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Workington 2019

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3 hours ago, comet49 said:

It was said at the end of the season that the council are working with the Comets to find somewhere and want to keep speedway in Workington, time will tell. Still needs investment though. I don’t think football fans are keen on the new one.

I am not sure just how much faith the Comets, as a club, are now putting in that statement from the council ? As we all know, humans can SAY all sorts of things, to make themselves or their employers sound helpful !  But in reality.......................................

Edited by A.N.Other
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29 minutes ago, geoff100 said:

I dont think these days u can say any stadium is safe 

If you own it you have the right to do what you want with it rather than being a tennant and being told what how often and when you can do it and if they want you out you have no say about it so if they decide to close it your out unless you have somewhere else to go 

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What the hell are they playing at releasing a Statement like that today !!! Jesus christ spare a thought for the riders who have signed on dotted line this season , they must be thinking hang on what the hell have I done signing for this crew :rolleyes:  have they learnt nowt from last year , not a wheel turned and the negativity has started already . No one parted with their money into the Trust or out with the thoughts of wasting their money if there isn't to be a club... all that great press and statements given after this season about the council , and longevity of the club down the pan  :angry: Well done shot themselves in the foot with this one 

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Think I heard on local radio, but maybe wrong, that Laura would be willing to run this season but was hoping someone would help out with money,

Also heard over the weekend that after the season finished several people/firms promised money, but so far, very little has come through, this maybe is the reason the statement has been releeased, I'm a big comets fan, but totally understand they can't keep on losing lots of money.so if it's the end fare enough.

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14 hours ago, A.N.Other said:

I am not sure just how much faith the Comets, as a club, are now putting in that statement from the council ? As we all know, humans can SAY all sorts of things, to make themselves or their employers sound helpful !  But in reality.......................................

Yeah, finding somewhere to race is different from cash support. Don’t think increase on Comm Charge would go down well lol. It’s a cult sport and  lot of people just don’t get it. I’d guess that promises were made that haven’t been fulfilled. 

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2 hours ago, Neila said:

Think I heard on local radio, but maybe wrong, that Laura would be willing to run this season but was hoping someone would help out with money,

Also heard over the weekend that after the season finished several people/firms promised money, but so far, very little has come through, this maybe is the reason the statement has been releeased, I'm a big comets fan, but totally understand they can't keep on losing lots of money.so if it's the end fare enough.

Yeah...I also heard the very same thing. (!!). :neutral:

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12 hours ago, Neila said:

Think I heard on local radio, but maybe wrong, that Laura would be willing to run this season but was hoping someone would help out with money,

Also heard over the weekend that after the season finished several people/firms promised money, but so far, very little has come through, this maybe is the reason the statement has been releeased, I'm a big comets fan, but totally understand they can't keep on losing lots of money.so if it's the end fare enough.

i am not normally one to cause a stir ! ! !   , but we dont want to cause any more grief on the situation @ workington . we can speculate all we like. the bottom line is we must continue to support the club to the end . 2019 is a goer . so please stop killing your own team and management off. also if i heard something , i sure as hell would know where i hears it and not just made up fake news . 

i know one sponsor that agreed to help out as best he could , but guess what . the management failed .  to pick up the payment at his place of work .i think it was sorted eventually . but thats not the problem . there is no known cure for self destruction i. i got told by a person in the know that Rasmus was on his way to Edinburgh and this guy was adamant that he was because his informer had seen it on paper . so lets all sit back and let the proper risk takers try and sort it .

we dont want to keep feeding the sad and confused lot up the road . they will have their own troubles when they lose another k100.000 in 2019 and then wonder why they have n.l. racing .

everyone needs to quit moaning and look forward  to April and that other thing called BREXIT . live long and prosper  

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On 1/6/2019 at 1:40 PM, A.N.Other said:

I am just a bit "curious"..but THJ started postings at a frenetic rate when he joined this forum...up till a few weeks ago, and all of a sudden...he posts hardly anything !

Is there something we don't know about perhaps ? 

Just a bit odd after we all got used to constant postings from him.

Hello; well the reporting of my death has been greatly over exaggerated; firstly compliments of the season, bit late I know but I hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year to all.

I have been rather busy since mid December making for a very frantic festive period both in my personal life and behind the scenes in other ventures. (and now I have the dreaded "man flu" but I am soldiering on manfully and not moaning whatsoever "Honest") (and no its not just a cold right!!! its worse than that!!! honestly!!! I am dying though!!!)

