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Lakeside V Peterbrough Play Off Semi Final 14-10-18

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We have track specialists at Rye as well ,,We are just not sure yet who they are..but  Peterborough are likely to find out on Sunday night

Edited by waco
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2 hours ago, IronScorpion said:

Which is also what D Phillips could say but is against the rules as we would be strengthening up. What are Peterborough doing? CUNNING!!!!!

Ostergaard  has been having blood tests this week in his homeland and has been advised by his doctor not to ride . Nothing illegal about that , perhaps you should also see a doctor about your senility.

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yeah but we all know that can riders carry on riding when they are not properly fit, sometimes they are a little too tough for their own good when they should really step back and say, ok I am not doing myself or my team mates any good trying to ride in this condition, over the years seen riders try and ride whilst having flu or on the back of some stomach bug, when really riding a bike with no brakes is the last thing they should be doing, no doubt they are a brave bunch, but with respect not always the smartest.

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19 minutes ago, JeremyCorbynFan said:

What a joke. I'll be eating before arriving at Rye. 


Just now, IronScorpion said:

The joke is on you. They are the prices at the EOES!!!

Just about to say the same although catering facilities are out of the hands of speedway promotion, I've always tried to make this point to visiting speedway fans to be wary of the over price food and drink supplied there and they should make provision for this before setting off or make a point of stopping off at the Peterborough Extra services just off the A1 located on the A605.

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5 minutes ago, BluPanther said:

JCF doesn't even have to bait his hooks to catch people on here  :D

aye , catches us all out and most of the time , HIMSELF . remember the time machine to and from berwick . .

ya got to have a nibble at the nugget now and again, aven ya ?


BTW. what time will you train land and at what number platform ?

Edited by jenga
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MMMmmmm........  "Jeremy Corbyn Fan " Maybe an appropriate screen name for someone who distorts the truth and manipulates the facts ;-) You will be telling us all that all university students will get into speedway meetings free of charge and get the student loans repaid if they support Peterborough Speedway ;-)

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33 minutes ago, New era Panthers said:

OH dear  words fail me, with a bit of luck it will be a runaway train.

Haven't been a regular reader of JCF......so NeP you think he is winding you up re Panthers fans on train?

But it reminds me of the halcyon days of 1970's........'er indoors and I were camping many miles from Cumbria...south coast.it was....and we decided to call in at Eastbourne speedway, they were taking on Peterborough on a sunny Sunday....pre match Dave Lanning was doing his routine on the mike...and I still recall to this day him asking the small bunch of Panthers fans  -where are the rest of you?..adding that it was only two years past, so 1970, that 40 coach loads had travelled to Eastbourne...wow 40 coach loads of Panthers = about 2,000...now that was a good travelling support if ever was. One thing that is still with me is that both clubs had the same promoter...or has time affected that fact?

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