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Peterborough Panthers 2019

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We should continue with Sunday racing, it's the only sustainable way to continue. 

Sunday afternoons attract the general public and families, looking for something to do on the weekend. 

Weekday evenings are not good. 

Would like to see as many of the existing team as possible. Maybe with the exception of Ulrich who would maybe benefit from a move elsewhere. 

Edited by JeremyCorbynFan
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I hope a new promoter comes in and takes us back to the top tier of british speedway. 

What i expect to happen is to see us line up in a watered down championship with a fairly similar team that won us the league. I'd certainly move Ostergaard on but under Ged it just won't happen. 

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1 hour ago, Flappy said:

I hope a new promoter comes in and takes us back to the top tier of british speedway. 

What i expect to happen is to see us line up in a watered down championship with a fairly similar team that won us the league. I'd certainly move Ostergaard on but under Ged it just won't happen. 

afternoon . can anyone name a decent number of proper premiership/elite riders that dont double up and can honestly say they are top riders in the uk speedway scene .  

there has got to be about 12 ish . remember no double uppers . 

good luck with your hunt for a person to take over the running of Peterborough speedway  in 2019 .

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3 hours ago, jenga said:

afternoon . can anyone name a decent number of proper premiership/elite riders that dont double up and can honestly say they are top riders in the uk speedway scene .  

there has got to be about 12 ish . remember no double uppers . 

good luck with your hunt for a person to take over the running of Peterborough speedway  in 2019 .

Kenneth Bjerre, NKI, Robert Lambert, Josh G, Jack Holder, Jason Doyle

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14 minutes ago, Flappy said:

Kenneth Bjerre, NKI, Robert Lambert, Josh G, Jack Holder, Jason Doyle

NKI, Lambert and Doyle are only standout riders in Elite League rest are Championship standard albeit top end. 

Elite and Championship need to be merged and teams reduced to 5 or 6 riders if necessary. 10-12 heats for league meetings with traditional 2nd half to develop youngsters. 

Current Speedway GB product is pitiful. 


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u r spellin is lettin u down and stop swearin ass well .                        B)                                                              s

Edited by jenga
forgot emoji mouse fell off table .
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53 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

THJ calling Crump99 come in Crump99 oops sorry it's Peterboro not Mork from Ork... more like "dick from the sticks" But never mind eh...

So you don't drink eh! Well I can make a few assumptions already from that and I only make assumptions on the information I have to hand or can access and prove or approve the source of; and where I do agree with you is where you state that you doubt whether we would have "much in common" as I certainly have never had my head that far up "my own hoop" to ever try and be so condecending, however it takes all sorts but it is good to talk and it is how one expands their knowledge and allows one to make semi reasonable comments and decisions.

You assume that I follow one club with your condescending clap trap of "If we're both running as clubs in 2019 then my unlikely hope would be that we'd be in different leagues anyway so the chances of a catch up would be slim". And the Glasgow fans thought it was only the Monarchs who had the right to be smug.Weĺ it looks like they have lost the franchise on that one eh.

I travel to other venues to watch speedway pal and guess what it's not always one of the two clubs that I loyally follow. If that's allowed of course or if it's ok with you like as I don't want anyone assuming the wrong thing heaven forbid.

So back to where we started ... I still thing Ged is a tosser, (having met him on numerous occasions) (but lets be fair I am not saying he isnt nice to his wife kids pets or plants as I dont know him intimately) and I don't mind Peterborough as a place a club a venue and on the whole the half dozen people I do know from Boro and can call on as friends are genuinely nice people.

So you crack on Biffa making assumptions on what you think you know, like the one about Ged is a lovely bloke, oh but of course I have never spoke to the man and wouldn't lower myself to do so, but how very dare you decry this upstanding citizen even though you have met him many times drank and broke bread with him. I will defend his honour to the end...oh and that too of Charles Manson and Peter Sutcliffe for although I have never met or spoken to those either I think they could be thoroughly decent chaps... ffs... 

Honestly "What a plum"



Jeez! Couldn't be bothered to read it but the first line set the usual diplomatic tone, and as you're clearly as mad as a box of frogs I'll bid you good day so don't bother replying although I'm sure that you'll not be able to resist.

