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Workington 2019

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4 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Here is a genuine question? (lights blue touch paper and stands well back)

Everyone has an opinion on what the entry fee should be to watch speedway. (Open to all)
Many are of the opinion that it is a £10 quid sport.
Here are some indicative prices
Cinema tickets average from £8 to £12 
Average price of West End tickets £35 to £65
Provincial Theatre £15 to £59
Premiership Football £25 to £99
Premiership Rugby £12 to £18 standing £21 to £35 seated
Ice Hockey £10 to £20
Basketball £18

So what do you think is a reasonable price for watching Speedway in 2019?
Should there be an age concession as pensioners now have more disposable cash than workers these days
Glasgow have done away with the age Concession (is it ageist to discriminate against older/younger people)

So as a rough guide there are two ranges
(and lets base it on an average crowd of 500 adults and 50 under 16's)

Adult between 16 and 160?
Child Under 16?

More to follow




Of the 7 comparatively similar entry costs you have listed above, three, the West End Theatre tickets,  Provincial Theatre Tickets & Premiership Football tickets all have much greater travel/accommodation costs than the other options so a direct comparison is difficult to make.

As my current financial circumstances and love for my local speedway stand I personally would pay £25 as a maxim to attend speedway at Championship level of competition, this does not include any travel or accommodation costs which I have never considered for home meetings.

If however my finances were reduced to say a pension income which is creeping much closer I would still be happy to pay £20.00.

I feel that this seasons entry fees could be raised for next season forward considering the success the team had this season. 

Realistically we want to start the season on somewhere near equal terms to the season just past so a reasonable increase of £3 for Adults to £18.00 & £2 for Children under 16 to £15.00.

You can't have a really competitive team without paying reasonable entrance fee,s.

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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Bruv hear what you are saying and do not fundamentally disagree

 So 6 man teams and a reduced wage bill, get the average points money down to £40 a point across the team and this gets the wage bill down to £4600 however the big question that brings up is what standard of rider can you bring in? Will the product still make all those fans happy or by diluting the product do you lose another 100 off the gate further reducing the income, its "Catch 22"


Cant see it being possible to get the points money down to £40 per point

I dont think the Ippo reserves were even on as low as that and the top end probably double at least

At £40 a rider averaging 6 would be earning less than £10k from 40 meetings - that doesnt even cover 1 bike for a season let alone a 2nd (or more) as is expected by clubs (and fans) and thats before they earn anything!!

Ippo I estimate average 1000+ and I doubt make a profit (although due possibly to paying above average rates and higher stadium rent than most)

To achieve such a reduction I think you are looking at a NL+ standard rather than even a diluted Championship

It does show that all is reliant on those sponsors and benefactors

Re admission - certainly not a £10 sport - thats a pie in the sky thought

Where we are now at £15-18 is about right for the mid level league

I think a proper 'top league' could go to £20+


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58 minutes ago, topaz325 said:

Attendances for the 1980/81 were about 250-300

Think u way out their i still have the speedway star from 1980 when ron bagley took over because as he said  when he was their with mildenhall despite the fact we only won 2 matches their was still 800 fans their thats what helped make his  mind up to buy of dear old eddie thornboro.

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For what it's worth I think current prices are about right, but don't think concessions should be got rid of, as a vast majority of crowds at Workington ( and other places ) fall into this category, you would lose more money as a lot of older people would not pay.

Another point that should be considered is have fewer meetings a month, one week home, one week away, a bit like football, sometimes less is more, 

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49 minutes ago, geoff100 said:

Think u way out their i still have the speedway star from 1980 when ron bagley took over because as he said  when he was their with mildenhall despite the fact we only won 2 matches their was still 800 fans their thats what helped make his  mind up to buy of dear old eddie thornboro.

Must have.been thinking about a few years later

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I do think that £16 is a completely fair price for an adult. Could even reach £18 and I think it would be well worth the entertainment (considering some championship tracks do charge this and more, with no greater facilities than Derwent Park).

As for concessions, it would be wrong to scrap the discounted rate in my opinion as the majority of the current audience are 65+. However, a concession rate is offered for ages 16-17, students and OAP’s. The argument has been raised regarding retired people having more disposable income. What about the massive amount of young workers (24 and under), apprentices, that earn a totally lower pay rate than ages 25+. No discount is given. Maybe this could explain a lack of interest from young people. 