On a more serious note; everyone will now be aware that the club is up for sale and I can not go on here and fully outline what has gone on however I for one am really disappointed with the current situation. (in fact I am gutted) However what needs to be pointed out is that Laura is the sole owner of the club and ultimately it is her decision as to what happens with it and what route she takes with regards to how the business is run.

For information in November a business plan was worked out to make the club more financially secure and mitigate (or at least spread) the losses and there was a great deal of good will and support for the proposal and it was felt from certain quarters (me included) that this could save the club and offer a plan of support for the next three years seeing us through the proposed redevelopment phase of DP and the opportunities that this potentially offered to the club going forward. Furthermore the team (as most could see) was built to a budget to support this plan.

The proposal was comprehensively and finally completed and filled out by the end of November and we had identified where our shortfalls were and what we required to fill them; I had pre-booked a room in the Waverley Hotel in Workington before Christmas for a meeting at the end of November or the start of December, to outline the full proposal and discuss what additional support was required and everything was coming together; however things ground to an abrupt halt following several positive meetings.

Unfortunately two key people didn't want to go down this LLP route (or at least had reservations) as offers had been made from the local authority and a local business that appealed more than the "developed LLP business plan" so the initial proposal for an LLP to take ownership and run the club was parked. This other proposal and offer of support has not come to anything unfortunately and this added to other extraneous issues have (I believe) tipped the balance and resulted in the club going up for sale.

I along with one of the other promoters put a great deal of effort into pulling together the survival plan for the club and we genuinely believed the LLP proposal could have worked, and again we were genuinely excited by the prospect of taking the club forward under this new format, there was a great deal of good will and opportunity to build on the success experienced in 2018 however it is probably dead in the water now and I am now "Totally Unsure" how things will progress from here going forward.

So if there are any potential buyers out there who require any support both in management time and/or financial input or information I am willing to help however the signs (to me) currently do not look good. Also if anyone wants the facts PM me or call into the Golden Lion or Lifeboat in Maryport Saturday 12th Jan as I will be propping up the bar in one or the other from tea time until late as there will be no value in trying to second guess what has gone on as it is quite complicated; and there are also some things that I just can not share on an open forum.

As stated it is Laura who owns 100% of the business and is still in the driving seat, she says it remains her intention to "carry on and prepare for the new season" however from the press release she has stated that; "The amount of hours of work that they have all put in behind the scenes, in what are obviously very challenging times, has been incredible and as a result of that many other aspects of our lives have suffered as a direct consequence". She also highlighted that; "all our success last season came at a significant cost, which has been well documented in the past", says everything and to me does not bode well.

On the cash side of things the press release pointed out that they "hoped it would lead to a more sustainable future for the club and that is still our aim going into the new season. At present that additional backing is still significantly less than we had hoped to achieve by this time but we will continue to pursue every possible avenue to obtain as much support in terms of sponsorship and help as we can for the 2019 season". It is this support that is vital but again the comments do not read well 

However the one positive from all this is that she is still "talking up" about running next year further through the press release so "Nil Desperandum" like eh as Horace once said?


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4 hours ago, jenga said:

i am not normally one to cause a stir ! ! !   , but we dont want to cause any more grief on the situation @ workington . we can speculate all we like. the bottom line is we must continue to support the club to the end . 2019 is a goer . so please stop killing your own team and management off. also if i heard something , i sure as hell would know where i hears it and not just made up fake news . 

i know one sponsor that agreed to help out as best he could , but guess what . the management failed .  to pick up the payment at his place of work .i think it was sorted eventually . but thats not the problem . there is no known cure for self destruction i. i got told by a person in the know that Rasmus was on his way to Edinburgh and this guy was adamant that he was because his informer had seen it on paper . so lets all sit back and let the proper risk takers try and sort it .

we dont want to keep feeding the sad and confused lot up the road . they will have their own troubles when they lose another k100.000 in 2019 and then wonder why they have n.l. racing .

everyone needs to quit moaning and look forward  to April and that other thing called BREXIT . live long and prosper  

You cant help yourself what has sponsors got to do with us, but you have to bring us into it again prize buffoon of the highest order.

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22 hours ago, mac101 said:

If you own it you have the right to do what you want with it rather than being a tennant and being told what how often and when you can do it and if they want you out you have no say about it so if they decide to close it your out unless you have somewhere else to go 

wrong . the council tells you what you can and cant do .own it or not .

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On 1/1/2019 at 3:58 PM, WorkyWorky said:

You get a new fishing rod for Xmas Gaz?:rofl:


On 1/1/2019 at 6:14 PM, jenga said:

may have a new fishing rod for Christmas , but he is still using the same old bait . ho,ho,ho .


