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1 hour ago, mac101 said:

Ashfield was sold to allied and part of the deal from what I know was that they had to keep the local junior football club running there also  and the land is only for sports use so they would need to try to change it if they wanted to build anything on it 

Yep so it's got a covenant on it for a specific use... but saying that the shower over here where I stay Monday to Thursday have just downgraded a Green Field site next to me to shoe horn 1200 houses on it the Bar-stewards... 

Down here it's only a fixed covenant whilst it suits the powers that be... and I never thought I was a Nimby but apparently I am... Doh...



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1 hour ago, jenga said:

thats a nice short piece from you . are you running out of ink(wink)  ? 

 happy new year to ya .

Haha.. no am running out of data as am having issues with me phone and this man flu has got as knackered..



And right back at ya with the compliments of the season... all the best...

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The chance of the land at Ashfield ever being built is very slim due to the fact the land is believe to be contaminated, it was an old railway works and lots of stuff was dumped there hence the name Ashfield and not fit for housing also there is a fault underneath.  Just ask the owners of the houses behind the 3rd and 4th bends.  The initial planning permission was rejected by the council and the developers only got it through on appeal but the home owners have had many problems with two of the houses having to be almost rebuilt due to subsidence.  

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the chances of any houses etc being built on any contaminated/mining areas are quite high now compared to decades ago . land can be developed for building at almost every part of the uk . its only the so called green belt areas that have their  rights to no new builds  being put up on the areas . even so , green belt land is being built on all the time now  due to housing shortage so really any piece of land is not safe from developers . even those with mine shafts and underwater  natural drainage . so who knows , in a few years time ashfield could be a new housing complex or even a supermarket . thats a coupe of iudeas for the faccues to get their money back from previous losses ! 

what i dont need now is a sad and confused reply from the dangerous brothers . i just replied to snappers post .


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16 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:




Honestly Gaz I think Worky Worky might have a point here

Breath... that's it... in... out... in... out... and in again... Now count to 10 slowly

Not only did you get a fishing rod off Santa you must have got some new teeth as well as you are still biting at anything and everything

Question... Whats the biggest fishing rod in the world?
Answer... A flag pole!!!

Question... Whats the biggest fish?
Answer... Gazc cos he bites at owt...

Honestly as a publican (current or former?) you aren't very good at telegraphing these wind ups mind are you, I mean... Jenga even started the post off with the following

I think even Inspector Clouseau would have spotted that this was possibly a big clue to a post of epic none-sense and mischief as usual?



By the way hope you had a good time over the Christmas and happy Hogmanay 

So Jenga is fishing with his constant Glasgow digs , and here was me thinking you were semi-intelligent. Jenga has not got the brain cell capacity to go on that many fishing trips, just a summary on his years of crap but he is like marmite personally I enjoy reading his drivel I am usually left shaking my head in dis-belief but it is amusing at the same time.  

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14 hours ago, snapper said:

The chance of the land at Ashfield ever being built is very slim due to the fact the land is believe to be contaminated, it was an old railway works and lots of stuff was dumped there hence the name Ashfield and not fit for housing also there is a fault underneath.  Just ask the owners of the houses behind the 3rd and 4th bends.  The initial planning permission was rejected by the council and the developers only got it through on appeal but the home owners have had many problems with two of the houses having to be almost rebuilt due to subsidence.  


3 hours ago, jenga said:

the chances of any houses etc being built on any contaminated/mining areas are quite high now compared to decades ago . land can be developed for building at almost every part of the uk . its only the so called green belt areas that have their  rights to no new builds  being put up on the areas . even so , green belt land is being built on all the time now  due to housing shortage so really any piece of land is not safe from developers . even those with mine shafts and underwater  natural drainage . so who knows , in a few years time ashfield could be a new housing complex or even a supermarket . thats a coupe of iudeas for the faccues to get their money back from previous losses ! 

what i dont need now is a sad and confused reply from the dangerous brothers . i just replied to snappers post .


Agreeing with Jenga two days running!!! Wow I blame the flu!!! 

The Green Belt they are using here is not only supposed to be contaminated due to it formally being a pit, it is riddled with mine shafts and there is an issue with Pluvial Flooding but that didn't stop them. The land was being used as open farmland within a conservation area and part of the Green Belt although the council said it was a Green Open Space not within the Green Belt so it could be turned over for development. Yet when I bought my house as a new build back in the 80's it was bought on the premise that the adjoining land was Green Belt and had a covenant on it stating it would never be built on

The other chestnut was it will never be built on as it was the only North East site (apparently) where Golden Plovers fed up in the Autumn prior to migrating South and there were Crested Newt and two types of Bat also on the site and an HV pylon route right through the middle of it. All of which we were told would stop development however North Tyneside Council need to build 10,000 houses a year for the next 5 year as part of their 5 year plan (allegedly) and 1,200 units going up on this "Open Space" was a soft target for them.

My daughter who lives on a new estate in Shiremoor on an old pit site has had the first dozen or so houses pulled down in her street that weren't 12/18 months old due to subsidence. The best laugh is the British Coal Board (remember them as I didn't realise they were sill going) have come along and injected a liquid grout into the holes and mine-workings as remediation and levelled the site off and now the developers are back bidding on the land as it is open season apparently due to there being houses on the site previous and it now has a different classification to build on following demolition. My question is; who; now knowing the history of the site would by a house on that land.