There will never be an answer to please everybody. It is seemingly difficult to pull in new fans, but we can protect the club with what we already have. Every little helps, plenty of fundraising, people contributing to Workington Speedway Trust. 

It would be a real shame to lose the club we love after such a brilliant season. 

Edited by WorkyWorky
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Well the three posts above make interesting reading and I will give my view at the end. Happy Comet I hear what you are saying but I personally think 20 quid is just over the edge at the minute and may turn the grumbling watching into walking away. The comparisons were pulled from other Northern sports clubs and just for a bit of culture I stuck the West End Theatres in; not that I have ever been. In fact someone once said of me if it wasn't for uncouth I wouldn't have any couth at all.

Topaz I am honestly amazed at those figures and no wonder the club struggled.  You would be hard pressed to run a national league team with those numbers. 

Bruv you have summed it up well imho. It can be an expensive sport for riders and they obviously want to maximise their earnings and I agree pulling down the point money total will dilute the product to the extent that the side would be a glorified NL team. Thatvwould hit crowd levels for sure. Furthermore as Worky would be the most northerly team in the NL and as such making travelling and possibly attracting riders an issue. I also think you are spot on with the costs you have outlined. Unless the sport went back to a semi pro status where 10k is a nice little earner for a hobby if you have a normal job. But can the sport afford to go back to those "Good old days" I am unsure about that scenario as well.

My personal view is 15 quid is about right for the NL and as much as I hate saying this I also think Glasgow have a point standardizing entry costs and 18 quid for the championship I don't think is unreasonable for an adult. Kids under 16 I would let in for free in an effort to catch them young. Kids under 16 currently pay 4 quid and what's the point. 40 or 50 kids at those rates sticks 200 quid into the coffers. If they get in for free and brag to a few mates who knows the kids may even drag the parents in with the age old whinge "Well ya not paying for me" also the shop takings should go up on pop crisps and burgers when they have a bit more disposable cash to spend. Finally if we ever got there 20 quid for top league speedway also doesn't seem unreasonable. Exactly what Bruv will be paying next year I think.

Going to be interesting to see what way the promotion jump



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I stopped watching Wolves in the 2010 season when we came back and although I can't remember the cost back then the racing most weeks was fantastic whatever the cost. I went to most Wolves home meetings last season but for whatever reason the racing was nowhere near as good. At £18 I don't think it was vfm. I did miss some meetings if there was too many guests or if an away team had visited recently. I'l be going again next season but will probably pick and choose especially if the price increases. Also, I'd imagine we may cut down on away meetings a bit due to cost .(And the usual farce episodes) (to many to list)

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I think that the prices we have for this year is quite reasonable I do think though if the prices do go up I think  alot fans may stop going as some fans are not well off than others and £18-20 a week is alot to some fans  and if there 2 ppl that go it could be nearly £40 both programmes and any food drink or merchandise has been bought  the concessions should stay as workington have alot of elderly people like I say there fair prices  to make it more appealing to fans why not do like Sheffield sort of did ie produce a loyalty card to be stamped and after say six meetings u get say £3 knocked of the price u would for that for that meeting but only once the loyalty card has been stamped for six meetings and is is handed in on the next meeting . On a another note the main thing the workington promotion need to do to get fans to speedway is get the sport advertised in workington when the season is on no one knows when it's on as the there no adverts in shop windows  Ian Thomas had riders at McDonald's every other week so fans could meet him and kids would want to go to speedway that night the team were always were in shops such as Morrisons tesco  etc people riders or promotion need to visit schools in Cumbria either when speedway just starting up or during the season it no good relying on word of mouth because if they comets will fold. now is the time as we are treble champions get in to schools and advertise it every where  if they do vista schools do vouchers where the kids come with a adult  the adult gets say £1  knocked off there price  and before people say that losing money u can easily make it back  ie 50/50 draw but I remember my dad saying in the seventies they use to  do raffles so maybe look at doing that this helps throughout the season if the prices do go up to £18-20 I for one will be picking what meetings I can attend as simple can't afford £20 a week sorry but not all of us have great wages 

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2 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well the three posts above make interesting reading and I will give my view at the end. Happy Comet I hear what you are saying but I personally think 20 quid is just over the edge at the minute and may turn the grumbling watching into walking away. The comparisons were pulled from other Northern sports clubs and just for a bit of culture I stuck the West End Theatres in; not that I have ever been. In fact someone once said of me if it wasn't for uncouth I wouldn't have any couth at all.