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32 minutes ago, Crump99 said:

Jeez! Couldn't be bothered to read it but the first line set the usual diplomatic tone, and as you're clearly as mad as a box of frogs I'll bid you good day so don't bother replying although I'm sure that you'll not be able to resist.

Oh, please reply THJ... He's not given you much to go on though:rofl:

Edited by iainb
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49 minutes ago, Crump99 said:

Jeez! Couldn't be bothered to read it but the first line set the usual diplomatic tone, and as you're clearly as mad as a box of frogs I'll bid you good day so don't bother replying although I'm sure that you'll not be able to resist.

Aaaaw don't be like that man.... and ya right a couldn't resist. A thought as "defender of the faithful" you would have put a better show on than that and I had some classic come backs ready such as "nee-ner-nee-ner" and "my Dad is bigger than your Dad" but never mind eh... you will surely have more opportuinity to be a condesending A-wipe in the future I'm sure.

By the way that's not the morale high ground you are standing on "bonny lad" it's a mole hill...

Oh and thanks for the compliment finnaly the recognition I deserve "Mad as a box of Frogs" brilliant it is the opinion I have always wanted to achieve and honestly I do appreciate it as having a nut allergy I always thought "nutty as a fruit cake" was always in bad taste. But who was to know that. Could have assumed though Crumpy eh.... your good at that...

And a bet ya did read it all... you little tinker... that post... you read it all... at least that's what everyone is thinking anyway.




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1 hour ago, jenga said:

u r spellin is lettin u down and stop swearin ass well .                        B)                                                              s

Well while I am on a role... honestly Jenga you correcting anyone's spelling... really!!! However if there is or are any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors I sincerely apologise and in my defence having a small phone and sausages for fingers doesn't help I would much rather have a key board so sorry.

Secondly what swearing? I must point out Jenga that if a word has more than two syllables it does not make the word a swear word.

However it does give me some sad  sadistic pleasure when someone so far down the evolutionary ladder as your good self picks up on the barbed (but hopefully humorous) intent and it does give me a smug glow and I can think job done and that the message is getting through.... or is it.... only time will tell...



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6 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well while I am on a role... honestly Jenga you correcting anyone's spelling... really!!! However if there is or are any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors I sincerely apologise and in my defence having a small phone and sausages for fingers doesn't help I would much rather have a key board so sorry.

Secondly what swearing? I must point out Jenga that if a word has more than two syllables it does not make the word a swear word.

However it does give me some sad  sadistic pleasure when someone so far down the evolutionary ladder as your good self picks up on the barbed (but hopefully humorous) intent and it does give me a smug glow and I can think job done and that the message is getting through.... or is it.... only time will tell...



Have you thought of becoming a Jehovah's witness as you are wearing us all down with your constant drivel  and enough elongated post's to write your own bible.

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37 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

Well while I am on a role... honestly Jenga you correcting anyone's spelling... really!!! However if there is or are any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors I sincerely apologise and in my defence having a small phone and sausages for fingers doesn't help I would much rather have a key board so sorry.

Secondly what swearing? I must point out Jenga that if a word has more than two syllables it does not make the word a swear word.

However it does give me some sad  sadistic pleasure when someone so far down the evolutionary ladder as your good self picks up on the barbed (but hopefully humorous) intent and it does give me a smug glow and I can think job done and that the message is getting through.... or is it.... only time will tell...



i just thought you were better than that , spelling and choice of words wise .  but i was wrong . so happy daze . chillax , its only banter :t:                                                                                      s


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13 minutes ago, New era Panthers said:

Have you thought of becoming a Jehovah's witness as you are wearing us all down with your constant drivel  and enough elongated post's to write your own bible.

Oh and here's another one crawling out the woodwork. Have you thought about becoming a "human being" wipe off the grease paint and take the red nose off and give us a proper laugh.

NeP of course we are all aware of your Sartorial Eloquence and natural verbosity with its sparkling wit and repartee that hold no bounds.But we do try...

Dummkopf... there av said it now... poor Jenga, he will be saying three hail Mary's and for our father's...

Oh that al be after he has googled the word dummkopf that is...




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