On 1/1/2019 at 7:06 PM, Gazc said:

Still using my old one :D.

Honestly Gaz I think Worky Worky might have a point here

Breath... that's it... in... out... in... out... and in again... Now count to 10 slowly

Not only did you get a fishing rod off Santa you must have got some new teeth as well as you are still biting at anything and everything

Question... Whats the biggest fishing rod in the world?
Answer... A flag pole!!!

Question... Whats the biggest fish?
Answer... Gazc cos he bites at owt...

Honestly as a publican (current or former?) you aren't very good at telegraphing these wind ups mind are you, I mean... Jenga even started the post off with the following

6 hours ago, jenga said:

i am not normally one to cause a stir ! ! !   , but

I think even Inspector Clouseau would have spotted that this was possibly a big clue to a post of epic none-sense and mischief as usual?



By the way hope you had a good time over the Christmas and happy Hogmanay 

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23 hours ago, mac101 said:

If you own it you have the right to do what you want with it rather than being a tenant and being told what how often and when you can do it and if they want you out you have no say about it so if they decide to close it your out unless you have somewhere else to go 


48 minutes ago, jenga said:

wrong . the council tells you what you can and cant do .own it or not .


I understand where you are coming from Mac101 however that is only under the constraints of the lease and will be subject to local planning, if Workington could hang on for the next 3 years the Football and Rugby clubs will have gone from DP if local press reports are to be believed which will open up other options for the Comets as the council have said they would support them in either moving or retaining DP with certain criteria applied.

Jenga is correct with regard to our local council (not often you hear that) and in your situation even if Allied wanted to build on Ashfield say houses or a garage or even a car park they would only be allowed to build whatever the council decreed unless planning is vastly different in Scotland of course as "change of use of land" in England anyway comes with  a great deal of red tape and Workington would only ever get a lease on DP they would never own it outright.

I think it was Sing13 possibly who pointed out in an earlier post that the situation at DP is the council own the land which they lease to the Rugby Club but the Rugby Club own the stadium which is the first complication of many. If the council end up building the new stadium as proposed and the Rugby move resulting in the Speedway becoming the tenants of DP then if or when the stadium was shut down the council have stated they would help in relocating the Speedway but its all "pie in the sky" at the moment.


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27 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:



I understand where you are coming from Mac101 however that is only under the constraints of the lease and will be subject to local planning, if Workington could hang on for the next 3 years the Football and Rugby clubs will have gone from DP if local press reports are to be believed which will open up other options for the Comets as the council have said they would support them in either moving or retaining DP with certain criteria applied.

Jenga is correct with regard to our local council (not often you hear that) and in your situation even if Allied wanted to build on Ashfield say houses or a garage or even a car park they would only be allowed to build whatever the council decreed unless planning is vastly different in Scotland of course as "change of use of land" in England anyway comes with  a great deal of red tape and Workington would only ever get a lease on DP they would never own it outright.

I think it was Sing13 possibly who pointed out in an earlier post that the situation at DP is the council own the land which they lease to the Rugby Club but the Rugby Club own the stadium which is the first complication of many. If the council end up building the new stadium as proposed and the Rugby move resulting in the Speedway becoming the tenants of DP then if or when the stadium was shut down the council have stated they would help in relocating the Speedway but its all "pie in the sky" at the moment.


thats a nice short piece from you . are you running out of ink(wink)  ? 

 happy new year to ya .

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40 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:



I understand where you are coming from Mac101 however that is only under the constraints of the lease and will be subject to local planning, if Workington could hang on for the next 3 years the Football and Rugby clubs will have gone from DP if local press reports are to be believed which will open up other options for the Comets as the council have said they would support them in either moving or retaining DP with certain criteria applied.

Jenga is correct with regard to our local council (not often you hear that) and in your situation even if Allied wanted to build on Ashfield say houses or a garage or even a car park they would only be allowed to build whatever the council decreed unless planning is vastly different in Scotland of course as "change of use of land" in England anyway comes with  a great deal of red tape and Workington would only ever get a lease on DP they would never own it outright.

I think it was Sing13 possibly who pointed out in an earlier post that the situation at DP is the council own the land which they lease to the Rugby Club but the Rugby Club own the stadium which is the first complication of many. If the council end up building the new stadium as proposed and the Rugby move resulting in the Speedway becoming the tenants of DP then if or when the stadium was shut down the council have stated they would help in relocating the Speedway but its all "pie in the sky" at the moment.


Ashfield was sold to allied and part of the deal from what I know was that they had to keep the local junior football club running there also  and the land is only for sports use so they would need to try to change it if they wanted to build anything on it 

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