Topaz I am honestly amazed at those figures and no wonder the club struggled.  You would be hard pressed to run a national league team with those numbers. 

Bruv you have summed it up well imho. It can be an expensive sport for riders and they obviously want to maximise their earnings and I agree pulling down the point money total will dilute the product to the extent that the side would be a glorified NL team. Thatvwould hit crowd levels for sure. Furthermore as Worky would be the most northerly team in the NL and as such making travelling and possibly attracting riders an issue. I also think you are spot on with the costs you have outlined. Unless the sport went back to a semi pro status where 10k is a nice little earner for a hobby if you have a normal job. But can the sport afford to go back to those "Good old days" I am unsure about that scenario as well.

My personal view is 15 quid is about right for the NL and as much as I hate saying this I also think Glasgow have a point standardizing entry costs and 18 quid for the championship I don't think is unreasonable for an adult. Kids under 16 I would let in for free in an effort to catch them young. Kids under 16 currently pay 4 quid and what's the point. 40 or 50 kids at those rates sticks 200 quid into the coffers. If they get in for free and brag to a few mates who knows the kids may even drag the parents in with the age old whinge "Well ya not paying for me" also the shop takings should go up on pop crisps and burgers when they have a bit more disposable cash to spend. Finally if we ever got there 20 quid for top league speedway also doesn't seem unreasonable. Exactly what Bruv will be paying next year I think.

Going to be interesting to see what way the promotion jump



£16 is a fair price. Would i be prepared to pay more to help the club survive and attract a better team ? Yes i would. I visit Glasgow and Edinburgh to watch the Comets both of which are more expensive. I would pay £18 . £2 is neither here nor there. Would i standardise the price for adults ? , yes i would for the same reason. Kids under 16 free i have always advocated.

Raise the price and expectations increase so the product and how it is presented has to be all it can be.


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16 hours ago, comet49 said:

It depends what people want to spend money on, 20 fags about a tenner, 4 pints up town about fifteen quid. In that context sixteen quid for speedway is ok, it’s getting people in and coming back again that is the problem. 


End of season do at The Railway Club in Workington I weighed over a £20 pound note for four pints of "Amber Nectar" and got £10:20 change. When I looked at the cash in my hand the Steward said "is there a problem" I said "I think you have robbed your good self Marra as I got 4 pints there"  (in my poshest Geordie accent) and the guy said "no Marra its as cheap as chips in here" so departing with a beaming smile I said "you better find a wheelbarrow for later as I will end up legless at these prices" and it got better as the night went on 2 pints of larger and 2 Gin and Slimline Tonics £9 quid. That's Nine English Pounds!!!! Honestly it was a duty to make a pig of myself. Who needs to go to Spain for cheap drink when there is the Costa Del Cumbria. £80:00 kitty all spent up and a few extras to boot, Hic!!!

Needless to say I am just waiting for my application to become a full member of the The Railway Club in Workington to arrive.

By the way what a great night the end of season bash was and I appreciate we usually end up rattling around the Trades Hall and due to the success the club has experienced this season the evening was a sell out with the venue (which was rather tight to say the least) being packed out however this just added to the night. (plus the cheap drink to boot which was an added bonus)Brilliant!!!

If I had one complaint it was the two bottles of wine I won in the raffle being requisitioned by "The Witches of Workington" in a magic act which resulted in the contents of the said bottles disappearing; totally!!! Although I did see some of the wine later in the back of the Taxi on the way home when Worky Worky adorned with a carrier bag hooked by the handles over each ear started shouting for some Scottish bloke called "Hughie" in the bottom of the bag. Doh!!! Last of the big time drinkers eh!!!!

Finally for the benefit of Byker Biker and Tsunami, yes I was rather "Thick Headed" the following morning or should I say Thicker Headed than the usual norm but a couple of pints at lunchtime sorted that laal problem out... Yeah....


