdev%2F053e2774-0ed8-41ef-875b-8672948671e5%2Fdry%20water%20spigot.jpg%3Fauto%3Dcompress%2Cformat%26w%3D1200&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leonardodicaprio.org%2Fmetropolitan-water-shortages-lessons-learned-the-hard-way&docid=M3vo9xtTRS-E8M&tbnid=HbzrtRL6_4YadM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiZzMDA-ffhAhWk4IUKHRP3Dx8QMwiMASgxMDE..i&w=1200&h=799&safe=active&bih=969&biw=1920&q=water shortage pictures&ved=0ahUKEwiZzMDA-ffhAhWk4IUKHRP3Dx8QMwiMASgxMDE&iact=mrc&uact=8

This picture was taken along Wimbourne Road, shortly after the start of Heat 1 on Bank Holiday Monday v Swindon.


This picture was taken of a Swindon fan stood on bend 1 just after heat 15. Luckily, he was appropriately attired for the event.


Hopefully Poole have paid the water bill this month. If not, they could always ask Belle Vue to bring their hose with them, which has usually got some water in it.

I can also see why Matty boy went with the use of bibs as they must be a lot easier to clean than full kevlars.

Aces in shock win 46-44.

shame  you got the day wrong must try harder next time 

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On 4/29/2019 at 4:17 PM, lisa-colette said:

Poole prob his worst track even when he's on form. Key man is prob Stevie Worrall imo. Have a feeling Richie has given him some tips as before he rode for us Stevie was pretty average at Poole but did well there last season. 

Stevie Worrall riding at krsko Slovenia on Thursday in one of the euro championship qualifiers where I am guessing he will have his best bikes so maybe 24 hours later he might not be the key man this time round.

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31 minutes ago, neb said:

Stevie Worrall riding at krsko Slovenia on Thursday in one of the euro championship qualifiers where I am guessing he will have his best bikes so maybe 24 hours later he might not be the key man this time round.

well he wont need any bikes at poole then will he :t:

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