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Workington 2019

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2 hours ago, Liz !!! said:

Are the Reds not finishing their season at Borough Park and moving over in Sept, ?This is all assuming the new stadium gets planning permission ! an 8000 seat stadium is going to need a hell of a lot more parking than looks to be earmarked, there are cars everywhere when they have 800 at Derwent Park. Bigger worry is if they extend the pitch for the foorball what about the track :S

i was talking to the  lady who does the catering @ the reds and the football club asked her if she was willing/able to carry on the catering @ Derwent park come May .

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8 hours ago, workyboy said:

Apparently the FA have decreed the rugby pitch is below size for a FA registered team and must be lenthened and widened, taking approx 18 feet of either side of the speedway track. Looking like the best supported team in the town have been kicked in the b*llocks AGAIN!!! 

This has been talked about for weeks now....hope it's just someones imagination. But it still doesn't look good for a Comets return to DP.

So what can we do for our speedway fix, now, and in the future?

It's just not the same coming on here knowing all that seems to appear are wind ups about other tracks etc. Jenga amuses me.......I've habitually logged on each day down the years having a good cuppa and read about the Comets.....it's not the same already, sadly I'm going to log off...and come back once in blue moon....

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apparently  reds fixtures are finished in april 

but I can also say after talking to a contact there is talk of things starting to move over to Derwent park in may 

but my contact has also gave some very bad news that there's talk of some rugby fixtures being at reds ground as the NEW pitch will take 8 weeks to lay and be ready for action 

so that looks like the end of speedway to me 


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With Allerdale Council so keen to throw taxpayers money at this white elephant and screwing over the most successful team in the town for years into the bargain, would not the kindest thing for them to have done was pick up the debts (if any) owed by the speedway, and cleared them as a goodwill gesture, after all they are getting what they've always wanted....rid of the noisy/smelly speedway and no more hassle to deal with from the sport's objectors? :angry:

It's a funny thing, Reds want the pitch 18' wider/longer to meet the FA criteria yet surely that means Town would have an even wider try line to defend than the one they struggle with now and further to run length wise to score, that's some trade off?? :D



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BREXIT  !   i dont mind wonkey carrots .....  yea lets stop talking about something that does not exist any more . at least it will keep the dangerous brothers quiet for a while .

i have for sale a print of peter kildemand  . £12  takes it off my hands , p/p £2.00 slight crease down one side . any money raised goes towards laura  

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11 hours ago, Tosh1218 said:

I feel for the fans of Workington losing there team ,but why in the section of Championship 2019 there is a Workington section as rpthey will not be up to tapes ,

   We don't have a Rye House section in the elite teams 2019 

so let's move on with the season 6 weeks away

Rye house were banned wernt they comets are " on ice".

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2 hours ago, geoff100 said:

Rye house were banned wernt they comets are " on ice".

Let’s be honest now and look at it properly 

1- Rye House we’re closed down due to monetary problems 

2- Workington could have been closed down with the same problems last year 

3- if you think putting Workingtons licence on ice for 2019 and be back up and running for 2020  get real 

Ask Long Eaton, Hull vikings , Bradford Dukes fans if this will come true as this was the statement put out to there fans when speedway was suspended at there tracks 

For speedway to survive in this country at championship level costs have to be cut and riders will have to become semi-professional riders 

Why can’t people see what is happening 

All Teams in All leagues have to agree a budget and stick to that budget 


if I was in business and my outgoings are more than the income , then I would close down , until people stop looking through rose tinted glasses and wake up Speedway will be defunct within s decadee

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i think the fans/followers are just holding onto a glimmer of hope. we all know it will not return . the promotion are just buying time until a buyer can be found or the assets of the club sold on . why give something away , when you can get a few quid for it ?there is 20 months on the countdown clock , but time waits for no man !

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1 hour ago, Tosh1218 said:

Let’s be honest now and look at it properly 

1- Rye House we’re closed down due to monetary problems 

2- Workington could have been closed down with the same problems last year 

3- if you think putting Workingtons licence on ice for 2019 and be back up and running for 2020  get real 

Ask Long Eaton, Hull vikings , Bradford Dukes fans if this will come true as this was the statement put out to there fans when speedway was suspended at there tracks 

For speedway to survive in this country at championship level costs have to be cut and riders will have to become semi-professional riders 

Why can’t people see what is happening 

All Teams in All leagues have to agree a budget and stick to that budget 


if I was in business and my outgoings are more than the income , then I would close down , until people stop looking through rose tinted glasses and wake up Speedway will be defunct within s decadee

I think the majority of supporters can see things clearly, only too well. It is the BSPA"s members who just won't face up to the reality of where UK speedway is today. Look at the negative point of view that Rob Godfrey displays - over and over again, in today's Speedway Star. Blaming everyone else for the steady decline and "proud to be a promoter who is saving speedway" . Dragging out the last days more like it. Even he says it will have to end up as semi-pro sport where the riders will have to get a job to supplement what they can earn from the sport in the UK. Did they really think of re-branding it once again as "British Speedway"? Fantasists. 

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It is not the present BSPA's fault & people should get real as the decline has been happening for this last 8 to 10 years. The decisions made, though, this last 2 years with the J Holder debate & the changing of Friday fixtures to teams, supposedly, main race nights which should have been the norm from decisions made at the AGM but when the fixtures came out, no-one could foresee the problems that would later arise & not just at CL level but PL as well. Even in the NL teams struggled to get 7 riders either through school, travel, work or couldn't be arsed.

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If it was a six-figure sum then you are right. It never was worth anything like that for the assets she acquired ( basically the right to promote speedway there  and a few riders -  which are never really viable assets ) . It was at the start of the terminal decline and Laura put her money where her heart is to sadly only see it slide into a sinkhole. Even though crowds were only just viable then, all new promoters believe that they can stimulate new interest ( or bring back those who have walked away ).

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41 minutes ago, waytogo28 said:

If it was a six-figure sum then you are right. It never was worth anything like that for the assets she acquired ( basically the right to promote speedway there  and a few riders -  which are never really viable assets ) . It was at the start of the terminal decline and Laura put her money where her heart is to sadly only see it slide into a sinkhole. Even though crowds were only just viable then, all new promoters believe that they can stimulate new interest ( or bring back those who have walked away ).

Who issues the rights to be able to promote anywhere, the BSPA? I can't imagine that is worth the paper it's written on. 

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