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Glasgow 2019 Onwards

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1 hour ago, montie said:

But let be honest,have attendances been down this year,??


im far from convinced they have ,i know Scunny are slightly up on last year and i must say at some of the away tracks ive visited this year ive seen quite nice crowds,not record breaking by any stretch but certainly not massively down  to sustain such losses as are being reported

They don't have to be down this year ,the levels over the last 5-10 years have not been enough to sustain the sports rising costs.Like I have stated before its Sponsers ,Supporters Clubs and Fans Trusts that are preventing ever bigger losses.

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7 minutes ago, Solidmango said:

What is the alternative? We can't afford to pay the riders in a 7 man team as it is, they have a squad system in Poland to avoid the issue you point out, that's never going to happen in this country with attendances/revenue the way it is just now. 

I can't imagine many people saying, I'm not going to watch speedway any more because we have to get a guest rider, from another club, due to injury/absence.

I've got to be honest, so many people on here/social media are very critical of the BSPA/SCB and slate decisions that have been made but very rarely come up with a solution to the existing problems. 

The BSPA/SCB would not listen to such solutions.IMO.

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30 minutes ago, mikebv said:

I wonder if at any stage of reviewing why attendances are not hitting the required amount to cover costs have the Glasgow Promoters ever reflected on how much the Mickey Mouse way the sport is ran effects them?

One of their riders (Chris Harris) won a Premiership medal riding for Poole and one week later a Cup Winners medal riding for Somerset..

I would suggest they try and influence the stopping of such nonsense and then try and raise awareness and support for their business...

You can be as positive as you want in engaging locals to help...

When the product you are selling is so inherently flawed you will never have a chance of success..


Exactly, not much team ethic nowadays in British Speedway more like a money spinner for riders just to top up wages, then again the system has been like this for a number of years but getting steadily worse.

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9 minutes ago, topaz325 said:

Exactly, not much team ethic nowadays in British Speedway more like a money spinner for riders just to top up wages, then again the system has been like this for a number of years but getting steadily worse.

That's not what the Workington riders and management said ........ and they won the treble :)

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1 hour ago, Fromafar said:

The BSPA/SCB would not listen to such solutions.IMO.

Seeing some of the 'solutions' suggested on here, would anybody run the risks of trying most of them.

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6 hours ago, Halifaxtiger said:

I think you are absolutely right and this simply has to be addressed. The pay rates that I have heard Glasgow were offering were unbelievable, and I got that from several sources.

Its all very well to bleat about huge losses but when part of that is down to unsustainable wages responsibility lies significantly with the promotion themselves - they are the ones who are just ignoring the income they have when they consider their expenditure.

Glasgow might be the worst example but there's no doubt in my mind that others are almost as bad. 

I have said several times in the past that aside from the very top boys speedway has never been a full time occupation - at whatever level - and the sooner we get back to that the better. I am sure there will be riders who really won't like it but they need to get a grasp on reality.

Got to also be remembered, that Glasgow own their stadium and the outlets in it, so no 'rent ' as such, and an extra money stream, and possible tax exemption if they put it through their business. Ironic that the have poured money into riders who other clubs were likely to sign, only to call off the signing cos Glasgow has found the magic money tree. They are reaping what THEY have sown.

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1 minute ago, Fromafar said:

Some are no worse than what they are trying now.

Really. Look at some things that were published in the Speedway Star. Golden Heats, more that two teams per meeting, etc. Half the things that were said in those articles were not even true, when doing comparisons. Promoters don't usually need to be told by others how to lose money with gamble's.  Some like Glasgow already hold the secret.  

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  • Stop trying to buy the league championship , not rocket bloody science ..got them nowhere since they took over , yet now the threats are looming , looking for volunteers , seems the money pit is beginning to empty ! I’m afraid they only have themselves to blame , throwing cash at riders reeling them in, must have been paying Cook and co a bloody fortune and for what , squiddly jack s***. Who would have thought the smugness from the tigers camp last season thinking they were home and dry and off to that wonderful premiership ,would be turned on it’s arse and they are in the same boat as every one else !! Aye it’s a funny old world B)
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2 hours ago, Solidmango said:

Totally agree. 90% of the 'package' is the same as what's in Poland, the small variation in our product is not what is causing the major issues. There are simply not enough people going to meetings nowadays. 


Yes but the difference is Local Councils in Poland invest hugely (some over 30%) in a teams  annual income, not to mention local businesses. Most of the stadium upgrades over the last few years in Poland have been funded by Local Councils and, I would suggest, clubs pay next to no rent. Some of this money is almost certainly come from the EU!!!! Oh for our various councils to input even a fraction of what they do in Poland.

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44 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

Got to also be remembered, that Glasgow own their stadium and the outlets in it, so no 'rent ' as such, and an extra money stream, and possible tax exemption if they put it through their business. Ironic that the have poured money into riders who other clubs were likely to sign, only to call off the signing cos Glasgow has found the magic money tree. They are reaping what THEY have sown.

The losses are covered, Glasgow are running in 2019, albeit cutting their cloth. Today's statement confirms that things wont continue as they were and its time for realism from riders and fans. The fantasy years are over, largely enjoyable as they were. Can cope with that.

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45 minutes ago, jamlad said:
  • Stop trying to buy the league championship , not rocket bloody science ..got them nowhere since they took over , yet now the threats are looming , looking for volunteers , seems the money pit is beginning to empty ! I’m afraid they only have themselves to blame , throwing cash at riders reeling them in, must have been paying Cook and co a bloody fortune and for what , squiddly jack s***. Who would have thought the smugness from the tigers camp last season thinking they were home and dry and off to that wonderful premiership ,would be turned on it’s arse and they are in the same boat as every one else !! Aye it’s a funny old world B)


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22 minutes ago, Gazc said:


:approve: from where I’m sitting marra it is hilarious ....welcome back to the real world in Speedway , your games are over it got ya nowhere , brought back down well and truly to earth. Give us a K give us an A give us a R give us a M give us an A   . Must leave it at that though ,, just reliving  the moments we clinched the treble only a few Monday’s ago  :rofl:

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What a load of short-sighted, jealous folk there are about calling themselves speedway fans and gloating because a team's owners comes out and makes a statement.
Sure Glasgow spent on trying to put a winning team together but what a lot of folk so blinkered they can't see past their own team is that the Glasgow Promotion also invested heavily in the community around Ashfield. When they bought the stadium they also guaranteed the continuation of the areas junior (equivalent of English non-league) football team and the money spent on the work on the stadium was mostly done by local companies employing local people. Yeah if the Facenna's walk away because of losses it's more than speedway that loses out. 
Think about the greater picture rather than gloat!!!

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19 minutes ago, jamlad said:

:approve: from where I’m sitting marra it is hilarious ....welcome back to the real world in Speedway , your games are over it got ya nowhere , brought back down well and truly to earth. Give us a K give us an A give us a R give us a M give us an A 

Karma for what i really cant get my head round that comment.

Our promotion have done a lot wrong i agree but they also have done an awful lot right.

But the attitude you show that you would rather gloat and wind fellow speedway fans up says a lot more about you.

If i suspect you support Workington i would never consider gloating on a club that may not come to tapes next year but as i say it says more about you that you feel the need to gloat.

Edited by Gazc
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I dont see any good reason to be gloating or laughing about the Glasgow situation

Regardless of any financial budget reduction that is coming I think we should all hope that there isnt a similar reduction in interest in the sport generally

The overall approach and attitude to club and community (IMO as a neutral outsider) has been a breath of fresh air

I very much hope that continues and others decide to follow

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