Edited by TotallyHonestJohn
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1 hour ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:


End of season do at The Railway Club in Workington I weighed over a £20 pound note for four pints of "Amber Nectar" and got £10:20 change. When I looked at the cash in my hand the Steward said "is there a problem" I said "I think you have robbed your good self Marra as I got 4 pints there"  (in my poshest Geordie accent) and the guy said "no Marra its as cheap as chips in here" so departing with a beaming smile I said "you better find a wheelbarrow for later as I will end up legless at these prices" and it got better as the night went on 2 pints of larger and 2 Gin and Slimline Tonics £9 quid. That's Nine English Pounds!!!! Honestly it was a duty to make a pig of myself. Who needs to go to Spain for cheap drink when there is the Costa Del Cumbria. £80:00 kitty all spent up and a few extras to boot, Hic!!!

Needless to say I am just waiting for my application to become a full member of the The Railway Club in Workington to arrive.

By the way what a great night the end of season bash was and I appreciate we usually end up rattling around the Trades Hall and due to the success the club has experienced this season the evening was a sell out with the venue (which was rather tight to say the least) being packed out however this just added to the night. (plus the cheap drink to boot which was an added bonus)Brilliant!!!

If I had one complaint it was the two bottles of wine I won in the raffle being requisitioned by "The Witches of Workington" in a magic act which resulted in the contents of the said bottles disappearing; totally!!! Although I did see some of the wine later in the back of the Taxi on the way home when Worky Worky adorned with a carrier bag hooked by the handles over each ear started shouting for some Scottish bloke called "Hughie" in the bottom of the bag. Doh!!! Last of the big time drinkers eh!!!!

Finally for the benefit of Byker Biker and Tsunami, yes I was rather "Thick Headed" the following morning or should I say Thicker Headed than the usual norm but a couple of pints at lunchtime sorted that laal problem out... Yeah....


Recovered and waiting for the next do :drink::rolleyes:

Witches owned the dancefloor... and all of the wine that was won :D

Ps I’m sure it’s just £2 a pint in Top Tap Maryport :cheers:

Edited by WorkyWorky
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9 hours ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:


End of season do at The Railway Club in Workington I weighed over a £20 pound note for four pints of "Amber Nectar" and got £10:20 change. When I looked at the cash in my hand the Steward said "is there a problem" I said "I think you have robbed your good self Marra as I got 4 pints there"  (in my poshest Geordie accent) and the guy said "no Marra its as cheap as chips in here" so departing with a beaming smile I said "you better find a wheelbarrow for later as I will end up legless at these prices" and it got better as the night went on 2 pints of larger and 2 Gin and Slimline Tonics £9 quid. That's Nine English Pounds!!!! Honestly it was a duty to make a pig of myself. Who needs to go to Spain for cheap drink when there is the Costa Del Cumbria. £80:00 kitty all spent up and a few extras to boot, Hic!!!

Needless to say I am just waiting for my application to become a full member of the The Railway Club in Workington to arrive.

By the way what a great night the end of season bash was and I appreciate we usually end up rattling around the Trades Hall and due to the success the club has experienced this season the evening was a sell out with the venue (which was rather tight to say the least) being packed out however this just added to the night. (plus the cheap drink to boot which was an added bonus)Brilliant!!!

If I had one complaint it was the two bottles of wine I won in the raffle being requisitioned by "The Witches of Workington" in a magic act which resulted in the contents of the said bottles disappearing; totally!!! Although I did see some of the wine later in the back of the Taxi on the way home when Worky Worky adorned with a carrier bag hooked by the handles over each ear started shouting for some Scottish bloke called "Hughie" in the bottom of the bag. Doh!!! Last of the big time drinkers eh!!!!

Finally for the benefit of Byker Biker and Tsunami, yes I was rather "Thick Headed" the following morning or should I say Thicker Headed than the usual norm but a couple of pints at lunchtime sorted that laal problem out... Yeah....


Jack and diet coke, (full can no supermarket rubbish at 1.80 a pint from a 50p 2 litre bottle at another bar that will remain nameless) and a pInk gin and lemonade £4.....4 quid !!! No hangover here though :)

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