So if the council (or developers) want the land you don't get a look in as I have been right through this process and gave up in the finish as a small estate of working class people can not take on the big boys and hope to win with the financial clout they have and  the rewards and gains they can make from developing land. (1200 houses at an average of £180,000 gives a return of £216,000,000) (so who needs a euro lottery win) 

Newcastle is quite a small and compact city and all the surrounding estates seem to gravitate towards the centre so every bit of green space is being built on at present as it is an easy target. Glasgow on the other hand is a big sprawling metropolitan city with plenty of growing room at present and a site like Ashfield would/should be well down the list to redevelop I would assume; but never say never Snapper as you never know what some Town Planner has in store for you; but I do agree with the sentiments of your post


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4 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:


Agreeing with Jenga two days running!!! Wow I blame the flu!!! 

The Green Belt they are using here is not only supposed to be contaminated due to it formally being a pit, it is riddled with mine shafts and there is an issue with Pluvial Flooding but that didn't stop them. The land was being used as open farmland within a conservation area and part of the Green Belt although the council said it was a Green Open Space not within the Green Belt so it could be turned over for development. Yet when I bought my house as a new build back in the 80's it was bought on the premise that the adjoining land was Green Belt and had a covenant on it stating it would never be built on

The other chestnut was it will never be built on as it was the only North East site (apparently) where Golden Plovers fed up in the Autumn prior to migrating South and there were Crested Newt and two types of Bat also on the site and an HV pylon route right through the middle of it. All of which we were told would stop development however North Tyneside Council need to build 10,000 houses a year for the next 5 year as part of their 5 year plan (allegedly) and 1,200 units going up on this "Open Space" was a soft target for them.

My daughter who lives on a new estate in Shiremoor on an old pit site has had the first dozen or so houses pulled down in her street that weren't 12/18 months old due to subsidence. The best laugh is the British Coal Board (remember them as I didn't realise they were sill going) have come along and injected a liquid grout into the holes and mine-workings as remediation and levelled the site off and now the developers are back bidding on the land as it is open season apparently due to there being houses on the site previous and it now has a different classification to build on following demolition. My question is; who; now knowing the history of the site would by a house on that land.

So if the council (or developers) want the land you don't get a look in as I have been right through this process and gave up in the finish as a small estate of working class people can not take on the big boys and hope to win with the financial clout they have and  the rewards and gains they can make from developing land. (1200 houses at an average of £180,000 gives a return of £216,000,000) (so who needs a euro lottery win) 

Newcastle is quite a small and compact city and all the surrounding estates seem to gravitate towards the centre so every bit of green space is being built on at present as it is an easy target. Glasgow on the other hand is a big sprawling metropolitan city with plenty of growing room at present and a site like Ashfield would/should be well down the list to redevelop I would assume; but never say never Snapper as you never know what some Town Planner has in store for you; but I do agree with the sentiments of your post


I'll guess she lives in West Allotment John.   In mining areas, houses are usually built on a raft foundation, instead of the strip foundations which are under all the walls usually inside and outside.

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2 hours ago, geoff100 said:

Fans from the 70s will be saddened  to know the guy who drove the tractor known as " big c" brian hartley passed away over the weekend rip a gentle giant .

 a nice quiet chap . still got a picture somewhere of him in his blu n white Big C jumper . often seen him @  Cockermouth  car boot .still looked the same  as he did way back . a truley stand out supporter . RIP big fella .

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18 hours ago, Tsunami said:

I'll guess she lives in West Allotment John.   In mining areas, houses are usually built on a raft foundation, instead of the strip foundations which are under all the walls usually inside and outside.

Just asked and embarrassingly you are correct but West Allotment and Shiremoor were two separate pit villages when I was a kid. They now seem to have melded into one...

A conglomeration of brick built shoe boxes where even putting them on concrete rafts didn't work... 19 properties were pulled down and "as new" as the properties are the place looks like a 8h1t-hole to me... 

Also I should take more notice of the kids when they are talking to me... lol



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21 hours ago, geoff100 said:

Fans from the 70s will be saddened  to know the guy who drove the tractor known as " big c" brian hartley passed away over the weekend rip a gentle giant .

Very sad news indeed, we were neighbours for several years, he was a great supporter of the Comets, lovely man :(

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3 hours ago, geoff100 said:

In todays news and star the cost of the new stadium has gone up to 25 million as sellafield want office space! Still ni mention of the comets in the plans .

I seen something a few week ago, somebody saying  that DP was to be demolished to make space for Sellafield offices, perhaps not.

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8 hours ago, geoff100 said:

In todays news and star the cost of the new stadium has gone up to 25 million as sellafield want office space! Still ni mention of the comets in the plans .



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Statement this morning that the Comets will not run in 2019.

I am deeply saddened by this news. Although I did not attend every week I loved coming up on Saturdays - a terrific run, some tea and a couple in the Henry Bessemer, some great company and almost always a good meeting. A real shame, but I am not totally surprised as attendances simply weren't good enough.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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